HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-05-05, Page 2When you paint this spring
It this testimony help you. All
ever this broad Canada are thou-
sands of custorners holding up
high with gratitude the old re-
liable brand o:
guaranteed to preserve, to pro-
tect,to beautify, never to peel,
crack or chalk. always living
for the lifetime of pure patnte
and always sold at the 'right
write us Ask
forabout Booklet ABCDE
free, a handsome B000t on
house painting. Yott should have
A4 RAM SA J' Sx SON 00,,
Mel PAINT r" moag fel.
111•110110 ANN**
pritliVieuictine Essential •
Doctors .Agree That the *tend
Shold be liousecieaned
in the Spring'.
Not only ontsii1 t, vet well,
N )''thta body n. let be frequently eseant•d.
Otherwise it beet:Mine !melte! \e•ith waste
that clog up the wheels' of health. Mile
11,01.ter to act !t'i time, Use Dr, Hamilton'
Pills; they stsrug'tilen end regulate tae
bowels, assist t ,chitinilr?rteil .the blood
;read tlteictby.ftfrtlfy.:-Elie nerves. and lay
Pie foundation of lasting geed health.
»r, IIarmil'tott's Pine being Alin and dig'
Wily so mush sought fol millers they
inline aa feeling of'2rosine:e .dict spirit
in those who have peen ailinglitir years.
:Reilly no medicine so potent'sc'e, fl5c
at all at:tilers.
(New York Herald.) -e.
Unquestionably the+, p ebent• i t li g of
'taste is in the direetioe ofd .truth, The
modern artist tries tow'pttitit things as
sic sees thele and not, as some .ane eiss
has seen them before'' him. It is true
that he regitentis hes; t'ting, thio tgh
distorting rpectatleg but. provided his
nook be honest, that feet sloes not de-
tract from its int lest. No two meu tree
i,liings in precirely the Re.me light, and
it tnov be that those whom \1: eat "tell-
er biincl" are the only ones with a clear
vision. • The term; "freak" and `wank"
have oftentimes been used. to ceh erecter
ire+ men of great „rola.
ai,nard's Lilliln:at Co., intuited.
Yarmouth, N. S.
l;entlett'n, -it fanuary last, renette
ieelare, one of the ttt(tt employed by ins,
working in the Lumber woods, had a. tree,
fall on him, crusbiogilint fearfully. lie
was, when found, 'placed on a ,ded and
token home, where nate fears were en-
tertained for his recovery, his Lupe be-
ing badly bruised and his body turned
black from his rib, to his feet 'Ye used.
MINAItl)'S LINIME\T on him freely to
{leaden the pain, and with the use of
three bottles he was completely curets
end able to return to his work
SAtTVEt'It t)(1VAla
Elgin Road, L',fslet Co, Que
Many persons are of the impression
that wireless telegrapy is particularly
subject to "tapping," but as has been
pointed out by Marconi and others. says
the Scientific American, no telegraph
`system as .absolutely secret. Any one fee
ntiliar with the Morse code can read or-.
Binary messages entering any telegraph
Office. At ?oldhu, on a telephone con-
nected to a long ltorrzontal wire the
soles%gee passing :ori a Goverantentete,le>
graph line e. quarter of a mile awayTeat
be. distinctly read. It has been shown
that it is possible to piers up at a dis-
tant'e, on another circuit, conversation
which may be passim* through a tele-
phone; or telegraph wire. On case occa-
sion an investigator was able to inter-
fere, from a distance, with the working
of the ordinary telephones in Liverpocti.
IIY, 1)11 11:11 t1 C•Ol-tinN. -
(�is,lstt'ut Cbit' Jl.elltsal 1nepeetur,
• C)itieago.)
tixxessive fttnetion pro duttes it seism: e
frac is thetonie. of tvihtettce.
A rit•ar hudy is no uutucecnhcnt to tite
:Will 10 stay un earth.
Why hurry? see destination is T(:etl,
take time to live while you may.
1)ithk, sit' nee, overrroe:clod tenements
;;tet, ts,Ylu: charnel houses of th working
flood 'taint is the best form of life itr
Life (£frit originttlts in \rater: im-
pure sewage contaminated water exter-
inii1:61es it,
(roll -third of the population of coute-
.tet•ie, eoneiots of children under 5 years
tit tigt'.. '
"a'l'lot; little tote could not have walked
tfie distance frotn the home to the cenie-
tery. if tie hall not pushed thele all the
Open the windows and doors of your
parlor and ]rt your children meet the
nuiversal parent; of life ---sunshine and
Ask for Minard's and. take no other.
(Ottawa ,lour nal.)
If Ot t't.watla could have placed before
them lit some unmistakable forth the
mortality figures caused by the }louse
fly alone, there i.: no doubt but that
every mac end wetnatn would join to the
utmost in the canine tgn initiated by iiia
Excellence Earl Grey fur the purpose of
their suppees i et.
That this suppression itt poesibte, ttud
with co-operation. even ear,y, is shown
by the example of Englund. Although
the llritielt climate is mere suitable for
the shouse fly than Inv Canadian, they
are hardly enough of a nuisance there to
cause the necessity of using window
zcreetes. This because the plaoes where
flies breed are carefully covered or disin-
fected. In this way Britain is saved
=eh ex-penee, sieknese and death.
A general 1r Iividual effort, coupled
with a closer +.iris inspection of stabiee
and back y aide, and with care ill cover-
ihtg and handling garbage, should reduce
the house fly pest to a minimum this
summer. But as the breeding tine is
here, the work must comreneo immedi-
Baby's Own Table1te i3 the otte ntecll-
eine that can be „igen little once with
the firm knowledge that nothing but
;gond will result. The tablets are sold
under the guarantee of a government an-
alyst to contain no opiate nor any other
drug which will harm the younge't ehitd
-they cannot poesihly do harm; they
always do good, and once a mother has
used theta she will never again give her
little *nee castor oil or the `soothing"
Muffs which sirnply drug baby into tem-
porary relief and in the end do harm,
Mrs ]'hilitis Fantail's, Frampton. Que.,
writes: "Send rhe two more boxes of
Baby's Owa Tablets. I have used theta
for constipation and hare always found
t kern very good. My baby is certainly
progressing under the Tablets." The
Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers or
by mail at Wit cents a box from The Dr,
Williams', Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
,ftnr acute controversy about the age
iii various maps that have cnnte down to
ns frons knoient tithes it has ben finally
de.tern:tined by sanevnts that the oldest is
in the form of a mosaic in a Byzantine
,•Murch tet Ma•iaba., in 1'a la:Stint.
ft is about 1.700 years nid nota pate
ports to be ;t map of a part of the 'holy
(Pole ilfelc.)
'They sa.y, Rockefeller ig so rieh
that his fortune inerenses'by a thousand
trance' every tune bis watch ticks."
r`Uood grttctousl,t If 1 were^lte Lab -00d
be. in a contioual fright b-stt sante';one
eltollid steal in v., +.t•it'teili, r
?sit. 0 C
Is to use ONE Dye
that will color either
Wool, Cotton, Silk or
Mused Goods Perfectly,
VOAwill to lthis In
-"end f tv satuois
cure ad stor7
Zooid et $9
The 3otillSOl's
CO., Llmiltel.
Mouton'', Cann.
With this Modern Dye all you have to dole to
ask for DY -04.A then you CANT make a
Mistake and use the Wrong Dye for the goads.
you have to color.
l eve you ever met the Blotkins ?
They're the oddest little folks.
ThoY're shut up in a bottle. and
They took like funny jokes.
PAs a bdy they're like,t bus then
What else can You expect from people
Coming from a nen ?
Now first. you must your mother ask
If you ruay let them out ;
Then find a sheet of paper. that site
Doesn't care about,
Next. din your pen right In the ink,
And shake it twice. my dear,
And with a skilful stroke or two,
A Blotkin will appear.
Tho oueerest thing about thele,
That will make you quite perplexed,
Is that no on. can imagine
Just which one is coming next.
Ptthaos you'll want an ostrich,
And you give your pen a jog,
When, just as like as not. you'll be
Surprised to find a dog.
There are birds and beasts and turtles,
Solders, too, among the lot ;
Anil you can't mistake tate !species ;
You can tell one by the blot.
You'll find them most amusing
On a dismal day. I think ;
And the- will gladly leave for you
Their bottle home of ink.
--Pauline Frances Cart
9dI ®i 61: REE®
Fee Red, Wsalre Weare, Wavy Eyes aut.d.
MnrineDoesn';Smarb-Soot es FneePain
dexschts Sell Burke lye t ,mtaly, Deed, ed, Els, See. $1.(0
Lbltarine 1E7o Salve, in Aamptic Tubes, 26c. 44..00
M a i ire y e siva e• de•Co.,Cli o
in all oases o t
of all horses, broodmt'es, colts, stallions, is to
66 ,;i1: tN T '9
on their tongues or in the feed put Spoltn's Liquid
Compound, Give the remedy to all of them. 11
acts on the blood'aud glands, l(routes thedisease
by expelling, the disuaset germs. ,It wards off the
trouble no matter how they are expotetl," Ab-
solutely free frogt anythiw Wilmette., A child
can safely ti lie it. sec Sul l t r.oe; 05.55 and Kee°
t(tedoaea, Sold b'drugeises and hareess dealers.
An ''Wholesale Drogelefs
chemists and G,a,cteri*ioe ists
GOSSIBiENe lsND., U. S. A.
Fagd s _ :"id"ih' t8t sit err fere ti_rlrt t Lyt;. tget,et.:;,eeltk.li ` °a
They make uo neje* or sputter --a quint, steady flame. The urattch
for tdie smoker, the office and the 3some,
All good dealers keep theur and Eddy's Woodenwars, iftbrea•sre,
Tuba. Pails and W'asltbosrdgr
The E. B. ED n Y Co., Choirs ,
It's important.
The color must be righ!.
It's nonsense to inateh a dress.
,it's equally foolish to match furs.
No, choose a dog that "gees" with
The black 'dog supplies the necessary
"touch of black."
A black "Porn" is, indeed, a clever
addition to any Costume.
Be is also a solace indoors or ,out—
dear tittle frizzy-wuszy.
Keep Miraard's Liniment in the house.
•• W
(Montreal Herald.)
The children of our city are a trust,
given to us by an Almighty Power for
our own good and their own. Primarily
it is true, the trusteeship for eaeli child
is reposed in the parents; and happy in- •
deed is the citild who has never to. look
further..,.1`-hit tl: e thous tnde.' and thou-
sands of Montt"c al Children whose par-
ents arts this V of in'iilnpetent'haVe
no ver e t {i r , 4. the eiti ens of
then 444', atinc .1r calm, is absolute.
it were .better to slay t!tehn as the Spar-
tan raters did their Weaklings than to
allow theta to grow up to a destiny of
ill -health. moral perversity and intellec-
tual death. We are doing almost as lit-
tle as we possibly can for them now; lot
us take up our duty and fulfil it pro-
(Boston Transcript-)
fariggs W"eren't you surprised that
the customs inspector didn't find those
things yon smuggled in?
131 eggs --01t, no; my wife stowed thein
away. She cart pack things ill a trunk
where ehe can't even find them her,
(Sydney Bulletin.)
Teacher (to new pupil) ----Why diel Han-
nibal cross the Alpe, my little rnau?
My Ltitic Man --Vor the saute reason
as the 'en crossed th' road. Yee don't
catch inc With nn puzzles.
The. Girl—`'Go back and lick hint, yon
coward l"
The Victim ---"But lie's already given
too two black e+yttt i"
The girl ---"'(Neil, he can't give yes qtly
Item min rte°"2-Judge.
Catarrh Makes YOtir Head Ring
Dr. W. T. lioruaday, director of the
New York '/.00logical Park, .wrote home
to his family when he was on one of his
holiday trips in Montana: "There neo
tunny beautiful streams and lakes in this
State. The most difficult water we have
bad to find thus far is '1S'oman's ,Pocket
Lake. Tenderfoot Creek did not make
us much trouble, nor Tin ('np ('rt•elt, nett
even Graveyard Creek. We are spending
the night at Dirty Woman's Ranch. Te.
morrow we shall cruse Froze -to -Death
Creek, also Hanging Woman and Killed
Woman Creeks, and shall cutup the next
night beside Yell Roaring Creek."
"It sounds," commented the director's
daughter, "as if father•were going to the
bad."—flew York Press.
Catarrh germs spread to the ear pas-
sages, congestion follows, and the organs
of hearing are so disturbed as to cause
un pleasant noises, hawking. dropping to
the throat, and the foul odor that makes
people's breath offensive. No remedy
cau compare with Catarrhozone. 1t is
simply little drops of healing which the
air carries to the remotest parts of the
breathing apparatus. Catarrhozone re-
moves the cause of catarrh, destroys
germs that excite inflanunation, prevents
the formation of offensive secretions,
and restores health quickly. Oatarrho-
of the throat, stings and nasal passages,
a delight to use for deafness, head
noises, bronchitis and throat trouble and
catarrh, 25, 50e and $1.00 sizes. Sold
everywhere; refuse any substitute for
The woman who wants to make money
to -day must he prepared to work, and
work hard, by an ordered system for a
definite' end. This is the only possible
method; to make money by home em-
ployment, and at odd hours at the work-
er's will, is frankly a"impossible! —Lou-
don aladame.
(Lastige l;aetter.)
"One man has rained himsef over me,
one has shot himself and another has
gone to Africa. I -only need one mad
enough to tart me now."
A Good Grade
Of Sugar costs but little more than,
apoor grade. I1t
you get the BEST that money can
buy. Itsrecognized' economy --Its de-
lightful flavor and its crystal purity
nsake It a favorite wherever it is used
•Order St. Lawrence Sugar and nota
the decided superiority there 15 be-
tween it and the ordinary narhele tit
sugar. St. Lawrence Steger Rename
Co., I.itnite& Montreal.
ISSUE NO. 18, 1911
vAN-run— WOODwortx- os, "'MA -
Y1 riunittta, moulders State age and
o'q erleuee, and if married or alhn'lo. B
& Son Doe Limited, `wt. Getyge, Ono,
Ayp Il IT 11 AN on '1VO\C tN A� 1 11,�141ik
ILA ?o; work ,tt hone,.. paying enee.,1t7br,
.11e per day, with •opportunity to aci-
' allee. Spare tinge cart ba used. Work
ece difficult, and h•eenlles no-:experiethee.
Winston, Limited, Spadini.... avenue, To -
` Y WA'vx'1.'il?; i`0 .TAE Oft-
,ders in spats'?bone ; no experience
recrssary. Our litter.. Speciall3 used, by
mothers and gh)5 .Apply, Dept �,' i•rtl
list Canadian. Ind tytrial Company, lxi8 :
Albert street Ottawa
ti Postal ' for circulars, • or No for
sentples and terms. Alfred Tyler. Lou-
dsn, Ont.
AG73 l'b ,"W AN I) A, ,t J tTi)Y • OF
other.; nonce propositions convinces
us that alena•.can equal ours. You will
,Sways egret, :it i't' you don't apple- fon
particulars to Travellers Dept., 22S Al -
ben street, Ottawa.
Rev. E. E. Lobenstlne, writing to The
Cimistian Herald from the Chinese fam-
ine district, says:
"Saddest of all has been the sale of
women and children. Even in China, it
is generally considered disgraceiuf for
a man to sell his wife, and the sale can-
not take place openly. This year tett
only does the sale take place quite
openly, but the purchaser is even ree-
garded as a benevolent man. no matter
how nefarious his object in the purchase
may be. Those most in demand are girls
from the ages of twelve to sixteen;
most of these are bought a.s slaves for
lives of degradation. One is constantly
seeing children offered for sale an the
streets. A child under ten can be bought
for anywhere from a dime to a quarter,-
uarter;and of course many are given away, if
the parents can find some one %oho will
promise to stapport them"
Every elan
is interested and rhophi bony
shout the wonderful
=inti Whirling Spray
Th. new Vaginal Syringe. noir.
—host convenient, It cleanses
instantly. Aab yeas
It he mascot supply the
t f AR elli t. accept no other,
bat send 'scamp for illustrated
boob—,eaten It gives ads partle-
utars and directions invaluable co luras.
WINDSOR' Btu's').? CO..
tlllndoer. Oaf. General Agents for Calla
'Why keep them—tvhy suffer when
eure can be had in twenty-four hours
by using Putnain's Painless Corn and
Wart Extractor? Its healing balms and
soothing qualities relieve the pain in
a few hours, the hard kernel of the corn
is dissolved away, Absolute satisfaction
in a 25e bottle of Putnant'ts 'Painless
Corn and Wart Extractor.
Hubbubs- I love the earls- spring,.
Everything looks so fresh and eleaxt
around here, Subbubs — Yes, we've
had a couple of detectives out here
scouring the country for a burglar.
n 4%.q +..' .y eta tR era:34i .r,
The latest electric invention ie the
electric carpet for heating rooms. It
was ttrigtttated in Paris. The under sine
of the new carpet consists of n network
of steel wires through which the current
is equally distributeti in all directions.
It is said that the cast of the neer form
of h: at ii.,r,* will ].t' lose than that of any
krleeteu systent, indeed, it is estimated
that a room fitted withone of there ear -
pats eau Ice heated at a• total cost of a
panne an hour.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's
(Niagara .falls, N. Y., Journal.)
It may be that the fly hasn't touch
sense, but he has a pretty shrewd idea
of taking care of himself. Ile knows a
swatter wheu he secs one descending and
is lively itt getting out of the way. Then
he can walk on the sarin;, or up the
window pane, and do other stunts time.
make hint hard to swat, 'Whether it is
sense • or what +slot, sunhetiung eelle ,lies
human beings are his enemies.
Now, if the fly knows that umeb,
doesn't it scent a little strange that
some ltunans are slow to recognize that
fly 13 :.heir enemy? Just think! li man
had os much sense itt proportion to his
size as the fly has wouldn't he snake
sltorl work of that dangerous little pest!
But after all these years of civilization
man is just hei'intting to learn to swat
]tie enemy. Yeas, it't a slots gild world_
Send for free sample to Dept, IT. L-,
Naticnai Drug & Chemical c;o., Toronto.
(Loudon Opinions)
"Deur Clara," wrote the yonug ratan,
"pardon me, hitt I'm getting so forget-
ful. 1 proposed to you la•at ilig,it, but
real]y forgot whether yon said yes or
"Dear Will," site replied by note, "so
glad to hear front yoti. 1 know .l sail
`no' to some one last night. but T. hail
forgotten just who it watt."
---.o s
Minarcl's Liniment used by Physicians
Seven Ways to ,Serve Rhubarb,
Spring's:Delicious Health Food.
Take the oldfashiolted , pleplant for in-
stance. There are ways and ways of
cooking it, end, the more wo Acct of, it
in the sprhrg''the better we fel—at least
so grandmother eves.
When rhubarb first comes it is tender
and red nn!.,matee a pretty dish. It
should be mit ..1410 tinny piedea and Uut
over the fire with very little watch ani
ttesvecl but: a few o otttttntt. Add sugar
tel htsetse.'mein:
Int famtouse old eoolc':nes this reci•for
rhubarb plc : :Peel rhubarb and cut tine,
Line pan with pastt"i' till as full as pos-
sible. Add a little grated lemon peel.
and 1tir caps sugar which JI AS been misled
with a heaping tablespoon four. (.over
with nlstz,. sprinkle top with sugar and
bake until; the Alt; can be turned o11 the
pan -•about it of an )rar•.
To .snake fritters :cnt.e,statks up iii emailpieces. Beat a pint of flour to a smooth
Paste with 14, a pint of water, add tl. 'pili-'
eh of salt. a Dint of milk and two well
beaten eggs'; stir the rhubarb into the
hatter. taut a large tablespoon lard in-
to a thick -bottomed frying lean Melt
the fat. and when boiling hot 'glut in the
batter by soOonfttla send keep eneih spoon-
ful separate. k'iattetx the tops 'of the
£rltters and when one ,side Is browned
turn them, over. When they are done
enough drai,