HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-05-05, Page 1R e fl 1 y14, th es. $4 ke 7 e 13 ' ?1/4I • TE 1 a 10 The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, V o 1 . FRIDAY MORNIN0.41VIAY. 5, 1911. 1,.....t3„......,......,,,......:.t.........§ 0 1 , 0 4t P. 1' , 3.1 e .'0 ti .11 4 c y, is our motto this spring. 1! Brighten Up the home is what g • we Want you to do. R means ),(w more sunshine, more comfort ra 11 and more happiness in your sur= w roundings. Make our store your y, headquarters for the Brighten ill 1,1 Up Goods. We have them in „cw abundance. V • . „ Floor Coverings A large assortment of linolemns, carpets, . matting, and rugs. All new goods and vel7 pretty patterns. Do not fail to see them. WALL PAPERS Our wall papers are more popular ever. They are funequalled in beauty. stock is W:111 nearly complete. They much to brighten up your home. Peerless, Fencing , -''Every rod of Peerless Fencing is guaran- R,te641, ST• wire -and :±i11 M stock of Cleveland coil wire, barb -mire, Staples, •w wire stretchers etc. QOM Medal Twine (1( than pi Our tIg help W. sre.sree.sreai-eerA..cN.arba..s.a-*eee -ens .als LOCAL 'NEWS. 7 , A 471,43)41.1.-12416 Miss MildredilWile.left on Tues- day for her horae,Atteat: Creditorn The assessment at 'the viliege t o tale the ''`e ea ea c table 91111 of $170,000.00. Miss Flprence Laporte of Drys dale, left this week for a.. vieit - to Ottawa. The bank at the 'Lake will shortly he Otird.ewn, so teams can gain aceto the.doek find shore An acpcieette-owiag to' Gesell° ec Gasoho, not ptilti by thelrith inst., will be placed th ether hands for collection. The directors' of the Town. ship Fire Ins. 0o., met here on Saturday and transacted consider- able briefness.' We keep's, full line of varnishes for every purpoee. Try our linoleum varnish, it wears well Preeter. Miss Lizzie Rennie has aceepted the position of aelioir leader in Carmel Pre`sbyterItili church,Igen- salMLiss Knechtel and Miss Baer of Berlin, visited at the home' of Mr. John tinsel:1o, Bronson Line, over Sunday. A scraper knife that Was stored in the fire hall, i thi8ing anti the party who has it ',is requested to return same at once. Rev. and Mrs. .A, Gischlor and family left on Therelay morn ing for their new home at1ilver• ton. Mr. end Mrs .1: iI.Sobriettler of Cleveland, formerly of Znrieli, re- joice at thearriveI of to son , into their family, Congratulations, We have the ngency for Zurich and. .vicini- sA r ty for Gold Medal Twine. keivaranteedrifiuclel : A 1...tnigth aridCo.'011Et..q. ' 01.1 the niarket. gu ar a nt eeti. te,A 0 flrairtderl 1 005 a....t . : Sec 011r line of Samson. Garden Tools. .0, None better can ie made. Best ash handles and fully guaranteed. They standthe test. Painting is part of' it—just as much as soap- ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water cannot,remove, and discolorations that scouring will not take away. Use the paint brush in such CaStSt , \ otibli:;/ iIuim 7.1/E I • k •N7 FufILr PA/NT In small tarts, is-thacla to meet the thousand and one cleinaktlefOra little paint about the house. It rad/to Use. Dries quickly with a good gloss, CALL le washed.' e 0 siii•igsAirlOW•WIAIM....11•47for•Mmemr..,••••••*.•••••••••,,,r,--i....."....-resmoornwautfrouom..efouroodromaraftwoo••••.• , , , , , • ,. 4 PR .DUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE . ourgoltraoahrioSokl.**,•44•••.............4.4.41•16t.**gmuton.orarrtotoneystmoinwilloommorearmegoeur •'r1( 12OlC\9 • re 0;,:ax_, mglitsice .014. 4,04' '103,8ifglACtIt Z Li R., ,C .1470,3C,,IISM101Caf )074148,42(0 Rev. G. F. Rrreo:n of. Walkerton, the new pastor of , the Evangelical oltureh, is expeetel. ',.o.:., aerivo thie , ea.. week, to ta,- 1, , . gregatitn. - a.,353 NO 40 Our Srring Ji of New Iress Uoo 5 They are such attractive patterns,' Ayild Styles, that they are selling fest, so you better come and eeethem now. We are :showffig tne newest in Ladies -waists, lacus and insertions, prints, ginglarcia, ladies fariey hosiery, eto; Beautiful Lace Curtains We have a very new stock of Lace Curtainsin every quality, size, and price. No matter what your need ,Yon will lied a complete range here and the prices are lower than you will find elsewhere, .1,11Md...1.19111"3"..63.11. vorlemnimecanw,rwatootmeasmarsermansonewm Summer Dress Goods Those radices who are anxious to have the latest in Spring and Summer Dress Goods, will be delighted with the many beautiful cloths on sale here. We have the following kinds Crepon, Pongetta, Dress Linen, Foulard Radium, Poplin, Mull, Crepe Voile, Ginghams, Silkoline, Etc. Wall Papers Now Is the time to make your selection of Wall Paper. • Come in and have first choite. We have a. full line which. will suit any room and any pocketbook. Gents Furnishings - Just received an immense stock of Readymade • Suits; also carry a good line of Suitings made up to order, newist spring 4ttakincis,othosieiy.. • Mr. W. (4, • Vossbto been ap pointed eenensaerminerator for poll No 4. The. werk 'will begin lst .Tnne. and has to • bo completed in duys. Sick_ headache results from a dis orderer condition of 'the, stomacli. end can he . mired by the rise of Chamberlain's Stornaelt ind Liver Tablets. Tey it. For se by all dealers. A meeting ot the.. beelkepers of Huron will be held at Qinten, on Tnesday May 16th at 11 a. m... 1 00 aDd. 7 30 p. in. Mr. Morley -Pettit provincial apiarist will be the principal speaker, Mr, Jacob Haborer is the seeretery of the Huron County association. A quiet welding was solemnized et the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil on Wednesday afternoon, when their youngest daughter, Phoebe Lonise,'was rinitna. to /vIr. D. S. Morrow. a penaperons nese .man of Becton, Ontario. The knot wo..s tied by 11v A. D Gisch ler in the presence nf the immed itte relatives. THE gERALD ex- t lads congratulations The trade tern Wry •of ton is , not ell dependent ripontb.e distance to nEighhoring trading' points. „ lt deperide on the enternriee of the citizens.. If a town dbes not reach opt after trade. the trade will (mine: only its it is foreed.to. But, if the inerch 2111 tS . go rifter'brisiness in the surroundink donntrve. advertisina in every tve..y ski making good every word of heir advertising, trade -will cern' ffrin an ever in creasin radios. the. town will gain it reputation for being awake, and it will forgo to the front. `-dA -1411 PODUG.E OF ALL KINDS LIKEN. — ;611 PHONE 17 RARAPNWMAPMAWAPARPRIN.MMARPAWARAWAR.., Do 16.d Is F AU C' a T Z R I C 11 ,r'4ci 4 A SOCIAL EVENING, On Tlitire,z53 ay evening Iasi number of members of the La.dia Aid of the Evangelical church end their husbands, gathered at their home of the pastor, Rev. A. D Gisohler, to enjoy a !...ociel evening prior to the departure of Mr. Giechler and his wife. The even- ing was pleasantly spent, in social chat and swigs, and: a nice lench Yeas prepared by the ladies. att'cr Which. a number of the gentlamen present fantvestewt addressee, wish- ing the departing pto-tor to) if his eatimable wife, snece'as and. nroa Verity in their 'new field ef labor Itt Milverlion. The reverend gentle. man thanked 11)$t r es ee t for their many acts- of kierineaa, der in g his stay in Zurieh nttdexprea, *ad reeret at partino tvit-t • friends 6 V 11, urtn 1, and I am here with a Now 12rp-to•date Stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes—Fine Oxfords and High Shoes—of the Best Quality and Prices Very Reasonable A New Stock of Men's everyday light weights, for Summer wear. Those who have not yet purchased from me, should not hesitate in buying a pair. I will save yon money. We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange E F 0•110/1//1.011/•••••.M0... tet The cold wet weatbetr of the past few days has stopped', seeding opeeations, for a time A full line of the celebrated Samson farming tools always on band. We fully guarantee every Samson tool w.e sell. .1. Preeter. Mrs V1m. Fritz has moved Into Mre A. S. Fanst'e dwelling, and Mrs Alfred Geiger is moving into the dwelling vacated by Mrs. Fritz The police trustees are arrang- ing to lay down between six and seven tkonsand sqnare feet of 41: fee 0 141Z CAS We will give a, 0.00 Prize to the li:oy or girl, who can write the best history or essay on WfalriCh TOV4TN4 'CLOCK cement walk this year. The work _ . Experts calculate that Irish 'beans and $aar,40:toseeerainyeen, will likely be clone by day labor. aro capable of turning, opt 50, 000,0en tons of fuel a year for it therniand years, and at the present prices this would realize 490,000,00 4 year. ' Let everyone keep hustling to improve the appearance of their streets and lots, Keep all kinds of rubbish off the streets and side. walks. There is nothing that helpthe looks of a town and in duces newcomers to settle in it mere than neat and tidy streets and sidewalks and fruit and shade trees ett yonr lot". Tpz• gee winkt you 'will do for the 'Konen of progrellkive,,littlet tow*, CONDITIONS --Coutts tan es /nest' not be °Yea' 8iXteett yearS old. Write en plain! 'paper. Put into envelope. Seal it and bring to our store. If you Will you may seleet any article in the stere np above prize valece. Contest oboes litay 6th, 1911. Judges Prineipal Beaton and Mr. 61, 8. Ete ward. —TRY 11`— Us jewelier, '