HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-21, Page 8• w.,,troyeafirpwurtrAyaW•42=4.4:32E4ialtp44=3,042><C0.111=04241334C.041l0 -----"--,--71".—,. , t i,,,, 4 8 IV; --"*"....,,.....ww....... ___..... . • ••? 51.1 t.Ii1.! 1.110 erTi ffq. t.1 r.4 0 .47 iaaarra.surrc,....-arer,sr,...-Eaark,r,........rrrtrr.t....trxx.7.---x-ra =smart:mum,- ..tr:rawrearrwir,--s.1.1.r.rax-ruzall rr,sr.r.r.r.--0.4-c.rormarrs48 14- r • !;I• teLatSi •TA :A:. Ebel 4 4 scut 13',orinet ? have to a • t - • 1.1 .. • • • . vou,r Act hatt. to 14 --;atis- _ • 4r484 `'? 5;14;3 74 • .8j4 xi A lillOir7.3 when she has house elfft7.i.c.!,..1 :foe aucl weeks, that she is iiot uraped with flne thEin, raid cannot Pow showin6* the it4 ii,.•,,,..tzw.,p; ..• a tat v•e are of.-fer VW*47.4:1!!‘. -rl7r th than you will see (...istm .,..,,,...13...J..Cracr..11corsort • eit.-.4131.rit.2.1.4152.211.1.9msmanice.111:01raluOileJUATAIrs, y. ky" 14Ikvrwil" .e( • V. and the p- eat( great activity in Tie .avatest and most i;1111 Beautiful Dress ; (1i our :OTC Sent ' 2 fy 11,..\-; weave and thx., market. we a& varivty is 41.196".? w. ',;;,.Z .4,.rwra le 1'4774 ir14•41v" TE 6"-c5 er" ^." of e•ti.!!..-.-;4 rr. r 11::• 2 ; '''•( -- • .1 ' ..•1 •r•rki-, • '• -1 1•Cri" •. r j• h ry, :1;111:4;..1 t'i"Y rti gp...r.„1, 64-7..41 41' k TA!;••1:f4. 1C,11101:•.,•, 1.:8IESP "..);•(.;•71,•}0p: •.•• o. 1.1. e .10;•1141:-‘, ; 4.'11 zirinents, the grawlit or foil„..1,•a'r.i...):1 pills:, tat., - blue, ‘rhit.:, unit rred i uitalf.o 1-72-inbi.okieries and insertions e 're611 Iwing a lv-vi'or,cring a4t+ortzok•nt of 111e Irgest atm 3.10V1.141 t VIA') ru1d4.3 iktsi c-.1111 ;118P ttiinlh t.0 inateh, in both eou,on k,m.........notr,ravvrt..446Mvinnnrizno.‘vellozwr.ear..Isclawnlsm.-wanesniminnInli.t.aravanaRTArnatemnrnamter.crwn5u...........emis 4Y/ 21 '1 15 tei 4 AL a iL 013NOZAL MERCHANT (,,Int ri 9 r elepilone 28 ADQUA Fe rERS FOR r4...to • . g .N.V,41,wq‘i • 'A t• • ttt-.0 Y Si,V, 4. 41216:4=0:4441P44100-0W4210%,rar•IM-1=4 ,f,ZWA 113501*34431SPrent% A We have not sold out our Implement Business yet We are still on./crr,Mtmewilog*.s,,irm...g. forging:. ahead at the Olcl Place, The fOliving are Some of atm lines --- • We keep ,in .stoolz Plows* Repairs PereiVol No. TO. -1.3, So. 21., Co'cluhutt an, "kind, 'moan all kin4s, Lana RoUer. RepOrs • Binr.1,ers, M ewers, G'altivatare (best Inaciti) '1oc Drills., Disc Ear - rows (bet made) 5 • Burelm Onion Seed, Drills for all seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray. • er's heQi: in the Ina711(41., Gar- den Caltivators, Lan - ':Hay Track, London's Barn • Fixtures Buggies, •Carriages, .„. Wagons our. r : ' fa.,4 4, !A g1 331114 4.•,) er4) r'Z'arti‘i• ZURICTI (7,7 v44.4.5:1 tf4^4" ,....:•.- ',,,...k..f,, •,•,... A 1 1 ,k•-•.••...• 4...,1,,, ,.....- 4.'7.1.4. ,..:-.","ww 4,') ,,, '',.',":"4 v”..! k"', :t1 ;n T:1 fr:t .....t., .‘ .1,,,, -4 , t i li' .,..4..a.., -44;11:1 414. .:.444. '-444 ,44,...44 a 44. t.:•4 wit It titi4:,..; lot of goods ever SliC.,711. fl Jubt yeti a largo (L -t;:.' to '4,.--;-;•,0 way- ttroy; told seo u ••,; :vo.,r11.66 eftr.1"; 1•;., ff' 4 1 All kinds (..5F goorls fbr tvou.ert,•.:; dark 4"Ir • . priOOR .10v -.• : 7...,u7.1,eir sr inio Ce itt5r,IP • T,:„IA. 1:•,:i'V A Ti7r URCi „ • 41;1'7°6M ,g'+,A.,'W.,,4%.1•1,-70.1.1,,1k1ilfr,iHtlari$4140r:4....,.15r ..11A'0,t 444..ya --vT-.-n-v.",J1,c,,1Jo,.•,74••8•,1•'r4w w,4•tw,',w-.. • Tho gotn.rol pnbl it3 t,':' II I t 4 1:0 notute, J.4.04q,.4',,cnt•, doing business iti • Exeter in tho 14 (184 of purnhaslog al ,l,kiri.:(10.44.31d,t*Y, Ilighost ltiltu.ket.'„....'3,3xlit+14'4si7.,;!1iti8 for ...,can Lti-oll q,-e.qc,,,Q:;..,,,,,.. . c, ,,,, . . ,..„) ,.:,,,,R,. , , . Ubbe". CODD .,f. , • , "0-.45 ,4••••,-!:: ,::•;'',1.. '''.0!'*. r:•11.2.4 9 n a er Horse fi'41:e4:4TE16.. 9 ZETRI01), wiwro T ITO ;`,1•,', ,V111 ,,P,t ..1 /.1. .1. i V.;" gw0.01. ()Tilers for .e,,,, pr,..,,o,„,,,„ 4,, ,,,. (1i n ..,.r.);i. to 3, PIIVIIII Ilika.'S HARDWARE; collection of wIt•rudimly Ilt,; 1,-,f1, t t:i" .,:1,11 4' ''' 4 ..trt" all!) tf t3, ttt.'lltion. • ' will lie g; V 4- ti 74d 1.3114V;i1 .1:‘,71 er08 0.C.L111"'i 2f4.6.11 tc;rwel I h rg,s1 4 .„. . • VAD 1^-k, wy. 4] 0 P-twt• 'il••••••, ts • elreag, . ‘,.•ka• ;.7-.•',f; i..1.1d we are. t•.;:t..1 low cut '‘`r!.. ----f,1“.111 es O2fId Ties 1,•••',,111p2.•;.„•Jr, GI: P.11(1, durability. 1,7•70,4„-.0 thlit it be a pleasure to el 1l.v- 4..tt -,,-r")n with price and Taaliv ••,ry us h ;.7-• 11" — • •e (-) — ,,S.• A • . 4 1' ',.•"Y: rt. . iNwt, Las. .1 is: 2 "ww$ -4,,••• {,t1 4s '11\1 st The,. Home of• Cood Shoes .44,17 rite • Frani° houo a11c1 to.va lots for ca. to it. Apnir to Mrs. Elizabeth litess. Microbes in evorythirn4; you ebt and. drink, and if yoa eat and drink inicrobes.,you will_ surely die, and if you don't eat or drink you mt-re surely Lonna to .4nroly 14,4 1.21 any eV. -14t, you haa tter pay no3 otti,331.71•:•• than your. 4r ati cli`.t.i,oy 8i1() and drank tiv4'-..•-7- 0i,1:r wactoi red tin,- liVetl :110;,t tricl prOFper+:11. L'I't (1141 tiih I -now ttli- .ut microbes .:11, and you will 11 -VO until yon 1.-1,71}; iS1 147:11:,oic .M.C110 I.0. lived mini he died. Th..- in.:ors-in:4 is fan rplisrt of tlit, flu :anil E:: .42 41)0),. for S. S. No. 3, Salty, ht -1,1 rtio 11th 7th. 432111. It'th ot number of marks in 'V E . 1 .1.V ; 1r hZelas,, 7-2,5 ; IT. el;vs (1(76' In order to s4e4:4 010 :+8,13)) P *unst 30 4)4)'7 4)2 04101 Ljtlf•t; 011.1 50 pvr l'ent 1:0 the 1r!t81,1. 3iio ollavv- were sucei..f.stul. oluss Latt.imAire .,486 1Y L1.1 Redmond 2)18, rjo Lattirtha.0 22, 143411481l o.1lii;,;th- 4-14. Sr Et to Jr IV Janzes Forrest. Z2d, t!•;j711 -•; ,1•f fit Olive Redmond Cire Love lo James Mc Alliz;11,r J., 1.‘1:4••••1•11.4 3.` te I-1101cl 3r.M. Vietta, Green 833. Prinwr to Part I Willie '1.uc1- 141.10.0 Riahartison, Ward Forms. ' Maggie leiellk • ik Cuor, , lienor -l- f.rnra the "cc('st 014.410 !het FR11 wit:Frit:1)w; come. 1111..0'401 the winter well in all parts of tho country, In boil) O'ortbern and Southern .Alherta the crop promises escoedingly well. E'itpertments had been tried :with fall wheat in some parts of Manitoba and the result has been generally satiKtantory. As yet no definite estiniate has been made as to the are,a,;,of new land broken last year for; -seeding, this spring, brit it is generally 1. ecogniz. ecl that this increased arca will be very large. The immigration into all parts orth.e West .cluring last year was Unprocedentedly laeavy, and there is bound to be a very large increase itt the land .put to seed. District estimates of inoreas- eet 4•ereage seeded to wheat, range from ten up to fifty per cent, and the peroenta,ge of inorease for the whole West may reasonably he .expected to run somewhere from tIvetty to tWenty-11e per colt. • I ete: .j. t.• '481, 'fa 4s, irY;/t4 88.443 c- ED4 . .e‘","' t'w) fl to V 09 0 9 t : •:•, ' r tr"'"„.:f ; '••• , , Lf.. Ni 'w '••• J. J e" N te !4,'• .;* 4,41 '1:5P 4.41 a 11,4 ' 7.1. of au 11 ,e,wr rt „Le:, a - am harne,f.:;s with collars, $25. i:Y.3 el .':""11 f" 8 r...rk h CA. k 9 ‘....11iu Qii.g.Ad up. ' 4'9 er ii A b- U„ soctl"oli rawhth svtirhip, 3 5cts. CuIrry-combR,„ w and 1,5cts. 20 percent off all horse blankets, beliis and mitts. /A.> _ 6.4 C r tr.. 4 w F2/7 reg'uiar for AT t cases, from 25 up. C24:41841,10704. • wpm S. r 7bor... 1.'F d' PTrd'S P, d Pr:14"'cir'''40i1E9''' Terms Cash or Trade at Cas4 Price • • ,K,eanr 0.Y. groIts su 7p41-,ri9let;s•;, £"r1 V.1.4.914r.40, I,A (1 ir .el p r A .j7 fa A4A. AL 44 • • • • PitioNt ta ZURI.C17:1 Li/ RON'S LA1C11387 00041EitniVir,ion:E4TORE: „,,A. og,.s. an u..i- • ,. . We buy all . kinds of good logs. Custom •sawing --'and .: Planing . • mill work don0;istior(•••notiCe. 19 • ', r