HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-21, Page 6STOP it,filintiRttliBLE AT US BEGINI‘IN6, Tiler* Avoid Lots of Misery and Ili Health, W-ost people with liver trotible in' they have dyspepsia 0i iitdt. iLon. 1,116y wet*: the early witettiugs, and of- .tez..take the wrong medicine. Once the liver becomes sluggish. it diEtlirba tke,havitunious wtkiit at the stomach and bowels'. You gt aches, sallow skin:pimp:es, thitiness impurity of the biood. Food remains the bowels, ferments, dqa,Ve no. poisonous gates that enter tho olOnd ithi aestrot its vitality and floutihia A Very quicksad sensiLie wax to And Cure 11V4 trouble is by the u -e of •Dr, liardittion'S of .M.tialrake Ant: Butternut, -.which. coang veil:ran ex- tracts of heli0 herbs and roots that ha'ee yitonerful tonic and cleantilug ef- fedt upon a fI the liver cells. .You.'11 be surprised at lite quick bcile- lit derived from Dr, Hamilton's Thry ,trengtben the stool:10h. cure eon- ttipation, prevent heatiaehr. testore kid - my and liver activity, provide the sys- tem With vital bin iul..1 elements that make old people young, sti-ng, anahl- tkitS. You'll never feel tired sod worn out in the morning if you've refreshed thr. system the nivitt 'before with Dr. lismiltan's Pills of lIandrak.- and Wa it- nut. 2tie per box a dealers. Re- r:SE ANY StrBSTITCTE. By mail front The -0a.tarritc2ene Company. King- s ten . 011t • DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. 'Cite bile Green Alt•Cartsin, thief of the Cheeta.w.s. had a high opinion of the bust. lif•S5 astuteness of white men. "No Indian eau get the better of a ut'eface,- Chirf lleCurtain said to a •th.rhrie reporter during the recent Okla- 1.t9oa. investigation, "and when two pule - get bargaining together, then it k Ike cutting diamonds with diamonds. -Two Oldaltornt palefztees once hunte1l in my comp. They spent- the evening with mc'. anti over the fire and the fire. water they begin to barter a mi traffie, .and to make deal,: and diekers, "Finally Bill said: 'Sant, let's trade bosaes-my bay for ....your roan,' "'Ws a go,' Sam agreed. "file trade's ft. gr. Shake on it, partner.' 'They shook hands. Then Bill said with a lour laugh: ""Sam. I'Ve bested yr this time. My hose is dead. Died. yesterday.' "'So's mine dead,' said Sam. 'Died this mornin: And what's more. rve took bis shoes off.'"-.rew York Tribune. ENO ERN WAY OE 1-1 DYE Ca Is to use Were Dye that will color either Wool, Cotton, Sale or MedGoods Perfectly, You tvill End thisin Sand for So runic Card and Story Booklet 139 The 3 0.1111SOK. numAnosoN co., Limited. Montreal. Con, With Das Modern Dye all you have to do is to ask for DY -0 -LA then you CAN'T make a 'mistake and use the Wrong Dye for the gouda you have to color. THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. ut,:mitryman in Christian Guardian.) Taken all in all, -there is not in the ,1.11a a cleaner end more excellent local newspaper press tiiao ase have ITI Can- ada, and T. eau say this trankly, not be - int .witlt it. IL eau best rover afire:rs of a sooial or etriotiy local na- ture.. tr, the church is wise itt its gen- eration it wai ,o-up,:rate tiely ancl. 11- 1.eu:Letically with the towii and country Press. in order to eons, es tar as pos- eible. its mutual support in Cbristiert ea...clew:see it.c.rat retortm The efts • ors arm mad:avers uf new:Tapers -tre P-51 a rule. naturany responeive to the o.: interests ot their tespeetlye em- it:zit:tries. and that mil he quick- ,-nrit by a frank a ilfule t • we rds them INSHINE E NEM trenrh Watery Eyes aa, GEZMULATEDISY,ELEEDS Murire.eDoesn't Sitart-Soathr....ayePain ibmisuSeBriki,%0370PssIfti7.24et:At'Set.600,*1.10 wino Eye Sante, inAceotta TuNoit,leec1-00 IYE_BOOXS AND ADVICKI Plass; BY MIL DeturiraeEyorterradolyCo..,Chica5o •4aekv.tard .H.onduras. , Despite itiltroannity to the .I;nited - States, Iforidoraai.S. one of the least de- volOpeti ounttk itt the world. The. ho- tel a /roam oda tiaus a mi• -thr! moans o1- . transport:it ion are in deseri babl e. , ' • WHAT WILL THE "AVEPIE GOW" ? Department of Agrioulture-Office of The Dail y and DM titorage Dornnmisioner. 1.1.1ry fartiters aid 11a 1) : city awakening to tut, io,cessity of weighing and testing each individual ivw in rite nerd. Twenty taw CUW t.ULI lig ;16,1001:At 11.11.1i e been g a aim, d in Quebec Si t h,>agnnhug tlOt year: t tvelve ntitv tlildti hit d 0011.1. 1.111.0111 tl0ii4 ill OlIttlf 1 U; - two more in Nova Scotia, and.ouo more eattn la Prince Edward Island sod New B:uns- wiek. This means at least four thusand mete cows being checked up each month. itt.addition to the 11,800 in 1910, Nob: alt%v many more meat hers will be. addetf this month. e.xtrnsion tvork pr.iv;ded for by the establishment of 1)alry Record Cen- tres. is proceeding briskly. Centres are already itt working order in Oxford and Teterboro eonntiee, On''.. t. llyaeinthe, Qoe., and at Kensington, P. R. 1., with others contem.platoti. A supervisor has Ives appointed to extent cow testing in British Columbia. Sonie vows have started with excel- lent. reeords for ,-(anuary awl February: yek1s 01' 1,090 and L.tot) pounds of milk and over 30 pounds of tit for tha two months, are 2.raod indications of dairy possibilities for this season. What is the "....verago"- cow Intending to do this yea r? Forms for recording we:gilts of milk are supplied free on top!idaion to the Dairy Connnissioner, Ottawa. 'When ap- royale.. the number of cows should. be :tsted, and whether forms are required for weighingdaily or un days each m •-ut'i. w. THE BEST MEDICINE SO MOTHERS SAY, Mothers say Baby's Own Tablets are I the very best medicine they eau give I their little ones. It is the happy expert- , mice af one mother that helps otherslo keep their little ones well. Thousands of mothers have found the Tablets a never - failing cure for the ailments that afflict their alit, ones. Mrs. E. Sandwell, Coldwater. Out.. says: "I find Baby's Own Tablets, the best medicine any moth- er east give her little ones. 1 tried "soothing" mixtures, but they did not help my baby, but as soon as I began giving hint the Tablets they made his teething easy and T. would hardly know he was cutting a tooth. I would not be without the Tablets, and always recom- mend them to my friends." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, (bt. IN A VILLAGE SQ17-1QCIL.- t'vancoaver Saturday Sunset.) This stem, is told of a successful gener- al who ' was far from being a brilliant scholar at school. A ft er he. became faun - rue he one dal` dropped into the old sel,nol to pay a Visit to the scene Of his former woes. The teacher was anxious to make a good impression on the gener- al. and put the pupils through their les- sons so as to show them to the best ad- vontaue. After a while the general saki But which is the dunce ? You have one. surely. Show I11111 to me." The teacher called up the poor fellow Nth° looked the picture of woe as he baehfully ceune towards the distinguished ricdtm. "Are you the dunce ?" asked the gen- eral. Yes, sir." said the boy. "Weil. my good .fellew." said the gen- eral. "here is five shillings for you for 1.reping may piaci. warm. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women :1 will send free with full instructions, my home treatment which positively mires Leucorrhoene Ulceration.. Disolacements, Palling. of the WQrnb. Painful or Irregular Periods, 'Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes. Nervousness, Melan- cholv. Pains in the Head. Back or Bow- ele. NielneY and Blatlaer 1.‘roublee, where ce.t.sed by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at home at a cost of only about 1 cents a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad- viver,' also sent tree on request. Write to -day, Address ;sirs. Summers, Box u.S, Wireleer. Ortt. ee- - ADMITTED HIS ERROR. (11.10 01' :pi the Arnit,OSL of Parliamentary aeologiese says.; a writer in the .Lortdon Chronicle, was that of tut irate member of the. House who deseribral another as "not having even the inannera of a At the cry of "Witittrawt" he did so. "f withdraw end :Apologize, and beg to ..ay that tho honorable member has the manners of a A. 7 4an ii 4.4:',4.44.‘J ea- 41-aiatti/ stops conghs, cures colds, hook! the throat and haws. - . - 115 -----....0..........--____ HELPING PAPA. The other morning whoa I came Dawn trom. 112. cm room, I found zny Dad with anxious heave And eyes all ('011 of gloom. Then iron to him, crying awed: "Doll deer, how aid you lonke. And than 3. learned 7.',TA ;WI*, ill eee,a there was breel:faet to cook! So 1 ben 3. eriod "I most cet to work. "1 will beio you uti 1 Thea 3. made the aesteat coffee, Antif -literal the frying pee, And I melted some good, oweet :sitter, And I eooked hint o Oleo bitten ,of meat, Thep I set the table eeiekiy. And I said: "Now, Doe, pioase eat." Then my Dad siniled et ee r!Q sweetly, As T. brewed ray eleinran eon's tea, And bit fetid: "My (1»a' 111 tztrlie, .Yon are indeed a foo,i daugizter to 1(13, • And X hone that yelp alwaya Strive to make my bean as light As you did this- mornina.. my Milling." Then 1 knew that Dri dune eight. .'DR:reXel.tgE4E=SEOMEt=llf=e'fl.=.=I+..%Eei=tMrarto.W=NFZ'FSWR Headaches - nausea - incligestion-'muddy complexion -pimples -- bad breath -these are some of the stipation, The mild, sensible, reliable remedy is eff ects of con - 11 ti'!§ 44' 44.- They contain the. latest discovered and best evacuant inowri, which ernitet the bowels without the slightest discomfort and without dis- turbing the rem of the System. Constantly increased doses aro not necessary. 25c, a It your drUCCial has 110t vat stocked them, sand 25c. and VC will mail them. 25 Alatiouvl ikto sent CA' wortical Comp.MY of Canada. Limited, Munlreal. tglEMIZMIX ter t prozfialetw, tt,;, COLT DISTEMPER Can be handled 1o170A3117.1.1bssItt1c 010 eurod.and all therm lit name n table, no matter hew '10.Spo.tcd," kept from Paving tau ctis ease, by using SPOL-fhI"S LI‘l(111).0113T1011,1111it OVICig• a :se Ort Lao tongue or in teed. Aaai on Om blood And canals Kering of all faunae. di Camper, hest renanty ever known Our mares to foal. 50e and 31 a 1)01110; 50 and 311 duzen. et druggletn and battiest dealers. Out abown bow to poultice tb mat ta. Our free Booklet Over; everythlielt. Largestetilling horse remedy In oxluteOn41-10 70000, instal la:tam-ALL WHOL11513.1.51 DUthil SPOHN MEDICAL GO., Chemists and Iktetorlototrice, Goufter., Ind.. U. S. A. ‘"MillifkilraiiittiinwtatzfuSI.tigs Air , ITO 0, . . '1r, .4W ED TS "SILENT" MATCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SUE LIGHT, THE nrisr STRIKE They make no noiee or iapu tter--a, quiet, steady flame, The =a,teh or he smoker. the office and the home. All good dealers keep them and Eddy% Woodenwarki, FEbroware, Tube, Pails and. Washboards. • The E B. EDDY Co., Limited, HULL, CANADA lortiorommtlkastartomtente, .011010.11,0 f In the tali etre ia Through the rah:, ./taid he caroled eleti. In the face of the And the silver rata. dropped, And fe!1 on the-robin'e coat Anil his brave red breast, but he never stooped Plying his cheerful note. For oh, the fields were green and glad. And the Misstui, lite that stirred In the earth's wide breast was fall and warns In the heart of the little bird. The rain -cloud lifted, the sunset light Streamed wide Over valley and bill. As the Plains of heaven, the land grew bright. And the warm south what was still. Then. loud and clear called the happy bit' Andturously he song, Till wood and meadow and riverside With Jubilant echoes rang , But the sup. drooped down in the quiet west. The tall trees lenr,tioning shadows cast; Alt i,tt,re stittlY"'saLk to rest. And the Jubilant 'to.y had passed. THAVTER. .aeseoeeteeet....e., 11t 0 ROBIN. ..at rite robiu brigehr. April day ; wit1h a pure delight, eke so gray. trottge tae blossoms "AS MAR PERFE&ION AS POSSIBLE" LAVIRENCE CRYSTAL DIAMONDS The finest femme Sugar ever produced. These Sparkling Tablets, of the Purest Sugar are dainty and telnlIt- ing in atmearanee, and are sold in at - treaties, 6 lb. Cartons and bee the lb. ;4. (it Sugar is 49-99.100 to 140 Der cent. pure. The St. Lawrence Sugar tRefining co.. Limited, Montreal. arettramv HELPING HER LOOK. (Metropolitan Magszine.) The elerk was most obliging, but the young woman euetonter trittA 'hard to please. Roll after roll of blankets did he patiently take down and •show to her; nothilig suited. )"or some fifteen minutes this mock sale ;vent on, then the young woman said condescendingly: "Well, 1 dont' in- tenti to buy anything. 1 ;vas just look- ing for a mead." "Ix/nit a mental& madam," cried the clerk. "there is one more blankf:t left on tlhese hl!.yaybe you will flint your iipildir11!,, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVIil DROMO Quinine Tab- lets. Druggists rotund motley if it fails to cure, E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. St.c. NOT THE SAME. MISS WOodby-so Mr. Sinait said he conelderell me very wIttY. ell ? Miss flatow-Not exaetly. He said he hod to laughevery time he saw you. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia SCOTC/-11 BROTH. (New York Sun.) The Three Witches were making the broth. "Oee." muttered Maortoth, " can 'this be a cooking school 1" Herewith lie hastily fled, PILES C DAYS Tour druggist will refend money it PA0 OtatTMENT falls to core any case Of Blind, needing or Protruding Plies in 6 to 14 days. 60e. •et • A SUBTERFUGE, Mrs. 'Meant's-Your husband wears his hair terribly short, 'Mrs. Oral:shins. a Mrs. ticubieitte-nni, the A. P. A realia pompotis rooster is almost is almost as. aro es fresh college gradn- nte. OVIe.nna......1.1***Nonom...W.........*..".".."..'""..... 1111 0 t 11 et 1.4 da. ate tit 0 'l; -t ritST MU0tt1Iit0Z for COLICIPIC.,toCC/tin-a:3,B $2/4M7d2=ltatt,' 'ZVOI .7sofmr,:;:a A SOLUTION. There's hardly been a year of late when people didn't ask. Shall woman have this privilege, shall she perform that task 7 "Shan women smoke ?" "Shall tvemen bike 3." a resamples we may quote. - TO -day, of course, the problem is, "Shan women :rave t0 rote 3." It I were called to arialtro.te, this :weever I would give : "She shall"--'twould solve the problem Just as surely as you live Z'rern what I know of womates will, of what she does and don't, In. certain it she said "She snail." she'd tell us that she won't." -Boston Transcript. HOW TO REMOVE WARTS. Don't allow these unsightly excres- tenses to spoil the beauty of your hands or arms. Remove them painlessly. Cure them for all time by applying Putuain's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. Fail- ure impossible, reaults always Mire with Putatam's Corn and Wart Extrac- tor; Price 250. • • -WHAT SPOILED THE COFFEE. • (success ,szazrazza,..,.)- A family living in hittst 1,range has a model servant who has proved herself Ile best cook they weer had. but vela' has in- sisted upon maltimt up ail her clishee strictly according to l.er own reelpee. "Margaret," said the ntharess une day, " the: coffee you are giving us is very good. What kind is it 7" "It is no kind at all. mum," was the reply. "It's a mixture." " Well, why don't you telt ine how yon mix it ?" "Sure. ninth. I made it one-quarter Mocha. one-quarter Java and one-quarter Rio." Yes, but that Is only three-auarters. What do you put In for the other quar- ter ?" "Why, 3. put in no other quarter at alt. mum. There's where so ti1:111V ro.,,toe sroil their coffee. alum, puiting, Ittu 'fcurth quarte(1" To whom it may 11011Pefil ) T1113 15 to certify that I have used MINA111)'S IANIMENT myself as well as prescribed it 11.1 my practice, where a liniment W,18 required, and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A. NINO. M. D. ON CONDiTiON. (Puck,) Oustorner-See here 1 3. twee1i you eald these things would grow in any climate. Dealer -They will. Leta Ytti Went to grow them in this climate You've got to have a hot -house fur them, course. fvlinard's Liniment tor sale every- where COAL ON THE LAKES. The lake shipmrnts of .n.ft coal dur- ing the year totalled 1.3.400,409 short t011A, indicating a gain of SI per mint, over the corresponding ngures of the preceding year. M ard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. SWIFT THREE LEGGED FOX. dohn sl. fox on .!ylomItam, the ani- mal hi spite ;,f the Landic:to of a missing front foot giving 1.11.- h.tanti a chase of over two hours bef.tre it crossed, the hunter'1th att.1 .vas The fox had evidently t.csen eattght in it trap gonte time ago. Just bow tong it had been trav-:iling the mountains on three feet (multi not he determined, tO the stump of the leg ;vac; pethetly healed Ind was revered With Nr.---Froro, the Tenneheo tiCountaL WHEPE CIRAMMAir IS SECOND. • ARY. t1,.. poorly wertled prayer with feeling aces nearer the throne than one with rilotorien.1 finish witla has no soul in it. , ISSL+14,1 NO. J6, 1911 AaEtcrs wANTED. TA.Tt :31.11.11.`E TO-D,tY. SEND LI pc:gat' ft/ tdrtallaru,'t or 1.00 for snot:vet? and teruto. Alfred Tyter, LOA- 4.1.itto Ont. . 01,1NTti vv.ANT4D-leXP1'IRLONOSO ;agents only, tor two new popular, 1111081 good-selury and co:Innis:non. AP- olv whist.) .Cuttadiart Industrial Cora- oany, Litnited, Albert street, Ottawa. F YOU AIM 1.001X1SrO, POR best rftEKTUNI pronosition 'in Oen- sea, one that appeals to everyone, apply 4elleei, .A.dvertisin4, pem, .22a Albert tlieet. Ottawa. . T 1V 311 03.1 WOMAN 'W.A.NTInn LA for work at home naying42.00 1,..r way, with opportainitY to advance. Snare Moe .eun, be used. Work not difft- tont and requires no experience. Win - nisei,. Limit ed. •kioadin, avenue, Toronto. Ilf0SbiS tnarter and Dollar Stops ..orr:m1:::nin. and soreness anywhere. Drug- alsts everywhere. R. :itleKaY & .gvery Wan is interested lad should know ' about the wonderful NEWEL Whirling Spray The mew Vaginal Syringe. Hest -Most convenient. It clean,, - instantly. Ask yam dru=st for 1. Tf he cannot glipplry• the Ai Alt Ve:L. accept no other. book --scaled, It gives full startle. but send stamp tor litusttated i ulorsond directions Inrslunble co iedies. I wmosort SUPPLY GO., I Wisssor, Oat. Ocean .teenu for Catted.t. F eTlind8e1R71.% W, wIltglvn Tun a EatttIROIttO 'Watch or Mountain eon or 01.110 Cash, whichever you wish, for selling 111¢.00 worth or our oplondid runt Curds. They:41'60W to ittlt-51M7000 asks, for 'amnia -them. Oelei us your name sins* and we will sand you 110 cards Prencia -srli them and 60,1 el ear money arid wo will tonsil gnus' present, to5 you luny keen 01.4) mai send se balonee.whichnseryou prefer. Wets to.dsky- we Ova csu aulditiong present 15 10) it the usaas within 10 dare. tivetland Merchandise Co., Dept., 33 Tamale A MISSIONARY TREE. (Pittsburg Times.) A missionary (luring a Lenten 1Ea said Domtedir • "I have established missionary trecs on over 'the but Perham Y. flr ihOtt't know what a missionary tree is ? t. missionary tree 1s 1)110 whose profit eves entirely to missions. "A Roxlmrough farmer has in his nettle oreha.rd a golden pippin tree that helps to summit the Chinese missions. A Flor- ida woman has an orange tree thut helps to uplift the ottani:ads of New Guinea. A California nut -farmer devotes a wal- nut tree to the spread of the faith la Zanzibar. Missionary trees." the speaker ended more pointedly than he Iind beann, "are very good things, but the principle that underlies them need zlot be confined to fame and fartnere." Have You Galant? If so, your general health is suffering. Your system is doing polluted by acrid germ laden seeretions. Your throat is in the right condition to catch other germ diseases. It's not nevessary 40 use nauseous drugsaimmediate relief comes front breathing- the healing 'vapor C.A.TARRBOZONE, which cleanses anti removes .throat said 11060 lik)11:111g118, top's the gaggiug cough, clears tho lungs, completely drives out .eVery trace tit Cs.- tarrh. Don't use anything but Catarrh - ozone. There is nothing- so sore for Asthma, Bronchitis, Irritable Throat and Catarrh. Sofa toierywhexe, 115e, 7410 end $1.00 sizes. - WILDCAT WHIP DOGS. Silas Bush, L. Hazzard and Levi Sehnopps, while fox hunting in Juniata township, Huntingdon county, saw the tracks of a wildeat, which they followed to a rocky section of the mountain:, where a fierce battle took place between the pursued beast and five dogs, itt which the tat came out victor andretired lo a cav(1. The hunters got five sticks of dyna- mite, blew the rocks away aMi killed the savage creature. Thit eat measured feet 6 inches in length and weighed 35 pound's -the largest killed in this part of the state in yeare,--Front the l'illliamsport, Gazette and Bulletin, 71 it 0.0 ftpxrirges' ,• outodmocat y stonibs. cures edit N. wails t5,n &brunt cud Wads. - sztata. .• NOT MUCH LITERARY IN SIGHT. (P111 te aelphie, Record.) The Boy -I shall be glad when 1 ant Old enough to do as I please. The Man -And about that time you wilt co oft and get married. so it won't do you much good, after all. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. • Phonographic Records Exported. More phonographs and records from the United States are finding their way .4 abroad, the value of exports in 1910 wan $2,109,945% or more than double that of the previous year, Send ter 'tree. sample to Dept. X. r,,„ National Drut te Chemical Go,, Toronto