HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-21, Page 5rhe z jt' 4ratCiw
IMMIDEINIO WOODabci nGO%Ctg] =MO ctargtD4DMUODOMNI DOWD40MUM M3PD DMOM M,RYL➢gnCIMI aDc4FaD4n0,04447 '�4D(SRD4"t'I'6D "EW 41.42'pRDA2*"D644DgDl"'"*e9aCr4"""").¢L4D4tFyDGugerM".22"."1"4"1"2""iW"D4"ffia "ddg"1;44""4""1"426"4"
r tummnixrw
According to Government Estirat s -- -.�
� ° D as e in. Wes ern Town Property thwing the year 1909 ---
Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the propositions:.
. submitted to yogi by your western friends for future consideration ? In short, are you
the man whomade a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess
sihfficient jasdwest to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal?
The man or worhan entitled to sympathy is the one who says: "Five or ten years ago I
had the chance to buy this or that property at $100 or $500, and now it is worth $10,000."
The average person sneers at the person who finales such a statement and sags: DI would
have bought and made that money." Are you going to say five years from now that
you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta., at from $50 to $100 each, or are you going to
be the man who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought
property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ?
Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Pd -
mouton and Saskatoon. It is located in one of the finest f arming districts in'Westeru Canada.
The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consecluenty
will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal
mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point.
These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost of living,
and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the. upbuildiug of a large town,
thus creating valuable real estate.
This townsite and eontiguous territory has the requirements outlined by Large
manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind
employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields
and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming lands furnish farm
products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost.
The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring. the
n:.ccesary trine ortetion facilities. The combined conditions will furnish cheap labor,
one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre.
issa `rig t�
t �e q�
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O T.,• ✓ fog '�rjJ 'Parr
rr '. .b 49a/4
^!°}nor &Sr.,yxtil:lt' t�3.:,7i:t,J1:Da Iva x.3, go,F.t.wow"amG3ogwoc
Poe townsite was recently pieced on the market andalready over 200 lots have been
sold, and many of there lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase in price.
Most of these lots were purchased by representative business "nen throughout Canada,.
who are now profiting by their foresight.
The t vansite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes.
is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you
might read 'a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make
money, but uaiess you have the courage to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these
desirable elualities are entirely useless.
Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow
rapidly. Owing to the easy terms of payanent you have the ability to buy',, and if you do
not buy now it i:i because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are you will never
b like the mem you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise.
Pee townsite is held by us under the Tcrrens system of title: Under this system
the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe.
Prices of lots range from $50 to S100 each, end they can be purchased on terms of
one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in
six, twelve and eighteen months.
We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pert ting to the town
audits prospects, together with map shoving lots for sole. ,I; y:.0 wish h too receive this
attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon: and mail is to tis to -.:ay.
9 o FJ'4
® t ' t Lnitt pe g ti, a tac'� a
Union Bank
Sit u and
TCia.kerb Notke
We have on di pia^•
utter Nev?Hats. ata. tat•t
Drees ((nolo nt3roost
wishAl8o our
�:t12 i t iv rt
OP:;1':liStst l girl'. " }•fit:•
aln3 iol00• r11,V'D,YI.'ti,
t?x,:� Town Line South,
„tarn:;'`, on the 15th int, to Mr.
unci Mrs. Edward Denowy Jr., a
Dz .`,t the Town Line S n;th
Hay, nn their littii inst., to firs. and
Mrd. Wtn. Pi :di, a sins.
L z.ai'4 a
t -)t io=ta i •relors -will be venni i
t t1)' t)ivier-dgut�tt, 11) to April
+1. t. c'. tion of '. coiled
'ire .dart •,} on ,l,r `k' ti?tit•.i of the
i tit C, {t''.. , •,r'.. .1,: •'�: 1 .7.,. 'i'o
'1i110 te., . fn it'lil" Iii'11':t•• 0
3 ins..
General 'Merchant, 191a A 1.>. E.
„ ,, alp„ .,...:rom,.,, mount tt., r,araa...
711 ,Pj1V1
tg to witi !J
eVrp• 1�,;1 (t' "r
id, J et •' t 1
• rfl::eaat3.iq �){•1a7'dt.t",�'g• etc, ('+;r.7"
•,J u.' {{. ��_�Se[3�,1 ,, . y
aro:ael}t n, :.•t}+�.`1
and lid esbuieiief S.
Our aim is to , keep
nothing .butt L1,Le best.
We make' p'x etin-fi
Give, rts a call.
ki tzi •
rather P„Ioariacy's 11 o. 25 Cures Catarrh
by a Comb;ned Treat aeut.
The a Id ton v eathcr variations our
elitnate result in a great many cases of
ma .0497= SMUlbei,&lf4 )CD,k' a9csiar4Dda9DaD W rcD:.>.=enc=CDMil:DCDv'x:.W,,,,cCc3'.roan=D4D•••,,VrJ•.'1ab4a(tra,CDCAZZID .•+>° e3GaC°t*i ti —• Z441V.,,•
J .
In usher of rlirstleeptisin relief
, the same figures for beth year. lhu
rise or ``.come? t.Ir' -' :r.e
from at ha tun'e::t sleep unit rc��t 1 t 1'fi „
worn .lti isllitl ) lg er f:•t'.til t'.;CL.��rd this
Possible. rl'li. s only be Obtained j' ` yetin farmers hand: _hen ..fait . ,1 F'Flr. t: d i' ? Dt13 x:•` nhdt 2tr(y 'scare
held by fanners in the i•'lari5 rii )•''''''r• L , :i 1 t1 '"'") 11. t�rth ) a 's to
applying Chamberlain 's Liniment, 1,'j ra.It
For sale by all dealers. t towas 1'S llt t , a
In Ontario 5 001.000 ti:::/:141.;.
t« tilt D, t, ,., r
The follr,trin >arth rite, rat.ttt,:a of , '
Provinces at tort • t12 n3 O lti.' t. co'. s 93.'J 1.4 •,
lmshel:a, in Qn l}'o lr 7,(R 7 bushels I X11 t t d "t t 't,. t.. ,.) 1,^zn
0 >. h(lO 11 ii .; t.. . . ill .D. ,, = to
'Manitoba, t' 3;t.:tl:tt.tt'howlin rola 6 to,
i fan ) ),: )rl'?t"ns are
the Huron
)'orno,tnn 'axanlin'�• berth i,09.i,000 bn uct:a, At ilit� t n ly t:t ti ,r nig ° t° roug*h ut all
ti 1 'lin ^ NO I� s.v the,
sante elate 1ar.t rear the of inti.• ),t •,
lirinC.9rt all t.�Fit »t.a was .).4i+r it) i C:tttjtil�i't:l '�i 1!•,� `':�n:;la t�i re'IF'tih`tl�
t ," , bushel i or 18:3 per cent of tlit>
Mandy itlossean 400; .'erne Geier r,t np tv ir,6,74'1 (r,^ tri ltc C, la hentt.li; fatal r, tv
t. ai e}
13) ttrir� llt
ons i'tE o..•'. Y, A
'1r TV
to Sr T!'• (:%Itilinll13m s (725* , t t• i.r n 1)1 ,\ .:'m,:{ir 1;11:'C tet':)C't{. file
'Minimum 806 ) Flossie r3ur'erus 433:
`e;r I''1 to .Tat. I7 ("Sar. 795. Min.
?,1 Ea Pr:)0111; Mr ''Cart: 4313 Tut'Iiir1t1
ft'r?. •rtt'.M .6419 , I)prani,3 t^irtobarme
,,,, • A Leon Oli1t!"a t'ioli 3 8;Lydia
D d
t!°•r T.I t'1 .Tr , tT i `l:,:s f;ltO. ittin 300.) ; ry 4 000 b c'i' or 4'1 "'1 too. i ti. t+ t -:' '! -
f nt`t„ t•,-. r 11C:x i•(t1 : ('ttlrry Lttstsow
t be
1' - ir.")t
F'1 , til `..00."?
I 301
er rent ivai Of u,. •._,-,1 t,- ` t t
qualit 1=t t
()1te witrlt !Iasi: r 't.: , n
yield of3.13,44::: of
'',• t . : •1 t.
ilh<'rctht!ntalltrhtr the. t'\1: 1't t, r Y^.
ttnz tr+:+ ,t :, S;;
, t , , t3 tl:• i. � . ... .•
I cent", fluty. 4-' equantiti- ill hand 11t i tth t*Ir t•` ' 'i. i.. •r.'?
1 c.1 ; ',.t; :11.•:", .ty t?: z,Ct,: tor
�C 1 127,587,000 t
'?; Edith i? f•:n~- >2• the . at ?starch. ,1i•lt1,ti'.r1!. (tiR.•5i(1. itri'rt'l70.)
ie eiiE 1 ti r.
i bushels or 39.44 per Ct'rit t1 {. 1,2S,i t••' +'') ,ni :'hd+'t a :P C,)LIr u.
^lr"tlo Ort weirt 3 ; Lila. 'tlsriiclz i'4£ tin 1'rtL1'r� flit' i vP3 t:3j�dtri`"ie' ,y .til 1....;1•110i .t.
luno nt that date G 9N5,0 0 um:hens, .
q t1 .h``t 'io se nil be�intl , ( ens ti� >i i*.
�• tti ' ..o;+ l
l aie.tt. t'. F }n (�115b('. 17,447,000 l 1 .
flit ti"t3 rorlaltactea to read the.tr t tlntario i`;0,'i42,000 bushels, &rd. it;
1121:IiPd'litatRltr rafter Di0.*: •vactxtion, k r „c `.r(i)ft 1'W d'
the Northwest Province,,
Lzilia:l L. l:ttii'tleiih, 'euciier•. t,e,f British Columbia (i:),41" tri)(),
bushels. in the preceding; year
T tip r c't it ar,• , the tlt:nt}.ts in Dart. out of a
(Mot, 1) l.I.C\ i`i i i'OL C c:3 ,.7 S `lam
catarrh-- t:+:ttulsot:tc disease usually
c i' 'rt t Imre in care and one Isliich The 141,499,000 flusher or 40.03 'ft's.
• t r tt 1 to Serious 1, utonar and
harvest 1'4333 ,40l;,000 'bushels Ila,'
(t ,. D r , 1 t : AYiFIlts u 1
i ul -1 (�tta t to �,.lt: i, c;ttilt� ;. .anti there v, >.'� Fa of
fluff titr, OOi�it; ;sl ue fttooky r' .90,000 bt1a',h ``t3•`r 1•
•? t•o: i i:1 the gond we:i;en 1 l l "I
.. so that at every
"Our baby : Oxik!;s r.for t 1titt11her•
NIII'S •O(1u1;;1.t i ernerly I' J ite l Mrs
T.:3, Kendrick I:aaacu, Ga. • "It
9 t
ttl,l:'rc.;tras, :'it
r..�`Ctltt1 onto
)",17c, •.r 1 - ek go.'s
•r.,.r of chronic
t i e 1;:t, t.:cutseives to
1). ; i .it< t,: t r 1 applications, and
re;: t t?t so t, of the troi:l'le-
( ,t, , a: al treatment ezcl:t-
a �•,., ,.,.1 (1':.'; do not promptly relieve
the , el its
_ . i c the ry, niter priest -
1 Ott. regarded caiarrlt as a
tt role, consisting of ii:',pleasant
s ! . etaa:d tl cfr f1'ac''amen(al
C _ •a, ` 1 .tt^ having to do with ini-
' i , di ,+
1 , ,t rented -so No,20, t a coln-
`euro ,
+ , ri fo u tt tr:lt It consists of
; .ieet 1 , d t';a 1 1,r time. a day, and
1. t.i 1 .tis d,0'li t it le ti S_.iL'<..,
salve is 1t .'l'tiC and quickly
t:. t h nes of tl:o
.1.1.1 go to the
t ` system
t.. t it .t ttlr i teat the ,ys
to 1:s u:,1 tone 1 d e the. they cure.
1.,;;c.t iii t -1''C1ing. a disease that itis
t noleasent to }ourself and to others, and
•d;te tvhitl1 often leads to pneumonia and
consumption, h is surely the part of wis-
clam to take timely steps to des away with
he effects and at the sante tune remove
the cause, No. 20 does just that.
500• for the combined treatment,. At
year druggist's, or from Father ltlorrisey •
ltledicine Co„ Ltd., Chatham, ; i .Tl.'
is. Girt but cottg11 `e:11,ied ' an,.i.bo ' ttru
,n .ikOt int' rc'01t 121{alwt 1 art `reser 2elti andgtlarttntF`crl ity ,.lrie1.a
cr'Oup,y', For aa1 ,14't,fl,��'Sy9{ tilers, spy J, J, 'MEANER
tit ttlt `,runt fl.,i i� ¢12erc1 ntri,ble outs
The barley yield. of 1u1a1
45,117,001 bushels, ls, t.Iiu •..
quantity there wtah in bare'
{incl of Maroh 13.1 t `D' 1
29 rtAr per cent. The u't T
wroa 41,x0) t,f0
1)1.93 bar cent. The 1=arlt'r
1.9()9 •tVtts ::3,393,090 Irbil .a: ,.,D i
quantity on hand tat the end
March Iasi; year Was 15.51 , •i
1hu4hels 29 t'i. per eenr. ,
TX) orohtuntabin qn ntlfT of. that D t
'was 01.49, 000 bllsbel;? or 92 br t
cent. Ontario's orop 11".tea 1
`'O,r?7.f}01) hn4;Melt,, and t;,i)t mil t
three Northwest l'roviL"E'•'s=i L1,377,
TO (t1) bushels.
The mer.-� nubble yield of r
Imo your 'lrt,..•. }":D (,4 pf'r Cr'.St of t
wil+,1p orop, tui: bnclTwhe.at
-per tent, a T3'tiuttid 'r 7 S' of
t'�2.,. '1)Et and otb'r. I'ilrttw Sr 81 t
coot Ame.i. of to.v tiro' &lover ttti •
S'r13')t-t9 of correspondents.
allow that mit of a yield of 1'1.9,9te9,-
ht)0 l)v :hilt who,: harvested last;
year 141,090.0°0 bushels or 94 per
hent were) merehar table, and. that
at the en;i of ;larch 33,042,000 bush,.
,. c-'••-,.,,. -•.,.ram_ '^^-.,�.,. a -.r
b �..a n 1:':S' a• ate s...
jp, 1 , • It.ncti, ityrur.(,: `t'u`fts
ti) offer tic .JL1Et" ing, 1.>' olubl:ili1
re h + "Wil.. ';.lir :alr�'t:At.L)):
A�tlii;i•• 111 l.�t ,
:a. t? d I,Ili ,ire '•.'N5
..,;, v :3 i.."10
iandtoha, Saskatchewan, Tar iia
Spec id Trains leave Toronto 2.00 PM. on
APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, 80 JWIIi 19, 27
.114LV 11, 25 AUG. 0, 22 SEPT. 5, 19
w,cord ell= tickets from Ontario stations to principal
I, . Northwest potots at
Winnipes and return $,33.00;, Edmonton and return
$41.00, and to other point( to proportion. Tickets
goad to return within 60 days from going date.
on all cxeursions. Comfortable Imam, fully equipped
with bedding, ern 1,olo cuuIcadg a moderate rates through
sada application IttuSt be made
ASIC (:on Ft0MF_ameKrns' PAaireeaCT
. containing, rates and full information.
Apply to eo,tet t C.P,R. Afoot nrtol'i. L. Thompson,.
List. Pats. Agt., Totonto,
per cent which are pearly the 1
$nuAO itis the percentages of the
(4aitto crops in the previous yerar, ,
The quantities of t.11e'n crops on
hand at the end of l,Mrlrnh We •r
nearly flat+ SU me its 1 c•th *•tun
except that thr supply t' - Potatoes
tbi t ye(tr its 20,000,000 htti,bels
and the'stsppiy of hay ond plover
2,4'14 000 tome more
The. per coot condition of P•cE+i
styr)atr on the farms ranges close to 1
IIi A f t a 13 j1 e' 0