HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-14, Page 8ne i Ulrich Merald. 11.1inj y ery litre What about your Easter Bonnet .? Of 0.. oulase everybody wants a New Hat for r Easter and in order to get it you will have to place your order early. We make the hats oto fit the head and t1w [trice to fit the purse. "Satis- faction G laranteed '' eit a ns 2rrived is ;'=try woman knows -when. she has House cleaned for weeks and weeks, that she is not satisfied 7inIcss ;1+4.e has her windows uraped with fine lave curtains. We iiave them, and cannot. resist In. saying that we are now showing the finest rlll.e Of curtains in Zurich. are likewise confident that we are offer- ingn bettor values for the money than you will see elsewhere. ODS Th ' discarding of ,i inter garb and the Qp-- .t1dress season create great activity •in trur 'Dregs Goods Section. The greatest and most cll:aarmite +_lis al.: of .1c(.., -,v and Beautiful- Dress Goods is not. too nineh to say of our present showing, «llleh includes every new weave and. fa}.iri. which icli (':)Ind be found iu the ?nark -et -we ad- vise yore.... nnniediare il1Spe,?tion, as the 1 variety is. u ,,i tit ;t. it' c t lio?n Lp WiA N / .'..,r mot:a.s A:re have 1 . -n receirirr_, all kinds of carpets, ().l4.•} ?thee, l'Ir'caii;s and -.. ater•ials 1,:r window trimming. miIi4. r1;ee ..re t1 kind ti,at inalci• t.,!..• home b.autiful. -banning iur b +;iuirl, r(iuni , 1 < a-ro+. ms. ' Ir::, . li,aIi at;d stairs. WASH DS l� :r .•.lath .i summer l :;i, ,Les, House Gowns. Dressing al ll„ a s Ir, a:. r ,lore a, s d(:+.'raa',1e tor such g.ir•meuts, the gro:r n+l or foundation colorings air-' pale blue, pink, tan, mituv'e, 21,lioa blue. whits, grey and black, printed iu suitable designs. • Embroideries and Insertions We are showing a liewiideriu4 ai,s •r;ni&'nt of the latest anon lits\Vets pat a'r'ns ell einbiui+le.;eti and insertions to tuateli, iii both eotton anti silk. GENERAL M E RC 1ANT Amite 9 Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR CelebrateBroadway�.. 7fIN6 0-46,..14111P,411101.12P0' 4M04.4110" -101141, 411115,411110. We have not sold out our. Implement Business yet Weare still forging ahead at the Olt Place.. The following are some of our lines we keep in stook Plows & Repairs 7 , Percival No. 10-13, Flenry's No. 21,.Cookshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson all. kinds, Land Rollers..• Implements & Repairs. Binders, Mowers, Cultivators (best made) Hoe Drills, ]iso Har- rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seed•Drills for all seeds, Eureka fountain Spray- ers best in the market, Gar- den • Oultivators, Lon- don's Hay Trades, London's Barn Fixtures Buggies, Carriages, Wagons All our own make. 04 ZURICH re we re 2ka With the finest lot of goods ever shown in L urich. J%lst received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and 'See if 1. cant suit you. Also carry an 'immense No. of sainples•to choose from. A11 kinds of goods for trousers, clrtrk or light, prices .low as possible. Laundry in Conneetion Ta11.Qr II.' HOFFMAN ZURICH The general public will take notice that 1 aart doing :` business in Exeter iu the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap,, Highest Market Prices Paid:. t1' Scrap Iron, Rags, Horse H a i Rubbet°N, Copper, r, Etc. ^' J. PREETER'S HARDWARE, or trade given.. Orders for same store, prompt attention All purchases to be delivered to ZURICH, where the cash will be paid collection .of scrap may be left at the Will be given Mr. J. `•r. Merrier ha% returned from his trip to Western Canaria, Frame house and t,v'o 1ptra for said or to "rent. Apply to Mra, E1`zabetli 1'lese See our single 11111n05s at $0 tit' and. $12,00 wofth $15 oe, at Hart leiti's ) S. Faust has just received a+ fresh stock of Aipenkranter, . the Best blood purifier Tirade. It is reported that Mr. David Schnell bad to desf•roy two of his horses he slliilWl to the West, raying to their battered nn (-tooth tian on arrival, The loss will be as heavy One. as be took rip, some of the very best obtainable in this section. An Easter prngralnl will be rend ered in the- Evangelical church, next Sunday evening. The program consists Of exercises by the 'uniors, special selections by the choir, vocal solos by Miss Margaret Short and Miss Lizzie Nannie, The public. is'most cordially invited. When a,medicino must be given tin vcmng children it should be pleasiint to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is mate from loaf sugar, and .the' roots used in its preparation give it it. flavor similar to tnaple syrup, making it pleasant to take. Ithas no superior for rnlds, croup Gild whooping cough. For sale by alr stealers, L 'Wexler, - artmk Dealer, - Exeter herson9 ring Footwear -1.1%%1141141'41111,1;::::xi' - y1sl Noir " jUR SPRING SHOES have arrived, and we are iiy4 showing all the l lte t in high and low cut mod- els. They await your choosing --such as Oxford - Ties and Pumps.- Foo .we it of beauty and durability. We've many hauclsonie styles that it will be a pleasure to show von as well as to wear. . There's nothing beyond us in supplying yon with McPherson's handsome Dress Footwear, price and quality considered. Try us when you need • A Trunk or a Suit Case MINISTERIAI. LViEE'CIvTG, The South Huron Tkiinisterial As- sociation niet in the Evangelical church last .week. Ten ministers were present, Rey. R. Hobbs of Exeter, the president of the associa- tion, occupied the chair, At the close of the ;session„ Rev. A. D. Gischler. the pastor. of the church invited the party to: the :parsonage for luncheon. Several -touching addresses folloWnd the luncheon; Rev. Mr. Fletcher M, A , Thames Road made an address on behalf .of the clergy, etpressing their appre- ciation of the pleasant associations for the past five yetirs and wished, the pastor and his estimable wife God's blessing in their new field of labor:; Rev, Collins- of Exeter, on behalf of the association expressed their sympathy. with Beatrice, the eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs,. Glsehlcr, who has been confined to the house for about six • • months' owing to illness, and presented her with a handsome doll, The pastor and wife thanked the association, on her behalf for the kind expres• PHONE s. ions; of syinlAtll,y. $11110161111 0111111111.11.111111 turf{ :17t :Horne of Good Shoes a e 01 and below cost, until further notice. Note a few of our prices Team harness with collars, 525. Siegle harness, 8.00 and up. Halters, so to 75Cts. 5oct full raw hide whip, 35cts. Curry=combs, 5, to and H5cts, 20 percent olf all horse blankets, bells and Fitts. See our trunks, regular 2.5o, for %uit cases, from lot: 5 up. AT THE 1 REL .BLE WiiEHE iGS ABE BONE UP iii3HT, Terms Cash or' Trade at Cash Price HURON'S LARCEST I h ZURICH COMBINATION:STORE s ted We buy all kinds of good logs. Custom sawing and Planing mill work done on shortnotice. C 9