HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-14, Page 10 The Official , Organ of Zurich) Y :To nship, FRiDAY MORNING APR. 14, 191 I . 0 We have started a great Easter campaign of suit sel- ling. • We havt an immense stook of all the best and lat- est in New Spring Snits, Overeats, Raincoats, extra trousers, bats, underwear. hese, Erne furnishings and work goods, and we feel sure that. to buy your eloth- es here means money in your pocket. Our new spring :suits surround the wearer with an atmosphere of cul- ture • and refinement, a smooth dressy appearance so hard to describe but which depends, so largely upon the right style. We want you to wine in and look over our stuck. Pries s range from tis up. Bring your boy to our store 5to have him something good iii school clothes liitn. t,a rt mttitteel. and "best" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 We have_ suite for Prices from $1.5.0 up. ti 0 0 a part 'tient Everything is now in older anti the styles and ne,ti 13 uuvtlties shown will please you. Get your order in now for your new Easter hoiinct. We c ordially invite the ladies to visit our miliieery de - LOCAL E'S.. Read Chas Frittut ad„ 7 wire fencing awls; 23" cents• per rod, at 1 artleib s The results of thlIaster exami• nations of are Ziartch school will appear, in next: week's issue, Miss Ada Koe14r4:.of Toronto is home with., her i wrests, Mr. and Mas, P. Koehler. a.' Miss Alvada Woseloh of. London, is visiting her parents, :Mr.' tnd Mrs. F. H. Weselitli,' Owing to- ;MontiaY being, a coli day, Dr. Sellnry will not 'make his weekly visit here on that ;day, If you need any •paint, and oil to paint your house, s\•e sell at old prices, at Hartleib's. A smart boy w'ynted to work in the flour and teed..ATtere,' Apply to Wm, S. Ruby, Znikeit, D. S. 1?a:ust handles all kinds of Pratts ,food for horses, ` cattle, poultry`etc. • . Onion seeding has commenced and the ostial large quantity will be put the -ground. We aro in the onion belt sure, Mr. Edwin Koehler of' the Diol- sons, Dashwood, visited his parents Mr. and. Mrs. P. Koehler, on •Sun- day, D n't take up your carpets while. honsecleauing. U ie our `vacrn in' cleaner saves ''time and eprpete. .sy.. — amv e..m. ra el *0 New 5pri : g Coats We are showing our i.0W stool. of ladies' slarieg jackets, 0 made up of the latest cloths and the latest s,yles and colors. New Dress Goods Just a word about our Dress Goods. Our stock is still very large in all lints; consisting oi• the very latest anti . \\i•c reel confielent that we can c: popular goods on the marl. t suit the nest particular taste in Goods. We extend a cordial invi see the many lines we are showing SPECIAL—Panama, black 00 cents a yard. our largo display of Dress tation to the ladies to call and and navy, 54 in. wide, at J. Pree'ter.. tdr. CalviuWllliat.ms l.eft,,fnr` his home inir'3uffelo after spending tvva weeks holidays With his pare,/its, ,Mr. and Mrs. J' A: \\'illia.ms. Miss Emma Gingerioh of Exeter, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pan Gingoriolx of the Bronson Line, over Sunday. Chatham kitchen eubinet ftir s"rile Only a yeear•.an . a half in use. Will be sold cbettX�. `' Plilit z • Laurie shotiider nearly arrays due to ltheumai,tist, of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free ap plication of Chamberlain's Lini- ment. For sale by all dealers: le Between 60 and 70 preaoheis end lady delegates will attend the 47th Annual conference, of the Even- :elioai Association in the Evaegelt- cal euuroh, next week. Mr. Jacob Haberer apiarist, has trane erred about sixty hives of bees to his lot at the South end.. I3abrrrer has several hundred hives'an:d informs Ties; 11u iALD that they stood the long winter fairly well. Rev. A. D. Gischler attended the Sunday Schopl workers convention at Exeter, las week,,. Steps were telteii to organist: Seats Huron as a district for the purpose of negotiating with Abe Provincial Sunday School .Association. Mr Wm. O'Brien, President of the Young Dfen's Bthle class o1 the. Evangelical ohurele,' was elected Superintendent of the Adult Bible olases for South Huron at the 5. S. convention, at Exeter, last week. Billy hate *been a tactful loader of the Yonne 11Iau's Bible class, 4of the Evangelical ebarch since it was organized, The coin- mittieo made a Wisp choice in electing 'him to such a prominent position for South Enron 1 SEASONABLE -HARDWARE 0 0 and Barb Wire, Carpet Sweepers, Washing mac - 111 hines and Wringers, Curtain Stretchers, .Poultry '6 ii Netting, Garden Tools, Etc. aoc Gold Medal. Twine, Peerless Fencing, Coil gi 0 '' I ODUCE ,TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Preeter, Tele ahoy e. 9ZURICH fi ;,04' *3 E3: Na 37 ANWIANWAUMUMiaNAMMIWAN Mi1lin ry p in Friday Saturday April 7th April 8th We have the .most accurate display of ev- erything that is new in Ladies' Hats, contain- 2e ing_ an illustration of all the latest features for Spring. The hats are becoming and beautiful, and prices very moderate. We Cordially Invite You. Summer Dress Goods 131(.31 Those ladies who are anxious to have the latest in Spring and Summer Dress (roods, will be delighted with the many beautiful cloths on sale here, We have the following kinds , Crepon, Pongetta, Dress Linen, Foulard Radium, Poplin, Mull, CrepeVoile; Giughams, Silkoline, Etc. Wall Papers Now is the time to make your selection of Wall Paper. Come in and have first choice. we have a full line which will suit any i•ooni and any pocketbook. Gents Furnishings Just received an immense stock of Ready inad.e Suits; also carry a good line of Suitngs made ytp„to q,Eder, uewist spring llrts, fancy neckwear, and all kinds of hosiery. PRODUCE OF MAKS' Mail a FAUST PRONE 17 ,3 I�yg ,y +,F Zc�t 11 1 C gH � i �`�` P 1�U-1t ii Rv"V ; ` VV1ln'U J U�ti`IPAR :WiAl�v�ANV* A full Stop of the most up to dil,v,'e.. Shoes for Easter are HIiown here, The .A adcan en.tiernan high Shoes and o .,"ords Call in aria look at these shoes befoi"e purchasing. These Easter Shoes Were Carefully Selected Shoe R6pairing iione,,I--lere Butter and Eggs tieken in exchange SAM1Ei FAUST 1 Our Ali ITIS Not� f F, BUT TIIE ,,,,„,,,,,, .I • i-4 of 11911 ll 0 tl tj Jewellery Store ani the land almattesuisiremomrsaar.M..Ktert.:SSF noramoccomeNntnct.cms •pwY. ,Ea•'.im[Y.4.Lerevap¢LunPsmrfx'a.aom'..oiOtmvmnm We thank you for your patronage. Those who are not just acgw inted with this Store, we will ask you to Trop in, whether you btiy or not. moo womassoarawavolawmarrieenermaw....M.....aniraclosmcneemmancemsmows.enommnsmineffergrim. Parana We know what we Self and we sell what we Know GOODS RIGHT PRICES RIGHT FWH JEWELLER ZURICH GEO. R. HESS, Manager of Clock Department