HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-07, Page 7it
it you RIavp ,031 l acct,
' from Dragging T
It's Year
Proof of le -Riney sickness (an'alevays
she round in the urine, wh[rh is fill t.f
sediment and is attended, by a bare.
Ing or scalding sensation. .It Int:ts to
krtoop; to bend over,, you have dizzy
: h'pellls, ts-tabbingr pains run through the
small of the back, downright w.lamiese
oppresses both body and mind.
What causes kidney trouble? What
brings it on—even a strati wilt preC.li•
tate an attack, but better news is hors
to :'tire it. No remedy is so sure a3
IDI. Tlam.ilton'•s fills of M %:tdrake and
Butternut, which stop kidney trouble
at its beginning. Dr. Ilants'ton's I ills
put new life into wick 1•idueys-•-hive
them strength and vitellty. tone Stem
up so they can filter out the puisoxts,
twnti instead of these stagnant wastes
;elogt Ing up the blood and kineeg eels.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills catiee olein to be
cn,rried off through the urlu*. and bow-
els, thereby preventing trout, et c.ema •
tram, gravel arld Briitht'. Disease.
':Fou'il ,quickly find health, comfort,
stronptlx, good blood, clew complexion
and freedom from bank -strain and went,
ineiss by the frequent case of 'Dr. limn -
Moil's Pills—they 111'0 rttild and guar-
anteed to cure perrn:utently -?5c we
box, all dealers, or The C to ruozone
4".•O.'. Kingston, Ont. _
Women seated along the. side of a .50
Cam ,car. In one place,,between two wo-
men, a space of maytbe six inches. ,inter
another woman, a 'big woman, who meet;
this narrow vacant space, and says to
the women on either side of it:
"Will you move up a littler
This they do, though they can't move
intra., a matter of an in••^.h or two on
either side, making that space perhaps
eight or ten inches wide. still not big
enough for anybody. But tact, big woatatt
essays to Cil: in it, and Onee seated she
erowds her way back into it, crowds and
crowds until she has nearly flattened
the two women beside her.
One of these two women rises finally
and says to the, big woman in a low
tone, quietly and coolly:
"You would be more comfortable if
you bad the whole seen" end them the
woman thus dktpossessetl stands tttl in
front of the big woman and holds on
by a strap.
T H -L E
Is to use ONE Dye.
that will color either
Wool, Cotton, Stile or
1Vl'ise d Goods Perfectly,
lion will find this in
Send JorSomple
Card and Story
Booklet ,'J
CO., Limited.
Montreal. Con,
'IIITit.Y this Modern Dye alt you have to do is to
nee: ter DY -0 -LA then you CAN'T make n
aelstake and use the Wrong Dye for the goods
roe have to color.
'Tette Prodigal Son had returned diswen-
atcl:rte to the family fireside.
e'But where is the fatted calf?" he cern-
plumed Querulously.
rhe Old .man was equal to the occasion.
I:, the front row of the chorus," he
ohvrk:ed. waving a couple of seats for a
l,urleiaale show before the eyes of the
3'redlret Son. And together they made
Meld of R.
ISthe dame15
to remembgr
en you need a remedy
for COUCHES .and COL -MS
Et B. A t eks. fihe thief chemist of
Apoeste. 1 iekers Sots and Maxims
We t t 'Barrow, tares that they have
felled an alloy ahirh they believe to
ire eoperinr to anything of its kind hith-
erto ina.nufartured, and that the com-
pany has decided to tnnaufaetttre it on
a large scale at Birmingham., While be-
art. elightltl heavies' thou pure aluminum,
it is as strong as steel, and it can be
rolled?, drawn, stamped, extended or
forged at imitable temperatures. It is
'NMI corrodible than other high ahxmiume
elloyal linter all the usual eOrroSiVetetsts.
)t its anter one third the weight of brass.
Pt. opia Poisoned by Catarrh
They Make j , Advancement cement of Re-
i Wines , "ctrl f t<Ionai Standards.,
• p. field tool: t(n ttti
a• a' `e"••
h .
, il
Pe) altrtutr,an
44:0 40, . exjerb that con
'ncila ivill,elapse befoe the yellow Aic
a+ill Uc :ifn Ver•tneated by Uhristiartity icS
lltlx wltitc lace already 13 1211ey remetl> e
Ilei' that "it took J uddhrms three hun-
dred years before 'it ,Obb incd eff'iciafl
recognition, and many cflt hales shore
before the amnia of thteepepple Were ilt-
fltlenced by it"
ilatat•rh is the most (Onitnnrt sottree of
tae ii poisoning. flour by hour, inflamed
zrtrt e•(•S are pouring into the blood,
roan), vieinta substances that spread
amaze to every part of the body, and
'b ahoy vitality. C;atarritozone 00ntains
a.rowatic vegetable healing oils and bel•
etswt thnat J•ffeetively destroy catarrh
genets : it heals congested eutfa es, arta
Ltreveets fit e formation of catarrhal
poisrttl+. ('atarrhoa0ne i:t. e.:'ftreme[y,iklea'
. sant t it' is not a drug Cute, but excrteee
a, ruurt1O-191141i pnrityitygeffect Oak
•tarrbozons ndaah44s tit .Nrtr(edte pa9str e•
ways throttgltewl>it'f( air _enters the lungs;
and tarries heal' g 1vriti!t. it. Th' is
ssnk3ntific rehLn4 ^Mitt , rational, and ‘ex
fier.lenee^ :lire eett}s: ettsf tlro'u ttfltice of etlsee
kale proeetVicIetn eibezone'to bei'thlt only
effective" clot 'Catrirrltr , bronchi
dila, Cto>tgile', Cottia.aind irritable Throat.
Sal IN dealers; `carie, .50h;, $1,00 alt"alit.
Ari. ad_ dCtttter+;
Nevertheless, none despond at the oute.
look, for they perceive .that the e.g•
gressive rivalry of Christianity, coupled
with the coming diffusion of education
among the masses, is bound to raise.
continually the religious plane of the
Chinese by forcing the native faiths to,
assume higher and higher fonts Weider
to survive. A silent, secret permeation
of the religions of the far east by.the
ideals and standards of 'Clltristlaavity is
inevitable; and if eventually. they 'proem
capable of making a stand against thel
iuvader, it will be owing to their heavy"
borrowings from it --Brom Prof. Edward.
1lsworth Ross' "Christianity in China"
in the Mareh Century,
(Metropolitan Magazine.)
A small boy from town was spending' i
few days in the country. One morning
he heard the grown folks complaining of
having been kept awake the night before
b1 a skunk.
Willie burst into tears. "Why. Wiilie,
what's the matter ?" the fond mother in -
Why didn't some one waits me up ?"
be blubbered. " I never smelled a. spunk
in alt my lite."
Mothers, if you wish to guard the
health of your little ones against the
sudden outbreaks of those ailments pe -
miller to childhood, always keep a
p:y of Baby's Own Tablets on hand.
These Tablets never fail to relieve baby
of distressing stomach aches, pains eons -
cried by difficult teething and the many
outer little troubles that make baby's
life miserable. The Tablets are sold un-
der the guarantee of a government an-
alyst to contain not one particle Of Opi-
ate or other injurious drag and they
may he given to the youngest bitty wiiix
perfect safety. Concerning. them, Mrs.
ffypolite Chiasson, Eastern Harbor, N,
5., writes: ".We have used Baby's Own
Tablets for our baby and they have done
her much gond. Please send us two more
boxes, as I find theta the only medicine
that helps Our little one." The 'Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or at Zai
cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Mcd-
icioe Co., Broekeille, Ont.
'Many persons, -young and old, often
wonder how the modern eleetrie 'cars,
trains and l0eontotives ate operated,, and
what. electrieit'.is. No one knows what
eleetricity ia. 1 e. know some •of the
things'thn.t 5L will do; we have, to a
certain extent, learned how to control
it•, and,'for want of a better name, we
pall it a fluid. We have diseoverod, too,
that it is one or the utast important
forces, if not the most important force,
of which we have any knowledge, We
are almost as ignorant of ninny other
great forces of nature, am, for example,
the attraction of gravitation. For the
present we must be content to observe
suet forces in action, and to devise the
hitst methods to control theist. Irl this
knolvledge mankind hots pro greened
wonderfully within it few years. ---From
"Famous Pictures" fit April St Nhiho-
That is a barbarous way of treating
corns --dangerous, too. Att;r .orlt. bunion
or callous can be removed quickly and
painlessly by Putnam's Painless Corn
Extractor. Putnam'.s Corn Extractor,
mark the wants. Safe, prompt, painless.
Sold by druggists. Price 25e.
(Buffalo Express.)
"You have none of the things left
Which you enjoyed as a youth, Iiave
you, Uncle John?"
"No," said Uncle John, who is it sue -
easeful man, "f swapped 'them off as I
went along."
tit' 11
eqaiakly btops cough ures colds, boats
t$o throat and lunitzs. • . - - 25 cents.
, The will of John W. Wallace, of
13rooklyn, who died :t fsw months ago,
contained the following novel provisions,
which, it is reported, were literally car-
ried out:
"That my body shall be placed in a
pine box not to cost more than $5, pbte-
ed in an express wagon, and taiy�-i��to a
crematory, and that a:ftei• crt'1 atibu,
the ashes shall be scattered he a field;
the entire cost of the disposal of the
body not to exceed $50.
"My reason is that I believe that a
man gets out of life all that he is en-
titled to, aecording to the amount of
brain and energy he puts' in, and when
lie dieshe should not' oedupy l Lound that.
nuty bo needed for highways 'or 'foie
planting corn or for any othdr, purpose
that further generations may have for
it, I believe that when. I die,•lny money,
If I have any, should go to those depeti-
•den upon me, an; i• not inti expensive
oofflns and flowers,' ---Case arid Com-
de 00
pink eye, epizootic, disuara all mete an
d t
xeaudalt qtae e ie metier tow•d1pdaed kept front having
1iese diseases withSN(?lliV'S LIQUID
orsTtiMI'l+,tt CURE.
sits doses often trine i ease. Cue fie -term bot,tie guaranteed to
Meat thing for brood rattro3. y{,6 to ou the brood, zee and lu a
a$ti tied t11 tt dote:n exiles. " Dregglais and harness shops.
Altera" -41:4, WITO GT;S A E• DitUO CI IS*1 S.
OilN itILD'ICAL:4Q5, Chetuiats. Goshen, Indiana, 15. S. A.
t ftp bas it Mean (fspis win, hasn't'"
ht,?' "1 eheeuld:saeeeo, .It's the kind of
s man' *he'll rake in a jackpot on a
blue and tljelt,'aft$tt':l;t:'s Stacked up this'chips, Will 'tdpr'ead oust four hearts and
a spatter^'for st'erybotly to look arty'•---De-
tri tt .%+rue Press.
'-.'SILENT" `>.` E
They -make no poise er *puttetr—L quiet, steady illame. The match
for the smoker,' the office and the home.
Allgood dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, F breware,
'tubs, Pails and Washboards.
The E. e EDDY Co., Limited
`TIB 51o"UTTttl Tt1-Ilah 1, t3a1 Y lI
s:7 uosttt .-:'eut, t• 'ltlo '
reatnulelN' altiidforl. tet:mecitAlfrr#t3vd pTyled', 1-ati-
T F 1Q "4441+. LOOKING VOP. Tete!
A beat 11,, t irglIfirt proposition in Cain,
aria one that appeals to everyone, apply
to aellery, Attvertlsing Dept., 288 .Albert
street. Ottawa:
a for work at line paying $2.c0 or $8.00
per day, with opportunity to advance.
Strare time Call be used. Work not Wel-
(felt and renulres no. experience. 'Winn
store Limited.:4padina''avertue, Toronto..
USE'S OIL, Qt+atter and Dollar Stops
t+ pain and soreness anywhere- Drug-
gists everywhere. B. McKay & Co.,
Flat: Ilton.
Every Woman
is Interested sod should know
about rhe wooderfut
a11'iRV , Whirling Spray
Then ncvr Vaginal Syringe. arst-
-Most cAnvettient. Si cleanses
instantly. Ask you
if 1- tanner wooly the
MA kV lit. accept no other.
but send stamp for illustrated
book—sealed, it gives full pectic.
, •. __ .. _ _ Mars and directions Invaluable to /adios.
}jt, 0101
{Wether, Ont. Grimed Axone. for Cana
(Southern 'Worlunan.)
The' eeminule Indians of'Florida sit,
eat • and sleep on ptatfnrins raised about
three feet from the 'ground Ruder ti e
roofs ee .'their houses.. ' In each village
the houses are ,So !thrarrged as to leave
an open space in' tate "iIJleele of the earnp
and in the centre or' .thi,s; is the cooking -
house. here food Is ouestently kept un
the fire, for there ;are lip hard and fast
meal hours.
Tltey go about dressed in native cos-
tume The men wear, en ordinary oe-
castons, merely a, Shirt of., gayly culored
alteo,; To titin they add, whenever they
eau obtain one a. derby hat and a few
bendanita hatitleercltters axountt the nettle
This is .their ordi)tary'.•drees,
On gala occasioriss they wear a turban,
made or. a shawl held together by a band
of ,I:arnrnered silver, 'and -.sport dei egret
or an ostrich feather 'beautiful woven
belts with symbolia designs ; leggings and
moccasins of buukskin, and a gorgeous.
caller) coat. .The use of burk,kln upper
garments has long since been ,lisoontin-
ved on account of the Treat : tate leggings
and moocaslns have survived, but are no
iengor worn about the cantos, u.s they
mould soon become wet and useless.
'Mie 'women ere more fully read titan
the einem Their costuxtte consists of a
k,t 3 and a sleeved cap of *lance. Ahout
affair• • ° necks they wee enormous emeses
of" heads. from the strings of which they
'Often hang sliver coins. Many of the
Women wear brooches. or bangles beaten
troth silxer eolns by the .native steins.
Like most Indians, the Seulinoie• ,lo not
etre for gold in any Metter.
South American Trade.
SnuLli America bought 8, ,54,204
worth frim. the United aerates last year,
an increase+ of over $10;001,000. Argen-
tine gave its °S6.G00,t)OI) i,i tine inerease.
Brazil $5',000,00n and'Chile $:1.000,000
Ecuador . contributed iteerty :$00,000,
Perri fell off $12.2,000...e •
',Spanking aloes not. -e+ ' •''l'cren of
bedwetting: There ins :t eensiliur iuual
enuse for this trouble.' bite. M. 5nrn-
rners, ,Roe W., u. Windsor, t)nt,,,witl"
send free to any mother her yueve3stitl
1101110 treatment,• with 8111 instructions,
Sencl no money, but •,-rite 11er to -day if
your children trouble you in this Way.
Don't blame the child:, the chances are
it can't help it This treatment also
cures adults and aged peiiple troubled
with urine difficulties by day 'or night.
Mari as Quadruped.
A prominent Derma ilitil.oaist main-
tains that ratan male a serious mistake
Mice in his dcvelopaneet'lie made a
biped of hitnself, lie eonteniea that the
backbone strueturu of once tvets design-
ed for horizontal pnsitioue_ytnd. that
many of the alit willcit Ile le subject
to arc due to this ,lepaJ•tlki'e.
The deacon's wife weldedd' to jot down:
the text, and leaning toward her seine:
glace nephew, site whispered: "flava
you a card about you?""
"You can't play in church," was the
solemn answer. And the good woman
eves so flustered She forgot all about the
Your druggist w0l refundmoney if PAZO
OINTMENT fade to cure any cane of
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Idles in v to 14 days. eoc.
13cwuuse there is more light in the oky
ona clear, moonless night than oan fan
attributed to the sitara Clertitaii scien-
tistl'ine evolved a theor• that the earth'
is surrounded by a Iltlninotts coma rat.
eenbbling that of corsets.
s a
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
(Chicago 7 ibt.,, e.)
stration Officer—Where were you
born 4
Possible Voter --I don't know exactly.
Somewhere between Nein York and Stn
Franoiico, tlhOugIJ; 1 NV aa bleat in a diri-
gible balloon,
Unusual ri,ihility of iiyitts has been
reported to the t1•.ydr,graAle oiiiec ly
Ceet,.Thontas E. (.itn h, of the 1-Inald
Baa,k.lightthip, (lull of elexieo, ice
states that. on the night of .lttnua,,y
the jug clert•ee atter Nein; almost Non
tinueee for a week. .i.t 5 a.1u. on .Tante
ary 17 an object Was sighted, wld.tl al,
peered to be a t•httnnel buoy or email
boat. He luW'tl'tl the Motor boat ,and
proceeded toward it.
After going in its direction for ten
miles he made it out to be a schooner,
111111 down, probably six utiles tux Cater
away. At 7 pan. the light's of the ("By
of Galveston were pittinly vi able. lie.
tweed 7 atul 1) p.m. Bolivar light, thirt).-
thrce miles distant, was easily :•ecu reg.
'utterly Wishing every ten accent's 'l'lte
observations were taken front a Iv:de-lit
abbe -e des level of tell xt•tL. •13altimore
1 eensitler M1N.lftil'. 1.1`:i`,11?•N'!' the
11Es!' Liniment, in r66,1',
'got- my lout badly jammed lately. I
bathed ft well with MIN 1Rine 11NI-
MEN'!', and it w•a a; nevi as ever 'text
1'e ur; stew .retro•
T. ei. \101''1.i.leN.
and i$II1LS
Wesal give you a Handsome
Wien ur Fountain Pen or 91.50
Cash. whichever you wish. for
toiling 9#.00 worth of
our opren did Moat
8 trde. They uneasy
to ,ell -everyone asks
for note oftbeter. Seed
ee9 your name ended-
drese andwe will sena
you the catch prepaid
-lull them and send
,ts our money and 17.
will sent Sou your
prevent, or yeti may
keep 31.60 and aeni,us
batance,wt lehereryert
present it you sen the
cards withal to days.
Overland Merchandise Co., Dept.. 33 Taranto
' ti4 Faint Valise--Rallssay's Paints
.E*talbiitehe•d seventy years ago, the
leading brand. in Cat:alta to -day for good
paint value its iLtnicsy's faint.
The name is n itou.aeltuid word
throughout. ila.nada from the Atlantic to
the Pacific, anti to those who know aro
haloed upon as the standard ill paints.
They are of smelt durability, 'beauty,
and tons trhttt they are unequalled in
}(iv1ng entire SJatiefttefiult to all who use
them. While 311151) painte are thorough✓
ty tested and the product of years' ex.
perienoe, they are positively pure, wear
fttlwet paint life, and at thYe sante time
thee are Canadian made. Itamsay's
Paints. are certainty giving great plea-
sure and sat-isfelettien to thousands of
!touter throughout the •country,
Svmpatby .mill encouragement Sias the
keynote of fart lnxpri Sive nddreee in Er-
skine. e tlifirell ;tt t1•dit interning by Rev
S. Burnside. 11 .soli. Ile kindly lank,
the syntpitthntite word, the noble net to-
ward those one daily e0r,10a in et ntae't
with. in the home, the workshop, place
of buoiueee no metier where-.rt'ill do
nisch to enenttrltgc, and sonio tndrrchant•t
would tlo well .tftiuleO to have a kindly thus:-."
word of praise to the deserving 1.113'3 iti+ t►
iu tittlir er11)1(t). 111441!11t ..f c•arpitdt� trail• Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
ciy:n. 't'" git'lr rami kindly to ak. :1 - --
sympathetic word, ora few 11.3.)s'!Jo![- HIS $105 WAS SAFE.
laving would be helpful.
(Washington Star) .
I n.:truid that woman is inclined to
be selfish and supercilious."
"Yes,"' replied Miss Cayenne. " What
renders heaven most attractive to her
is the belief that a lot of people she
wee:ttt't titre tar will be denied adroit -
'1'ite setter wtih lt.t' toitett est anemia
of SWCOIInine to tel. *,,rued, et
te) „Agee
Aril itetliasulves so quitetly, too.
"73 is ntade-frrnt Pure Cane Sugar,
:and under tee ;neatest care, for put•-
• lav in the protests of ntnturfacture,
• , liven alt selene Ita;;t are cotton lidera,
and -tile Barrels, wait h are made of
Rini staves are paper 118e61.
Try St. Lawre*nce Sngar today—
" The Sweetest of the Sweet."
The ;;t. Lawrence sugar Refining
Limited. 5to r;real.
German Wealth Growing.
The private fortunes of (Zeman stab.
jecto have increased by .$1'3.,1130,3)O0,000
within a decade. 11 ot'lctttcn's wxt>;es
throughout (1t'rMA11 y IitVe 111,T:4158rt on
an atvera.g,, by 414 per rent. 1111ring the
last 32 trate.
tayyeticldy stove coulees. cures sot ts, Iteels
thea lhrtent and IunOs . - o 0 eceata.
7.'lte grain, as ;t unit of :neiiSitrefltetlt,
was introduced by llenry 11.1.. who or-
dere3. at grain of wheat gathered from
the swindle of the 'ear 1,4 bre the steal -
dura of weight.
Minaret's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Chinese Rice Paper.
C:tintese 1l e.l)alael• ilrt9 11.1 Tlyd ill 13 s
volupusition. Te.. ,'uriuuely- brittle, pule
white maters) el`Jt;d for the marvelous
drawings of..Ch:'teed" artists is nianufae.
.tured from'the nitr`of ti•tree poeuliar to
Formosa. -"the a ;:t paper was not tirade
of reit. cotton, ler by the Chinese. Rag
paper was mad,: ht Arabia moire then
ten c6rituries age, and. the Crusaders
hronght the intlust.ty,eo Europe, where
the first paper mttinifaetory was estab-
lished in lite last tsar: of the thirteenth
Most on Transcript,)
He—So "Rote 3:11l.'vea in women Voting
elected to liitleat office' the
'iota being1
e. me ua metr
$Iia --•'yes, anti Nfie says 11)11 5081(1 have'
the nand -she heti g by constituents Chan-
rr&1. to kissi1tlf.
'New York Son.)
'('here was 31')O in the lett trousers'
pt,t:ket," panted .1 white-faced man, as
he all but fell into the little tailor's
eres,tlne attd cleaning shop.
The tailor gtuueed at the excited citizen
and .vent on pushing the gore°.
After a minute tee new arrival got his
breath. 'out lost lrls temper. "I say, there
sees $105 in the lett trousers' pocket," he
repeated. shaking 'i3 fist.
•'Yell, 61161 I a'edt dere vaso t ?" the lit-
tlrr tailor asked. " Dere isa de pants.
Mebb;6" he Ise dere. reit," pointing to a
noir or trousers oa nail.
The left pocket gave up a roll of bilis
and a cigaret case, the right pocket g,
bench nt keys, a penknife, and a pound
of outer Sunk : the right back pocket a
ulagazIne pistol and a handkerchief, the
left beak pocket a big memorandum book
and the Cob poolcet a watch with fob and
charm attached, and some bills tightly
.Atter the absent-Jnladed one had given
the tailor $.5 for his "honesty" the knight
of the goose soliloquized : '•Sorne day dot
"eller i'orgit his bents•"
Take LAXATIVIS B13OM() Quinine Tab-
lets. Druggists refund money it it Iaila
to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on
each box. Sec.
(Philadelphia Record.)
Nell—Mrs. Dashaway used to say she
wouldn't marry the best man living.
Belle --Well, she huts the satisfaction
of knowing that she didn't.
4 l66
Minard's Liniment for sale every.
"1 heard 'Carle .Joe talking about some-
thing he said he saw at the horse rn.eec,
but I know better," confided the recent-
ly--ehotstised small boy to his chum, "Be
saw 'em right here, and they're my ma
rind p3." "What did he say?" asked the
eltuna. "Be said he saw a spanking
tetlln.e'•-linitimore American.
Gents for "fetid sample to Dept. iia',
Nal ionat Ia1•u f +itis DbI1'44 ai Co,. 'TOOl