HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-04-07, Page 5POialOADflq11)gp411/1111/®404040UDOWIL)ADCIaYDADti XADNICDAD01494MGYII,CD Wg1011090C.11121:00PCIISIDOMINIMIOUIDOP,, mimazigiumnoaa APi DAOWVD9Da1NDUDADW11?ADaiIDAiGD cording to Goiern tent Estirnates leas made in Western ADVIYDAPdstIDsse aNiaseas DADsseeese eesseesele T ov&n ProOert y during the year 909 —: Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the propositions submitted to you by your western friends for future consideration? In short, are you the man who made a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess sufficient judgment to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal ? The man or woman entitled to sympathy is the one who says: "Five or ten years ago I had the chance to buy this or that property at $100 or $500, and now it is worth $10,000." The average person sneers at the person who makes such a statement and says: I would have bought and made that money." Are you going to say five years from now that you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta., at from. $50 to $100 each, or are yougoing to be the man who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of `having bought property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ? POE A COMING COIVIMERCIAL,, CENTRE Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed- monton and Saskatoon. Itis located in one of the finest farming districts in -Western Canada. The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point. These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost of living, and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town, thus creating valuable real estate. POE AS A MANUFACTURING CENTRE This townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by large manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming lands furnish farm products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost. The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring the necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor, one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre. ce .4 a�oQs@hsoh 4)4 v, itee a� hy4jV 4.? h �joh h�"C c r 4jy„ a4o® 0913ACD(.^AAD4DCCDS)CDCIIJBDCDGEADOD[QYDar)VGD039CD.('CM4DCD3nCDCp.',.'DCD'�.0®C0,760DCDOt•:1OCDt` 0,11,01VIDUDC'V9CDi®40,203)APILfiAS,CD®DCD$3&OADb91D6J6T'iCOMID8DMIGDODQZIEDCP ^ VVDOMOCW=COMMDCD 9lC'',CDLLr-' r1b4CID6DQS6U8Dh'®CDD.`...5)6DQ. CIDaZOID.rinZer.bn=c>CD, Poe townsite was reaenely placed on the market and already over 200 lots have been .sold, and many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase in price. Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada, who are now profiting by their foresight. The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes. OPPORTUNITY is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make money, but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these desirablequalities are entirely useless. Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow rapidly. Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do not buy now it is because you are Inciting in courage, and the chances are you will never be like the pian you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise. TORRENS TITLE Poe townsite is held by us under the Torrens system of title. Under this system the tittle is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe. ,Ie PRICES AND TERMS Prices of lots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in ;six, twelve and eighteen months. ar INFORMATION . We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town and its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish els receive this attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon and marl it to us to -day. L, LANDS, TOWNSITES AND INVESTMENTS Union x . ,nk eiamt Winnipeg, Canada 2:1.4)®AD®AD(iDO OMOGN„D taIDAD®AD®O Sit upa.d• Take Notice 8 We have on display g our New Prints, and -Dress Goods Almost it everything you could, 2 wish for in. Spring and Summer weer. Also our New Wall Papers, of the latest de - designs at popular prie. es. Call and Inspect uBefore Purchasing R. Ne DOUGLAS General Merchant, B L A K E. RDQ,b CDtBEIDODOSIEM ,'t DOt:N)OD(1912:0O DOODIDCDMPFXri,, erre 1 C mas MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a T9 full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and �tholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YEMBLUT & BEICHE T. "Our baby cries for Obai'rnbea ltl.in's CoughIteniedy." writes Mrs T. B Kendrick, .Reislica, Ga. , "It ie the best 'icouglh.'retnedy on the market efor, 'coughs, °olds''..and +croup." Tor sale by all 'dealers. For men's tan `high shoes. call at Sam E. Faust.. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. W. Slack proprietor of the portable saw mill located ton Mr. J. Watson's side road is having his machinery placed in position for sawing operations. Mr. Slack after completing work at this place will have his mill tranipert•ed to Mr. J Reid's Muth. on the Bayfielu road where a large sawing rontraet :twee t:4 him. Mr John ,To:nisi-0n, who for the past four years bet': :Remitted the Naftel farm in Goderieli Township has leased the Thomas Stinctoff property, on the Lake shore road, for a term of years. .this fine farm consists of -a Olay sub soil, has ex- cellent heildings constructed thereon and is situated &id .sent to the corporation of the village of Bayfield. Mr. R. Penhale who is at present in the West negotiating in the sale of a oar of horses, has at present In his possession some fine stallions whish in the eyes of onnepetent judges would be considered. valuab le animals. These fine animals will snake their usual rounds through out this fa.nlittw rii,tei(et ,,.ht. . no doubt meet with tile enteral approval of the i o in ,r . Some people marry i',r sonie for mons; vv ro.t tri the difference and re:. • , of money. however tl+ , tit :., are at present at a perfect steed still and give no evi lane , its t what movement they will :make. The writer believes that these old partriarehs are waiting to see wbat "Reciprocity" does before they embark ou a "honey moon." Atter much patient waiting and: considerable mental anxiety some of the boys in Stanley Township have been connected with Zurich by means of the telephone. This will be a great saving of horse flesh whichhas been previously freely Beatified by the ;youths 'who went thither ostensibly few the purpose of seeing their best girls, Up.to-date tan .oxford shoes, 4.t Sam i'. Faust. ;BLA'KE ,T, Oo ch ands; annily and House. keep r 'Mrs. BcssenLerry, 'leftthis tweek for' the West. They took' a ear of'itnpleuients apd household effects ulc ng. Mr, Jno. Dinsmore leaves rt xt week with a oar for the same destination. We val's7n them YOUR. ©EP0RZUNIT Y all prosperity. Ross Johnston sold a woodshed to T. Johnston Sr., and it is beinge, removed naw to its new site. Mr. and Mrs. .0. Koehler spent Sunday last the guests of ;itr. v. A. Manson. We are pleased to report that D Beattie and family are recovering from their long illness. Mr . H. Talbot has erected a next little dwelling in which his mother intends to reside. Pater 13r,'neermen has inev,' on to the Huth farm, which Le le working on Chutes for n. term of fr e years with the new ptrehastn , Mr, J. Reid of Varna Mea. Bolts has moved into Mr. .Bre><nnerman' house. Miss Lizzie Allan left last .tatur- day for Detroit Hospital, where she has taeeuvvd a lire -alive position The` following shows the report of U; 8. S. No, a. Stanley, for March. JV ,el M. J. ' Meyers, Odwii:' Nicholson, Pearl McBride.. IT1 el Emanuel .Dioyer,, Jacob Moyer, Lorne Manson. Jr 111 Alberta rinl1.ay, oy Mo- iiride, i"lartt Ztpfe. ria: Sr 11 GlatiNs i)"nalue, Pew" 'i2over. ("ldirenon Put'ltt% r • .3 r ?, .),,IiII Moyer, l.iltie .Mcy •" .. •. teen "net. Ok' l'. If Ada 131eyt.r;z, flare» c• as it, Ere. T,. lI 1'lerbie .Moyer, Oowch..Gorden Zink. Let .1 Mary I inet'rich, Johe Oee h, e a, l McCtiiic hi,y. G. S. 19ovt urd, Teacher. s:.. DRYSDAL.E A pathetic case has Iately come tolight. An elderly woman. for rFitee ono of the society ladies in a fair Oanudi"n City and thought to be wealthy, has through unfortu nate investments fallen upon hard lines, and the sadness of her ease is increased Iby the terrible fact that she hes been striek.:::a down by an incurable disease. During bor prosperous year she thought but tittle of the future, and a lsrge tlf the • Government • but 4 pita portion of their weekly wages they can provide an income to begin at to or later that grill insure them independence and happiness no . matter how long they live. ('ive the mctttce a ..ur most :;...`it.ms eon, - sideration, and if you desire furth- er particulars on the subject these may be cbtainedl on application to your Postmaster, or to the Superin- tendent of temornn:crit ..n.^.uities, Ottawa, ton hem 'til letters go free of post'tge. portion ot• 11ar inoont0 r..,�.; spent til k.�: ��•:.» Cholera n, ,�t3 1iy f'; eaS1.. Diarru„ea Rctnet �;", t;ever fails. hluv it now. yt,mav save lila „keeping; up appeorunec". Now, penniless and honlelee,:, she inner t seek admission to Nome place of refuge; her friends of yesterday know her no more. Such cases us these should cense young wage ! earners to appreciate the fact that they may escape srteh a fat' if they t are but willing to targe advantage, of the Canadian (Government An- f nnnities scheme, for by investing I NOTICE, 1' otiee is hereby given that I vteill not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name with- out illy written order WILLi.ur March 22rd 1011-3 Mr. H. Howl rd, our • looal horse dealer disposed of a fine driver this week to Mr. Itoehler, Of Zurich. G. A. Pollock delivered a horse to J. Dinenore on Mortlay, P. Durand visited friends in &ioderioh.a.nd Stratford, last week. Mrs. Talbot Sr,. intends residing *ieh. her son Harry, of the l3rotiron Line. in the near future. 'Mies Nettie Ravelie of Grand Bend spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr, Howard. Mr. J . Johiasten, who hos beeu confined to the house since (Jhrist mas is reco veriug anti oxpe0ts begin teaching after Raster. . 11n J. Talbot is going ,extensively into the poultry business. He lilts" young chickens already hatched and several' more hens se t. Cured ills 1hom:a 1'..til 1 vv,.it_s .1contract:a tics a ttsia rmoo- snre.l'it'eyezts:;t;. ttu'l:''.' ailing lr, it ur•rtl'' mn'1 i!1 lr•;tl i) , cQ: th • time. I got ha'h i 1 :r}:> No. ;• Tablets anti too:, thein for : ha ' three weelvt, when tie lthcnnuatant nte, anal I have had no return et the pains since." 1, s. Father i err soy's "No. 7" Tablets cve er Mo3L ri2ey b�'�'&,$1�2R'm•royt have cured thousands of this terribly painful. disease. Rheumatism. is generally b o:lt lit en by o poeure, btzt is really caused ley -Uric Aciel in the blood. T1: it Uric A.4id is an irritating poison, formed. from the tyt.ste i:hatt r of the body. The l:idneys should re7p.ove it, but v hcrt ti ey f...t it poisons the blood, and, .,CiilIlly ha the )(::lits, Rheumatism. "No. 7" 'tablets clear out the clogged -up :Kidneys n.:d stimulate them to perfortn their task of filtering the Uric Acid out of the blood. \Shen this is done the Rheumatism simply and naturally vanishes. "No 7'' iltahletS test 58c. ret `our dealer's, Father Mort'iscy Medicine Go, Ltd. . tsatE•eam.,,. Sold. and Guararatecd in Zurich by.j.,,