HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-24, Page 80120, ‹VIDIP.4F4,4,1:allIskill4.• one 44W' ‘IVAbs 04.s.r.is .0' *a*. SUI mtwalersmsams.m.141...tmar,..¢.1.,.......orzgarcomr--..-m.....ernanr•*:ckeicruarlamanors Gc"‘v Att. 0 . ,,...,... • • A '..4.:Ztz,,,,,..."' ',-,41. ad'' ''',...=c:.•' hameps0‘ 41.. '-,-,, btfl..gopened and ph,ced on ,(3,,; Iy everyday new. If you . A "::"Vflir:It tO see wFic-..t Dame Fashaon created in styLederin for eyeing 191a. Pay this store a visit. Walipopers1 Wallpapers! W e hay, a h, .r.-.rtment of the naw - e4 (1.-( ,i,.9nt and eolorings. We fevl. convinced that we ..-.; pl, a.- ,.... you. - line iu and look over our szook. Ladies' Kid Gloves Dressed Kid gloves one and two dome fasteners, stiehed backs, metal clasp, gusset fin- gers. Colors grey. tan, brown, and black, sizes Zrom i The D & A Corset rea-ons why the best dressed women efteh :-eft:%ons cs,.(;ar lilt: D fk A oorsets are. v; Bei:.tas.. they in'odu, riot fashionable figure 33een:11..4e they aro the most etaniortable. Be- eanse they eost no more t -an the inferior eorsets' Have you tried them? Lac; and Embroideries ha-fe conip1,-.;.2, line (9t silk and ecftton inati..11., all colovs all ty; ••• flip"; t;) r "er', ..t ,,..;••1, r.'ttt! ;Or stoc,1c st:i•.t. aii(I i nil newost de- . .41.1ro-7,,. . "2. La Ia totes'trak)le New •eittention ,of (!.xelusive here. We have not sold •out our implement Business yet Wo are still 1.1.113,712.1.61=14111 forging ahead at the Old Place. The following aro some of our lines we keep in stook Plows 6"5: Repairs • Percival No. 10-13, Flenry's. No, 21, Cookslinbt all kinds, Wilk- inson all kinds. Land Rollers implements et Repairs Binders, Mowers, Cultivators (beStonade) Hoe Drills, Disc Mr. ros <best made) Eurelza Onion Seed. 1 /rills for all seeds, Eureka Fmntniri r ay- ers best in the niaritet, Oar. den Cultivators, Lou, don's Hay 'Fracks, London's Barn Fixtures (.; tt Buggies, Carriages, Wagons All our own make. • The general publio. will take notice that 1 an.::-:::911ng business int Mt; tog ,s Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap HigheSt Market Prices Paid for Scrap iron, R,ags, Rubbers, Copper,. Horse Hair, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER,'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash. will be paid or trade given. Orders* for collection a soran may be left at the same store, prompt attention will be given M. Wexler, '"" Junk I:Dealer, Exeter, vlitsta, kllatoo. 441) 1 have purchased the slioe business of Mr. P. Bender, and the same will be carried on at Bender's St,md, with Mr. Bender in charge. • ZURICH • ,IVIon,agustm.hoyem,rtrorn—rstorraSterS,Msossor,in100413.1./nr.....warenrolv.Vae,rarellUnkitarettatzeow.mse,-2.1rnlAtt • a OENERAL MERCHANT rich, tr Ontario Telephone 28 •1401P41011WINIII*491P4IIMION.411111P4111111 iere we p par ,with the finest lot of 00(1.5 ever shown in Zurich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see •if 1. cant suit you. Also carry an immense o. of samples to choose from. .A.11 kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light, prices low as possible. Lanitdrir in. Connection IV:\rt: H. HOFFMAN at and below cost, until further ZURICH notice. Note a few of our prices fa? , 1LSA .tf4, ring will arrive shortly, and has been bought from the best makers. Our prices will always be found right All Felt Goods at Big keductions ..a.MSIVIIMUIS.C.,LIZZOCX.V.S.I. I:Wan.. .1 tock 1,4 r 4,10;14 t Illessrs F ederick Baker and Jacob Krllortnan of Dasitwoud, were in town, on-Tratr,d ay. Anction Salo of farm s,..*:;;(0.; and itnIth:- immts on lob ti, °On 1 i lt,ty 0.1 Pri.a.y. 1 -telt '24th. Citritttrol. :\ I tl.:-.. 't' j1. E. liostallterry auct. Auction sale of fa,rut ?J.:v(4.... implemimb., on 1.,t III, Con. 9, nay, mi Thnt.sday 24.1.ur‘til :10t11, at nue ‘;,..1.1,1, ,11ttril. \V- III. Troemner prop., E, .1.; ,^.l.21.1.y put t. Auction 'tic cf fut t.!1:-1•;• anti 111 n•cltol 1 Zuricli, (t,i C .. tki4 .. A p:11 1 at oi:c o'clock :Mr.:. t'. '4. F tmt i.ror., 1E. R,sstmlwrry an,t. ; lits E. Fowler 1-4 Toeswttter ' . ltas itilten charge t..i the milliDery ,tiep:trttn•ent tit - -) . Pr4 17,t -or ',.i regstorv. • li .t, .g ukial 2.509 Or ; fctc the coming seost.n. 0,s,,,,s ... 1 e, btlildirnz intst ft.r st.le in Znrich. ;,.yut cases, i -.)5 up., ,. 9 from e ....,.4 ..,,,,,,,:s. .3,...,1', :4...4,..... •••,,,,aratakt,44.'sursv.4.-. Team ,harness with coHars, Singte harness, 8.0o and up. rilaiters, 5o to 75ets. soct fuil raw hide whip, 35cts. urry=combs, 5, io and 20 percent off all 'horse beils and mitts. See our trunks, ascts. 3;ankets, 1 blooitit. Also 1 lot 4 .., ws 1.), 11 rods i .P.4tpi:13, to Allmrt 1.tostr, Zrtrieli. 4; T17 I Titottkno0m.1 1)y.,411,,s! mooting,. of 1 the 817tingEt tiOtil .(t1oguti,iu will! ' lat ltonl in tht,t olv.ii-A.*.nt..*.t: 'A:lot:day, I , at '4.: it, in. i Mr'. and Mr.,. .1:‘,2till Kennel ' of 1 ria Blake, mourn at- tlentli of their TUE irn for 7""lEn7. DOTE PIGHT 6,1: 113;3 11. Ern r • Terms Cash Trade at Cash Price inFtot.citild, the sal, or'en;; ott.ty.ri int. Tuesday evenin Lost between 7a -t -i-.11 arid Lilt Maid Fount on tiatunitty. 1.W1 inst la, woollen 13..n -s) blanket. Finder I le Si 11, please lett,vo tt t ! oiilea.' Illv,.(;ern(11 /It map, who is in Berlin at presort inters Is leaving i at once for the West to take up a I • homestead. ' A year ago now ittraterA wore lmsy getting their lan L ready for seeding, lint front pre 3ent indica. tams farming operations will not commence for several weeks. The local branch of the Molsons Ban3.r.1 pas had SOttie neat lettering ! put on their windows and two largo signs Will be placed on the outside of their new block., Mr, Henry O'Brien dropped dead this week, while assisting in rea, moving no banks, on. the 2nd Concession, Heart failure was supposed to be the cause. Now that Spring iS a1 hand the various sporting organizations should be put into shape. The Bowling Club, baseball club and Gun Club Should all get into shape for the summer. " Then what is the matter with the Jubilee Silver Band? All .these organizations tend to bring our town to the notice of outsiders and•the Money spent is returned t) the business A mot 113 variotis ways. rTi ,oPHOPIE 13 4) v7.;-742, in7q. *.v.%, L\ r. ZURCI-1 sicunegvs _77,* 7,rwo, oyairrollnarto7arkeirissv,•=7,:. rwo,,,anInras toneenr,,soryreamrsmemaaanan dOW Get our combination Door=keeps you warm hi winter and cool in summer. Windows glazed and repaired. te We buy all kinds of good logs. Custom sawing and Planing mill work done on short notice. PliONE C. NAL )00 LEISCR ZURICH Qat.