HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-24, Page 4The Z,Irlch Herald.
. D (IDGEWIDelDeteeitf ,CIDOIVIV. . ., O,Pg4D •1311/CifieD131)4111kap OD e ewt.,1•139Ie
44 '
' ee • ,.
' • Vale, - le •,..0,,,. TSB clRY OE . TFIE TWO-THIRDS
Is the United States Narket Worth the Priei.'
, e .,. Ison
, x
fi, t .'l .'i . ,•••••,.....i./..r.
for it under Reeiprocity?
l.' Ineorpor ated 185ri, Y ''%.,
1 .most wild but , not• wicked. The
lines of beauty ;And intelligence
not wholly:effcd -yet. ths voice . From The Catiaclie 'Century
A QueAtion forayers •
eastern c. iff oa cheese was three cents
Sad, so very sad, • :tired, sick. al.-
ada iron SwitzerIcted. Tho • Canadian
Capitn1 paid up $4,000,000 Reserve 'Fund $44001000
a softened as he gaited,. 11Tho city *Then we alloav v quantities of food .Por P d. It is not reasonctble to suppose
., the hen Swiss eheetie can (tome 'into •
4:1 'Total Assets over 44,000,000 reaches ahnost 'anywhere . that from Australasia it the . twelve favoured
drew., foreign nations to' come freely. into Can- ' ada free the quentity imported will
a W
ereascapir•tions•rinthtahne cluitu.leiitielictisi?tates
ee Head Office float real steam. tr fiv els , '' :la o said She
aria how are we g
melt:tick breath. 1,1And. ealoens? (10
customs official at t a farm products Ye
• •• prove to Americau
a they reaoh everywhere too?" Well ere trying"' !'" send wrose the Un* d Even if the Recipropity Ag,reement did
Ras 78 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in IN pretty nigh it. -"Not to 'Vermont, states boun •,y were illy protium ''',et not lei, in Austetilia, New Zealand and .
.,/. ,
I tevelve foreign netions besides the United
all the Principal Cities Of the World. sir, not to Vernaont?" He shoOk Canada? . 1 Statet, even if Itoaltireafoafeet!oitridi:,: cunolltiittodencia.
re his head and laughed ; a qiieer,, dry Ask. you neighlao s thie que on.
a largh. Hard to Altat t horn out,' We may . . it tlie t•
SAVINGS DANK DEPARTMENT. g Me dam, but Ming try. it tip that United States will iusist
wey I guess onis • your station, regulations that will 'event . Canada 1 Stetes alqef,e, the majority of Canadian
d gain nothing by Recipro-
ee at all Branches. Interest allowed. at highthere est current rate. 'Ai.
ere are lets •of villages beyond it becoming- the back. di ' entrance to the j farmers 414 •
United Stelae for the greet food ex -I city, while hey would take very great
, and stages for the accommodation
porting collar' of the world. le i nets. _ ..„..•
Zurich Branch - J. .A., COT'AST.A.N.rTINE, Agent
a of travels. Non °unlit to .4. ..,
V10211.1 ones." 'Then to a lotrn VT 1 vet.3, an
.0 , enforeemeet hcee regulations '111 'e.. i AnyeeTa wl eelle .kee a :careful study of
no ,. Tho nceeeeity of I./ravine • elle nrark.... an L'f3 United States will note
...1DeelM.• cfeeMOGIDOZMOMDC:230GOVADO12=WeDCZLIO O en•MDclileMID/31 .
near by ho adped as Bessie passed I that ey • consigunaent. of fo d importe that 1:1 vices a ry in different sections
country. Boston, New York,
OTC : • "flint has been a -beauty in I into •• e iinited States from 'Canada of
Detroit, Chicago,
77 Ei. ri 10 VI n, E:11 "E' )17,
Pn hor ag.y. le$ a shame and disgrace 1 ally Canadian will scar Amer •, allelphia, Di I'
al, 1. Loa' ov Orleans and S a 11
,w7irra*Msagnasarrem. rerasoarlamronmes—MNemr,swm•roreatmer.are,...rrer ,.,
LEGAL. CARDS, for anY• man to. kill his wife oT 1 buYers•
prices for Canadian .farm pr Allots
They will natural' pay
Iitrat ea '11 have defeeene prices, aad
4(9 III iS. -14.11. D 11 ti .3L1
mother after that fashion; I'm
for irrizan the ykroducte . When ley there• le 'still greater variation in prime
in sti 1 ties, towns and villages through-
tf..J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER ANDoS'O- a glass and no •damagete to pay eh? toaiii-L , els of d spill with
P11111.,111TIED BY 111 . ZELLER. glut'. I'm a • hatb.elor" "Can take a
'leiter, Notary Public, liense le , On -nolo.
FRIDAY MAR 241h. 1011. cials.t°oms els 1ts to whether ley aro out
At Zuvich (Zeller's oillee) every lime- laughed the other, "Well, rnit'not genuine Canadian or come f coy •ies TI Canadian farmer should compare
day. When you lin re rhoutratisin in
, naeoh of a•driialrer now, but con- overseethe prices he obtains tor his products in -
e, •
found itn I wonlda t drag a woman Pieces are always etuatiet in lee a email villago• near 1
in Beaton, Now York, Chicago
his farm, nob with
leyel••1'ne Tleeiee.,nt erel you will .. ,
r..0 . WO .1.nel). a. tiling I'd swear oil to: United States, and N e a consiliame ' • 6f the prices
Caned' :11 Linter 0 ggs is being- hel u i . or some ollIer lerge IR in the lJuiteal.
foot or instep app Y • , .
quick relief . lt; costs but a quarter. 1 at the United btates customs awaiting States., tint with the prices obtained by
Barristers, Solieeitors. N,,te re. e Pell;.,.., i anew:.0-tv it I .N1ri":20 married. man"
on. Gcnierich, Canada, W. Prounfoot. au "'Better gotta wife, then". muttered 1
. proof of ger:lain/mob. the puce may go t farmers in all N Map., be „the United
States equally distant fipfil the great
K. C. R. Ci. Hays. 3. L 11 u811 171i v suffer e For sale by
his friend under bis brntath to. he i
1 certres of nopulatiop. Ili must take Into
dealers. t od, away for if neople tell the
BUSINES$ CARD S• A Tweedier oneo staid. that nn ,
truth your getting fttst enough ot ' kust ralaeitin Food for Canada
new.ena.per whieb. teok truth lot' 1 it, ,,e. On the ear.5 tit bat, .1. i
- arn-e i 1901, there came to Centicla from Australialportation to the fife ties of the United
1 Marina the Ogee.). year ending Nfarch 31, 1 cone' . : 1 - ae enSt of trans -
B. . PliiiLLEIPS, its stanataaworc.a. imk0
t, , pect1m. I .1;;;iiie b,,,,
,. their wretched room arid ''cow Zeaheed 578,089 pounds of batter, Statee, bet aleo th niddlemen's profits.
A table of ea urative prices in Mont-
"rY sacci. 'I he WbsL4 In ight `I'' I forsaken with. all it contained, not 1,139,975 pounds of tresh mutton and
AUCTIONEER, Exeter. turn the 0113ipliment by remarking i
la soul knowing they were gone or Iamb, 107,383 pounds of canned. meats and real and Bostlie week the Reciprocite-
Compact vet ado was compiled by The
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- that no minister who told the truth : whither ; hardly knowing this last mall quantities of other meats. In yiew
taction guarani cod -or no pay. Terms about his rtongreteatien, alive 0.1. i herself. The little, she carried as of the fact that such quantities are - im Montrod erald, a Libend newspaper,
-easonable. Orders lett at this offite dead, would ceenpy the Sunday
lin an old. valise. once Ben's ; her ported under the present tariff, what may with the ..••"eistance of a number er pre-
. minn- rocluce dealers and food experts.
will be promptly attended to. e.,„., , . much longer than one Sunday
i pufsie held Past three dollars beside be expeeted when the c a it.s
.greatly reduced as a reettit of the Recipro- Chee e- eggs, livc• ponit•ry, carrot% celery,
e, oeione, :squash, tomatoes, beans
Economical, 'Waterloo, Monareh, btano. t
I magnifying little virtues and kind 'he knew behind her . that early Neiftc and the Atlantic. New Zealand ' lest creamery butter was 4 cents per
ANDREW F. HESS', FU07., INSURAN- go hand in hand with the white alone -save for her weak•minded Farmproducts teem
city Compact with theUnited States.
Auetralia -and NOW !a cranberries all commanded higher
in Montt.ceil than in Boston. The
, afterward. '211c- press and clergy 1 their tickets, ins.d, euiptylutniled,
ce agent, repreeenting t , ,. i Wash brush, with. 10ey spectacles
Ile London,'boy Bessie 1-liltz left all the world Zealand come in be. )11)of both the • ewes!
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- 1 ly throning little deformities s,..r., 3„, Van ,e'•
thing in tire inemance. : iee-p-Itiiii, pen ai ,, ..‘ ,..., 4,4 ,r 14.,, . ..! 1 1 rr.11V0r 11M.1 11000 sc.ld ee i if . - . .e, • • • ... • , 1.. , .. • ... .. •
1 mornine• and turned 'ivy frneen lembseozniing in by etety of . , pwri.imil 1,1i,g,driffi,ei11,,,B.,,,a...::•,or.ir tlat,)i tia,,Minynit,re41,,
: tee, de 8... Tx., NiVal,,, ...1.-iaa.) ,, .1 NN CH .1,
W. C. T. U.
. . ..
Will Farmers Gain or 1.
When Canada's Door is
-------------•.-------.---""----" • eteetever.ecenc. 1: r•n partners in s'''171t 1 williont It Was a 1CaNC, ride lino 1 v nimpog. A huge coneigemene of le lb i ectit higher in Ifeetem 1)reeeed poultry ..
DR. F. A. SE.1,1,ERY, DENT1,,T, GIZA- 1 iutli.:ing.
she missed her work. She grew cd St. John, N. B.
caret:nes 11011 leTeNr 7..e.:0:111,.... IlEti iNVi':, 11... f:11- 1 V.veragel abent ilat, same in the -MI*0 eiLieS.
1 Hay and oats were considerably higher in
Surgeons, T.oronto, also honor grade- I . . The New Zealand stoturtA *p "A enet" 1 Boston.
dnate of the Itoyr.1 College -of Dental i
All citizens feel called upon oo- nervous when. her fingers vrere dis.
ate of Department of Dezititstry, To- eaeimrally to en theize' (i. oveynine.nt engaged, they had plied the needle is new on ite way to San Franc' eo with ! Since thee lati1-fee iteees have cleelinc-1
relate Unit .•reity. .ledel1 eta eel I-et:tier, , t-ir irni• 'eine ' re:I nine, ttna they ;40 e.t,n;;;Aiy tnese yortrs Von t tienning. 5,00 (.1re,,:nni... 0 ,,,sie,w, z,...,,,v.1.1.1 1,4 ..1.1,c nl., ,. ,, il 1:,.0...t... ,,., l
, !,. , ,;,1.i.. i e; the 1.,,,1
or t.L,L11.., Phil e work ti epce7•el'ae-• •••••1' v'eev.1: re Veeet-eelt it ',--'tts i10111•1'1•ting • eeeence'l e --••••.• rt n1) 1-• se eli.'7,11i 1'11, 1 • l'.qquantities of . butter, 'V y ...emeet•I.'iteeos. .*.. '1,'-'1!....4 1'1'11!:Ce :lealer of
3n Ine. 0,1..was intorestea, dtu1,41..(1, en;. 1)113n 11%.11,ted. l,,,,,. ',/..-- 1 lid.; • (1 .r.e-
" went of high enetom mule,. It i5 not I grant from Chmegeollering him 300 tubs
probable that sneli cargoes te,11 be diverted j of Septemlier ereuinery butter, cold stor",
to Canadian pelt.; when jcs leen1procity: at Is celita, Glee:ago. At the time this
Compact . binding the hited• Settee to j telegram was received the tenne 'elect of
achnit farm products ft•ef or at reduced !butter wee worth 24 cents to 05 cents in
1.8 alis and other Legal /o..uns . .. . rates from Anstralia, New Zealand tend; Montreal.
Mr. .1 :eve, Pece.ld.• lit of the Toronto.
kally and. promptly prepared. 011 80— 1 bill la CS t 3 1.1,.'' initialcd hy a 133.-.3331.3"..r i n.tnn,3.4..? ninonind. • Janne. bilt the the twelve foreigu co, Ili rice tleit have'
ZeIlei Ulock, Zurich, Ont. i 91. lIcatls ef t.1/0.3rertt deprottmelitg. ittl.1./.11 V‘'.0r.iali...t-ttk sistring straight favoured nation treat' . with Cavarla. . I, 11040:o. otTrath, reeently prepared a .talde
1 of p.rices10 Toronto and New York ecom-
e.....--•-e--..e.-..--------------- but the yoeing Man •conoltded that 1wfi,,,i.o,.,,,,y4:,;ta/v3e ' perionn. : Ile Lose Ills Bet
De all ti Loll 1 tuyee, .1
day. 7 -*21) (Unary affairs life. A ;young man
1 •ivlio has freonently to pnt through
BLLER. CONVEYANCER AND • an expense bill in a largo Ontario
Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgagee, bueinees horse tells a story of
oare lhodiless red tape. Every expense
er asking question sae never heard
much less answered. The engine
snorted. Into one station after an
ether, would they etop there? was
this the place to which they -were
. I NW tclifelneFe was largely a bluff, , eat broalts lt-e en ..inietirneen only by
,...tdi Clow:Alan Colittow i follows: 11 10 may tete Neee. 1,7...e:ft mere.. •• r.,rturi 4.1-.,A,foren,;, ill.
A ;S.Teav Ilimnswicb evince write,. to The.t paring the ' l'orout.) market: tem art'S with -
L. ....0 itir-... —ir,Gc• -el (;..(1. cl.i.'4-ot:'i'.. 1 tho nervette tynn of her 'tenni 1 - tl ;a - in wine; you say about. tit•3 the Now York C. mitnercial Bulletin.. tho. • '
,---------------.. .. , ,,, . , , . ... .M1 Or i,..1
4. 1 ei i After it long trip ho put in a bill, tbe restless olaspin.g , and unelasp-
kits 0e l'• meets came let fuel 3rd 1
Court Zurich No. ln-it and was celled in by the manager Ing of her hende- She was relieved
• of his deportpent, -who asked about when they Went on again. The
V Hall. noise of the machinery, tho swift
Thursday of each mouth at 8 o'elock p. ni.
sonic 5111911 item and then passed.
J. J. NIERNEE, C. R. the account Next the general motion, helped. her to be calm, to
manager looked. over it and found sit unite still without the needle-
Rielcheil Lodgej fault with one point, but finallY work she missed. At one station
s• No. 303, meets : put his initials on it, too. A couple the gentleman who had been seated
the end. and 4th Fridey of every month, 1 ot other cflicers pessed it, and. fin be.hind them. left the ear and t viro
t s o'clock, in their Hall. Merrier Elc elc., 1 ally the cashier critici%ed overs
Indies took los place. 'nit was very
FILED. WYTV:Lii, ,1. \\ litem ana then handed over the sate,,, Said ono, they were only
I money. marlind a few days, it. WUS nun
MARKET RhPORT.--The fol. I "Wi-,11" Snid. tho young man "be; that did it. There wo.s never a
lowing is the report of Zurich '
i fore I take. the each I would like to kinder man liNed than .Tanies Ear -
market corrected tip to '1 1•11r:(11;y: I ran yore: attention to the fact that rington. and he adored. his wife."
Barley... . .0 to rel ! there i, quite a substantial mistake
and the words "rum" and "-Tunas" ikinte4, n,,n.
Pe05 . 71) in the midi i tea I ounght and held the dozed min of
clanger of competiffion from great food ex- table 'fel lowe.
perdue coantri4 like Australie and Toronto New N'orle
Ay:J;(111131in, but fin willing to bet that not - Prod ale— price pri.to
tem pentad of fo d. will C31:11t3 LO Cit133,1a Best creamery butter
from Switnerl.,icl, which is olio of the in prints, wholesale .
18-00 ..--15
—06c. —21iI..
twelve count4s yon mention as entitled Prime chicketie
to the privileges of the Recipreeity Agree-
ment, Wha)f do you say to that?'
1 1tYon Joe tour Wt. Dnring the fiecal
ear ending March 21, 19U1, 227,051 1(111.1.e11.(':.sklie:
. .15-1.3 . —14
10-151. ---1q
1S-20 10-10
leounde of cheese were itnposted into Can. 13L--13 ..--14
0.104.111aalf I*** en.,
ry;•ir afternoon, ten relive -
I 1 lie •woott; 11 eist•tner 811 •front tit ty, Synopsii of Canadian ?;01•Coveet Lan.1 ite et! j Clula
Bran ....... 21,C0;
WO I'? t.:-.171 ..',.. liti 11 nift'llit'Slil e cenne 1 , i-aeve.. for a return ttPt. tell.
2 3 clo 2:i c: , f , ,_,
.iiil. 'a Ink r.1:,*.•': -0, he Inni. Over. i Regunitioii..
n- I — orineleg very hard. It, seeened lie , } Tile der' was not a good. one, as
"C't" beta e • • 77. c . . A certain E.tinburgh divinn was I was•a. ref ortned. Mon before Ad: NY por-ton wtio is tho solo head of a j thc Ire nete a strong wind. bloveing
ee " • •
if. -1e, 04' • ny male over Is l'onr$ old, 1, agetinet the feel), milking, the tar -
Five. Roses flour ... 2,1.to I noted for inarrying people at any inlet him, of eourse .she 211(1 not
2441.. 11 11 04 ,. •
0 1 LOA a ctmeeer-seetion 01 livid.
1 I ge•te son•ev.-'ett t (81 ltlC In flight
Pority....... .... .3 COI, CAMP, t IrICT -,,, 1Fbed. • kniew hat and. NV Otilti. n a 11 aVO " .
I Ortr 4.. e e. on hy 11, scioro ( t. /..., ) to
a , .. .
1.? ny tti ilOtISPhOiti . . VI() I MIX. evening a man and a woman
1 feared if she had, for he never able Dominion land in Alanitobannal
("twice family 2 1)5 I milled to see him. ,Tho man had txnecleed Iketior of any hind, But a ntchewan or Alberta. 'Elie applicant meet 1 3 111. One of the Zurich boy::: usual.
.T-1 a y . . . . ...... 6.00 7.00 1, „just eame Ir 1(11 his woric., vbich glas.s of wine at his own veedding appear in perston at the Dominion Lands 1,, „ . • , „p y.,,, ,, t „ 1 1 f „t,,,
Agency or Sub -Agency for the diet.) ic,.. '
. .
or Int his nerve and the result
a .1 noito etc, no . co t r,L, ,
Dried tipples 11 5 1 w•as none of the ideonset, and the roused the old appetite. Ada did Entry hy proxy may be nuele ae any
(never seed 8.00 0.00 woman from hers, Whieb, if any- not und.orstand the situation, her agency, on certain conditions, by fatten, was he missed a geed, an well as a
Pottt toes 25 23 ting, 'was worse. parents had always 815e,1 wino free- mother, eon, daughter, brother or sister of cheap ttepper. ISIe,den les however •
Butter 1 8 3;•4 `.1.110 Man was shown into the ly, and ot ocinrse it was on •the that he is in the dowtn.rmililmillgoalitat
Foee 16 lr• , stertv. while the wo•nan witited table. Ile 1.1id not like te reftise to intendiug homesteader. .
Dal 1es.—Six Monthe' residence upon and (1 0' er..1 will im heard
Iluere,i li veweight drink in honor of los 'bride, und cultivation of tho land in cacti of thice 1 a...Eton. inkinp... 11 it, 1,..,1 1..,,,,11 spring,
years. A homesteader rimy live T0,,, following i,,:i 1130 snore ;
1,, 6 . • 6
(.) , ) r./ ! Otl.F,'CiP.
HENSALL MARRE:11 I .•." Satfl. tho man, t•I . want to probably thonght he might indnlge
miles of his homestead 1111 EL fatIll of at letisel ' ' -- .
i-lense 1.1— fie Dalvrtnnle 8 • 1..) Brint•
C-erilt.'s Best Flonr.. - ")i "Illarried?" said the minister.
. ge. Tony . • . " that once without clanger. But tbe SO acres solely oWned and ocreipiettlay him - '' '''• .I Pass:314re '1 0_ ; t2i. Vennor
Wheat „ firost glass down demanded, more, it.
went to his brain • and maddened (3brroljtvhoTsoi!'slitslitetirr'. mother, son, (laugher, I nv" '-' ;
I 9 ; .1. 11 aevkin LI ; F. Brintnell 1 3 e
139rley, ... •. ,-.11 ere not in a f ,-,r thzoil NO ,,le dr ys altd iii4,11?`; fit-,(X.1'1-•'.0.1N1I'".:". '' -,' i•4 '-oliii.t-lyttctiat• '•,•,:,.!, 1 \, ,.,.“-;.. T: c.,' P..iter le. T1 -11;o.'111. •
him, • 'FP,3 never 001114:la ii ri 11'. in g In certidn districts.a lierneet ender in ! P Pint.ii 7' ; 1'. 1'8 :Ism ore 16 • T .18
. •
Oats • 6 30 '."(1 I oyes, sir,'
'" I "Just now?"
et) 1791 ...t ae , !,,• e.... e h .
Peas • ' 80 ••' ; state ---------------'•(•4'."Lo:1" tiTO 1 t -,,... 1 he third niq.111- -1 it i. l' 11!-. ..i . • ' 1,i'M tkkr':.-'`, 'Lit' 114-"-- '' • ,' J• 1 '.:',:::.' '•;e:11 6-.1'.:7i":"{:.,.•':1•7-•-;:•,-;.•1;::;-:.'..1T.11.tev-r. T.1471,..tr.43. .11;1.,tur.. -•
TrIotee liveweight -.:21 ....e -e. .1'• .• " e .1 Iner. “florriWe ••,;,.: -. -- . -' ri. -.. -.. ;'::... ; , Aoi': i:),..,-
3127,711777,07rfill..T.."77.71.1111EtTE.1411P-27..S7e. ; '. .
. •• (To be 00111 i 1111,. .:', j ,
• . • I e:o.:.1 N., t• ...f..i4 .. - .
. 1 11 t•)4.1`
. : .•orior..,!1: ', ..,.,,, .'
, ,... " .
' 'I ',':'1, • ' , C.- M.1 .! , . / S :, ,.1 ,•.;•tiler ; P. Sipple
• • • Ethel Al IN,. - „ - i ,
. • Pree• ..• . I
OOIL . 4 , . • I
Q5 7)3. eAt.:77 L'il 61 ht ail Prg tri - - -•".. • . '-' • . .______,L.,_.,........._,...... . I A 110:11(,,t,,N8;.1:!1' 1 111 Ili'S C:(11Glititett 'lliS i
tv,",-,,,,, -Jes.. i• e...
• ' ! "cll'''y'er '.1%1"-Y -t° - get* Iriarr:i'tl,' Ii1)4 '"''.-------*'----------'-- ----* 1 homestead riel,t. and cannot obtnin a pre- 1
I? '5"..1t0 SilOtild 501 her l'' veet4 even -Ion inpy tolze a purchased homestead -re....- mmotteN.1.0=Mintak
.... ,..... I"-4 518
l -ie certot)....Arleta Price 1100 per acre.
O .i-a.r1)014z.-0s11 do six months in each of
•ee. ' ,, 1 three years, cultivate fifty adres and erect
.e. ej. • tatekt.
•• ,'‘'' ant a leniee worth $300.00.
Deputy of tbe ieritistle‘r.e(ithieTliteriar. E
T E E P- ---.4
tee,- advortisetneet•will not be paid for. •
N, 13,—Unauthorieed pnblicabion of be'e re.
k-., ....' il•"-C-,'
Air. 13 Philips of Exeter was in
to cm :Thursd ay .
Reeve Lamont shipped a cir load I ;
of hay, on Wednesday to Glasgow,
Mr. Nap.deoti Lebeau of Chicago,1
moved to Clinton this week, where i
he intends to ;make his future
Prompt Service
Moderate Charges
Zurich, - Ontario
Notice is hereby given that
will not be resnonsible for any
debts oontracted in my name with.
nut Inv written order,
Getting into the Nome
Women., buy more than
two.thirds the merchan.
dise sold,in-sretall stores
o.nd everytwornan'reads
the Classified Want Ade.
Our pap,e6goesDnto.the
homes and 'theirMint
Ads.,,wilirreach the
tt,t1 The'1.,1a,ssey-
liuris . Shop.
Our TAlatilii nes speak
for theinselv es.
We also handle
Olds GaEwlin ht)mo.
A heavy Mare at Mr .Sol Zito -
merman.'s sale ,on Thursday, ine. bromtht Oil .00. The four farm.
4toek-stiles recently" held viz t—Ed. I
Ali rel.:air:114 . Iraxiptly Merner, Do v id Schnell, 0Scar
att en de 1 t o, Koomor and Sol. Zimmerman,
• brought a total of over twelve
s te „gT.
thousand; dollars, and we
Wh cOUti
whether any district in Enron
I ,,i•V r*ott nnwil this,
`41' ••44.?itst
Manitoba, Sashattinan, Plata
Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 4( 18 MAY 2,16, 30 JUNE 13, 2?
JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 18
Secend class tickets from Ontstio stations to principal
Northwest points at
Winripag and return $33.00; Edmonton and return
$41.06, and to other points in proportion. Tickets
good to mum within 60 days from 00(08 (10(0.
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