The Herald, 1911-03-24, Page 2Why Many Peonio LoOk So Old `1'O look r•ic1 before then 14atentie• 1KYt uileoanuion toolay, nr)l �h ltitkil�+r 1)i•i.�J�Yl4:;, who should atilt be in the panic' Of lttc c Physic'ian5 say nothiagla esed t is NO sure to age a person. to deeti:oy their vitality and happiness sea pain. ' 4 emu. pnrativoly young per:4)n who suffers with netteetller or inflammatory rhetlutn- (•ism looks older then a Tuan twi5•e hie age. The fanner, the tuftal who work, at' atard labor, the mechanic, is subject to the baneful influence of dampness, tog and inclement weather. It's hard for hint to eseape pain. What he eteerls at, hotel: is to bottle of that triode liniment, 1'11- xou's N4reiline, which gives install i..a to every kind of pin. So strong and ortneentrated iri Nerviiiue that one spe!t- ea"tiott is as good an Nix i+rdiner y nth. binge tt•ith tither liniment. '111. in' /-1. wonderful pain -subduing ;iui'1:tta41C: 111 the• world are in Nereiline that'; why - it. penetrates so quickly, wily it instantly tures pain that other reinedlt•,; ern't eves relieve. You'll be surprised !tow quftlydy Sciatica, f,umba'ro, or 1:'1nulna- Com axe cured by leery -time •-scents al. meat l - meat magiiI the way it will mire a cold or sore throat. When the e'lest is sore and it hurts to draw a long lere:l.tlt, one rill)b(ng with Nerviline ie euffieieni, highly valued is Nerviliue by those who nee it, that many faluillas consider It' quite as good as a doctor for t+el(eh a: t1lle and minor aihtiente of every kind. THEY SPOILED THE FILM. A short tune neon seette trent tee l+netelt revolution was being enacted to p'rpn1e for the Moving picture stat -!dim'. At guillotine had been ereet'd by 111e rottele•ide, and a Nowlin; mob had as- 4e'nbied about. it. The mimin er1teu- t on Was going on in the most Lifelike ut:;nner. The dtaxuatih moment bad ar- rived; this condemned min, with the priest beside him. stood under the glit- tering knife. the savage -fared m.)h waved its arms iu fieree exultation when a touring ear tavola around 11 c ell as ire the road. Seine American l:t• flies in the car, finuiu r themselves face 1(e fere with this realistic' picture broke •into piercing u eatus. vhl)P the stattlid Omit ffeur brouglet his tnatehinc too stop. 'The disturintime was to,) utut h- f the addicts. and the eorel•'umea men, 1 Ii prieet and the mob 1 it; 5:1^l 10 •i r'ee what was the matter. '1:11e ntelt.oriets soon found out the Ritua.tiun, lend sped away. but the film was? ruined.- -Strand Matge- rir!e. KEPT THE $2.00.. fir\ lively -lord inr t<)rter stood on the ur platform of ai! slni. ing car in the nand Centred' Station when a fussy and ,igiolt tie old luau clambered up the stens. 11"oitlt'tl at the det,putfed by a1110- lnf:nt, Saud then keened i fe • the tutu in "Porter," he void. "t'lu going to (hE- cogo. 1 Irani to be well letheu care of: 1 pay fur it. 1)o you uliderstantt'r "i'es, air; hut. . - ".'oicr mines aus'buts,' You !itsten to what h1 say. Keep the train boy, away frail due. Dust lie of whenever .I want You Le. Oivu me an extra blanket anti if there: is any wile in the berth overT me slip Hint into another. 1 want you t ) "lint, say, boss, 1---", "1 dung nlnu, when I'm giving :1 31rue- tinns I prefer to do the talking, myself. You do as 1 say. I.Iere is a. tdro-delltfr hill. 1 want to get the good of it: ;Not a word, sit." The tsttin was starting. The porter poekr'ietl the bill with a grin and swung l:imeelf to the ground. "All right, boss!" he shouted, " Yon one do t.h' trtlkin' if you )ran!; tu. l'nt powerful sorry you wouldn't let ane tell you- but I ain't going on that train'-- i.ippirsc,tt's. -4. 4 . DELICATE BABIES NEED? BABY'S OWN TABLETS AI... I1. L. Boone, Tay Mills, N. B., writes: I think Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy to keep in the house and I would not be without them. 4Iy baby was not eraetly sick but was very delicate and I gave him the Tab- lets and they have made hint strong and healthy." Such is the te4Liutony of thousand; of mothers. Baby's Own Tab- lets always do good -never harm. They fan be given with absolute safety to the youngest child, as they Are guaranteed by a government analyst to contain no harmful tlru;:s. Never give baby "sooth- ing" stuff:; ---teat only dopes him. {rive hint a. medicine that will )tet right on the root of 1114 trouble. A mi11ieine that will strengthen bis stomach; re- gulate his bewils; sweeten the breath and make him bright, healthy and 1+trong --- such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. The;: are sold by medi- eirfo dealere or at till cents a box from The 1)r- it"illiarly' Aledieine Co., l3roek- v!lle, Ont. PILES CURED at HOME by SHE KNEW. New itlsorp:Uon utiiud le you suffer ince bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send 111e your ttdt3ress, and :t will tell you how to cure health home by the new absorption trt'etn,e)at, aatd wilt also eet111 ennui! of this home treatment free for trill, with re'ferenfeee from your ots'u.lc,e'ltity, if 1•e- etieete-tt. Inentediate relief and psermin- t'ut cure asottred. 1 0181 no motley, Itut tell °tlhere of tide effete verb r• to•etsy t,. it,,, M. tiunlaters. ik,Y 1', 8, 11'irl+t'nr, (Philadelphia Record./ -° Chief ,Toe Engleniap, leader of tate Mi - amis., was talking in I'ern, ln.d., about his tribe's elaint against the Govern- ment. "We kinins will Stever fall into the e3,1»e trap twice." satid he, in the mita- voted tones. ea n university pan, bnnddcme thief. "We know from experi- ence what we expect. We are like the beltutiful girl who aceptect the handl of herr millionaire employer." 'Yes, Clarence,' the girl said, pet- tier; the millionaire's quant gray hair, 11 will marry you, but 1 have one request to Ibttke' -Name it, my love; said the doting ol,,l titan: 'Let file select; she replied, `my sue- eeesor at this desk." GRANDMOTHE'. OF MONARCHS. ft is curious to think how many thrones are and Mil bre odr)tipded by 11111 descendants of the tate Queen Victoria. lit Prussia we have her eldest grond- soet. 1(ai(erer tl'ilhettzt. in Norway reigns 'tier granddaughter, Queen gaud* fo Sweden the Crown Princess is a granddaughter of t.he-. Into Queen, and ether grandchildren are the Grand Mike of flew, the Crown Prin eee elf t,reece, the 1:ntftress of Russia, 111e1 f'row'n P3'itieeee of Itnumnr:ia, the Quiieu ser Spain, the hereilitu.r" Pt•itu eee of '.a:tte-31•ui ni ego n. Among flue grey t-gro!vlht.adIan of 1.11e late Queen ese. the German (:Town Prince. the Ceeren•ttcelttie:' Pricier of the Asluriae, Prince (ren;g.( of irr(ecee, tier.- eldest son of tits( Crown Prince 1 ltFt:or of Sweden -,to leve, 1114(1 ntetrn I runs 81it1. '.fro of then ere heirs, to empires. fel a very short time titers', trill he lie loyal farnify ill i.:nroot thrhl. is 11crt cl).stcuded from (meet \-lt firm, --- 'l'rotn thje Geni.letvoman. 94,' fr tvlP'KitE%iW [� far 8'.' h4i rix'' Aeil'> s`i' far c t u c ti WHY SHE WAS VEXED. 0e'l'olt ):rem (I:To:irliliy t, ;ell:' 'Yes; 1 .was in a hurry to 110 lineae. but 1 had heard 1bet 11N. Newboll was out of t:ttfn, -o 1 tho-ught I'll harp time to hurry 0rr'uutt and ' ere a :ca rel, and what did l.1' htiiP.15 t1'iu3s <ln but. open 1h" door hersl•lf:" ,t:;,•,ta w, 1 qtr •• de, 11/". t9C1i;ffIEuM1'. HOSPITAL, r"9 TRAM sr910.o .,FoR NURSES giocvnmo.N10. 0,14. Tu . eontlect%on t ,t:( oneor the finest ogttlppe;d' hospitals. 115 tile past. offers ex4 185011 opportuni- ties to young 'n +n 'n tq train for the proieiseiort of nursing. The course Is tares •)cut's aud includes all btanehes. A{osI?!tat has ra- i,Stcity of 100 befit, .441's fuck) dis- pensary service; For further- itlu,rinaktnrl, write etl?•t. otN i,rtetett. II.obr0W 2titrs3)111113. Mortantent St..isild P'.htiand A10, Batttinore, fid.. tr. S. A. VERY LIKELY. (Eoston.Xransnrlpt.) wire -If 'otter vronn•n hold »000 e. Mrs. Iiarr.•ain :ruiner. •u3 s stee vratnrs to be lite Secretary 03the Treeene•'. 11.ub—I'll bet the eiret thing she'd try to 'do would be to, Issue forty-nine cent vleces end - piety-rr:(filar-etttt ball: 'tier Monday shopping.: ---a► a ler...«. Minaret's Lini:tient Relieves Neuralgia PROTECTION R M LIVE WIRES. 111 this country. a iota" entent has been started ,with the object of having tile electric eontpardee `a'oiFa a.t K)ttt1 «5(1- 10110 method of znatxlung or nadien•ting high tension eleetrie ' i.as. This agita- tion was brought ahout by the number of so:efdents to liampe111 anal »there simi- larly employed, V1.. -t) aveideilte.lty tame in contact with-'Palestwu-e's Wltite In ig- norance of their eltar•aet:er and was prompted solely for the benefit of these persons. It; entanee the •thee kind of ie movement has staffed, With Dat en- tirely different object, in this ease or the protection of aeroraute who might get in contact with theta rn eozriug to the earth. It is proposed to cover these wires told tables with some distinctive insulation by whirl the bird -men eould d:lettinguielt and avoid them or else to paint the poles containing such wires In 150810 color which would inditetate the presence of the heavily charmed wirete. Yon Hale a Bro ch llu Gough? 11 is sheer earelesane:ss to suffer from Flronchitic cough,, widen so convenient, effeetlre: and p.etesnnt a. r.rttldy us Oat. .sr'rhozone will afford iinsnediste relief. t'atarrhozone removes the congestion which maintains trouble in the Bronchial '1.'1t•'bes. Ga,tarritozone is a combination of healing a`tlfl, so volatile that the air ear'riee it to ever) ramification or the Uronellial passages•—so ettraiive that v:niulitions which cannot be reached in any ether way are speedily relieved ante rimed. Bronchitis id a catarrh of the Bronchial past ages. Cat:trrhozone is a speolfic remedy for 4111 catarrhal eondi- tieena. £t relieves a cough, promotes ex• reee.t.ot•ation, heals 30ere ;flares in the tteroat one lungs, destroye germs W1,ieb '\:; tt' catarrhal inflammation. �1'e1 aut- ;eeer from any dleeasee of the throat., hinge o1' n911111 tn'e4810113. should p oati)r)ne using. {_.t larrin a/ei13", it will earn poinen. enily. A RACE AGAINST 'TIME, (Pork.) S sit.or (at Navy Yard)--- Why such extreme haste in the building of that tlreatlnuuyht? 'L.'here is no prospect of war. is they'• 9�• d:aI�.n4 . 11 e�'3lokiy moos cough... cures colds, heals the... throat and leases. - - - 'S9 cermet. S`(. BERNARD DOGS. Althougle tho tunnels which now counot•t, Styli a:drlawl with Italy have greatly decrenae-1 the importance of the St. Bernard and other passes, ea - ay de el the )tight :n0I1t1!3 of 6/103,V, 11 1.3 atilt declined nc;v.isablo to '1 e t, tl.. 3'd81E 0 OF H DYilm tYT+ew'6.. ERN WAY , In to use ONE D;,raa that wilt color e55.s l'i;pol, not i5lixedGJsods Yon will End this la P Send for Semple Curd and Story arch ett' 'rho JOHNSON. l.1oi,trslclaled, 8fontrca 1. Can, With this Modena":Dye ettyoei have to do is to ask for OY»4.1.41 then y,a CAN'T stake a mista1se and use the Wrong Dye for the goods you have to color. Psr o la Pink Eye. Eplaoodm My Y"�.la i� lU wdd a r Slapping Fever. add �atarrhai rover. Suraare. and iposiriye pitha, no natter how horses at any ago ars infected or 'exposed." Liquid, gives on the tongue, oats on the Blood and Glands, expels the paisatlous genus frontthe body. Cures 1018W: cerin Potts and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stook remedy. Cures La Grippe among hutuan beings and is a One kidney remedy. goo :meet a bottle; 6C, and $tx a dozen. Cut this out. Keep it, Show it to your druggist, who will eat it for you. knee l3oolttet, Distemper. Causes and Cures." DIETRIBUTO1•IS-'ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS SPOON MMDiCAR. Ciee nemesis aril Racierittpeelais, OMEN, Dille tiLaa,@. TROUBLE WITH THE TOWER, (I,ippincott's Magazine.) Among the engravings that adorned the walls of a Toledo woman's home was one big one of the Ieaning tower of Pi- Sas. One inorning,'sh'ortty atter the ad- vent of a new plaid, the mistress of the house noticed that tate picture of the tower hung crooked. She straightened it and said nothing of the matter to the new servant, who had evidently stiiftod it while dusting. ti'ho next day the picture was again crooked; the sante thir:g happened the next day, and the next. Finally, one morning, charienig• to be fie the recut where the picture was, the taistreaes said to the maid, as elle dusted: "Mary, you've hung that picture of the tower crooked. Just look at it!" "That's what I say, wenn," returned the domestic; ')look at it 1 Tito onty way t can gi1 that blamed tower to hang straight Is to hang the picture crooked." TO CURE A EOr1.9)). IN ONE DAY Take, Drugit'its re brill n oneyttlnine if It fab- alls to cure. 131, W, o>ftO -y's aigunture is on each boa. are. CONN ECTEO, (apart Ste lira. Pifflegilder imitate !eat she is eteenected With seine of tate beet families in the city.,, "Ah! She 'hee 11 telephone','" -Smart Set. 411r1pley St. Berner.*.clog'),' 1'1 1.4 no i longer Cu4t0 t i)'V', 1507 '0vor,. 1A nand *to tiff' (legs alone, '-With' baskets of £a•Ed and drink; a, loan always ac- companies tilde. 'i'htp, e: dogs aro not really cf the famous St. Bernard breed that originated in the ii)ttrteee31t11' century, thr,ugh EL t•1'oy4 between. a spepherd dog iron: 411nles itnd a Scandinavian d . * .w'11:ue p'u'enill were a Great Dane and e Pt rttlestrl 111/1n^ tiff. The last 'pude rle30erldaut of )hits tribe vasa buried under an avalanche' in 1816. • 1110 ,{freshest puzzle ;11 the 8:,r1(1 'ea the Ineeese of other people. Minard's Linin t Cures Dandruff. aalentaatireeNlietteraeneeteS12=241=11= DrY'S "SILENT" 1 .1. IA., .;i. k. d; •.e . ,.. ASC!. ES ARE THE OST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, THE FIRST STRIKE They make up )nolo» or eput'ter---a tl'uiet, steady flames. R'he for 'Ube smoker, the officer and the home. ALI good dealers keep thous and Bdd3"s 'Woodeuware, :'8/brewer., 'raba, Pe.ils•, std Weahleoartdirt, rear tch • The E. B. ED: Y Co., Li HULL, CAVA A fled, iu.e. ,,,. s '*1'e11 LTA 1 FREE 15d'aalfil.3 ISSUE NO. 12, 1911 Woi givo re a 11.0d.mwx •+ or Bouutntu Yen ur pi.�iu f - Wats:, r AGENTS WANTED. rash, wbhcherot you wish, Mr SALT PRODUCTION. e risjlu ndidYpona S 1t,'.'T.1't.Zi �' "i'F.P,A Yt�GU'rEl TO -DAY .S 1NLi t(ae1,',a. '1'snpneIrt .vr r,ostat for eltoularis, or 10c Ear to ,inn -cotes:", oeita ; s'usolee and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon- tw,,,ortorth®a, tot. dude onee, dne.<, and wo vmt w'•,et I''ti ..+I.NIU WOMEN WANTED TO REE- ,.,,, t fo o;a1n at r'5 1 present us Mr:atty. Two dollars per -.t.0 tIam nut r.••na Is . salary and commission. No expert- tti wrc Immoand wn „crud (1115 »ssa.rx. Write J. L. Zichols will 154.0 you your t'i•.. LIYhlfCed. :'orortte. Y ', 1*t, 5 yon a+:ty i aeo til.0 atols,n1t1 b,.tuue•e.,vhhaa•rerynn ? T 5- 'YOU ARI: LOOICINyC FOR THIO r ler, aleft» to 4ac •- - 1 best - PREMIUM proposition In Can- wa give 85) a)Utlu••al • ;,,fit. One that appeals to everyone, apply p.,tw•n>iryo.tea(ltne i t., S,':1Ar3 AdJer...y.;r. Dept., '-S" Albert aa., is wt4\tn lo ossa. street, otter it. dverisl➢d 94teschendise Cs., Ilepl., 3; uSrasIJ* t --•---- - .-,. ,i93 t�S9 5 tltl . rd arter and Dollar Stops pais l,'Y sorNnaa9 anywh5) ere. ruK- OiYLY ONE. t; ore. iT ere. ff:. feel: y & Co.. f'u rk.l 1-;:‘,1.101. on. Of the 135l,000OSsO tons of solt prodlleetl in the World each' year', the British il:r1- pirc provides 3,aO0,t)00 thus. war,240-ik BEE POSITSIVI: PURITY it is well 'ipown---and proved l by Governmentanalyst-that the sugar of euperior purity .15 ;NOW :Yh fPTrr" i Ey ft, ° �,rrzlt iH And at ',ipe, nanio time It t.te double, th;, ,. reete.ening :strength of other xi,ixr's: Cotn1pa1's: lb, The St, Lav(ieence' Sugar Ref's. Co., Liki'oited, Montreal, weary i5'atter--3'nn've yoJr,•r h•.a'r e0)1115 up to that house ,r t t,an.l-oast. gxt. Don't you ltnocv leo , keel) a doe ': � far �� it a ^ fan atteratd Terry—`ere ! What ref it '• ,De Lady Is one or class enereftertt'•s. and after de dog fifes ono lA ace or t , slake„ hint mastieat1 1t 49x5-tin:e.. sue lets hint take another bite` 5 LI interested and should bade about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray ;he new Vagina( Syringe. 8cst —Host convenleat. 1t dean>ov in>tantly. Ag: sous drug„irt for t i If hecar.tmt aupety the ,y>, Lire ' lt1 #RV(it. c opt no other, !/{ •?'-i-1 1 book—scaled. togillustrated ' book—scaled. a Rgiret.altparttc- gqatckly :stupor' coughs. cures colds. heels uucsaad.itructioua invaluable to Ladles. the throat and lands. " • a+ cants. 1 WItrillS•Dt4 Sr1R'7Ps6Y co. .K 5 Windsor. Oat. GeneralU=4for Cana GERMAN BUREAUCRACY. --- _.__ A good story ! going the rotnlds of the French newspapers illu.4t1atins; the beauties of bureaucratie government ;n Germany. We are telcl that in the Peet Office Department, if a Merit wishee a new pencil, he has to hand in the stump of the one that hes become tut) short to work with, In the pnrtieu1ar inatane t cited a clerk reeeivc(l his pencil without returning the end. Before the 0rnttaS1012 t,t discovered the clerk was-transf' _n'ed to ..1ie)tit rr oftiee. Just after lee easel r,nnittt n-etl his duties at Ide new poet he rr a t'i s"•tt an official inti(1ltl.tir)11 t11at. 5111 1111,l neg- lected to hand in his pencil end. By dile time it had disappeared, bet `n prevent bonier the elerk pttrehuscd a naso pencil, cut off a pipee alro'1t, tale length of the missing bit and tleepetiet• ed it to the stationery otops.rtniea::. - - Loudon Globe, Marion Bridge, ('..1i•, May T have handled MIN.\1ft1)'S Li? 1• INTENT during the peat year. It t, .e1 - ways the first Liniment tusked for here, and unquestionably the hest ;Alter nY 1111 the different kinds of l.il'timent I han- dle. fel ell uI acne. FRANCE'S COMING NAVY. Paris. L104011 10.-?M't. Delcasse, in the tnutnber of Deputies to -dray. said that ty the year 1930 France would have In her navy '251 battleships of the Dread - 'might class. This numbser, Ile cen- t1'.t1Pd, would equal that of Germany at The same date. Of cruisers France %rotal3 have 135 10 Germany's 12.:rlthoui;lt tiro' !atter'. would be more powerful In- c11v dually. ti <,u fly ' do i:rites the celerity of 1sut- rent)'; 1'ainies1 torn and 'Wart Iixtrae- tor. Removes a. wart, takes off a caI- le1n>, roots out ra CO1'1i without pain, in l o enty-four hours. When you use lift • thaul•a1 Painless Core and Wart Extrac- tor, there is no sear, no burn, no loss of time. Satisfaction guaranteed with ev- ery S i