HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-24, Page 14,q1,411,1m4,1.41,a`:
The Official Organ of Zurich and Tay .
144444410 •
V o I „ XL
We take pleasure.in announcing that we
have put on display our new lines of Spring
is Dress Goods, New Prints, New Curtains, New
4d Wall Papers, etc., etc.. We have bought in
the leading markets and Call safely say that our
stock will compett with any outside of the larger
cities. We cordially invite the ladies to call
and look through our large stock,
1,1 '
New Dress Good,.3
We take special pride in Our Dress G111.1 st0(11':. It was
never so complete. Now is the time to prepare for warmer
weather. We have all the leading shades and cloths in -
Wool . Popl i n s. Hip ps, Trento Cloths, Cashmere,
Tricotiues, Po)dinettes, Beeswing cloths, YoileS
Crispiness Satin cloths, Amuse cloths, Crepe de 'ellene
Eolionnes, Venetians, Lnstres, Shepherd. ()hooks
3+.Tew trimmings in all over -laces, le aids, biadings, and lace to
Pi match-.
ee our 'New irnt, Ginghams, Chambreys, Foulards-) S7iccrja ,
awns, Persian. l.awns, Organdies, India Linens, :Main-
snok, inruan.iiead, Repp., swis, Ofiecks. Cotten Voiles, Pignes,
s O1sksIsss-s.sssesets -stover-
2 0, 25, and 40 cents per yard. Flonecing Embroidery, extra
wide, 25, 40, pU apd 60 es per yaid.
Nev• Lace Curtains
See our new line Of Lace Curtsies, the very latest goods,
from :25 et s up. Nad vas curtains, Curtain Netts, Art Muslin,
Swiss Muslin. Curtain polvs in 'white; oak au Mahogany.
Exsension rods tor (sustains in braes and silver,
'We handle only the famous Staunton Wail Per-, They
cannot lo 'ii 1d ;(ir Leautiful deigns and colomes. l'rice•;••-
10, 1 2 1, 13, EO„ 23, per double roll. , Job lot of pv,..er to clear
at 3 els per roll.
L0cAL .E.,,,c,.1,5-f s. 9...i) WAVIINAMMiaiseAMENVMAI 141,WEIVAIWWV?
Mr. Clifistoph Miller's sale takes
s 20 31' I ,allyiT
i' ,,,7:31, q
„...ta ...... 1 ,
phMte:, today
Y. C.P,Ii11:)11ntL:r) . shipped a ear ‘1
of hofses to tL Weshis t tweek. ,--i-P.; WIs
,,....s..,..4,.i.3,,.,f .
iieers. .1 (-lb ts mi Joe Kip p
sister, .7"disSF. nv, started foisfire'
Mr. William=Bender left ou Wed
nestloy for .a.s1;s-t to ;Pigeon and
1305' City, Miens:
Mr.' W. C. ','';'ettlfits visited his
brother, nese Peleseraton...• over
Mr. Pedlay.Of Pig'eon,ieh
visitine• atthe honike., of. Mrand
Mrs. 0. Flitz.„. ;
Mr. W. 11, 'Holman is fitting up
the old Sreinhsch store for his
Mr. John Derlier Sr.. has token
possession oF the farm he recently
purchased from 'Reeve 'Lamont.
Messrs. David Schnell and Jos
Dowsnn left -llonsoll on Monday,
each with a car of settlers effects.
Mr. 0 Fritz is Int'ving his shoe
store nicely paisited. Mr J. Steacey
of Flonsall is doing the work.
Mr. J J..Merner started on TUPS.
day morning on'his annual srring
trip to Westorn;Canada.
Mr. Edward Bailer of Tavistock,
spent Runrtay with his sister, Mrs
Peter Wooley, who is very ill at
It is reported that Mr. Cyrus
Schoch of the 14th has e an gea
farms with Mr- Peter 'Rapp of
neer ,Pisr.eon,'Mish.
- Rev. 0 J. Maass. officiating in
ayes Ea eiliurg on Sand fly , there
will be no tel in St. Peter's
th erten churah, hot Sunday
school will be held at 10 a. in.
Mr. John Deeliss Jr., moved to
Elie fivrrn .. he ;recently purchased
fr Mi', Mr. ,Lon
sessi m. of tlisT.Oft(ii'va.eated by Dlr.
Mr. Oscar 'Koehler has purchas-
ed from Mr. 'William H. Trnemner
the 2 3 4; MIA tb 0 latter recently ac-
quired from Mr. El Volland Jr ,on
the Babylon Line. Mr. Trnemner
will give np farming here and Will
have a salo of his stook and' im-
plortient4, on Thiirsday 10t1i inst.
. Notiee—I ant open to to all re-
pairing on shoes for you. All workl
turnsd. mit of this shoe st;Ire and
not satb4setory to.you. yonr money 1
New Floor Coverings
See our lines of floor* rugs before you buy. --We have
velvet iloor ii g, Tapestry rugs, Linoletuns, Carpets, Jspatiese
Mattings, Oilcloths. °to.
Tapestry rug, sizs 2 7x0 special 7 5 at cents.
Nelyina, rms, size 2%0 special at $1. riti
Seott rugs, size 2q.s.'112 special at
,kpauese mats size P.,1.1.\:72 special 01 45 evuts
Tapestry and velvet, rugs in all sizes and designs the lartsest stock
we nave ever shown.
Ileadgnarters for f;ap psns, sap buckets, spiles, sceders,
foiks," washing pmehines and wringers, curtain stretehers, carpet,
sweepers, shovels, drein spaties, horse clippers, etc., ete.
Clover Seed Cleand.
1Ve are prepared to re.elean your clover seed at any time.
The Se:4 Act is very stria lied farmers shonld see that the seed
tie y sell or sow is ss,ventineut ssanderu, We slso have some Id
0 good clean seed for Ktle.
. ()
i Make yo'•r let 0
while the Stock is Complete il
, slv*.vamontosamsosamermnamoreto,rnhamsalumnersowvanntwerwromeaus-mcwwielarn;#10.ramodavo
'r a -'
It Although it is not quite ;pring, you will
5:0 see by coming into this Store that it is not
far off.—All the latest shades of new Spring
and: Summer Dress Goodit in the following
kinds: Crepon Pongetta .... Dress Linen
d Rad i um .... 1., e eri s e (1 Poplin .... Mull
.P'Crepou .... Voile Etc,
Allover Lace
SOme very pretty patterns in 11
lace with insertion to match.
Tosca Nettings
We have several shades of silk netting,
double Width, used. instead of all over
Wall Papers
• „
Have all our new wall papers on sale
now, and can please almost anybody.
Gents urnishings
All kinds of suits—readYmade or made
to order. Newest spring shirts, unlined
; gloves, hats and caps, and all kinds
• pinDleer OF LAI.. ktiird8
•=e, PTIOICF 11'
rsnitV,071o7k4_,1 9ls7371%,SISS;siss's
Ls 1; T11"; ts i'S's ovvs
• D
z,7 ft I 0 ,
•I*OM mAlAy•••••
,• • ..• ,•
wiU bo rerrincied. Don't run away
4..f.!4- ol.v,1Ly and od
with the idea that 1 cannot repair
shees• Come and give me a trial
invite yon n
to caSam E. Faust
The members of the W. 0 T. U. 0
met nt the home of Mrs, H. Rannie c.)
on Wednesday evening, to . hold
their regular meeting. Mrs. Hey. 0
A. D. Oisehler ably led the devot-
ional exercises, after which Mrs. §
Pep -wk read the report of the
Provinoial convention held 111 1
Owen Bound. This was followed §
with n. solo by .Miss Anna Hess. 1)
The brisiness was then token Ttp in
Which the lathes decided to lielo
the Godericli Union .malro comfort 0,
begs for the. sailors. At tin
nt tha meeting. the lsdios were
shown to the dinning room where
0 dainty %vaS Served.
—marlutrn•oasatf Jendlematusszi•Itymalliwn.enliMornaats.rn.......14
J. Preet: r,
Telephone 9
It.. Ws. ••••• +.1.04•44.0•4 brt)111311,1 T,Irefq Vett 111111; the i,41:116 eer.
o•IA 0
t 0.,z4
t , Pi.• '41/ 0
r) Wi 0
lik /.,/
received another
Large Shipment of
Make your selection
Good lines of Every -day Shoes sold
here. An invitation is extend•
ed to you to visit this store
Shoe Repairing
Done Here
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange
rinkhanals VeiteiZiaonii.Kbair."
p.7;:s 171
;s.;"s. f1.4
tw't 147a
n'tk 10'
is n Joy Forever
\e• are ls opening -1.11) the N.vest
l'';'cv,* York aria Pari.,:o„,t Pattir.?rns
L"‹ ...).`7
9 9
..,...iaron,.....mari.,Alr,,,,,,,,r,m,Irsr,,agerrz,,rvavrrii•n mar.
Do we fit
You bet we dol
'AI lila
qtp, tt'01'
„ elr" frO
All Kinds of Sewing
Machine Needles
Pine Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing
OM. Ma *ink wismepamo,
GO. R. HESS, Manger of Clock Department
won 4 tr ocOvti, MItt 10k MIVe IT ado *103 eoli.
orlaes ratiging from 17 to $s 40°11. Old tatty Mak° a g1){1 Of in °III and also