HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-17, Page 8The Zurich Herald. CU tri 1 Being opened and placed on display everyday now. If you want to see what Da. ; e Fashion has created in styledom for Spring gauu, Pay this store visit. Wallpapers! Wallpapers! e have a large i.Ssortment of the new- est designs and colorings:. We feel convinced that we e:an please you. come in and look over our stock. . ° Ladies' Kid Gloves Dressed Kid gloves one and two dome fasteners, stiched backs, metal clasp, gusset fin- gers. Colors grey. tau brown, and black, sizes from 6i to 8. The D & A Corset The reasons why the best dressed women ea+:;h ::e:asorl., wear Fiia:, 11 A corsets are. Because they produce the most fashionable figure Because they are the most comfortable. Be -,i cause they cost no more than the inferior corsets gave you .tried them? Laces and Embroideries lig"..VC a COIJii' ( i? line of silk and cottr'n Oven.;,,:::: s insertions to match, all colors all prices. COVER/NOS • 'te;s' rent? �..' Froths iil all lvidths. 1111 .>, C 7 Y^'i ?:1113 .fel. matting in nc..vest de- f iln+.a sto' k a t desirahle New. NevSlaiug µare +i:n1 1111`,to which: -atteLt.lon of (ien1len it st iisll r.attei'n`"y eac'll.sive and .iiosit'1'[ . oweocp t•A ki it a A - and SF rui GENERAL'MERCHANT Mario LT We are alive yet, at the Old Place! A Bigger Std'ck of Everyth±n.g than ever • wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, Carriages covered and open all the latest styles in Bug- gies, all our own make. Also all kinds of Implem- ents, such as, all the lead- ing makes of Sulky and Walking plows Root Pt►lpers that difGerent kinds' Louden's:Doublo htsel Hay Fork track best made. E. tension ladders, Magnet (;ream Separators, best skimmers and easy to run a durablr square gear Ilia- Gbine. Wheel barrows, .folliette Grinder plates, all sizes.. Metal pig trough Telephone -28 1111. cleat We aro always ready to do Business with —you at the— OLflEST. BUSINESS PLACE Iv TOWN Fad LTJ {,_ y cin with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Zurich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see if T cant suit you. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from. have purchased the shoe business of Mr. .P. Bender, and the sauce will be carried on at Bender's St=Lnd, with Mr. Bender in charge. rR, ia t All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light, prices low as possible, - • Laundry in Connection . H. HOFFMAN Tai.tor, - Z JRfCi-b Sugar pans $2»u0 up, at Hart - Miss Alice Johnson is visiting friends in Clinton. . sower pads at 20 cents each, at Ra rtlei b's. \11. ;Ind Mrs. W. b. Seibert of Dashwnrul, spent Smalts y at t he iiornas of .1. Pree.t:»r tic. Oscar i l,41,1i has a few bushels of good clean clover seed for sale. Wanted—A, millinery apprentice at olive. Apply to J. Procter, Zurich. Ono of Mr 1V41 bee vy nares sold at the sale on Tuesday for (R(Airy') {�Maas,: :of tl nn Mon. nn. day to visit beer daughter. 'Airs. Bernhardt, at Preston. Mr. and ;errs. :sol Schlstellter of kebewtting, Mich., are visiting, at the home of Mr. .1. i'recter's, this week. will ariive shortly, and has been bought from the best makers. Our prices will always be found right All Felt Goods at Big Reductions 111•10. -M...OM..-r. 9 >M 1 at and below cost, until further notice. Note a few of our prices C............�_.-.��.--__..�1011—.1011 �.._... Team harness with collars, $25. Single harness, 8.00 and . p. Halters, 50 to 75ct5. 5oct full raw hide whip, 35cts. Curry=combs, 5, to and i 5cts. 20 percent off all horse blankets, bells and mitts. See our trunks, regular 2,.50, for %Lilt cases, from 1.23 upo Mrs. John Fuss Mrs. 3:i. Littre, acrd Mrs. H. 'I'heil spent a day at iiie hoz=,e of lir. and t4'ir.o Sof. l itepter, 14th (,on., list week, Mrs. Adam Faust will sell her household furniture en April 1st by public auction She intends . --...- moving to NapiervillLi, The snow on Gveduee'iay put a 1 eit,ty dumper on the straw hat season. x ' Monday and Tuesday were ideal: spring days. c.u:.... w�.• — vocrz mtmtwnsmaaao- w u THE RD REALE WHHE THINGS ARE NNE UP EIGHT Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price TIE (. PH0 NE 13 o IL1hibti ZURICH WWlRdOi'P6 LARC ST:COMBS 1,£e`r oed 'Mists Lydia Faust returned lust ,° ;,„,, week from her winter's visit with her brother, Mr. H. h. Faust, at (rico, l'1ich. •F'reerai.n's Sura( growth fertilizer, best:thing for the land hills the *rubs and increases the yield' of .1 your fields one . third. F. ,less . .ion. Messrs W. EI,Trueniner and H. Volland Jr., of the Babylon Line, have exchanged forms. 'There aro Many ohunges taking picas on this line, this spring. kir. David Schnell is leaving on Saturday, for the West Be .is taking eight horses and his house hold effects in a car. Airs. Schnell and family will leave about a week later, The stage team refused to face; the storm of Wednesday, after making about half the way. . The reads Were badly drifted, the ( j a assenget' list numbered about ten and the blinding storm was a ooni.bination Bard to overcome. A1 fresh team had to Le procured frQiu Mr Porterfield, to rake the P -I0N E .Tact three miles. GOTS r tr . IAT Get our combination Door=keeps you warn i , gn wi ter and cool in summer. Windows glazed and repaired. e buy all. kinds Of good logs. Custom sawing and Planing grill work done on short notice. 0 XALBF'LEISC ' 1010 zc