HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-17, Page 2TRIM, FML WOMEN WITH PALE CHEEKS. l ow Rapidly Learning the Way to [Health by Vigor by the list of Dr. Hamilton's ills:' Thougp,nds of half-dead, emaciated, morn -out women are dragging out their 'Weary lives simply because they don't know what ails them. Nine times in ten it's indigestion, which directly leads to acnaemia, poor circulation and eventually i7$Valitlism. How can you expect to be strong if the stomach is overloaded by soum putrid, undigested food? There caul be, no nourishment supplied by any stone sta. that isn't working right up to soli time all day long. The first step towards relief is t ) Bush out all wastes and unhealthy 1:uet- ter. Loosen the bowels—stir up the liv- er ----stimulate the kidneys. Once L'his is done Dr. Hamilton's Pills will quickly manifest their health -restoring gtutlities. "The best way to corret't impaire.l di- gestion, to cure constipation, ue tisane, liver trouble and other ailments of , l:e etornach and botvells," writes Mrs. Uraalt A. Dempsey, from Woodstock,. `-i> by the frequent use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 1 lidn't know what it was to enjoy a good meal for months. My stomach was xoex, I belched gas, was titin, tired, pale tend nervous. I simply house-eleaneti rriy eystem with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. ,inti have Veen robust and vigorous ever einem." To keep the machinery of the body in active wc.rking order, no remedy is so efficient, •so snitd, so curative as lir. Hamilton's Pills—.good for men, women and children, 25e per box, at all dealers or the Uatarrhobone Co., Kingeton, Ont. res g rA COFFEE RECIPE. les, a good chunk of money can be waved in a year by roasting your own coffee. and it is not, so hard, at that. All that le needed is a good, big heavy akii)e:. Before roasting a poand at groat .:toffee, put in a chunk. of Clutter the Mee of an almond, mixed with a tears, .>nful of sugar. Roast on the .ctor, or flame, steadily shaking end aitir'_icg in the old-fashioned double- tale..fit: way until all is a uniform rich b:..wn. Shake fast when coffee "pope" `.r strokes. Please don't burn. The but- ter and sugar barely help the flavor, aroma, and bouquet of the delirious drink'. 13ut the butter must be good, and not too much ustsi'at one time; the smeller the quantity to do the job right tete better.—New York Press. Are You Sc3jact to.lumbago ? To watch an attack Iron till; on makes r tie think lunfbago iii utieelrierous. The Wtsee syetein is,a,lt`but Peralyze.d.e.e.teena eJr rnanuat labor are biome -401e. The em -eat and speedier, relief i:. found in. Nervi:ine, which ...should he thoroughly robbed over the back, eidee end shonl. 'b•trt. Lots of Xerviline and plenty of imbruing can't do anything but good. Of emirate if permanent pure is desired, a :r,erriiine Porous nester should be ap- plied to relieve all strain and latent ut- flaennia.tion from the mu.elee of the a -•rt: hart ['hie will absorb all the dele- terious s eretiout through the teliteed pares alga efieet a certain and lasting ,•.ire•. livery limits and pity'ietan who lest? •ira.te.hed the Norvilint' treatment, sure i'-•ea.tl i be beaten in Lumbago. ',est. ritigia. Rhtumakisnt ant all :mites, pants .st'.ffne4u; in the ntuseles. NAMiNG THE BABY IN JAPAN. Seth lovers of picturerttlee eeretuonies u,. the .Japanese do not let an import:lit re east like the tutntiitg of the hey ;sura stir: c'it proper &min-talt:•i:. The infeanee 1 ittle ie immediately annr/ttncted to the It at;:vees and friends. who hasten to send congratulations and nee -tents. Visit - ore -.teed to insist upon Being the mother rtrtd ehild, but the ! etead of medical kttowledge is gradually t•hait iug thio, (trt int seventh day t ft"r birth the cli id 5 named. The first born inn ie tri- ,1lls,tittJy mined "fentrt ,'' wittelt iuealt.t °there, as in Latin, an nam d tietr.md." "Third," anti -10 oa, Girls are mere Melee., receiving nit tutestlnl. 1'.atne- ;il.e " nett•:' "L'heysii cin , min,' mei !rte like. m , >t` hi7 art? 1 quickly stops coughs. cures colds, heals the throat and inns... . . . i 5 cents. :4'"r,. Muggins --r".ty busleentl ie a per - feel, eta.tk. Sire. l3uggine •-:\!l husbands are. my dear. Meet. 'Wiggins • But fancy a Hiatt who eontplai tie that my inns teed t platters are not its strong at those i hit, mother awed to make. tnlaitml how n fellow can lava e girl deay:y. and ye; .i;t'.itln tot. no Liu) look „hence n MINE FATALITIES. Death Rate in America less Than Any European Country, It lias long been the geueral itupres- SiuJt that Anteritme mine owners are gra:spiu}, individunit, careless of the safety of their wotkere and thiuking only of profit. :Their methode are coin - 'infect with foreign met Male, usuatty greatly; to • their advantage. T1I following reports taken front an article pnblisliedl itt the January, 7th isettneof the Anteriean • Engineeeriag and 1liniu ,tottrnal tell quite 'a different story. They prove conclusively that the United States system, measured in Mt - man life, is apparently :fee in advance of that of the old world. For every amillion tors of eon' mined the lost of life in the varinue countries is estimated see follows: United Sta.tee ... .. . .... 3.84 Great Britain ... ... ....... 4.15 f)errnauy ... ... ... ... (1,:i;, .Nranca .. 6:56 Belgium .. .. .... .. .. .. 5.71 Austria .. .. .. 8.16 With the evidence so overwhelmingly in favor of the United State' lintropean contemporaries might study Americana Ih17?i71}± prscttee to great advantage. Mining is nee•.' tta.rily a hazardous business, but it always has been eoneed- ed that wage and working conditions were far more favorable in this country than abroad. It is a satisfaetiou to know that :Unerioan owners are suc- ceeding in cutting down casualties to the xniuiluuin. TI -fl - MODERN WAY OF,n. HOME DYE= i Is to use ONE Dye that will color either Wool, Cotton, SIik or fixed Goods Perfectly, Yon win find th s In Send for quintile Card and Story Booklet 9! The JOHNSON. RICHARDSON CO., Limited, Montreal. Con, With this Modern Dye ally= have to date; to, ask for DY.O-LA then you CANT make a mistake and use the Wrong Dye for the goods you have to color. ON SKIS'IN THE ALPS ti DAYS. Two young Swiss Alpinists, Fritz Pfeiffer, of niennva, and Fritz Strasser, of Zurich, members of the Alpinre Clnb, have conclude(; a .splendid .fceit of dilat- ing- 1n k- ing on skis,' remaining six days and nights in the Alps of the Beruese Ober land. They ascended the ,Tungfrau (13.- 670 1L:671) feet) for the first time this year and several other peaks. They returned safely without having seen a human being for 144 hours. They were equipped to fight aintillst the great cold. Each carried fifty pounds of foots and drink in his haversack, as well as ropes, ice axes and crampon% and they were warmly clad. The Alpinists were on their skis from ten to fifteen hours a flay, and the average temperature was between 3.S degrimee and :30 degrees be- low freezing point. itfesst's. Pfeiffer and Strasser started front Galnpel, in the ValetI, and ended their Alpine holiday at hindermatt. They crossed numerous pnsseta and glaciers: --From the London lxpres. I OWE MY LiFE TO GIN PILLS Ii yon want to see a happy woman, just cul! on Mrs. Mollie Dixon, 59 Hos.- kin avenue, West Toronto. "After ten ,years of suffering from kid- ney disease, I believe I oleo my life to Gin Pills, Before I began using Gin Pills my back ached so much that 'could not put on my shoes, but after taking three boxes of Gin Pills, these troubles are all gone. It is a pleasure for xne to add one more teetimoltial to the grand reputation of "Gin Pills. Mre. 11. Dixon. :5Oe a box, 6 -for 2.50, at: all dealers. Sample free it you write National Drug & Chemical ('o,, (Dept. H. Le), Toronto, Ont. TWO OF A KIND. "Ohl George," sighed the lovesick maiden. "1'nt mine l'm not worthy to 'be you wife." "Well;" rallied George, wearily, "I'm Brit worthy to be ;vane husband, so we're jnr,t about matched." --•Tice Catholic Standard and Titles, ONLY ONE "19R.OMO QUININE'" That is „LAXATIVI. BRONCO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVI7. 'Used tate World over to Cure a Cold in Or.c Day. 2,5c. No Excuse for Round Shoulders. Being rowel t•iv.t:',taarc'i is a tttornl flaw. It is eauaed, tnnybe, by poor eye- sight wrongly eitextructed chairs, and heredity, t.11t the was., of curing it are Manifold, VIII rna,y it' you choose lama tit' e welkit:g with te brick or a cup of water on your head; you may walk with arils fohieat behind you; yon ;nay try 1', •keep the upper cttetittn of the back- bone perfectly flat.; you may try to push against you;• miller with the back of your neck. You may practice any of the 17 outer schemes to stand erect. Undoubtedly one of the beet habits its that of sleep aril leisure breathing.- To be round-shouldered ie .e> be guilty of moral failure, tiltce it can be eurt:,.--- Coltiex's \l eel ,y, Even the froth on a gine; of beet seems- to realize that there is plenty of room at the top. !• t1EBRR1`- tIOS1'ITAL THAINING S J()ULfOR NURSES . ii6A;G`'J(f'ldybt'E, Md. In conlnectU v cit one or the •t'lnest equttt :.o:tmitais its the :Utast, oftere ,lt' ;,clone' ennertunl- ties t0 yottllg ;'?,>lmten to train for the professttti' i )ntr ing. :t'lte course is thre) „*:ars and includes all braucheem n7canitat liar+ ca- pacity of lisp ;i,"s and a lar'g'e dis- Pensary serviti For further 'mane tier, write snot. of Nurse: r. Sehrevw ilio,srpituai, h(onuutettt St, it til Itittland Ave. Baltimore, ,ltd.. if. :•f. A. THE BLA(',I bLEEVE BAND. Theo eas•tont ':t,_ wearing a black band opt tine tsd• a 'as an in•clicatiou of half of eeelU:'-1 uiuuruiug invites remark. Meek lernele were first worn by living servarlet :.o. EngIannd, 'when it was .not ilhoil:F?itt • necessary to fit them, out in, c ria tete tmifornl of blacks, It leut us.eIy oontsitiered bet- ter form abjure entirely the livery of grief if eine o-ituiat afford (sr doers not approve of nearing black, and as dearly evr r .nto has at Isast one black suit or snook( have., the xteeees sity of the oanl'i te not quite appar- ent.—From Illi r. o o; Meft7azitte. Minard's Liniment Cures Garg,-t in Cows. t CANNOT WEAR THE OLD FLAIR. (Lippinet tt't M.agaeiae1. I can not wear the old hair I wore some mouths gone i d ! s - 2'e laid it on tint -topmost shelf. It With many a ;Weary sign. eno longer are ;wearing pur€e . }4 And rats areutta de testa; S 1 can not wearlhe ohl hair— 1 I ` Oh, what a.eruel brow!! 1 can not wear the oltl hair. t-''"" For which good gold. I paid'. Rat? hair Is se. expensive when One gets the Deeper: shade. I felt so dreadful when it was cotf1s 1, All Iittle puffs and curls; But 1 can t wearthe old reed hair, Alae for Pashion's whirls! 1 eau not wear the old red stair, Icer switches 1 •must htty And wind them round and rowel my head As flat as they will Ito, itIy face Is far too plump for this; My nose fs nlucli too long; But 7 can't wear the old flair. It's altogether Wrong.. AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE FOR ALL BABIES. Mrs: 1A a,: ztr '.Therefor, Ont., 'smites :, Me. tetra Tablets an invaluable 'e ii:ine''frir little ones. I used theta for )sty own child when he was small and last summer when I had a baby visitor whose food slid not agree with him, 1 seat for another box of the Tablets and tl ey quickly helped hint.," It is testimonials such as thie that have made Baby's Own Tablets popular— they have shown thein to be an invalu- able medicine for little ones. The Tab- lets always do good—they can never do harm. Once a mother has tried them for her little one she will have nothing else. For with tite Tablets site feels safe. They are sold under the guar- antee of a government analyst to con- tain no harmful drugs. Baby's Own Tablets may be had at any medicine dealers or at 85 cents abox from The Dr. Williams' 'itlediciue Co.. Brookyiile, Out. s'0 MOVING PICTURE SHOWS, (Kingston Standard.) To deprive the children, therefore, of attendance at these moving picture shows would be wrong. The remedy does not lie in that direction, bet rather its snaking regulations that tihail prevent tate showing of pietteres whfeh may have a. bad influence upon ehild•re:t. Repress. ive legislation is never good when it aims at killing rather;tlilnn miring. Lot us by all means have these teeming picture slows, but let us have them properly regulated. 1f that i'1 done "ltey can be matte a very ,patent influence in improv- ing the chi draft 'both inteile.etuallq and morally. PROBLEIV! FOR THE EDITOR. It has been asked whether stepping on a man's corns is sufficient provocation , for swearing. The editor advises, keep your toes clear of corns by using Put- ' ream's Painl''e s Corn Extractor, always ibest, painless and prompt. Sold by drug - 1 gists, price 25e. 1 TO SAY AND 7 C` 00, "DO you wish to go to 'church this evening? Father is going to preach, you know," the minister's: fair daughter ask- ed. The„ young man considered. "Um. The last time I• went, he rt - thee fell on some of my small f s,iiiur;a. Do you know what his text will be o - night?„ "Yes: 'Love one .!Another." He regarded the round pink dwelt: ap- pro•vingly. ' "Suppose," ho° suggested softly, "dolt we let the old gentleman. go • pre•.n.eh, while we alt nut a;t. the porch and pram tice k"---hippineott's, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. OLDEST CHAIN BRIDGE. The largest and oldest chain bridge in the world is said to be at Xing -Tong, in China, where it.' forms a perieet road half a !Tile in length, from' the top of one mountain to the .tpp of another. 1BRITISH DRINK AND SMOKE BILL The higltest c'ousumptimt in the United Kingdom wee in toe year 1907, which was about -2,057 pound'; an individual, laking the whole poptllntioit at a basis; while in 190p it fell to 1.975 pounds an Individual. Of tie amount paid for to - Memo •in Moe the Government received $74,307,2.54. The total mist an individualperan- nttm in 1909 was about ?,2.l)0;;, and contain. a family w as not ting of 4.62 persons (\v'hicll is it • t'ettstls haat;), the Annual expenditure of suets family was $13 411,. which aniouuls to. 0 wet'lcly e:x- penditure of 25tk cents. `L7te a'nnllai average for illtoxieanta for a-familyof the size above .mentioned is estimtit•ed at $77.51. The two expendi- t'ttres combined 'Would indicate that the average by each family iu the United 7Kiugdotn in 1901) wee $11.71 a week.--- From E)ail y Consular and Trade Re- ports. e t' BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking doer not rine children of bed-wetting. There N. ti constitutional cause for this trouble.. 1dt't. M. Sttuu- rnmrs, Box W., S. Mediae. Ont., wilt send fire to any mother her ettel eessfli'1 hone treatment, with full iastrneti{mit. Send no money. but write her to -day if your children trenble you in this wiry. Don't blame Lite chill; the Ihntteea are it can't help it. :L'hit treatment also cures edltlts and egad- people troubled with urine ciiffit'ulttes by day or night. ISSUE NO. 11, 1911 AGENTS WANTED. rr 1 •AN ASiSEltS WANTJSD. W11BI1 LT L.` salary pard. Alfred 'Tyler. 366 Clar- ence Street. London. Out. Chicago despatch: Cattle Receipts ea. ASTON'AND WOMEN WANTED TO RE - present us locally. Two dollars per day salary arid coinin1ssion. No expert. enee necessary. Write S. L. Nichola I,)tnited, Toronto. Agents Wanted Two new lines. Apply, Seliery, 228 Al- pert street, Ottawa. hhIr OSES' OIL FDIC PAIN, ASTHMA, VIE Bronchitis, Coughs. 25c and SLOW. Thugglsta or Prof. Castle, Hamilton, Ont. CERTIFIED AUDITORS, Accoantantsy Eta. Special Rate ea all outsi'd'e audits. Apply for terms, dates, etc. RALPH C. MURTQN & COMPANY, 5 KING 3 -ERECT WEST. . TORONTO. ONT. Every: Woman Ls. interested. tad shnutd k,a, about tilt wonderful' MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal. Syringe. Best --MUsccatwnient It cleanses inetanrty. Alsyou' druggist lore tr•,,,,;` rrs e cannot supply mho PIA RV F L accept no other. but send stamp for Must rate d book—waled. !t gives full nadir - GER NI AN adie.GERMAN R'All! WAYS. Wassail directions invaluable to•lwnea. It it now 75 refers shier the fleet aril- WINDSOR,nSIIPPI.Y CO., 01fltemene, oee Genetal.Agents for liana way was introduced into Germaine.. "no experiment wag magically on a modest settle, front Lndwigebalcn ,jeiniug up Ntl- remhurg to Icahn.. 'I'ht' tit kilometres of 75 years ago hare inerea-toll to -day to 60,00 kilometres, a kilometre being tine- eighths of a mile; and it it Maimed that Certainly today poeseesee the finest rail- way system in 'Europe. The first. loeo- motive used on the tiui•i'mte rg-Furtlt line was named the Adler, end was made lender the superintendent... of Stephenson in England. It Lost $4.:3ti0. MINAlll)'S LINIMENT ('t•7e hetet encs Geo tlemenr-My delight or, 10 yea re old. was thrown from a sleigh and In- jetu'etl her elbow so badly ie remained stiff and very painnrl for three year% Four bottle of 1•IlNAI1I)'S 1,tN131ie:ti't' completely eared her unit 'he bas not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, .1..l3. T.IYI:SQt-E. St. ;Joseph 1'. O. ISIb Ang., NOD. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. 7t"is a mighty atYeide from laborer in •a wire mill. at $4.6.5. a week. to the prest- dertetr al. 'the Uitittid ;statesSteel Cur- porn.tion at $100,1100 a year. The nista who has aeeouuplisltev! it is ;fames A. Farrell, who was elected the other day to sueceecl William Ellis Corey. In hit career Mr. Farrell has given another proof that ours is still the :arid of op- portunity for the poor boy with grit and determination to summed • •the boy who has n enol head and an heftt'st heart and is not afraid to soil his hands at honest work, re matter limy bumble.— The Christian Herald. .•• BETWEEN DIFFICULTIES. (Washington 'eta re "You don't like modern eta tear ..." "No." replied Miss Cayetute; nit. a mod- ern statue's trousers aren't ereaserl it isnt' neat looking, and if they we're creased it wouldn't be artistic." 4 -o PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS `tour druggist will refund money it PAZO OINT,vtENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 5 to 14 days. 60c, UNLIKE MOST. (Putek.) Willis—•Bumpus i, one of the oddest men I ever saw. Gillis—How so? Willis— Vhy, when a fellow borrows a quarter and doesn't pay it back. Bum- pus finally admits that it it the quarter he cares about, and not the principle of the thing. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. MOTOR MILLINERY. There are plaited straw. • They maty be in but two colors. And they may chow many shales. Green and reds are good together. Blues, grays and mauves mix well. Brown and green and clipper combine nicely. Leather bonnets and leather trim- mings retain favor. In shapes, the bonnets, turbans and toques have it all their own way. Jam' ItstE:' letveseexJvavvrsa,t FREE.'" :461LS We will give you a Handsome wet,`h or hmrotaln Pen o1, *113 Cuh, Nhtebevrr you wtsb. fir polling At 00 worth of our splendid Poet Cards. Theyarvinaa' to soll—everyone ..ks for thereof therh. Send nr yoirr anile and ad' dose and we will' sons you tie cants prepaid —ootl there and sena ue mfr money and we. will send 70.a your p.sont, or you may keep 51.11) and•aend ur balnne e,whtehereryore prefer. write to-day— we ,give an additional present 1f you mall the cards tvithlu 1l! days; evarland Merchandise Ca., ilept.,33 Tennis. IT WOULD, INDE.ED:.. "Pa., what is the height of folly!" 1•`()11, anything that is txetllstionally foolish. For instance, if f wore: tl. (Medi - dale for office in a district where I should have to depend on tilt: votes of the farmers and were to let 11 be mown that 1 wore pajamas instead of a night shirt, that would be the height of folly.' • RY ERMINE EYE REED For Red, Weak, tVeaty, W tery Eyes AND GRAPIrJLATED• LIDS • Marine Doesn't Smart -Soothes )lye Pain, ;Vinnie Eye Remedy. Liquid, 25c. 51c. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve, in Aaeptie Tubes, 25r, $i.0tl EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL. Burins Eye Remedy Co., Chicago THE LONDON FEATHER MARKET_ . The London marirot, for the ilnporta- tion of plumage for ladies' hats ie the largest in the world, and it it tetiutated that 5,000 persons are employed in the manufacturing and other work ineident- al to this trade. The values of the im- porte is said to be $3.::00,000 to :j4,000,900 a yera.--From Forest and Stiea•m, wa• iloh? Cw quickly stops corr,dhs, mores colds. lieais Vol turas! nod tuodo. . . . 23 cents. - HOW HE CONTRACTED iT. (Philadelphia Record.) Wigg--lllubclub complains of a frost- bitten ear. I wonder 'how it happened? Wagg--I believe it Boston girl once whispered in it. S 09S 3 TNTC r ANI)E er THW aaE$7 t.1tDtGtNE for COUGHS Z5 COLDS OFTEN HAPPENS. rI thought you said you were getting in on the ground floor," "I was, but the floor was rotten and I fell into the collar."--Chicago-Record• Herald. Minard's Liniment Curets Diphtheria. -1: --a. EXPENSIVE IDENTIFICATION. (Washingt,,-i Herein.) "I am to meet the duke at the dock." "But he has never semi you, girt " "For means of identification tie I'm to wear a red carnation and T ant to Barry $1,000,000 in my left ]land." EDDY'S "SILENT" ATC ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, THE FIRST STRIKE They make no noiee or sputter --a quiet, steady flame. The match for the smoker, the office and the home. -. All good dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, Fi'brewnre, Tubs, Pails and Washboards. The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited, HULL, CANADA.