HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-17, Page 1The Official Organ of Z
Vol. X h
We take pleasure in announcing that we
have put on display our new lines of Spring
Dress Goods. New Prints, New Curtains, New
11 Wall Papers, etc., etc. We have bought in
it the leading markets and can safely say that our
stock will compett with any outside of the larger
14 cities. We cordially invite the ladies to call
and look through our large stock,
New Dress Goods
We take special pride in Our Dress Goods stock. It was
never so complete. Vow is the time to prepare for warmer
weather. We bavc all the leading shades and cloths in
Wool Poplins. Hipps, Premo Cloths, Cashmere,
Tricotines, Poplinettes, P>eeswing cloths, Voiles
Crispines, Satin cloths, Arnnre cloths, Crepe de °bene
1'aliennea, Venetians, Lustros, Shepherd checks•
i New trimmings iu all over laces, braids, beadings, and lace to
See our New Prints, Gin ;hams, Chatnbreys, Foulards,
S icteria Lawns, Persian Lawns, Organdies, India Linens, blain-
10 neuok, indiata Iliad. ROR14.4; :. 4t lex G „COt
Fancy Llusltnes, etc. SPECIALS Corset cover Embroidery
20, 25, and 40 cents per yard. Flouncing Embroidery, extra
wide, 25, 40, 50 and 00 ets per yard
New Lace Curtains
See our new line of Lace Curtains, the very fates:, `oo,is,
Afrom 25 uts up. Madras curtains, Curtain Netts, Art Itluslin,
Swiss iljn lin. Curtain poles in white; oak au 1 ,ivahoginy.
Extension rods for curtains in brass and silver,
to lit tr- .(frAec>t
3 1 inchsnwps cent§, horse
collars at $2.00 eb f; ,gut Hartleib's.
Mr. Alfred (1 I6 an took a trip
to London. on 4 crtanosday..
Mr. John Eiebe• of Elkton Mich„
was a visitor he wx„ :wer d.
G • n rSufleturneayP'i on
•eek's . visit in
MistI Mary' ettl
Monday from
Nw cods for Sprig
Fill iHI his Store to the Br
Mr, and itMrs t 1 •iossenberry
of Berlin are vise, }�' t4ads- here,
this week.
12 doz roller window blinds, all
colors from 20 oe ts up. Call and
see, at Hitrtleib'
Mr. and Mrs frecl Melick re
turned. on Setur y frow a week's
visit with ratite. An Detroit.
Jae tVgiyte.., t Massey .Harris
Agent delivered e ty five Machines
to farmers, this_ .ek.
Rev. Mr. Itiii, I and of Hensall,
and Rev. A D. 'ischler will ex-
change pulpits o a nudity evening.
Rev. Millyard Ilensall will de-
liver a. tempera #s': i:' address in the
Evangelical Su n■ ';yr School, next
Mr. Johnstop, avelting comed-
ian hue been a,�t err ertaining large
audiences in the town hall, every
night this week
Mr. and MO.. Sam Brown,
daughter Erman• earl son Royal
spent a few days his week, at the
home of J. Pree0r. •
Freeman's sur growth fertilizer,
best thing for • the land. kills the
grubs and increiisetztlgeis. yield of
your fields one, third. I'. L -less sc
Vacuum Cleaner for rent—Make
house cleaniu ` easy. Use our
vacuum cleaner ,;Not necessary to
take up your Cal 'rets.. It removes
all dust and. dir
we handle only the famous Staunton Wall Papers, They
cannot be excelled lled for beautiful designs and colorings. Prices-- 5l
1$ 10. l3.1, 15, ,u, 25, :;0 per double roll. Job lot of paper to clear
11 at 5 cts per roll.
oor Coverings
` See our lines of floor rugs before yon buy. we have
it velvet floor rugs, Tapestry rings, Linoleutus, Carpets, .Japanese
i 1attings, Oilcloths, etc.
'Tapestry rug, size 97x00 special '75 at cents.
�`Ytyirla. I'ng', size ? i xG4 special at c41.50
Scott rags, size 93x'72 special at $3.00
rti11• Tapanese ,fiats size :30x72 F1 dal at 4 ;e nis each.
Tapestry and velvet rugs in all siz;,:s auri designs the largest stock i
cr e have ever , ho tvn.
Headquarters for sap pans, cap buckets, spiles, seeders,
i'orks,'washing machines and wringers, curtain stretehers, carpet
sweepers, shovels, drain spades, horse clippers, etc., etc.
Clover Seed Cleaned
We are prepared to re -clean yonr clover seed at any time.
Ni The soca Act is very strict and farmers should zee that the seed
they sell or sow is governntent standaro. We also have some
good clean seed for vale.
e e
ly 4 krad
yi ehoi
while the Stock is Complete
Telephone 9
it38cof PCPOICISIX:28C.KICOE3COf 43 3
.J.' Preeter.
Lutheran lr %; 1.1'The ecening
er a+ is Luthe
fix; ncte ir1 ,t.n
o�illrolY w1 � e �:_ �� ^ �-
hsh;' The subject of meditation
will be: •''Christ in Gethsemane."
All are cordially invited to attend.
Ten men, representing the Zurich
(run Club had a fine noting at
I3ensall on Friday last. ()ur boys
had to pay for the oysters and if
we published the score in detail
our readers would sa\T there were
a few "lobsters" in the gang The
event was at o rocks each, the
aggregate score beim; IIensall 125;
Zurich 118. A return match is
expected to tale place here today
(Friday) and on our own grounds,
our shooters should make a better
showing. They all speak highly
of the treatment given them by the
Hensel Club.
Lutheran Church—An event of
special interest took ;,lace in the
Sunday School in jonneotk'n with
St. Peter's Lutheran church, on
Sunday afternoon, when the schol-
ars of the infant class hade farewell
to Edgar ;ecbnc'11, who attended the
last, time. Miss Margaret Hess
read an address, and a pair of enff
links were handed' to Edgar. vv hu
ways a nnng t11ntii,.tcho most faith. .
fully attended the ,L",t111day School.
After Mr. if Hess Sr., who has
urge of the Infant class and the
pastor had bidden god speed to the
faithful scholar, . his classmates
shook hands `,'ithlilnl, wi?bing11im
happy j warner and, success.
Although it is not quite Spring, you will
see by coining into this Store that it is not
far off....A11 the latest' shades of new Spring
and Summer Dress Goods in the following
kinds : Orepon Pongetta .... Dress Linen
Foulard Radium .... Mercerised Poplin .... Mull
Crep.on .... Voile Etc.
Allover Lace
Some very pretty patterns in
lace with insertion to match.
Tosca Nettings
We have several shades of silk netting,
double width, used instead of all over
lace. 'ter
Wall Papers
Have all our new wall papers on sale
now, and can please almost anybody.
Gents Furnishings
All kinds of suits...readymade or made
to order. Newest spring shirts, unlined
,lio1., glave^lets: andcaps, and, allkinds
of fancy hosiery.
`~ I have opened with a New
Stock of Tip - To - Date
Shoes for Spring. I
have a splendid range for
you to select from.
I invite you to this store
for your spring shoes,
I have good lines of Eng-
lish Kip • aiid French Kip
shoes for everyday wear, at
Reasonable Prices
Ready to do Shoe repairing
Sutter and Eggs token in exchange
CZ r7 S
•-' ,.. �,
0 Nifty aid Good
G Bracelets,
�s a o
y Forever
WO are just opening up the Newest l fleots 111
New York and Paris au Patterns
Rings, Fobs, Chains
:AI,Vatet es
§ Do we fit
Glasses ?
1 a
and el dis
You bet we do.
All Kinds of Sewing Machine Needles on hand
Fine Mitch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing
GEO. M1l. HESS, Manager of Clock Department