The Herald, 1911-03-10, Page 6rt Colborne Woman Succumbs to I, Injuries From Buries. - Yt4BR ussian;, Government in Favor :o .'' `Cremat'ion. , John. Resideil:t.. Shoots Himself in a Ci*eyard,: University of Toronizr)linitt has hr en teed to \h yelif f e 'Coils:ga The population of St. i'lionza' will 'ow an increase during the• year tit Met 400, making it. 15200. A petition to the British Fiercely i': ing signed) by :fr1, :Per. using thee/erne. ion of an. Imperial Advienty ("anneal, Mice Alice tiulliran. of Port Colin -hew, iso was'badly burned when her clot irteg ught fine, succumbed to her itittiriesae The Emperor of lapan has doriateae :res -quarters of a million dollars to e poor of japan from the privy purse. Standing on a :;erne i1t this old Loyal - An graveyard at St. .john, N. B.. An- .ew• Foe -ter shot himeolf through the :art. The Belgian Parliamen Appointer a •mmi-9slorl no study the feeeibilit v of troducing an aeroplane s:erviee. in the )rlgO, The Chinese of San Franitist•o have nt inore than $20,000 to their country - en who are suffering in the famine die- ict. Johu Davis, York street, ,Langston, i ght wata'hman.' attempts(' suic:idc ihy salting hie throat wit',: a razor. Ile Ly recover. The I'ztsssian (;eve z lucent laic) before .ze Diet Is bill legalizing cremation. overnnient, for tweut.v years, bas op- nsed `the suggestion. David Robertson, n. retiree,' farmer of airbank, died hndden]y of heart failura i Toronto. He was c 4 years of acre, and native of Glasgow. Sir Toln Murray. the (Brrto ) fi ieltis i, ,rho wee compelled to seek medical :rid ihrle visiting in Boston, a month .ego, eas fully recovered. Col. .Tosiah C. Reiff, a well known Figure in Wali street, New York, who years ago eras one of the chief op- ponents ot lay Gould, is dead. Alfred Coyeli, Toronto City Relief Om- ar, reports 288 cages as fleeing been re- lieved at itespitele. hozu'es and other m- etitutions through 1he city's ofikc. George Hutcherson, no olcl Bro;:keine resident, who has h(;en in the dry ponds businosn there for sixty years eontinu- ously, cold out to Robert Wright. The Canadian Northern Qtir'brc Rail- way announced that they will re -open the big Lake St. Joseph snip mer hotel this year. It was dosed last year. The Imperial Bank of Canada has opened ev branch at Reeliffe, Athena. un- der the, management of Mr. A. E. Far- mer, formerly accountant at Strat'ccoua. Lieutenant Thomas J. lillennesy, quer- tormenter of the Royal Military College, retired from the eerviee, after being con- nected with the Royal ltfilitary College for thirty -(gene years, The approximate value of he?Idinge in Toronto, for which permits were clamed in February. was $'/60,0(X), ac compared with $860,440 in February last year, an increase of $103,550 'Phe immigration season hse; started early. Over five hundred neweomcrrs ar- rived at the Union Station, Toronto, and nearly half of them stayed in. Torot'to, far die present anyway. and providing ter galenite. railway eller tars by that cicpal;tni.nt. It is oftuhtl,ly aintnttlt:•e:1 that the !sixth annual camp of the .Paine t'lnh of Cana(la sill be lien( in the:Steam ucea.. doter abet!• $herbruuk" Lehi., in the Reektee. Tee vamp will prop iley be hem ewing the la. t week cif at n and ;eat week of August. • \iiuers of Om G rank.. A r h.; !tis r el. wltn..lutre been anti:iv frau, molt for IMP weans ou arrurltrlof the i1iffe .aces•t ate the operators, have return act lei wairk under order!• from 1 b Dietriet Preeilient. pending the completion of the rgrt"enu tit, whiecli is to go into effect dear .\pr 1. FRENCH. CABI NET. Irra .e .mmem ....,., heat TIC 1 B lr)SONAll Lli.t lL1N l .1�1')t71, `et)1 I: t'11W ( l', attic v, .Cainatlian Fiera'' Poultry,. at a,i;.) I here• are Many ft viral lust dobe; c•urn- Ielti n.u_ of a recti ty_ 01 eggs, 1'irev lr:eve Int of heir.;; or: pullets , hanging, It t'nu require eggs atelf emits., feed your r souls as foloratirig feed a good breakfast of third% hirlet meal, and in- dhan ureal ecaide d. nor. •criedoff ttit:11 etran. MIX tills to a .c tt mbly eonstitie �� c'acy, not sloe nix some good poel- Nanles of the Miermbers of the New try powder vwItlh 1Itie. or ;rive mua,tard. French Government. give ginger in the s.rlt;'fowl. ..1.t diluter give finely -cut noelt;il meat and plenty of _erects food; and Lt -.t little wheat, . At. 'night feed oafe, Wheat, bust:wheat and Paris. \tarelc •'. •11'itle our or two lnclieu corn. \ille is a gland. egg pro- ovc•rfnight ,-hau'igee the new 1'reit,•1t yelp- dater. either „w'eet _or ;oro'. an atsu is inet, lois been coinptetc;d teal wets :u1- 1111111• 1•001k. 'J'Jt s t e(ling fot•rec the Ilene - to lay, and the egg- f -ori ,lens "fureedl'' notneed to -day as fnLoes: in 11)41. .iia • are little neer for ']h'11ei11n�g T'rgriuer and Minister o` clue Lrtc�r)ur ;.1 - .Antoine Ernest 1.. '.Monis. } 1'ettil ''`e` ' • Minister of Foreign Aifairs • ,lean l EGGS. FOR 1I:l-l';'II INO. C'ruppe. ' t Now. it you require egg', for It ttehlni, ..Minister of \\ear-- lleuri 11,turie'e 13r'r- feed ]ti tui' tvaay: i:ecd u.ti,, btatkwhceat, teeux. • unrlhe. wheat. India it horn, plenty of lfinister of Marine -'1'iu•ophile 1)Pl- I ereee foal) mane taut. birds '.crat:•b eagae. 1 fur their living, give nu eon. fu:pd ,or at Minister of Firm nee .1 ,.ph: twill:ttie: - 1 'oast very rattle. if voe do ere craft food, Minister rel 1'01 in 111,- met ion -- Igine el over ureal with tllrit t•riinart nu•a1. .1`ules Adol}tide 'I'hendorc Steels, fro sptoutett'erain. when yon (-air ob- MiflistE-r of Public Work`'' t'Itai•ic= 1-„"•t 11. llarig- ti , • n :,a ,• ath o 1het e Dunl6ttt, herd- en', hate to jettip o reach then. Mtntster of Ariel/11m°' ,lino'. Tarns. enrich :ttrnlpc are ate.. • ,nl, To cath _Alihi'ter of (locums Adolphe ?pies- ;..ret of the fotrt; drinking tenter give limy. Minister of Labor- Paul 1;oneenr. • \ignitor of ;hstiee - Antoine Perrin. Minister of ('olumerel --Louie F. A. P. Ma'ese. • 'The under ce'•ret:tries. are: interior -- Emile ('onstage ; ;fustic -e acid \et'nrsbip, Louis Malty: Pude and 'I'elegr•apiie, t MPORTANCJ:OF:tl'.iIN. . Charles Channart: Benue Arte. Henri3•iruy }xop:<i <aitnv: ret eggs n0 ntat- 1)ujerdin-Besumetr. err how .ti.:y feed. Ir. tihe eche they* :r pitec of snlj:hate of tree the sae of a pea. Keep eon:. birds we rriciic d on 11 oyes r r shell oafs) grit. Wiwi e raw birds 't le N':Iteg- in vigor. give :t to a`p-n.otn1 of 1'arr:eh'e. snit -mire: I'ued to eet•h lielf- r•ais UI tiro irirds• drietning wetter. .-.o.....--....�. , n•.nKt bare grog hold o, a had laying THE POOR CH l ESE::a::r: ir �tiiri et'E.rytiirn«, i ; ititry iercedirrg<:a bird "bred to lay” far a fete gerteretions enaply mutat hi -Ip laying if itettillett rigs You ace. she has been Thousands Dying of Starvation --`BarIC },er{firaitire eft'rto proc of c abese}atrrea1 number of teeit pert of and Weeds the Only Food. (gt . The Ramie Leland Red has been ored to lay. It was maau&a tnrel for utility purpose!se the long body gives ample room for the egg producing or- gans. grand egg,are ) 'tis •and e ^an They i. a 3d t y herd to beat a= :tlt ail -round farmers' fowl. 'For rrlitit_ the erg-bart,ke'c or for broilers or roaetcr;. the Rhode Island Red • rearm, route teaming up to. New e er.d •ulna, e shownerneet ovary tt(tivlty c(t. esee en fill tine egg basket. J.t is the .0 i ds What have been bred for relic stiof.A.' for c;rlliib;tion polities filet are otters degenerates from utility. Any breed that requires its ex - e ibitien points grossly. exaggerated has ceased to be of any u,ye for the utility breeder. Beeby of the goad 01(1 trreede .are stili unspoiled. The I.ceghern as bred in ("anade, is a )ouch ,y1,Etrrlor fowl than utas English ,ei+ter. We go in for ntoderete- sirid tenths, over in Erg1ctnd the large eoliths take the premier 14.OIi0rs lir the eltnw, other poin•s being equal. Vl a.k]tinguen. Mayen, ti. To tet- 1. the r pressing weds off the start ing; people of China. Anterieau t:onset-General Wilder, of Llha tighai. to -day (abler) to the Secretary of State to urgent ap- peal to the people of the United States for the eantribntiou of $1.0(),000 nxire, to be sent by alible to rho stricken icken people. Mr. Wilder mikes it pla'lu that the amount will 1.o needed before the army transport Buford. now loading at Seattle, can possibly arrive in t:laina. with its supplies. The situation. Mr. 'Wilder adds. ie desperate. While some relief has been given to the suffering multitudes, thou- sands are dying of sbarrittion. Bares and weeds, the C u tsnt-(;eneral F:.yF, pro- vide the only fond for titeneenti- of others.. The Red t'ross today i- 1i]ed -$l.011:1 to Mr. Wilder. making; c. 0'611 of th-':i,t)(Itt which the Red (,roes has dielmret'd for the relief of (lin sefferrre. 416.007 hay - ng been cabled directly to the etrieketr district;s. arid $7,(tt10 biting; been spent for supplies:. While Earl Green. 16 years of age, was cleaning a stove in a cellar .at 1598 •Ion1 e street, Toronto, he used a pre- paration containing gasoline, attd'tar1 is liow at his home at, Wyeitwooii nursing a pairof.+badly burned legs. 'Flames that completely destroyed the Florence University for Women, Flor- ence, Ala.. drove sereatning girls scantily clad front the blazing building et 2 o'- clock this morning and did damage am- ounting to more -than' $163,000. The London Times announces that Lord Sackville has Bald from the Xnoll collection of Gaineborough's picture, "Mies Linley and her brother, Tholnas Linley," for nearly $20,000. The name of the purchaser is not,revealed. • Thirty-five western railtoade have be- dded, to snake no appeal front the recent decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission denyiegf the roads the right to inerease freight rates. They will accept the decree of tbe e»mmirecon RP final. Fire which was discovered in the plant of the Democratic News and Sun- day Binghanntonian, Binghamton, N. Y., this ]Horning, destroyed a large part of tbe plant of the Vail Ballon Book Co. of Coclhetown, Ohio. The loss is estima- ted at $100,000. A heavy toll wee levied on "blind pigs" reminded bv 1t,-i)ians in Toronto :by :Magistrate Denison. when he imposed fines ranging from $40 to $100, with al- ternatives from 30 daysto threat mmzthe in jail. Six nigh were assessed the larger amount, . The mond mission of the Legislature of British t.''alhtielbSe. teas , prorogued. Among the elilef measures passed dor- ing the see.iot) were the making of pro- vte on for a nature Provbnaial Urtiver- e. . A OIC SHOCK. Depot of Dynamite Blew Llp and Sadly Scared Montreal. Montreal, Glue. (n slr,iech: Half t..a, in- lrabitants of the Island. of Montreal ea1 were rudely dist tidied at twenty min- utes after six cdelouk thin morning by a noise, afterwards variously explain- ed by 0. wide range of euggectiolrs from a boiler explosion to an earthquake. It required hours of investigation to dis- cover the cause of the dis(s rbtncc, whseh was (:resited by the explosion of a gea,ntity of dynamite snored in a woodeli shanty. It was owned by oontrartots en- gaged in const ructittg emcee; through the property on the western height of V4 estrommt.. 'A maple tree close by has a big hole in its trunk. Lu('kth 1ltrre are very few nooses in the viemity, but those few, several hundred feet dis- tant, had all the windows ,:uasb"(1, and ane, house bad a wall e, slacked, "Experience is the b^r;t leacher" quoted the Wise C,uy nes, hit her charges are mighty �lrigh," a.rhled the Simple Mug'. GOING TO FOREIGN FiELD. are little more than' terminal. Receipts of dressed ltuttttty ere entail, and of live Pnu)t•y almost' •nothing, e . C'O1W, AJ O.ii.T.tNta. (Fanners A:dveenie,J .. ' •.. Three of my torr.,, e'i nu• in tjtu(e late - Ise ale -Is and their, time was not Int till tibc,'nt 'the first .of 'elprrl,•The calves, which) 'were living, tt r r e •itbottt •diel' size ; of a email clog. Thea white vele. weak, . rind cried ht ,t .fon- hours, Da you think gilds abortion, and couid you pr'esrribe any cure for. it? 1 have several more cows, and toe afraid of them going the some way, 1 know they could not:have been hurt, for 1 have timer in my stable, and They are never out. At first I blam- ed it on feeding theta .corn, es 1 had given it to then) along with hay up to Christems, ;dj r cern was well saved, Hag been in illy barn; batt; of course, was frozen. Since the first: one cable in, be- fore Ciiri'tnlas. I stepped the corn al- together. Do con tbinte the corn might be the 'cause cif it? li,* stblc is a large building, '40x30. The (tows -are at one side, and a wide passage. with the horses • at the...other ride, and. for alaont a month. some 33)39. Is it unhealthfc}1 to have thole pigs there? They are:kept dean all the time. The hens, too. run through the stolrle in the c::iytime, but .aro shat nut at' night.'J.'hr) (.01 seem to be doing •well, and are appcereiit.ly in a good. healthy-teonditinn. up to the time tiler come. in. I have been giving them earbulic acid since ('hrld?tmas, and 600 no change. Is there any use of keep- ing on at it? Cyon:'( there be ewe use keeping tho„= arms over .:.nether year, or Would they be get to go the sante way? '1•'c.. S, Ans.—These are certatin;y eases of aboratiun, but we are inclined to the opinion that- i;: is not contagious Abor- tion, as it is unusual to find a nnrnber of eases coming- so close together. ft is unlikely that tlt5 frozen corn fed has hail the effect of ,:ailing abortion, but it may be. that the keeping of hogs in the Fame bnileling ]las been the cause, especially if the ventilation is not good. We have little faith in any known med- ical, treatment for abortion, but advise cleanliness, juditiious feeding and good ventilation as preventive measures. Cows which abort 611nn10. not be bred again for at least three months. If there is con- tagious abortion in the hone. the cows are almost •'ertain to repeat the eel; two or three times, after which, a.s a rule, they become immune, and carry their calves the full time, but as long as there are aborting oows in the stables others are liable to eontraet it. 110DE1L'LTE SIZE. F+trid:tiy speaking, a. very large 111• d is never a. good egg producer. A. metier - ate sire fa required for utility qualities. Neither too large nor tea sol (Il.' A very massh a bird will simply put on Wesel instead of producing eggs. A fair tee tomb for the breed eften denotes a good layer. It Is tate eetive, nioderaf.e-ailed hen that ig sawn scratch- ing; and always busy. The bird that is often the, last; to go to roost, and the first to fly out in the ntornig--the busy little )ten, that's the bird that fills the egg battiest. To produce a gond strain of layers front your present flock, either use a trap Hest or watch the best layers and mark them-• Then -mark the chickens with a leg band, or make up a pen of. your best 1ayP e. It is easy to under- stand if outward markings at•e -handed down from generation to ,veneration. 111 ternal qualities are also, then get to work at core to pro(]tire a strain of fowls "bleed to lar:" You, will never re- gret it. Nine Missionaries Appointed by Methodist General Board. Toionte 'el espal :0he Nine nl1Ssioustrjes were appointed to .this foreign field by the ('3,.eentiwe eornmi1.tcc of the Meth- odist; General Bard of b19iseinns :ester - day. 2lte following etrndidates 'ward recommended for work in Wee( China.: Mr. H..1. Sheridan, T3.A., eduuatrrrnel fpr evangelistic' work; Mr, Ernest Hibbard, B.A., evangelistic work; 11r, C. B. Belly, Dr. A. F. Lepper. and Dr, .1. F..Tohn- ston, medical tnrssiouarre Mise Lomat: Newcombe, rnisatonnry nurse; Mr. Mur- ray Davis, mis8cionary printer. The fol- lowing were recoannheeded for appoitt- merit to Japan. Mr. Herman E. '4V'aik- er, B.L. *van e)isi:0e work; Mr. Harold ,.r.: it rltznndtw,-T.4kr • M .,..filncaiiebs3 weer).. EGGS AND POULTRY. (Canadian Farm:) "We are " just handling about eight dozen of new laid country eggs at the present time for every dozen we could get; at this time a year ago,�awas the remarle of a man closely associated with the trade. That is the reason why there is a steady decline in the prices paid.. But consumption is broadening with every drop in price, and it would take a lot of eggs to bring the price below the 25e line, Montreal reports markets firm at last week's" decline in prices. While stocks are greatly reduced,, still current receipts are large, ' and there are Am- eriean eggs to be reckoned with, when prices there drop 3e belowCanadian quo- tations. There are no more Chinese eggs to hand, but Toronto hasa good big lot of frozen Russian eggs to work off yet, and there may be mare where they came from. Now York quotes a top for extra fancy new laid white hennery eggs of 30e to 35e, but for fresh gathered new )aids, the price is 23c to 24e per cloreu, Steerage eggs are quoted at iGe per Chicago reports a somewhat strong- er market, with top price at 23e to 24c., and for seconds 126, to 130 per dozen. At Winnipeg new lards are ()noted at 35e to 37e, and storage eggs at 20e to2ic,, while et 'Edmonton, eggs are away -up, being still in the regions of 40c to 450 per dozen. Potlitry markets r• tete present time NEW DELEATE Mgr. Stagni to Arrive in Ottawa the End of This Month. Trouble Over Reception ---Plenary Council Decrees, Ottawa deesmpat•i'h : Mgr. Stagni, the newly appointed. papal delegate to Can- ada, will arrive in Ottawa on the 25th of this month. He will bring with )him the decrees formulated by the Plenary Council held at ciuebeo two years ago, which have only now been approved by the Vatican. ) IftOROFOR:ED A ROBBED Charge Made by Toronto Woman Against Two Men: Says They Stole Money, • Persian, Lamb Coat and Revolver. two Suspected Men Caught by P&lice at Railway Station. Termite despatch: Two melt :whom the pollee believe are members of an - organized gang of thieves were landed in the polka nets early this morning and i:azne up in the police eourt, where they were rennuidc'd for a week. One of the men was about to leave tbe city for Montreal when he teas ca.p• t111511 ac the )Alcon Station. The police evpc"at to get the rest of the gang later on. Charles :::reel\', who elainas '.rorotite. its - lii, home, and Earl. Epstein, who hail • from Montreal, are the two men in todt•. . Aecnrding to the police, Sandy early - lest eyrning went to the home of Misr Blauehe holler, at 112 Parliament street; and .stule from her a silk dress. '.thou it is said they paid a visit to Lena 1MM"i1- Ier'e home ;it 1 Plymouth avenue at I o'e]ock this ]norning. Aetording tri Miss Miller, the two men offered to sell her the dress for $10_ She went to her roon) to try it oft is see if it would fit and when she 'iso -- turned to the two men they attacked her. She wag chloroformed and whet! size 41102e to her senses again she were short $51, a Persian lamb coat for waled,. she had recently paid $110, and a revol yet, whiaih she had under her pillow in the bed. Directly elle 1•ee0vered ,10neekee eefet she gave the alarm. :Miss Miller was notified to meat the police al the• Union Station early thin. morning to tray ancr point out Epstein, if she saw lulu t.bere. ,lust about 7.30 site saw the man and pointed hint out to 1'. C. Bunt, the eta, he two with „bre. He, t t n a tion police <0 u , ll detectives, took Epstein into custody 1131(1 he was taken to police headquarters. Detectives recovered all the l toleit goods. Sandler pleaded,guilty,in court to the robbery charge, but denied administer ing the eh oruforres .tl eregli he adltaittacl buying it. Epstein admitted thaw -ha used the drug, but accuses Sandler of doing the robbing. The charge is az. ministering chloroform for the purposet of committing an indietable offence, also robbery with violence, the maximum. penalties for wlhiclh are life imprison- ment and the lash. Both prisoners come from Montreal, and Sandler is said to be well connected. Word as to the date of Mgr. Stagni's arrival was received at the residence of the delegate here to -day. Ile will sail from Naples, Italy, on the 10th, and ex- pects to be here on the 255th. His com- ing will be made the occasion of an official reception, the denails of which have not yet been decided. It is pro- bable, however, that the archbishops and bishops of Canada will again be invited to attend and that addresses will be presented. In this connection there again arises the vexed question that marred Mgr. Gauthier's installation re. Gently, that of the Ideate: between the French and English speaking (:411holies of the city. The former hare nut decid- ed nn any line of action as yet. but; a meeting of the French. Canadian 1du- etttiona.l Association of (luturio trill be called shortly to consider the question. The decrees of the Plenary Council, wlhi"eh Mgr. Stagni is expected to bring back with flit', will now become (thumb law. They were taken to home by Mgr. Sharreti lart May. but required-, mirth time in examination on segment of their length. FOUGHT POLICE. Detectives Bitten and Beaten by Two Drunken Women in Montreal. Montreal, March 6. --There was a wild taaAae 0n St. James stret, near cue Jlona- eetteuzrs se.ttteon, at 9 o'eeock 111st night, when I)eteeliyee Cowan and McCann at- tempted to arrerst trophic. Wilson and Ethel Ford, both eu;ore0, who were un- der the influence el liquor. The women fought desperately with hands, -feet and teeth. It took the combined et•fat't8, of four officers to get the woolen to the Cheiboillez street. station. Dnring the row, the Ford woman sunk her teeth into McCann' chin and gave hint a ee- vero bite. They were locked ale on charges of drunkenness and disorderly conduit, but it is said other charg�.es may be preferred against them tl'is morning, 116 several complaints have. been etteeived recently against a couple of colored women who have beets tob- >,irig men In the vicinity of 13rrneawenture station. LEVIS TO MONCTON Eastern Section of the National Trans- continental Being Completed. Montreal, March 6.—It is now semi officially announced that the Trans- continental railway will be opened from Levis to Moncton by July, 1912. The key to the situation is in the completion of the Davis section, a very diffictdt piece of work, extending for 200 miles, from the Chaudiere to the New Brune• wick line. The delay has been caused by the great amount of filling on the eastern end of the contract, but, as the bridge work will be in an advanced stage next summer. Mr. M. P. Davis, who was at the Windsor to -night, stated that the grcateet possible activity will be dia-- piayed on the contract during -the conn- ing season. T'her'e would, he said, he no less than nilwr steam shovels at work, and he thought that three thousand sten ould be also employed 55'90031 as open • grtions are at full blast. Domipion Day next year, M .r. Davis added. the work will be completed to the boundary lisle, and, of course, to Moalee- ton. MANY YOUNG WOMEN. Royal George Brings • Over Six Hu,m- dred Passengers. 1La;lifa,x cleepatelt: The Canadian Northern. Steamship Company's a'teameir ).royal George arrived in port to -night from Liverpool with .i2 first, 102 second, and 5500 third-class passengers, who will. land in the moaning.' A large number al the passenger✓; are inanligrants for west- ern Canada. They are a fine class of people. Many are young twoiuen wino, are going to seek employment as ser- vants in the west. : FELL IN THE MUD, bete York, ;blttr h 0.--•.1 ruble to the Herald from London says. 1lt'. Owen, who le digging the bed of the Riven Wye for evidence revealed in a cipher in Shakespeare's works that Sheen wrote them, Spencer's "Pairie Queen" arta a few other odd items, fell into a pit y6n. terday afternoon on This head. .A: f•rllow- investigetol• rescued him. covered renin thud. "A 'week* in the fall;' told :t t. (]wen, "saved me front breaking!; lttl+ ' neck °1