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The Herald, 1911-03-10, Page 5
i 1 1 1 According t.o $ 1 0 0 , Cove nrnent Estimates was made in Western Torn" Property during the year 1909 Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the propositions submitted to you by your western friends for future consideration ? In short, are you the man who made a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess sufficient judgment to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal ? The man or woman entitled to sympathy is the one who says: " Five or ten years ago I had the chance to buy this or that property at $100 or $500, and now it is worth $10,000." The average person sneers at the person 'who makes such a statement and says: "I would have bought and made that money." Are'you going to say five years from now that you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe; Alta., at from $50 to $100 each, or are you going to be the man who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ? POE A COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRE Poe is located on the main line of the Grand 'Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed- monton and Saskatoon. It is located in one of the finest farming districts in Western Canada. The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point. These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost of living, and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town,• thus creating valuable real estate. POE AS A MANUFACTURING CENTRE This townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by• large manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farruing lands furnish farm products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost. The town is located on the main Iine of a transcontinental railway, assuring the necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor, t one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre. �1lary'i`4 Q ser n_ Neon, e, Ckee O�• �••.ID /••:. bh®j o�h �yO•••'tQy 0• %,./ a ho Y�Q deho•.N '`�• P.0,,,,,,c:04/4,Q, 464sODai®aD�ias>DaD�!O O D/AYIN{► �NP4�O6R•�P�ON1111 aD11014�11?rdYDeliDis�DlWCi99!®as®ra i/�YltM�tDA14•tY®Os4�aDallain ® 6DOINDO ®CaW®ga 47G.a �• • W Poe townsite was recently placed on the market and already over 200 lots have been sold, and -many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase int price. Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada;;• who are now profiting by their foresight. The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes. OPPORTUNITY is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you might 'read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make money, but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these desirable qualities are entirely useless. Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow rapidly. Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do not bay now it is because you are lacking in courage, and the chances .e you will neer be like the man you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise. TORRENS TITLE Poe townsite is held by us under the Torrens system of title. Under this system the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe. PRICES AND TERMS Prices of lots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments ; or quarter cash, balance in six, twelve and eighteen months. • INFORMATION We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town and its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish to receive this attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon' and malt it to us to -day. LANDS. TOWNSITES AND INVESTMENTS Union Bank Building, Winnipeg, Canada VcIIRIi aDOINIDaDOMIDaDOMIDa,XD(®aDaTaDGICONI'U, I Sit up and r Take Notice 5 1 Ct We have on display our New Prints, and Dress Goods. Almost everything you could wish for in Spring and Stunuier wear. Also our New Wall Papers, of the latest de- tlesignsat popular pric- e s. Call and Inspect Pe ft Before Purchasing u I R. N. DOUGLAS, tip 5 General Merchant, 13 L A K E. aD®aDaaMaD®cOD©IdaDf a ■mUZUR OH I a a MEAT Ml'=1KE II WE keep i3• !'d fulllinc• sh meats, hales, eety • etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our. aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUN6BLUT & BEICHE T. If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it proper. , ly. There is no reason „why a cold should hang on for weeks and it . will not if you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, For sale by A11 Dealers, Mrs. Peter Woolley is reported to be very ill at the present time. Mr.• John Gellman's cow, valued. at $75.00 died a few days ago. Rev. A. D. Gisohler and Rev. L. K. Eidt Dashwood, exchanged pulpits, on Sunday evening, D. S. Faust got in a fine lot of the latest styles in caps, for men. Call and see there. Mr. George Broderick of London, formerly of the Babylon Line, was in town on business, an Wednes- day. We huve a full supply of sap buckets, spilei, pans, etc„ for maple syrup making. See us before you buy. J. Preeter. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kraus of Michigan, are visiting the latter's mother Mrs. John Prang and other friends. D. 5. Faust wants a girl to learn the millinery trade, anyone desires to learn the business, call at his store. One of Mr. J. J. Merner's farm horses got down into the snow re eently while being driven in from .Hensall, and resulted in the death of the animal a few days later New spring geode arriving daily, We want you to come and 1 over oer large new eteek, can please you. J. Preen.'e The following articles were i' itted from A1.7. Os•cu•r leouhie r sale bill,c,De Laval cream separator, Now Daisy churn and 2OCo Messrs Gazebo and Gascho have dieposed of their grocery store to Mt'. W. S. Ruby. We are sorry to lose the Gascho boys as they were well liked and had worked up a good trade. Mr. and Mrs, Leno Kipper have moved to tawn this week, into the house vacated by Mr. Albert Rose, while Mr Rose and family have moved to the farm purchased from Mr. Kipper. Mr. A. Brooks of London, was in town and judged the puzzle con- test of Jas. Whyte, Massey Harris agent. Mise Dora M. Smith was awarded let and Miss Salina Beaver 2nd prize. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Koehler of Cavalier, who have been visiting relatives here for the past few months, left on Thursday morning, They will spend a few days in Detroit and Chicago on their way home, wl THE TELEPHONE. .As there area large number of new Stanley subscribers connected at Hensel'. all telephone users will be required to make their "social visits" over the lines es brief as possible. Zetrieh and Hansell centrals are kept very busy and all useless chin music will have to be cut out for good. The telephone is a very useful article for bit-iness and should be in every farm house and pluee of business. but idle talk over tin liner: is very annoying when lanes are needed '`or im- portant messages. A Richihuete Scheel Teacher Once a Dyspeptic—Now Well, Thanks to Father Morriscy No.11. Richibucto, N. B., Nov. x7th x909. Father Morriscy Meal. Co., Ltd., I have been teaching school for up- wards of thirty years, during the last twenty-five of which I have suffered seriously with stomach trouble, indi- gestion and dyspepsia. 1 have tried many remedies, and while I would get temporary relief from some of them, yet the old trouble would return, and with it the sufferings only known to the chronic dyspeptic. Last year I had made r') t,iy n;inrl to abandon my profession, feeling flint in my condition I could rather C'ro jeaticc 'la myself or to the tea^.l r pup'ls under my charge. A. friend scz,:;estcd to me that I try Father Morriscy's No. it Stomach Tablets ; I slid so, and have continued to use them with the result that my stomach trouble, is cured—my indigestion and dyspepsia gone and I feel as well as I ever did. I have, thanks to the Tablets, been able to continue in my profession, and feel that I am once snore enjoying my work and apt able t0 give justice to the fifty-four pupils under any care, Yours Gratefully, (Sigst LU v Caii isT .L,. Are you one of the many thousands who, like Miss Chrystal, are prevented from doing their best work, or really enjoying life, by stotnach trouble? If you are you cannot do better than she did—take Father Morriscy's No. it Tablets. Each No. is Tablet, when dissolved in the stomach, 'will digest *.i pounds of food—a good, hearty meal --so that no matter how weak your stomach may be No..tr Tablets will enable you to get the nourislunent out. of your food and build up your strength, while the sto- mach, thus relieved, recovers its vigor. sot. a box at your dealer's or from the Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Chatham, N. 13, 4a Sold and guaranteed in Z urieh ;3r ..r 1.4 al l {1�, NOTICE As. my wife Marie Hartung has left me without cause I will not be responsible for any debts contract- ed by her in my name, of which all parties are hereby required to take notice. Zurich March 8th 1911. 3 -ins August Hartung. The most common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach. (Jhatnberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep, For sale by all dealers. BLAKE A special school meeting of the supporters of U 8 5 No. 9, Stanley, has been called by the trustees for tonight (Friday) at 7 p. m., to dis- cuss the matter of a new school. All supporters are invited to be present. The many friends of Jos. G. Oesch upon whom an operation was performed some time ago by Dr. McKinnon of Zurich assisted by Drs. Campbell and Aikenhead will be pleased to hear that he is doing nicely, and will be able to leave for the West, by April lst. Mrs. Nichol and Mr. and Mrs. Beattie are almost well again. Stanley is all aster this week with the telephones being installed Many social and business converses tions can now be carried on over the wires, Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Gascho who farmed on the 14th Con., Hay. Township, have moved to Blake to Mrs. P. Brennernian, The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. 3, Kennel is not improving as rapidly as the friends would wish to see, Mr. Mark and Miss Pearl Dry- sdale of f .[ensall, called itt Mr. Allan's on Sunday. Mr, G. Freckelton accompanied by a couple of young ladies of the neighborhood, visited at J. John• ston's over Sunday. Mr. Harry Talbot rejoices over the convenience of his phone. Harry will find it a great saver of steps•during the threshing season. Mr. J. A. Manson being unable to secure his former servant 1' . Johnston. who has deotded to re- main in New C)ntario,• has hired E Denoiny for a term of.tnonths, Do you know that of all the min or ailments colds are by far th most dangerou3? It is not the cold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases. lint' irrirnitl and consump- tion a e among these. Wby not take Chamberlain's Gough Remedy and cure your cold whilo you can? For sail. by All Dealers. ?a 01)'ZrZ e3 YEARS", Ex?zpitrilolE1 �s_; ae TRADE: tin ARKS Anyorr sending a aka"^h rod descr#rttnn mar galcicly aseerta:n our u411nlou free wi,ethor au Invention is a1 O ; toy pateutah o. C••ni nunien. dons strtenvN uttcenrlal• iitli:11mlOi{ err P:uoutn sent free. (Nest :Taney iur [.:perm, patents. Patents taloa through. Munn reeelvd pedal no: ice, without cbarge, '-n. the A handsor"eiy a'tr•.,.t,1ui Vrel' r;9. Tureen: cir- culation of :.np Juan.;.'. '1'crIna for Canada, ,aj^.75 a year, postega r>r-Paid. ,2011 by all newadealera. MUN 1 & Co 251B1'gadaray, y Yoi CamBrancCamGab H' St.,'47anbin,...r, Cr. ,. t: no?^r,: o ,•.. 11,�i13E1 n6e:.."!ltl'Sr1 L Diarrh•r..• r emeliit Never fr b, P',,:: r : .; s • ^ ,1s; OF ALL KINDS PLOUGHS and PON TS AGENT Fon Petlrolia Wagons and Si&ghs Clover Leaf rlan.ure Spreaders 3. DIVIEL.CK