The Herald, 1911-03-10, Page 2Ea. 'TE IAL CLEAN MS - OT THE WHOLE TRIM If There 6s Not an Occasional Housecleaning inside, ill Health and Disease Surely Follow. The`inorst important of all health rules is activity and cleanliness of the bowels. Any doctor will tell you there should be ono or two free movements of the bow - .every twenty-four hours. Most people resort to ' salts, harsh pills, senna tea, griping Waters, etc., with the result that for one day's relief they pay up tvitil.a week's misery of binding and constipation, eieeessitatireg the same heroic measures over• and over again, If your system requires aid, don't whip it like a tired' horse -don't destroy the life of your bowels and intestines by harsh medicine -be sensible and use a time -tested medicine that cures consti- potion by 'removing its cause. What you should take is i)r. Hamilton's Pills, winch regulate the bowels and get thane into the habit of performing their neces- sary function and at a certain time. Dr. 1-ki nilton's Pills aceotnplisht this by toiling, strengthening and enlivening the muscles of the stomach and bowels, there restoring natural conditions. Thousands of men, women a tel child- ren, who to -day are is the throes of misery, weaknes and ill health, eau cure themselves quickly by Dr. llamilton's Pills-ean prevent backaches, bilious at- tacks, constipation, indigestion and all sorts of stomach distress by the use of Ode grand laxative tonic. iti:;Ft Sl. AtS :IUBSTITUTE FOR DR. HAM1L'roN . PILLS, price 25e. Alt dealers or the Ga•• tn.v'rhezone Co., Kingston, Ont. s s FAMOUS MISSIONARIES, --They were mans. -How devoted they were. ---They went to all gaits of the world. =Ahs golden jubilee of missions re- minds us of them. -•-7':,ere was Lideita Fiske. pioneer of •Wen en's education in Persia. Woolsicn founded the furious 1., t' haw girls' school in Japan. --Eliza Agnew was' 'mother of a thou - root,: daughters' to far -away Ceylon. • --Ann FIu'sseltine Judson called the at-- towhee t-towhee of our et:twary to Slant. -.Mrs. Titus t"Orta began the elevation *tr Hawaiian gists in Hilo. -.lane Wiliam, one of the earliest English missionaries, went to New ind In' 1S23 yield worked there OS years. 3 r. Snesilt Ir. Norris treated more r.;ar 16.000 patients annoelly at her dis- ticns.xr•y In Bombay. India. -Dr. Nanny J. lube:. wpm to India to '1'44N vias the first English woman meal - WHY THE wpBLOWS. The Basin Principle; the Tendency of Hot Airs to Rise, From "Nature and Science" in .March St. Nicholas, The wind,. like other things of ever-- day life, rarely invites notice, unless it is unusually "high! anti--rxrly do we hear the questions, "Why does 'the wind blow What Is this wind that lushes Out of the nowhere. .lt t0t the here? Wily should it blow if all, or'why ;sometimes so gentler and at other thnhe with the i'csistlese force of the' hurricane? The eirnd could here no powee, • it mild not even eeisneif the air had n& • height, this weight having been sheens' to be"about thirty-one grains for 'each •one hundred iiuble indhes of air. When air is put lit 'notion the effect is .like that obtained .by throwing a ball against i2Jehat .der oet. The hder you throw the bal: the' harder it will strike, and,: the greatr the number of balls thrown at. one Clete, the greater will be the force of the••blow. :When the wind is blowing, it strikes •what It blows .against and the harder It blows (that Is, the greater the speed of the air) the harder it' will strike against the resisting obiect; What causes the wind -tb`.bleve, or. wily, the. air should be In motion is not 'easyt to explain• SiniplY 'stated. it Is caused by the 'tendency of hot air to rise and thus to form a partial vacuum, into tshieb the cooler; surrounding air rushes, In mal#11 the Brune way ars water, wilt rush downward to seek its levet. ' Ir.the,,+earth were smooth. it it did not rotate; and if there }veers ,no sun, the air would he inntlontess. V he\i the sun shines 'on a wide v'''ice of the earth, the air of that region b.>cvines heated, this great vbl-- nine .o warm air rises, and the coater, heavier, surrounding air flows in to take its plana. As 'the earth rotates, -then? Lends to be formed a ring of heat- ed and rising air with currents inflow - ink at the bottom and both sides. This i,: the cordition that prevails near tha equator,, and valises the, trade winds that biuw• so steadily. The'rotation of. the earth causes rhe wind south of the equa- tor to flow toward the northwest, and that north of this dine to flow toward the soul h:rest. What too for Sick Stomach 1)o you ?.)eldlt up gee? Does your bead feel light anis •dizzy, Is your tontete coated. 1)o you hawk and spit? Have you distress after eating. and a gnaw- ing seiiSatien in the stomach? Is there a constant bad tate fn the mouth and a rush of blood to the head? Do not dee- pair of cure if you ie;t;t not used "-Ner- riinee;" it's the het stomach tonic known to :,eieuco. Ii. ran Le relied upon to ev re ri:'t'ry carie promptly. It sends warmth and comfort le the tired org- ans that neon assistance, enrreet•i fer- mentation and gas belching, drives nut dySpeptie pains, clears away bile and bilious feeling. Vous appetite becomes enormous • •anti ,'ion digest and -assimi- late all you e)lt .•this means yon gain al' missionary. enough reeervt' vigor to tact otf demos- --'rhe first American anefileal mission -.um and thought of vii lt-ie'y3. .\*ta't'iline rare .vas the famous Dr. Clara Swain, a -g• -te of the Philadelphia Woman's will "set' you up. .. will make yoga well. dodos who line ewes the foteetihL, relieve. nil cure tndigertion--acidity of the stomach--btliousncsr,--flatulence --dysii;etiala, They re-intorce the stomach by supplying the 'active principles • needed ler the digestion of all hinds of food. Try one after each meal, `'lyc. a box. It you druggist has net stocked thent yet, send us 50n. and ws'wil1 xna;l you a liex, a 33 Rotla,t'l Drug and Chemical Company' of Canals; Lunitcd, . • - • 'Montreal. $POHN M a'g'i. LT . 'iM`'1 s P . 4. .A Can behundledVery easit The slot are 'trrd,uudanothers In etme staple, no smatter hoe'•exp�,l>eed .'Rept r rout baying t te4isaase, by,uhtngr initeo 'S Lull) Dil i'k>dtI'e5 a CUitS1, Gtv?soilthetonguaorleScott. ,neinonGhebtoSltted,vipolet ermaoSmil formsotdtst�,nyer. !test remedy ever ixoowe, for mares foal. deo and•l*l a hbttisi Se sod $11 duzen,ot druggists and barna' dealers, Cut shows how 1.0 roult•iel thrSgts Our free aooltloa gives everything. Llrrgostice111n$ home rariedy to esiatenpe-1.3 ysare, d)tytritlutors-A1.1, witoLasALei} •a')RL"GGIBTtl,. - !'•:: i CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goe•bon,.ini ., U. $• Ae "1 �n`Rt1t1agg K1 DY'S r�'S T" MATCHES ARE T I MOST itiODfCRN AND ,PERFECT A ,SUE LIGHT, THE FIRST STRIKE' T'itey- mak no noise or rpratter-n quiet, steady. flame. The match for the smoker, tire offioe and the Lome, All good dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodeen'ware, Jl'lbreware, Tubs, rails and Washboards. The E. B. E - �Y Co., Lh ailed, HULL, CANADA spatRaefertereepeesereeterevertens THE FIRE COMPANY DOG USEFUL New York Sun.) "_Yost people imagine a dog in a fire company's quarters is merely a pet, rt sort of mascot; but they aro badly mis- taken;' said an old member of the city force, ' A good fire dog is a most valu- able adjunct of the city's Fire alarm sys- tem. His value comes in the lute night and early • morning hour;. The gong strikers an alarm. The dog is on his feet at the first tap. Horses, aa•oueed from their sleep'are drowsy and slow. So are the firemen: But the. dog is clashing About madly, yelping, barking and snap- ping at the horses' noses and legs. They are thoroughly aroused dodging the lit- tle animal's teeth, and so are the fire- men by leges incessant racket. The instant the chain drops ou the door the horses are ander Intl beidvuy almost at the Vriaraad's Liniment (:o., Limited. first jump. If it were not for the dog . they Veldt/let, he aroused, and umbel' tk'ntls'nien, -"1'her,.dor.` (.) )t:ti,s, et oils, good headway in leas than a block." tomer of nine, wiry completely cured of • rheumatism after fiveyours of suffering z• PRIVILEGES OF PLUTOCRACY. TOCfiilC'I . by the judicious rase of MINAItT)'S MN- i�hies n Trfhwt:t.a WENT. ::t0 'zed ?6 hears. of lervtlins.' t3 sutpri:t:ed Bow nla•tit tai- S' The abovle fuel can be rifircT 11v • -Mrs. Sarah J. the of Philadelphia, ledient of wor,!>•:rfnl ower'.aa.ti el t • i'): stlpl.*e the Moutoburns ars 50 ust:tee s or ones ofthe first y area American ' p oung I iii 1'i .:U . •t; they can afford i.o war any- writing to him, to the PJ.1 tell Priest >z`,a t rs ar'f diral ntisslonazy ors anon- it possesses, Being suited to. Y r i:k .' e.w.., xke „l;'£tt icy tr.), in tlte. wet. or Any of Lie neighbors. i;.. wtes Instra mental - i;l sending;' T-11% 1 old alike, rn•lanvieholdeel ould- ; tr est seism Swain! to India ata i86), arid. thus ,. ' lila.. r• A C OTel, M `-Nitant• sounding the first tveeutatts hospital I oat eNe+rvillat:: • GF ifa►Il They rites ],SS•UE, NO. 10, 1911 AGENTS WANTED. START TDA ROUTE TO-tAY. 8LrND postal for circulars, or 1.0e for •amtuales and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon- dor.r•'Oht. !�VE^jE:N AND WOKEN WANTED TO RE7- .)a^ preseett us 1.400111': Tw1 dollars. pci' day salary Bpd• commission. No expsrl- enee necessary. Write J', L. Nichols Co. Limited, Toronto. • Agents Warted Two new tines. Apply, Seliery, 828 41- *' " hert street, O'ttawas'"' Il,i( OSE5' OIL B'OR . PAIN. -ASTHMA, 1.0 I3ronchitls, Coughs. 25e rind , $1.00• Druggists or Prof'.'.,t,^astte, Hamilton. 'Ont: 1, . CERTIFIED; AUDITORS,,. Accountants, 'Etc, Special gale on all outside audits. Apply for Lerma, dates, etc, • ' RALPH C. MURTONd 1,COMR19PA NY, 5 KING STREET WIESr. TORONTO. ONTvrt , . vett ,V l ®man tE he cannot supply the MARVEL- accept no other, but send stamp for iildstrated book—sealed. It g'tvel full nude- ulars and directions lnvaluablo to tidies. WINDSOR SUPPLY Co.; ? Windsor. Ont. l:eaeral'Agent: Ear Cana a. is interested and :should know , about tine wondertbl MARVEL Whirling Spray ,The new Vaginut Syringe, Best —Most convenient. it cleanse. instantly. Ask yot c druggist Forte f;4 .OAIK OF BEAUNIARCHAIS. The famous oak of 13-'rlulnar4 h:4is, which furulerly flourished on the Quai d'C)r.say, has fallen to the wo'ttlma::':s ate.. The spot isc historioe, for in days poet it was the incus of thy re-sidenns -of the author of rhe 'Barber of e: illc.' The tree has seen t•icit;si,no'e`s. .it was under its spreading branch", that Beau- marchais instructed the IL•tughter of Louis XV. in music, :and then: ,were heard the harp of Madam.) t-ieto;re and the violin of 1Tadam-: Adelaide,, 11) nater tines the sweet 'straeins el; r:ln,sie gave place to tint fuinei of a tOinit'rn factory whi,'h was situated on put\, of Beatlntar- ehal is innds: --From the tension Globe. - To says alai GIRLS •We will give yon s liand,omo Watch or Fmiatolu E'en or8LU4 'Cash; whachelfry you wl('It.'•ror nalttttit •s4 00 worth or otit splendid Yob 41 ,40+. - They ern envy ynll—overynno ask(' Eur mire orthem. 'Send 'ort' name and aa• droa- aapd aro wilt elemt lards prepnl't —•ell thein and send ' 05 our mousy and we will send yon your .pn+vint, or yon stay • cud nuns nu eilance.avhirhsveryou prefer. write EodAY- ave give ,an additional `prauts% it you nett the candy within 10 days. Overland Merchandise Co.; Sept:, aneroid. 5e j Fal G oIlege. who died December :til, 1-vei S Milli Th are so tit that they crit ear teheive itrtitataone o. , L:tato2:via and •9n c Znd ala. 17711110 En WAY HOMEA. DYEING is to use ONE :bye that will color either Weel, Cotton, Silk or 31,1:std Goods Perfectly, Ton will find this in Send toraatnplo Card end Story iloot.let t5 The 7U13.'t O'l. rticlf Mitn$ON CO.. Lirnitrd. :dontron 1. a}",, With this Modem Dye all you have to do is to asic for DY -0 -LA then you CAN'T snake a the Wroag Dye for tho goods m.et.a3te and useY real have to color. NEW FRENCH TOYS, nobody will szsl)etrt loot loess. ago M. Lepirc th' prefe,'t of - - -'- -- polio o ,'meed alt.annual toy colnt>e- alt:c,n, 1 the cloy that wine ti prize be - SCRATCHED FOR 40 YEARS, a'onles, s" they ,ay. hall marked and is Used D. �, a Si Months -Ali certain to alrr:ttt tit _n t'uh!•• The clues feature this season is ealled Itching '70726:. Lc t. rc.,lt tic .'1. t, that= nttnled after This is the wetnat experience of Anne than great at•roptatt,e race through France Crotnan, Santa Rosa. Cal., with the won - a few months rig.). h is very sheerly 'aerial U. D. 1). Prescription. vont-rived ami sliuw, a t>iol)la.ne and c. 1). D. D. is .the proven E,'zentn Cure, monoplane rewiring at a great -;peed the mild wash that gives lestant relief in cl.:).ri--Leiepl0, all forms of skin trouble. around :L Another c ,ilti'ivatnee, half toy. and half Cleanses the :skin of 011 impurities-- ming. game, cnn i -us of trent aeroplanest alth as t.•nit:g around a most aril rising one a.,orei: the other. It contains the genu- ine sp• l•tin)y' Reie111Y.h t. I notice.( too, that wild beasts are plentiful, aspeeisliy bears and tige!8, although monkeys also n ,:e siert well :•e presented. Altogether tops have , eu very ingeniously treated .ti9 yo •t.. 'resitt the Uentlentau• ------0--•1"41 --•- TROUBLE PT THE HUB, (Ilat1>itr'} \z-oet,ly•) t' ,,,�,`' rl". kik; lc;giloi" said Wilkins, ''1 see I:a'. 1; sI n, too. hasher anuui.rivai tlott e:e•:, '1!,r ',00ks of the Municipal llaf.h Depart. Isexit are reported to chc>'a' plan, n e <ru r eat es. geeordieg 11 the a pe`r.' "Whets' the ,n } i. l i" eeke1 -o+.iev.ody taken a !lath .t ith int ac. ettirig for it?" �.+.r Minarti's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. VICAR OF ONE trA.•i3H 71 YEARS. 1'h' lint'. [(envy \Ie t itf I n rn'i •6 ,:e• recently Ct)1111>ie'te tt h:'4enl t !•r)) -v••r.:s int vieu.r of tits ?oriel' of \'mile'. l..t.10 Ashton. heti i.:1'1 l !:is r::httt:t- rie1t In the inutile of .the iti•!hop of \`r•ot•- " r i cE. BEST MEDICINE or COUGHS i