HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-10, Page 1The Official Organ of Zuriel FRIDAY MORNIN' 7os7m7csiiMR$ci3iRT•n"c••xicatociiiiirolOatatiiiiiimmaies GOO ew d Spring We take pleasure in aunouneing that we Ihave put on display our new lines: of Spring Dress Goods, New Prints, New Curtains, New V Wali Papers ate etc. We have bought in the leap lug.; -mat;' �' s- calk. - • � of the larger stock. y V cities We cordially invite the ladies to call d` k t and, cul safely flay that our will eompett with air outside g and look through our large stock, New Dress Goods We take special bride in Our dress Goods stock. It was >prepare for warmer., Inever so complete. �Nc2vir is file time .-0, p p 'weather. We have all the leading shades and cloths in :, W00 op 1 `P lin. s R:ipps, ` Premo Cloths, Caslimerey., Tricotines, Poplinettes, • Beeswing clotina, Voiles Crispincs, Satin cloths, A m urs cloths, Crepe de; ehene Eoliennes, Venetians, Lustrea, • Shepherd cheek, , New tr beadings, and lace to. immings in all over -laces, braids, ea ings, match. • nd. Hay Township w AR, 10, 1911. NO32 4114-041..ra.4-0.0. 411410 410 LOCAL Wiented_Domeet1a family. Apply 'het • Mr,. Fred Lang .of; visited friends here , this week 8 liti'1lding let i�Qr ! Will be sold ael.}itio.i�t` blocks. Aloe '1 4 , Apply to Amerti lei, Don't thir(uiir, barrettes. wdt .: tint np f oatehes on thein,,xna1'i: stronger and better• t F. W. Hese. An Old eaitti Dashwood i; lid person of 10 ' Dot i ern TI arna�r Ater. adelphia, or day i, Zeriglt. in tvrea if rode oh, ur hair tits rnd them i2. DOW. rami, of . ` in the Praetor, rQ ..af.. • NEW PRINT ETC 0 • 1 See our. New Prints, Gingham; Chambre* Feularcis, Victoria Lawes•, Persian Lawret,Organdies,, .1ndi L ns,l' rain- 41 es, Indiancad .aeppw, Swiss Checks, Co r sock, r Fancy "Muslines, etc. SPECIALS Corset'coeur Embroidery . 20, 25, and 40.cente per yard. Flouncing Embroidery, extra i wide, 25-, 40, 50 and 60 cts p y t per and See our new line of Lace Curtains, the very Ares test u , from 25 cts up. Madras' curtains, Curtain Netts, Swiss Muslin. Curtain poles in white; oak and mahogany. Extension rods for curtains in brass and silver, P4oto. mother df dee ea.edl rias `64- : eiiifl$V'''yfIrs ineirohtini i : *1 age. Sevew 1 Clit�itesi ennattlblea were in tovis old•: Elfin looking for a Armstir ig of Stitfil p', ''aaho had 'enrage� 3ivr,ery rig at Clinton on Wedneid(tT w' Wit iia failed to retnrx6 '1 hits to {:bei !ieoond ' or third t i,t>i4t he phiyed tt�-strailear daridd eitt[.:;aplprebeiadt&d he will Tabu ,':ilii: zdri ed ,t6ereeeie tikelyRlitfnlA'efeiy dealt With, l tie. Erni a Reetemayfre. of Dwelt- viend, Med on .Satntd ir. , at the:. Rdm° of her daughter .ire. Jacob. ader', at then advanced age of 80 aeras,, I V: onths and 24 days. The deceasedladr°was well and. favor., ably known in tbi$.i�eetion, and - Lived for yeae I on the Branson Line. where she had many friends. rho ttinere,i took place on Taesday morning the interment traking place. in the Lutheriin cernclory. Sensed rink was. the some of an Iexalting game of hockey on Friday I•evening, when true Znr^ieh and Crediton teams meas'nred'stiaks for the second. time,- The Z5 ' ori boys hn l the game rix hand t t stages, and at half 6-3,•in theirAnter Was la repitition of the fa ettld the Crediton team had to, slay a defence game throughout: When the final whistle blew the euore Was 11-5. The loom terxrn wo made up of the following: Tal Warm, Andy Thiel Jr-. Lee Hoff- man. Roy✓ Faust, Milton Weber, David Stelck and Geo. M Hees. There were quite' a number of spectators and they all pronounced it a great game A sad death occurred at Dash• wood on Sunday evening, .when Leonard Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman, breathed his list, after a brave struggle with the grim reaper, lasting several weeks. The debeased started bleeding at the nose which weakened him some, and the other serious com- plications that set in, baffled the skill of the medical men, and the hand of death could not be stayed. He reached the age of 17 *ears, 4 months and 5 days. He was a boy of bright prospects, well educated and highly esteemed for his many good qualities. and his parents feel their loss very keenly. The funeral took place on 'Tuesday afternoon, to the Bronson Line Cemetery and was very largely attended: Mr. and Mrs, Kellerman end family have the sympathy of their many friends in the hoar of their stile - tion. New Lace Curtains 0 NEW WALL PAPERS i) We handle only the famous Staunton Wall Papers. They cannot be excelled for beautiful designs and colorings. Prices-- V10, 12:1, 15, 20, 25, 30 per double roll. Job lot of paper to clear at 5 cts per roll. New Floor Coverings See our lines of floor rugs before you buy. We have velvet floor rugs, Tapestry rugs, Linoleums, Carpets, Japanese Mattings Oilcloths, etc. Sm ma rug, 27x64 special at $1.50 `Tapestry rug, size 27x60 special 75 at cents. 0 Scott rugs, size 26x12 special at $3.00 Japanese mats size 36x72 special at 45 cents each. Tapestry and velvet rugs in all sizes and designs the largest stock 0 0 0 0 shown. SPRING • HARDWARE ti we have ever Had"quarters for sap pans, sap buckets., sp'Iles , seeders, forks,' washing machines and wringers, curtain stretchers, carpet 0 sweepers, shovels, drain spades, horse clippers, etc., etc. Clover Seed Cleaned 'We are prepared to re -clean your clover seed at any time. pj The Send Act is very strict and farmers should see that the seed lEyll they sell or sow is government :0 andaro. We also have some good clean seed for sale. q O ]P i M ke y ur hice o 11 while the Stock is Complete 1 mennompsmitesmausoromnemensmomirnmurmernmemmemansemmosremorammatemmemmo i PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE j. `, eter, Telephone g Z iJ R 1 C li 3 The New roe Store WWW lyReduction Sale Was a Success I find there are still some odds and ends which will be sold cheap, as the new stock hi arriving. I have the FINEST PRINT that can be bought. All the latest styles of Dress Goods for Spring have opened with a New m. >, Stock of Up - To - Date Shoes for Spring. 1 have a splendid range for you to select from. I invite you to this store for your spring shoes, I have good. lines .:of Eng- lish Kip and french Kip shoos 1(r everyday wear, at ` Reasonable Prices Ready to do Shoe repairing Butter and Eggs taken in exchange SAML FAUST Crepon in all the staple shades; all kinds of Linen Goods for dresses. Ginghams small and large check. Brand new style of Lad• ies' and men's silk crochet ties. Just received a stock of PRA TT ' ' OOD for animals and poultry. Has been tested for 30 years. Also Herbageum for poultry. Agent for Fahrney's Allenkrauter Cannot be beat for a Blood purifier. handle alI" goods for: a general store ; s '° y.:a fewmesion ti yards. Call and -see them. T 1. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN D. S. FAUST PHONE 17 ZURICH WP1WANWIMNIMMW1P1MWt!VMWSMIVI• Nifty and Good "tib �T' I{k:� ■ is a Joy Forever We are just opening up the Newest Effects in LOCKETS and CHAINS New York 'and Parisian Patterns ) 6 Bracelets, Rings, Fobs, - Chains ks Do we fit Glasses You bet we dot Alt Kinds of Sewing Machine Need:es on hand Fine Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing p,w wvwan F. W. SSS J EW ELLERzuR1GH GEE. R. HESS, Manager of Clock Department