HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-03, Page 84 The lrsil�.e+rn nrr..r...,� 442°' 4t22145281D.436"algst125°418211"1"1"4""ILD"422"111641611"41211418"13.' • Remember this is a ;:gig Store, and a Big Stock, comprising everythingdies' Gents and Children's wear and, this sale offers AS MANY UNAt1IVE jN.Tl= SED BARGAINS THAT ARE FULLY AS WORTHY AS THE ADVERTISED Ones. Every de= partaent 'contributes its share. You'll find the Bargains every= w here. ffi Children's ; e:, r Cloth Coats Girl's Regular 3.50 for 2.15 Li 3.75 for 2.50 4.00 for 2.75 4.50 for 3.15 A line of Children's Cloth Gats, at almost your own price. Special Vali, les in Cotton 12% cents Flanneletts 1 yard wide for 8 cents 15 cents Black Sateen fpr 10 cents 15 cents Colored Muslins, for 8 cents It GL 4L 6L 50_ yds of print to clear at 5c. Special cuts on our extremely low priced. Sweater Coats Ladies' Regular 175 2.75 4 75 1.00 1 25 1.50 1.75 2 So t. • • tt • Grants' Regular February Sale 1.25 " 1.90 " 3 75 65 cents 95 10.0 1.25 1.90 4' ti It 44 " of t. .4 4. Ladies' Heavy Shawls Colors .-lacked y rey L::t4;x,�ti' whaiCcl� Re'gul'ar 4 7.0. for 3 25 • grey shawls, regular :3,75, for 2.75 3.00 for .2 Co fancy shawls regular 1.75, for 1.25 ,+nlnreai shawls, regnlar 1.25, for 95 cents clouds shawls, 35 cents for 25 gents shHw1s, f?ft nnhte for 40 A. LINE 07 SEIAWLS TO CLEAR AT 25 CENTS veryday Necessaries ,Union socks reg 18 cats pair 2 for 25 woollen •` " til cts pair for 25 .t t4 t. tt Men's lG 6t •` reg 4() ctts pair for 30 heavy top shirts very 90 ct.s for 6,5 , < .reg 1.25 for 95 e.ts " heavy woollen Unde rw,,,ar reg 1.00 for 80c 4 C'lea°up on 1 ys9uts Boys. snits :aivn 21 regular 3 oil for 1.75 " 22x23 regnla;r 3.50 for 2 25 .t 24.05 '.t 2 75 for 1.75 .t " 24x25 1 25 for 2 25 " 25x26 " 3 75 for 2.50 .t " 27x28 " .. Co for :i 25 t. 31x33 " 7.00 for 4 50 .t '4 n odd line to clear regav less of cost Perces down to the lowest notch on Furs a d Crass Herald; ES / are alive yet, at. the Old Place! A Bigger Stock of Evei:'zr thing than ever Wrigns Sleighs, Cutters, Uzirritages covered and open ill tris 4atest styles in Bug- gies, all our own make. Alsoall kinds of Implem- ents such as, all the lead- ing makes of Sulky ' and Waning plows. Root Pullers that different kinds Loudon s:Double Steel Hay Tori: trarak best made. Ex. tension ladders, Magnet Dream Separators, ' best skimmers and easy to run a durahlr square gear ma- chine. Wheel barrows, .Joliistte Grinder plates, all Sizes. Metal pig trough Weare -always ready to do Business with -you at the - OLDEST BUSINESS PLACE IN TOWN ESS ZURICH S+N Hee wee Are am GENERAL MERCHANT °.:,9 a Ontario Telephone 28 01.111/0411111011M41111,441110411104140411111ti..1100 4111104.104110101.101111,11111111 444-44.44,, wet To with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Zurich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see if 1 cant suit you. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from. All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light, prices low as possible. »` s 0 T' have purchased the shoe business of Mr. P. Bender,and the sane will be carried on at Benders St end, with Mr. Bender in. charge. Laundry in Connections W. H. HO TMAN' Tailor, - ZURICH will arrive shortly, and has been bought from the best makers. Our prices will always be found right All Felt Goods at Big Reductions es BIS ric Apprelaget;;wanted to learn mil- linery, apply" to J. J .' &lerner. To the young man. For fine up to date shoes, call at Sam E. Faust. Mrs. Henry Weseloh visited at London on Thursday. 1 have a Mace for $2000 on farm mortgage, security. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. The Ladies' Aid of the Evange- lical church, will meet next Tues 'lay the 7th, at 2.30 p. m. All are requested to be present. Anyone desiring a book on the. hardy catalpa will please hand in their names. Price 50 cents. A. 1iittelhulth, Zurich. The Rev. A D. Gisehler assisted Rev. L. K. Eidt of Dashwood in revival meetings on Wednesday evening. Mr. J. J. Merner and Mr. John Preeter are each getting two oars of dutch setts ready for shipment to the West. • The most common cause of insthnnia is disorders of the stotuach. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Ta stets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. ifor .rale by`ali dealers. The Dutnart boys of Berlin, have started a pock Backing plant and are sending up a. sample of their bologna, to Messrs. Yungblut & Deichert. Call at their shop on Sats.='day. Mr Fred $aberer left on '1 uesday to spend the.sutmmner in Saskatche- wan. On his way up he will visit for a few weeks with his uncle Mr, John Haberer, at Park Rapids, Jlinnesota. at a d below cost, until further notice. Note a few of our prices Team harness with collars, $25. Single harness, 8.00 and up. Halters, so to 75Cts. 5oct full raw hide whip, 35cts. Curry=combs, 3, io and i5cts. 20 percent off all horse blankets, bells nd mitts. See our trunks, 1 regular 2.50, for 13 Zuit cases, from 1.25 up. 11.46441.441911224.4,14.14 AT THE OLD RELIABLE WHERE THINGS nE DONE UP HIM, The following is the report for S S. No. 8, Hay, for the month of February. n, V olass Chien -ruecuner. Sr IV Luella. 'Kuntz. Jr IV Tillie Mintz, Edwin Bart. man, Theodore Miller, Gerrie Wie- gand (absent). Sr II[ Otts Trueir;ner, Ida Mesa- neSt, Jr III Clara' Kuntz, Laura Shu- t aoher, Hilda Shurnacher Lillie BroderY,ek. Clara Wiegand, Charlie Hartman, hhnma Messner. Sr 1r Ethel; Klienfeldt, Herbert Messner, Npra Miller, Norman Klienfe1dt, Beulah Wiegand, Henry Becker, Christina Backer.. pt It Agnes Harttnan, Tillie Mes:'uer, Willie Ztler, Howard Truenyner, Ernie Miller, Valentine }3ecker, • St pt 1 Kuno Hartman, Edward MetiAner, Elmore 1i.lienfcllt, ti Ida Messner, '. (s3raybiel, Teacher Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price � rt FLET PHONE 13 1r1R1C1- G'�i 4.H fi'G tl��fl�e-D LARCESST O4V,LG®l$ATlIO ..STORE Gey. our combination Door=keeps you warm in wi }ter and cool in summer. Windows glazed and repai red. We buy all kinds of good logs. custom sawing and Planing mill work done on short notice. FJ PHONE 19 FL:FISCH • zuRCCH