HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-03, Page 64
the 'Trost (.+npaUy when the l.rtt't
C:nxei},:,nv'iriade a lir w Intl larger Into
ter areal took ,.eldil loon s'enlitie't• from
the bank: and this severity hes mime
lustier tvnteettot(%' and the Trust teem
pato mad in frill by the Liquidat.uv 01
the, Wyk.
Ma. \'a'Afil I:1 '1'O HE Allyl':\'1',
At. Mr, lialrrert•a retinat•i it was tart
reveal that the int•c<tigr*rttiun into tltie
eittg_e �honit 1i' cnudnrtrtl ut In ah -
Made Loan to Farmers Bank in Good t, ; + 11P hatt iulli(irlant liTAPie,4, in
tit tt•eS1, whirl wnttid require his per•
et•nete there, Bir. \Verreu armored that
he otteld tent run away, ito(I tltut he
No anted to be eotnniittid for trial in
his ;;beene . 'file race wee 1E,l,innrned for.
wink• hili it IF tititlmtste od that tete
mom e ell; not be reariy to pro; (•t+1 for
e•':ee welt t.
Faith and Ample Security.
Bank's Real Position Not Suspected
at the Tilne.
Case Will G0 Over While Mr- Warren COL. MU t` R'0:
is Absent.
of. Case Against Flim
Toronto .ess atrimeLr Trots . •Gannection With Farmers Bank.
suttee Company eet:erclay Issued this
statement in earre netlon with the burnt- '1`erentu deep:itels Thee roar ag;ain'st
1 01.nrl 'Mimeo. President of the tkarrn-
rr- Hattie. t•Itarged with titthutg Mae re-
tt:ri€s to the C-clverunteat. (lid not go on
le ;etre :ledge \Vin he -ter this morning.
-4(t rti; ('roan Attnrtlr;, ylottatnan tole{
Judge \Vbtrhrst-.r itt ;Members that. lin
wee enetem to stet net with the e'a44,, as
ers Bank;
"1\'bile we have nu desire to coin-
mcrtt on the trttiisat•tiuns which have
been the subject of investigation be-
fore Colonel 1)(•1lie"n, we may eay that:
the lean made io W. ;R. Tracers per -
Co*operative 7 Experiment in Centro!
of Swat m, ,g --•-Results of 1910.
.\t for ti=! i;4:•)est* of the year 1:110-
a hen t•1=elit,tie'atr.lr. Department eves or-
ganized at t.leiaititarto ,\.hrieultutal Col-
lege for nice:.., ion and experimental
Mork, ~tips u -,rt iznnicdr,ittly taken 10
Juau(„!urate (:I operative, ttivt: 1 etiterJlncntt;. A
prospect t4 it el 'v plirati'on blank were
sent • oitt oe1 rtt;te.1 :hat the first e ipera
nze.nt tvnuld 1-e e z c far. the ('octroi of
} owafrninghaeiesitions tl'('t' 1'eee'i\•eel
for this e:,ite-i'tmene from over three lien -
1 tired bcu•kt.cii;:t ie Brei eIltitig nearly vv.
cry Count,• of t nt at'ro, its well as roo=t
of the otitis 't,'inee•,
This utast e,; !ging. re qnnse e ti be
attributed par ta the tide-epread in-
terest there le h'. 'Arnot in the wel'k of
the i.tperiuie;,n u Latium partly to be in-
ter cit in beeiliiimieg a•a a business tthieli
is awakening; it over the c(itttitt•y, hitt
more espel i alli te the fart that the n;tr-
tzetile r exittto; n •1nnouueed /t Fleet
Control of St1;i tttg.• is one in wi ic•h
every lin ogie.:tit bee -keeper is interest-
.ritcre are imee great et oblems in bee-
ntaatagi-tent•'iiia tele eonntry, viz.: Brood
Diseases, `aint t t : r• and i- 11Sran Control.
\Vltiie the first leo are very real, the
t fa1l r,f 19(let at as made swarminggpt•attl.,i ;.ores home to every
*6111111Z7 in t,ae t one of 1110 (anomie tcttine.sea,
e> tole .tt severity, which ultimately real- 3i„ s;;t.ir, tra4 in Florida. Mr. !)rw;u•t, bee -keeper wax: • r 1tt. 1•caliirs it or
ized far more !lean the amount ke::urtt, c(_ttnsrl inr C01011(.1 111111M "W::4, not }ire not. If It Meet, a,.il(; up strr,ng enough
and duet the loan iteeif. prnwillaf it it ire- amt. Its tIte train nn whielt lir was rant- to gather t= (*t•e t, • 1 p of ]ront!y they care
11 't rt"1'la, tt- tl+t wee (1+'ee Moire tate sure to deeltiiele. he •warttzi g ilnpnlee
r {hr. adastne�e. 3 fide tnnrntilgt, Inc... � , tt°arm, the >er-
"In reference to the matter of loads I pan, lt+ (•etttr't, '1116 ('a=e WAS It ft over t'rcel this impu,' to tuft i, great deal
tel'ryt. \!'tis fib �- 1r.-1 bU?ter t ••. tel, art+tn .. aw'ta a t. F Ile C'at•nOt con^
to l t' 1 Munro (lien not a}2- iF Is•ft to the; t .et•. I, ]
to the bank. the faete are; for few rune. met ht the meantime keeper ntu..t P
Per" ! the ta•
"That three 7"'""'" afta+r the nwrr Attorney will arrange loth of time wetrhii+_ ti and hit swarms
conal loan to Travers. When the bank! ma Imemet, term the mai shall mane np, or else 10 tt
one r , .arni9 to take the
was a ' artist _ p profit of i4 bee .ness. If he has any
rp � ether week t.nc .
lv in a ru�part>us eon- . t swimming is more than
} M over
likely to :Ike tatme tie the most inop
dation, its paid-up capital e•
half amillion etoilare. : nd iia dM- E ,� , � pot'ti re time, < , wee]: be l busy an
postai overone 011111etl dollars, its the bit .4 r. .he
field Itat+k of the farm.
General 'ti:`t Manager caner to tier for •
a or ween he IF „ llgc tray to (•}lu S'ell.
call loan of $76,00!1. This was about Now all this I, t e••petN ve and quite
the noel of oannarb. I910, Traversuti• Blind hero of South Africa to Wed a Now
said that another bona Itarl enticed Wealthy Seattle G:ri. There is noruithg on the farm whittle
eway his manager et Ifaileyhttry, and requires so little carr tai ptro]rortion to
that the latter had diverted. about tete returns es the loot. This 1`s why
$40,000 of deposits, ile further they are ns es often kept s. <^
f t4 taut
loss: be
that be bad token rate of this. but tlttaw'a. `tib, e •m ntarriag?e nt moth t•te�r the carr they needetis a. l tbe-
be, entity' a loan front us so that if
there was a euddrtt 41011land he would
be prepared. pending a realization of
the hank's toned`•-ee 'is+ arae»•ed us
that the bank teag itt sound troaditiotr,
but el:tirned that he was being sub-
jected to unfair Competition from other
banks. Followieee this appticateon.. on.
1t'ebrnary fi, 1910, we made a toast of
1575:000. at six per emit. per annum. to
the bank from our capital 'account, on
adequate seeurity.
" J' outing flrrttier developed ante)
July, 1910, when Travers came agaan.
He said his Lindsay manager had
been r• ntis'ed away by another bank.
that he had diverted many thousands
of dollars of il tineits, and that evi-
dently there was a eonspiraeo tagatnet
Hint beeanse of the moieties that had
attended his efforts in bringing out
e, new bank. Be asked for a further
load, so 84 to be ready for any fur-
ther eventuality, and after doe con-
sideration. on the :fifth of July, 11)10,
we adranred the bank from our capi-
tal account $100,000 more, et seven
per cent. per annum, on adequate ee-
eurity. We also hada deposit with
the Farmers Bank, which. under the
terms of the mall loan agreements cov-
ering the ]owns above mentioned, was
secured by the eoliateral upon which
the loans were nada'. This collateral
WAS ample to secure both the. loans and
the, deposit.
"On November 2. 1919. a further ad-
vance was made and farther security ob-
"Wo do net make such loans as these
from our trust funds 'These are invest-
ed under the provisions of the statute.
We 1•tsve, 'however, a large capital and
surplus, amounting to over a miiuon and
a half. Frequently large sums ,arc on
'band in this account, anti therelrom esIl
loans are made to brokers, fin:i.netal in-
stitutions and others, hot always on ade-
(motc security.
interest to Canadiaa4 getter qty will take
plate in the Methodist (tt t•.:1: at Vt'ad-
dingtem, N.Y.. tin Friday, Marelt 3, warn
trooper L. W. R. Mulloy. the hitt, hero
of the South African eattapaiget, will lead
to tltr. .altar Miss Jean Munro, daughter
•of a Seethe, \i'atthinrtna ttiiilinnaite
and the emeeeeso1• of hoof e nniilon in
her own i•igltt- Trooper Molloy will be
in fete trove] poen tori of having tu'ver
seen lits bride. ata the ronitttlee w1'ich
culminated in the present engagement
only began mime yews after he re.:eived
the i.njuriee whktlh resulted in his com-
plete loss of eight-, he having test her in
London, England. about six years ago.
'rhe trooper himself gave out the news
of his intended nuptials yesterday, snr-
prising a party of friends by calmly
remarking that when they next Raw him
they would ace him "double." Miss
],intro is an ttoiomplishti4l uxtisieiatt and
the posseesc,r of a tne,ginifieent soprano
voice. She had studied in Italy for five
years. and was a companion of Madame
Tetl•azzini, the 'toted opera singer.
"Until the disclosures of the Lindsay
trial we were absolutely unaware of the
condition of the Farmers Bank as then
disclosed. We knew it was a young in-
stitution, but we bilieved It was sound,
and that is was being well and censer-
vatively managed by Mr. Travers.
"When the bank suspended we
wrote the Curator, saying that we
were in no need of the moneys due us,
void that We would eo-operate with
him in any reasonable way so as to
secure the greatest realization for
Ithaieholdors of the bank. .lifter giv-
ing the matter con,sid.eratiott, he evi-
dently thought it better to handle our
securities in connection with the
other assets of the banlc. .An arrange-
ment was made under which we have
been paid off in full, and have handed
• over our securitiesto the Liquidator•, he
reserving the right to look into our legal
"Between the time of the suspension
of the bank sad the .making of the above
arrangement we collected. many thou-
sands of dollars on our securities, and
there is no doubt but that we would
have repaid ourselves in full within a
short time longer." •
In an interview, Mr, Matthew Wil-
don, K. C.. who Stas been summoned.
With Mr. Morden, of the Trust Com-
pany for obtaining alt undue or un-
1or preference for the Trust Cem-
ppanv over the other creditors of the
baht, stated to a reporter that he had
•. a
Brutal Murder by Italian in Western
1C.enora despttteh,A,bruta) murder oc•
Burred early this mortal% at Minuita,kt,
Ontario, near the viiingc of Eagle River,
and 70 rrtilee from. 1(:enoru. The victim
Daughters hters of
afirem alt
it is utterly ttegleted. They require only
a, little attention, but what they do re-
quire they tout have. It is to csll at-
tention to this bit of wort: ,and to help
fit it into its proper place among the
other farm duties, that there Co -Oper-
ative Epreimcnts are ttndel•take.n.
The management of an apiary for hon-
ey must be a4proached in the same bus-
ines-like 'manner as the management of
a dairy herd for milk. There is no more
"luck" or "shares" in the one than in
the other.te;,ntifte principles govern
botch Failure in, either is due to sonic
definite cause, tvhielt must be discovered
and meeter'ecb before success an be at-
One first . principle in handling any
live stock is to be master of the situ-
ation. One cannot get full value from a
horse until it is completely under eon-
trol. It is the same with bees. To be a
successful bee -keeper one must be a
bee -master; not in any cruel tense any
more than with a horse. To manage a
horse one must know a horse from A.
to Z. To manage bees one must study
their habvits and disposition, and learn
as far as possible why and how they
do things. This takes time, but it es
well spent,
For the Experimental Group an even
number of colonies is chosen, preferably
not less than ten nor more than twenty.
The group is divided into two equal
uniform lots, styled Lot A and Lot 33.
Throughout the whole season Lot B is
managed the same as the experimenter
would have managed all his bees if he
bad not heard of the experiment. Lot
A is managed' according to instructions.
Reports on the experiment were re-
ceived from sixty-two bee -keepers, and
a number of others wrote, saying that
for one reason and another they were
unable to take up the experiment this
year, ,but would be in better shape for
rho work next year.
The ones who . reported are pretty
evenly distributed over Ontario and re-
present all classes of bee -keepers, from
the one -hive roan to the man with '250
It is encouraging to see the interest
taken in this work bythe younger bee-
keepers, thirty of the sixty-two experi-
menters have had bees for not more
than ten years.
What might be called full reports
were received from twenty-five experi-
menters. The average number of colon-
ies 'which these experimenters used in
experimental groups is 11.7. Each group
according to instructions was divided in-
to two lots ,tot A and lot B, having an
average of 5.8 colonies in each lot. Of
the colonies in lot A, 18 per cent. east
first swarms. Of the colonies in lot B,
38 per cent. east first =swarms. It will
be seen from :this,.that while the expert
imenters coald not be expected to en-
tirely prevent swarming th first year,
they have met with a marked degree
ofopuecess in controlling the swarming
in else, reducitig it from 38 per cent. to
18 per cent.
As a result of this control of swarm -
in aid the extra attention given to the
colonies of lot • A the average return in
honey swa83 pounds per colony n
against 75,3 pounds per colony of lot
B. Of those who carried, the expei invent
through, ten experimenters said tlirwt the
colonies of lot A` are in better shape for
wintering than lot 13. Thirteen said they
could see nodifference, and two failed
to report on this point.
Perhaps the Moat interrelating part of
these tesults 'le the report on the bene-
fits derived by the experimenters fropi
the work. Some of these are the fallow-
e nd practical ex-
was a Galician track laborer on the C.
P: It. named M. Pritka, and his as aIle
ani: was an Italian matted John Borilli,
Berilli, for an unknown motive, -struck
Pritka a, treache.rons blow with the 'hack
of an axe while the tatter's 'track was
turned. Other rieeti(itt meth are holding
Barilli at bay with Wiwi, and the 'au-
thoril.•ies will send constables from lien-
ora to effect hia arrest.
...,, Y. ..4 w..Ind, 2.6 +.t,n ma,t'knr,
English Oyster Superior to American
Article, Says an Expert.
' •l\'e>11 over foto year's ago my two
little ;bele Wert,taLen 'With a Oread-
feJ scalp tr'onbie tttee the• doctors
;•sheet rhttwarra. They attended
the ------ I .ospit:al as out-patientstheir
for a tear. I had to apply
ointlntrolwith a leash, giving the
children. frightful pain, 1 also had
to have their )teadt shateel every
two weete. Get they got, no better
under the. treatment. Their used to
err with the tormenting itching,
attti i.}.'ei:• heads were tee Bred with
a Olive ac:urf and dandretf.
"About a year ago 1 determined
to try the C utlet:ta Jiemedies. 1
' uteri lama., of Cuticula. Soap and
aprt;ieti the C:ntirura. Ointment. 1
iowd only about three cakes of
Cutie'ira Soap and three boxes of
Outict:r't ointment and they were
cured, '1'1*ear hair is growing long
11(1 nice- again_ The, hail berionee
so PI after their three yeare of suf-
fering, that 3 bad to send one away
to a convaieseonty' borne as soon
arei she was cured. but now she is
hontc. well mei strong. My younger
girt was away from eehool nine
months t4 Rh the diseaee`. 1. ate very
grateful to Gi:tirura tend for their
ehildron'e• sake I hope other mothers
wit try it. The('nticura Soap will
alwaye tote for it makes the hairso
(iigt:(adl Tries. ?t1 OFA J•:M,,torr,
3S, Lena Gar Ger*, Brook Crean, W.,
wricu ra.
oap and Ointment
FSor) the epee -Meet and most economirel
treatment for itching. horniutr. peaty hutnorf
of infants, children stud stlults A Coale 471
le *Mu eufaetent. Solei throughout the !world.
,Brand to Potter Drug 41 Chem. Corp.. Boston,
for 32 -nage Colima, Book on treat-
anew, 01 akin and Icahn aGilction&
Landon County Council Will Invest
in Canadian Securities.
Ottawa Has 600 Gases of Typhoid
Mr. George A. Dante, Sheriff of Leeeda
and Urenvithe, died at Broekvilie.
Ottawa has 090 eases of typhoid fever.
Smallpox has in•gkett out on the
Oneida Indian reserve.
The British etc:ante Ormiston, bound
from Gulfport, 31iss., for Havre, kiss put.
into Charleston, S. ti., with fire on board.
Rev. John McKinnon, B. D-, of Pinker-
teou and Lazil. has ru;cepted a eat to
(:hatsw Orth and will leave after Marcel 5.
The Winnipeg Board of Trade passed
a resolution against the trade agreernc'ht
with the Uu]ted $tatee by a 'tote of Me
to 13.
work." "Moth more intimate knowledge
of bees." "More system in work."
watching for swarm,:'
A frill report of this experiment will
appear in the annual report of the Ex-
perimental Union for 1919.
The plan fee 1911 i.; to send out the
sante experiment to those desiring it in
the spring, and also experiment No. 2,
which will be ft -r the prevention of nat-
ural swanning in the production of
Comb honey. x'vetioris interested in this
work may get feather information by
writing to
Aerie ultural College,
Guelph, Ontario.
New York, Feb. 27,• A Herald cable
from London says: According to the
New York correspondent of the Ex-
press, Mr, Louis Martin, of the former
Cafe de L'Opera, states that the English
oyster undoubtedly is superior to the
American blue point.
"There is no comparison between the
Bnglieli oyster and the American blue
point," Mr, Martin is reported to have
mid. The Americans are tasteless and
don't give any"ifalatable pleasure. Any-
body who is aft' epicure. would rejects'
blue points for Colchesters.
.-. $.* -
Montreal despatch ---It was officially
announced at oicvhll University to -day
that, after a,prolonged investigation, the
decision had been reached to .expel A.
13. Matel)onald4 B. A., until rieeenttly aSee-
retaxy of the Students' Council, and A.
S. Christie, a fourth-year student in the
mita fatmtity, and Chat their names
Right Rev. Thome, lleslin, fifth Blea-
rs() of Natchez, died yesterday. He was
born in 1847 in County Longford, Ire-
11:tt:ll15 Congress has, adjourned to re-
convene April 1st. A bill was passed
reduced heavily the duties on imports
of .raw sugars. •
The deadlock over the election of e,
senator front New York State still 0 f-
ists. There was no t;hofce on the 32ud
joint ballot to -day.
Official annauitrement is made that
the British Columbia Marine Co. will
build a dry dock to coat $3,000,000 at
Lienees' Cone, Esquimauit.
About twenty yoa,ths and men, areal
]; to 24 ye -are old, leave Montreal, for
lhtlif;to, to join the Ni•obe and take ser -
via, in the new Canadian navy.
'J'he eantmer residence of Tracy Ms-
Gregor, a wealthy Detroiter, located on
the river front, :tibove Varalkervilie, was
burned. s'ntailing a lees. of about $3,000.
George ) eharre has been in a SKal-
eoaseious ,tate at the Western Hospt••
tal, 'l'ot•onto, the result of partial its•
phyxiation, in his room at 117 p''.itaw
A campaign to raise $3,000 for the
(•'allingwood 1•. M. C. se,. lilts just linen
rioted, And tett' results are particularly
gratify lug, inasntuoli as $3,S00 was tise-
The London County t''ouneil ]toe decid•
ed that a portion of the official pension
land shall be invested in Canadian swum
Diem owing to the higher interest ob-
The imperial yacht Hohenzollern sa,it-
ed to -day from Venice, from where it
will take Emperor 'William and Em's -less.
Auguste Vietaria and their grandchil-
dren to Corfu,
A, despatoh from Train Tao says atilt
1second and third -plass traffic on the
German -owned Shan '.rung Railroad,
which Wad suspended owing to the
plague, has been restored.
',rte Railing of the Royal George trent
Avonlunutlt dock with over 700 immi-
grants for Canada on board narks the
inauguration of the C. N.:3's. immigra-
tion campaign for 1911. Practically at;
of the new -corners are bona -fide taste
The southbound paeengt+r `rain fco.11
Calgary eoitidect with a way freight at
West 'JlaeLeod Junction, Alta. doth
engines were scrapped, awl a doeen
freight carie were wrecked.
Capt. Webb, employed in the Derain -
ion Topographical Survey, and who cut
something of a swath in Ottawa society
emcees, has di&appearod. :Many creditors
are seeking hint and his wife.
The 100tth birthday of Prince Edward
Lodge, No, 1.8..A, F. mai A. M. Picton,
Ont.. was erlebtsted hi gala. fashion. A
dedieatory eeremony of +Ct. John'; heti,
the lodge rooms, also took place,
'rhe Winnipeg Grain Bxehunge has in-
cited the Grain -growers' ,association ko
assist in forming a committee for a
joint conference on t3it' shipment and
marketing of the grain of the Qalladittt
Fire starting in a ebop suet' meteor-
ant on South Lexington avenue, White
Plains, N.Y., to -day burned through the
block to Orawanrpum street and d,,-
etroyed a number of valuable business
buildings. -
The otietal coitus conciuded'in Decem-
ber last shows the population of Ger-
many to be 04,896,881. The figures itt
1905 were 60,641,278. The popuI'ation ow
Prussia., the chief State of the German
Empire, is 40,157,573.
Mrs. Bessie Sain, 90 years old, of To-
peka, Xan•; has registered at the State
Capitol as a lobbyist for woman suf-
frage. She is too feeble to visit tet'
State House in person, but will do the
work by telephone and by correaapend-
mice with the legislators.
The Guelph Oanodian Club hoes elected
the following officers for the yeare Praes-
ident, J. J. Drew, X, Co Vice-Preatdents.
7)r. A. T, lobby, W. Tytleo•, 11. A.; Re•
cording eaexretery, Prof,. Harcourt;'Lit-
entry Secretary, Prof. Reynolds; '1Cren-
surer, It. ]f. Burrows; Auditors, 3. M.
Duff mid Dr. C4 C. (:reelman,
Captain Charles Glen Collins, a ratite•
ed officer of the Cameron Highlanders,
of the British army, and 'former llusbaatd
of. Miss Nathalie Schenck; a society Wee
Mart of New York and Newport, filed a:
voltitli'ary petition of bankruptey in the
C7nithd 'States Court at New York yes- ,
Figures Given in Report of Minister
of Education.
Toronto de:spat:lr: Aevording to the
report of the Minister of Ediwation, is-
sued to -day, school teachers throughout
the Province are getting higher salaries
than they did a year ago. In urban
schools the average salary fur male
teatimes is $1,009, and iuotease of i$14
over 1909, and for female teachers $532,
an increase of $16. 70 rural schools the
average salary for finale teachers has in-
creased $22, being now $484. Female
teachers in these schools are receiving
817 snore, the average being $399. The
total amount expended in Public Schools
during 1910 was $17,321,230. This was
on 5,913 schools, with a total school pop-
ulation of 401,268. The expenditure on
separate schools was $820,184.80, a num-
ber of schools being 467, and the school
population 55,034. There are 145 colegi-
etes and high •sehools in tete Province,
with 820 teachers and 33,101 pupils. The
total expenditure on them was $1,021;635.
The growth of urban communities in the
Prcvince is web illustrated in the sta-
tistics of Fr•ontenac of urban and rural
schools. During the year covered by the
report there was an inerea-Mc of 6,078 pu-
pils in urban schools, and a decrease of
2,997 in rural schools. Of the total en-
rolled, 47.55 per cent. of pupils are In
urban schools, an. increase for the year
of 1,02 per rent. Forty ye.srs ago the
urban ecitools supplied only about eigh-
teen per cent.. of primary school pupils
in the Province. The cost per pupil in
the puhlie schools increased this year
17.52 to 17.84, as compared with this 32
per tent. increase in public schools, there
was an increase in cost per pupil in high
schools of $5.57, the cost now being 1114"'J,
t4,nrylt1 lea e.vnunae(1 froPY1 all urnCere ty .iiiQllet!..Rtt
Ottawa; Feb. 27.—The Dowager Coun-
tess of Arran, accompanied by her
daughter,. Lady Winifred Gore, Lady
Beatrice Cecil, and Miss Bulteel, who are
guests of their Excellencies at the Gov-
ernment House, are sailing for New
York on the 8th of March.
Slipping on a banana peel at the head
of the 'stairway ,leadirng to an uptown
subway etation at Aow York, an un-
identified Man tumbled thirty feet to terda Captain CollinsIves his lfabttt-
the bottorn of the . stairs early o -day, y p ' g
. .. e- e+; nt. ,1 ,,. biro, n YRd14 A/iS pitch oRRwf.F. Ns atR9s troth'