HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-03, Page 44 OAC: DO Dd EDCjD ©Dt a':1d:�dBtDDC3 s3D( DDt1D ,an CBC 00 d° Th 1S1;tIs ea Incorporated 1355 kv ea Capital paid up $ 4,000,000 Reserve Fund $4400,000 el Total Assets over 44,000,000 d r;, I-iea.d Office - - Montreal � Has 78 Branches in Cana and. and Correspondents in q all the Principal Cities of the World. v SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT° A GENERAL BANiCINF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate Zurich Branch - J. A.. CONSTANTINE, Agent A apik; k `> GD ©DS GeD i:;e9@TCfO,.t9D a .DCDC1 l D (eelu> CDGIEGIDG LEGAL. CARDS. 1I. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieiter, Notary Public, Hensali, Ontario. At jurieh (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales eondueted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms ,easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in .fire insurance. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. .. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Document's care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LooGe 169E, TINGS CCo`�j� Court Zurich No. 1240 O• a' • meets every 1st and :3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. AIEizNEB, C. R. A' �. U• �• Riekbeil Lodge �J lJ No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their Hall. Merner Bloek. FILED. WITWEB ,M. W MARKET RLPORT.—Tho fol. lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up tc Thursday, Barley .... ...... 55 to 55 Peas 75 Bran 21.00 Shorts .. 23 00 23.00 Oats 80 31 Wheat 77 78 Five Roses flour 3,00 Purity ........ 3 00 Royal .Household .. , . 2.90 Choice family •2,75 Hay.... 6.00 7.00 Dried apples 5 5 Clover seed 8.00 0.00 Potatoes... „...... ...... 25 25 Butter ..... 17 17 Eggs .. 18 18 Hogs liveweight 6,65 ° HENSALL M ARKET Cook's Best Flour,...,.. Wheat Oats Barley . Peas, .,,.,. Hogs'liveweight - .. 2.75 1.08 32 32 48 58 80 80 6.65 Prompt Service Moderate Charges,, Ha HOFF ' AN Zurich, Ontario TER 1411135g a�b ,•.i'liBLTSE tD BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY MAR 3rd, 1911. When you have rheumatism in your foot or instep apply Cham- berlains Liniment and you will get quick relief. It costs but a quarter. Why suffer? For sale by alt dealers. a.. MOMEY IN APPLE GROWING There sure is money in apple growing. Enthusiastic apple grow- ers, among whom might be mentioned A. E. Sherrington of Bruce Co., Ont., and B. J. Case of New York state, have testified that they make 17 per cent from their apple orchards valuine them at $l,000 per acre. Many others state they make 10 per cent and better from their orchards valuing them at $1,000 per acre. Demonstration orchards under Government, management last year showed that most remarkable returns may be secured even froth old orchards that have sunk practically into decay. Now, Professor Crow, of the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph, gives figures toshow that even 300 per cent returns can be secured from the labor spent in thinning apples while on the tree early in the season. We. know that several hundred per cent profits• aro secured tom the investment and labor, in connection with spray- ing apple trees. These things, and many others, along with most practical informa- tion by well known praotioal and scientific men, telling just how to obtain these splendid results from apple trees, are dealt with in farm and dairy for March 2, which issue goes to subscribers of farm and dairy as the the Third Annual Orchard and Garden Number of that weekly farm paper. You ought to have a copy of this Orchard and Garden Annual, and you may Secure ono free by send- ing a two cent stamp to farm and dairy, Peterboro, Ont , requesting a copy of that issue. Or better still, you ought to take farm and dairy regularly. TIM HERALD has been able to make very favorable rates with farm and dairy so that you may secure it and the HERALD both for one year for only $1 50 If you act promptly you may start your subscription with 'this special Horticultural Number, which is but one of the eight magazine numbers of farm and dairy that you will receive for your subscrip• tion in this week, and. profit from this live, up to the -minute informa- tion in regard to fruit growing, whioh is yours at so low a cost. Mosi Canadi T3 Catarrh Our ChangeaWc ,:,lienate is Responsible. Where the atmosphere is damp, with sudden changes in temperature, almost everybody bas' Catarrh, in some form or other, The ordinary cold in the head inflames and weakens the membranes lining the nose and throat, and starts a discharge. The next cold is more easily caught, andsoon the patient is never quite free of it. As Catarrh develops the discharge increases --drops into the throat, es- pecially at night ---and takes on an offensive odor. Besides being exceed- ingly disagreeable, there is great danger of the disease extending to the lungs, stomach, or bowels. Though it is very difficult to cure, Father Morriscy devised a combined internal and external treatment that has cured thousands. The Tablets tone up and invigorate the system, and assist Nature in throwing off the disease, while the salve, applied up the nostrils, clears out the discharge and heals the membranes. Combined treatment, 5oe at your dealer's, or from rather Morriscy Medicine Co., I.,tde Chatham, N.B. 20 Sold and {guaranteed in Zul,ich By J. l' MER'NEEi 0, Reith, hourbe revealed of his heart arse t is sad life, of what it might Line: i 'leen. Re ut- tered one fearfu "el hence ; t shall never forget it,,n, ° i lid not dream then how true it a -;rat be, it takes on meaning u'nrl4 'a light of his past Jia eteee,i ! Keith I was damned befoi°e:l. s ,born"and her tears fell l is l "Poor Ben. you deserved a, r fate" sighed the gentleman he drew his affianced to hise "You know what his fathe i;l r is. ;Norlee, and Ben was prey; £ "iced and hot. headed. You,,t'. meeting him at the hotel the P ll Ener day, Holt he called himsE. ' handsome fel- it was. lie sent ";1, ;.lose rare wild flowers. Whai rr se heart his must have been, '', .v worthy of a nobler lot." "4, '." she whisper- ed "we must fide-r,.s mother and try to help here ; •pfelp her" he answered sorr+:+ i' lly, what help can there be fox :Y i? niches hers? her loved is los . ':k :nd recall. If I had met Ben t, f ; I had learned my place in the d, or if I could have learned v3e )aty ual'ied rise sooner, .1 might. r t:= found, have aided him, lover ? ui into believ• ing in the love ne, Greater As it is—lie stopped i reetly and there was a sob in t'ac, f ice that answer- ed him Au,d she P:3 01,v can she live? 0 Keith, will tuns ':.,iter day ever dawn, the day, $ph n these things shall be impoesil•lp' "It must" his voice low end determined, it shall I swear' to eon, Norlee my darling, by all the " 1^:1 given pow ers I feel stirria :. within hie, 1 shall never rest cr give Him rest until that day deems or the sod that covers Ben H .tz covers me." flours after, as her chamber win- dow, the maiaen looked out over the great city Slumbering? Nay. doing its deadliest work, busy un- der the brilliant electric light as through no sunlight hours dealing out death and &Innation. And as she realized that under the quiet eters. not Bessie Hiltz alone, but thousands of pli?lndered sisters lift. ed such weary,;;hope'less eyes, her heart broke all its barriers. "O. good day dawn," she cried, `her tears dropping over the white knot at her breast ifs ?F. to'baptize it, "0 goad day daaklei; sae hbw these women 'bleed, , faint" The only hope for Jamie;:', ,a,r'ohibition. This and another s <, ":(es were forever. going rolls altiti in Bessie. Hil'tz's .dace' a ; ; and more and more this one .;: nib tothe front. Was it true?' Would it ever come, this prohibition? Come before the monster sleephg in her boy's bos om shouldwake, .unfasten his fangs to suck his heart's blood? Night and clay she pundered these clues Liens, nothing else. No wonder she grew frenzied, no wonder she for got most of the time to pray. She bad no heart. no hope, only deadly; haunting fear and dread. If she could get away from the scene of these past horrors, far off where no word would ems to Jar>lie of his father, his brother where no hint w•ntld react. hien of his heritage of woe ; where the sweet, country air was untainted by any scent of the devil's broth, where there were other sounds beside those of strife and passion ; would there not be hope then? ''The only hope for Jamie is prohibition" but surely away from temptation in some quiet nook he might never have the tiger roused by the smell or taste of alcohol, and live -and die unoon- seious of his presence. She was so poor if only she had money.; she must have it. She seemed en- dowed with supernatural power and labored day and night with little rest. Her hair, once so beau- tifully dark and abundant, grew thin and white; her eyes hollow and wild ; her, face pinched. rise hardly ate enough to keen) body together, and &meet bee: e;.1 ged the growing buy what •i. sired. 0 the fierce fight she nowt have, it meant Jamie's redemption (To be continued) Ethel M. 'Williams, Pres. Supt. Prize a 1 °nape -tit - 4> Open to Farmers' Wives and Daughters Call at the Massey -Harris. Shop and get particulars. Ali must be in by the first of March, Prize can be seen tat Hess's Jewelry Store, C2VN D .'S OPEN DOOR This is the second of the series of articles. on Reciprocity republish- ed from the Canadian Century to which reference was made in our issue of last week. Canadian Fruit Farmers in .Great as. Whyte, Agip' IVASSEY-IIARRikl, CO Peril From The Canadian Century The largest deputatfon of farmers that ever waited on any Canadian Government was that of the fruit growers of Western Ontario, who went to Ottawa on Feb 10 to protest against the Reciprocity Agreement The case they presented to the Government was a strong one. They showed that if the Reciprocity Agreement was endorsed by the Canadian Parliament and the United States Congress it would reduce the value of every orchard in Ontario and ruin thou- sands of small fruit farmers who had paid high prices fortheir little farms and spent time and money in planting trees. They showed that many largo farms had been subdivided for fruit growing purposes and that new subdivisions were constantly being made. They said that a farm of one hundred acres which formerly supported only one family, being cut into ten small fruit farms supported ten families. Among other memorials presented by this deputa- tion was the following; 'We, the undersigned, the president and executive committee of the Old Country Association, composed entirely of mon born and bred in the British Isles. and the groat majority of whom are engaged in the fruit industry, respectfully and earnestly beg to draw the attention of the Dominion Government to the peculiar hard ship which will be imposed upen us should this proposed tariff legislation come into effect. "We have been induced to leave Great Britain and to come to this peninsula, and to invest our capital in the purchase. planting and general improvement of fruit lands in a large measure owing to the very wide distribution of official pamphlets and other literature emanating from Canada. and distributed throughout the British Isles, positively stating the Ontario grower is protected in the home market by a high tariffagainst foreign -grown fruit and vegetables and thus enjoys that market without so•ious competition from outside sources. "The amount of customs tariffs on the various fruits is specifically stated in these pamphlets and ;literature; and in order that this particular advantage to the Canadian grower may bo clearly under- stood by the Britisher this tariff scale is not only set forth in Canadian money but is also set forth in .the coinage of Great Britain. Under the belief that these con- ditions would be stable we have not only sunk our own capital, but have been In- strumental in bringing many of our coun- trymen hero to fnvest in this growing in- dustry, whish owing to the steady rise of recent years in the values of land, now re- quires a large amount of capital to pur- chase and equip even the small farms the majority of us own, and to provide for the maintenance of our families during the years it takes to bring an orchard into bearing" Four days after these Ontario fruit far- mers presented their case to the Govern- ment Mr Martin Burrell, member of Paric- ament for Yale -Cariboo, gays the House of Commons a remarkably clear and compre- hensive statement of the position of the frnit growers in all the provinces of Cana- da, giving special attention, of course, to his own province of British Columbia, which has made wonderful progress in the planting. of orchards during the last ten years. Mr Burrell has devoted twenty-eight years of his life to the practical work of fruit growing. No man in Canada has a better knowledge of the question. In 1901 there were 567,000 fruit trees in Rritisti Columbia, according to the Domi- nion census. Now there are estimated to be five million fruit trees in that province, and the area devoted to fruit is rapidly increasing. The grain grower of the prairie gets his big favm at low cost, sometimes as a free grant; the land is ready for cultivation; the Government subsidizes a railway to take the grain' to market. The British Columbia fruit farm must first be cleared of enorm- ous trees; the people of the East and of the prairie provinces can scarcely realize the immense size of British Colutnbia timber. After the land has been cleared at great expense and fruit trees planted the farmer must wait for years for his trees to grow and bear fruit, Inmany paras of the pro - Vine(' he must pay his share of the cost of constructing irrigation works in the Okanagan valley alone the amount of $1,500,000 has been expended already in irrigation works for orchard purposes and vast outlays of the same kind are going on all over the province. According to the Dominion census of 1901 there were iu the whole of Canada. 15,053,875 apple trees 1.301,775 poach, trees, 962,101 pear trees, 2,415,6'95 plum. trees, 1,388,868 cherry trees and 179,425• other fruit trees; a total of over twenty-one million fruit trees besides 2,783,596 grape• vines and large acreages of small fruits.. Since 1901 there has been a very great in- crease in the number of trees, British Columbia farmers alone having planted about 4,500,000 trees within the ten years. tfr Burrell estimates that there cannot be less than thirty million fruit trees in. Canada now, and he thinks that $150,000,- 000 is a low valuation to place on the.. orchards of Canada today. The Canadian Century some weeks ago published an article on the value of a tree. It was pointed out that a German railway comp• any had been forced to pay six hundred dollars for one cherry tree which it de- stroyed, and the principle upon which the oourt decided the value of a fruit tree was explained. Mr Burrell's estimate only al- lows five dollars as the average value of a. Canadian fruit tree when he values the orchards of the Dominion at $150,000,000 We believe that the real value is very much greater. Now what would be said if the Govern- ment suddenly tools away the tariff pro- tection of a group of manufacturing in- dustries in which $150,000,000 of capital was invested? We hear a great deal 'from the politi- cians about vested rights. Why should theri be any more consideration for the vested rights of farmers. Has not the small farmer a vested right in the fruit tree that has cost him money, labour, time and anxiety? We do not believe that the prosperous grain growers of the prairie provinces of Canada will vote against their brothers in British Columbia and Ontario when they know the real facts. We appeal to those farmers of Canada who are not fruit grow- ers to stand by their brother farmers in this bine of peril. World Competition For Canadian Warmers "Why should Canadian farmers lose every vestige of protection for their pro- ducts while the tariff on manufactured goods remains almost untouched? If farm products from the United States, the Ar- gentine Republic, Russia, Austria-Hung- ary, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain,. Japan, Australia, New Zealand and other countries are to come into free competi- tion with Canadian farm products in out own home market why should not manu- factured produote come in free from the same countries?" These are the questions which farmers throughout Canada are asking each other now, and they will ask the politicians the same questions a little later on. Free trade in farm products and protection for manu- factured products is a condition of things. that cannot be permanent. What Will American Farmers Say? When the farmers of the United States. learn that the sane Reciprocity Compact that gives them free entrance to the Cana- dian market gives exactly the same privi lege to almost every food -exporting coun- try in the world they will be enraged. They will say: ''With Russians, Japanese Austrians, Argentines, Danes, Swe;le', Norwegians, Spaniards, Australians, Now Zealanders and a host of other food pro- ducers dumping their surplus products in- to the Canadian market what will there be left for us? They will complain that Cana- dians will try to relieve their glutted mar- kets by shipping some of the foreign stuff into the United States, and indeed ib will be very difficult for the United States Government to prevent them doing so'. How will United States customs officials be able to distinguish between Canadian farm products and the foreige food that will be dumped on the Canadian market? Dishonest men in both Canada and the United States will take advantage of the situation. On the other hand honest Cana- dian exporters will often be suspected of fraud. American customs officials will sometimes charge that good, honest Cana- dian eggs, butter. cheese, etc., come from Argentina, Siberia, or some other out- landish place that has been given the right to send its farm products freely into Canada. Bitter controversies will arise. The pleasant kindly feelings that have so long existed between Canadians and Amer cans will be rsplaced by the spirit of sus• picion and antagonism that may have. .serious consequences. A FLOUR BASKET Is generally praised for its beauty. A basket of our flour would gain your admiration because of its GOODNESS AND PURITY Good cooks insist upon having our flour to bake with. It lightens the burden of baking and lessens the chance of pastry failure, Stop experimenting and buy our "Snow Drift Flour" . COOK SONS' & CO IIBNSAL14 Do you know that of all the min- or ailments colds are by far the - most dangerous? It is not the cold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia and consump- tion a- e among them, Why not take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can? For sale by All Dealers. BLAKE The following is the report of U. S. S. No. 9, Stanley, for the month. of February, names in . order of merit. Three highest in each class Sr IV Pearl McBride, °dwell Nicholson, Mary J Meyers. Sr III Lorne Manson, Emanuel Moyer, Jakie Mayer. Jr III Albert It'inlay, Clara Zapfe Nancy Brennerman. Sr II Willie Manson, Edgie Fin- lay, Abr Zapfe. Jr IT Ada Kennel, John Moyer. Ruth Zirk, Sr pt I1 Harvey Meyer, Sarah Erb. J r pt II Elerbie Moyer. G, S. Howard, Teaohee: