HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-03-03, Page 2DYSPEPTIC ? Then Wake U to the Fact Today That Your Trouble is Curable. If n11 dyspeptics 'would only quit 11.1i - jag, "rellef-rneasuree," and get right clown to first prineiples, the world would be much lappier. Care the cause of your dyspepaitt-then you WILL get well. But you will have lots more to do titan sweeten the breath with a pepper- mint or charcoal lozenge -they never did -never Call cure. • Look to the -bowel-the liver --the stornach, and forget the breath. • Get a gentle -Stomach tonic and bowel laxative ht work -flush out the accumu- lation of sour putrid fetid that is clog- ging up the system. Attend to thee; matters and you'll improve right quietly. ani espeetally in the. sunshine; and take You don't require a harsh, griping nlenty ot exereisc, taking care to breathe deemy ate regularly. Tak, a bath daily, and,. in addition. TO PBOLONG LIFE, Happy Marriage,Daily Bath, Certain Foede, Rest. and Fresh Air. , We ereVent ..ild aeo ecining on too soon, tee tee; omit:hit:1i neeessary is the ptis- ,XJ: 1.,0a!,,ni gi.,13U1St0Infif 'among LIW:".1 tonag tile thyrvid, the adrenials, 11111 partereas o.thi ttie ilvet9, and tele de.. upon 4,e,'!dit,',1. : • • marriage ls :An itivo.ilmble• aid in the sti omits ties:Mit obi ago. 1.: inarriett life one ot ti:e best itie!Ans ot rctitsting the approach of old age, on the outer tiami, it is povely oorcin that Unhappy tuarrlage.s are ti.,e surest MMUS Of haste - :ling its oth:onditg. To tivold peenlatUri! •0111. like 0,11a eery tivAtiwe have to follow these rules: Wear Oiese tioliars, lieeause a tight e I s ' Iapreeeets obstatese to the tree cir "e- lation of the Mood through the thyrod. Do not cake too xnuctt Meat, because abundance of :heat alters the duel:less glands. Take) largs. onontities of milk,- this 'vette the extract of various glands, and espeelallY that Qe tile thyroid. Be as mtwil as wAssibel In the OPDX1 air, medicine. Best results come front Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut, which contain soothing stimu- lating vegetable ingredients , that so strengthen the stomach and bowels mus- cles as to enable them to again ant as nature intended. When this is accom- plished all trate; of stomach misery and dyspepsia diseppears. You will find Dr. Hamilton's Pine a scientific cure for all forms of storattch distress, headache. bil- Oro2C. a week er everytwo weeks take a Turkish ...r voz'on eath, Wear vinous clothing, light hat and le:, shoes. Ur, early to bed and rise early. tilueo in a very dark, very quiet room, and with a window intent and do not iestet, 1e,ss than six or More than 7 1-2 ?huh's. Ilave ohe complete day's rest in each week, without even reading or writing. Avoid mental disturt:s.nees or worries. Be temperate n the use of alcohol, and also., l -,,u t '2r use_ of coffee or tea.. iousit.ess, bad color, liver complaint and cenetipation. Not half way ineasnree-- eiAegl„?..-!."1.,-,„Iv'e.ii;etYllee.aterl• .e$Pe- but lasting cure for these conditiom fol- notset-e '•;1..--:'..;::1-71P-ree 'tie fuenTrittilluarttesd.of have bec'ome low, the use of Dr. Ifamilton's Pills. RE- - e .Qrgu•r'':'ill'IY ,FEaSE A SiBSTITUTE. All dealers sell it i''• -n• di""' bY mea" ...., extracts tornsthe corresponding Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25e per box, or from The Catarrhozone Co., .Kingstoa, Oct. 49 • 41 THE USUAL ROLE. (Washington Star.) freitrIes M. Schwab, in a recent inter- -slew in New York, poiuted out. fee folly of. ignorant speculation. "The average mere with no know - edge of of finance," he said, "has /10 busi- neSs to speculate. Let him do so and his. ease is Jones' all over again. "Jones stopped in at a gargage one morning to see about selling off his two automobiles. - 'I hear you 'save been speculating on the Stock Exthange Mr. Jones?" the s.gent said politely. "'Yes' said Jones 'Now. these tiers, I understand, can be bad cheap for cash.' "'Were you a bull or a bear. sir?' aelted the agent. ''Neither,' said. Jones gruffly. was ••reettis '4th? animals. But of course, the art:M.:at/1m of this precept must annevs b aispted to the individual t;%.N •;:ir!z:sil, Medical Journ- al. RINIM:01001111413.4 MODERN WAY YEINIC ,40 t to use °NE Dye that will color either Wool, Cotton, Silk on Mixed Goods Perieztty, You will and titit In st* ONE k'ALLI(II4950; rr Send lorSantple Card and Story Booklet 89 The 3 OlihrSON4 3LIC5ARDS07.4 CO., Limited, Montreal, Can, With this Modem Dye ally= have to do is to ask for DN'..04-0, then you CAVT melee a mistake and use the Wrong Dye ;or the goods you have to color. ....11.1.11/11141•1141 an ass.'"ggazo•mv........metaft.ao.......m. ve 4- 0 - -----------....-... . .. . -.-.. .. -- 4-4.4-4.4,-4-4-40-4-4-,,, MORE LINES ABOUT "TIME." t 4 4 4 " Time is always reeviug Olt NI .,. Tie soon man y say Is goe ERVL1NE me 'w : 4 + Tim:, Is rapid it; les fight .4, , Time moves 011 by day and night ; 4, Time itsetf wit ',,Mlar away • * 41' 44 Cure for Croup Tun. it, if will close the day ; . .4•1, 4. +5 9 4 4- .4444-4-4-g7+44+44,2 "LOSt Year two Ad' My' Aiildren wore friken with croup. They coughed some- thing dreadfu!ly, and were too sick to ;ett a,nything. 1 applied Nerviline to the threat and (-best and nava it hater:wily, Also: I also Lest the ehildites to initeie •;•!aterrh000ne..' No renis-tIO I Ott 1E41 re worked more satisfactorily. 1 Call re- Timomay sew, tee eureerses mese .'mend mothers to use Nervillue: it's Time wit sty tes_ tenger live • e fine liniment." Tette' it steals hy our surprise : Tinie from inome.nts arise : (Sig•ned) Mrs. li'. E. Knee111er. T11,1, minatee 4tt11 meves on : Harriston P. O._ Tire ill hours and ear' is gone : - 'rime rons oe-ev metal-- lie year : o :in e at last will disappear. OLD BUT NOT IN RUINS. (Pittsburg Times.) Mrs. Langtry -Lady de Bathe- has returned to tile stage. Apropos of this feet, a, veteran dramatic critic of cal- esero said: Wee rd's faiattneett (tee , ed: "I met Lady de Bathe het year at the races at Ascot. She is sisal very Hae.' t -ed ILENAR.D'S LINIMENT for l'eautiflds and I ventured t'e5'1)°(.11 •Crot,e; fount! zt thing equal to ; San) to tell her so. CHAS, P., SBARP. "tAlt.,' she replied, with a feint: cure. RInile, '1 look BTU enough, 1 so:mose, for nawkelisee, N. -S., Sept. 1. 150& a woman of my age.' ''How old are you, Lady de Bethel' sent en Englishman in her perty. she answered--.etiot nihil for a cathedral. but a very res. e • peetable age for a woman.'" Tinos itostr twill Mite its Tinh) not regard otiz 'ealt ; Veit: .ter rill never stole; • Time Itself will soon. deeo.Y Time it does a warning give ; Time it tells us how to live : Tiro- it lays rsrepsre to die : Tillie it bids us look on high ; Tam, is fleeting, and we know ; Tme 5 'ii It eau. Isestew Tinto did l4nt't es ir,to life T1,71 • Wilt break tee ,-.s'irds of strife ; SAVED ll HIS 0111 AGE, Annapolis. N. S., Mae 1A. 1000.--X am eighty years of age and have sof rer- ed :row. HItIney and Bladder' trouble for fifteen yesrs. 1 took doctor's medicine bid got no help. .1. want. 0 11,11 Ilk 041 tor sending me the srunple box of GM Pills, helped inn 1 bare taken six tioxs of -Gin Pills ol- 2,,,rx,tlier. but got relief 1,erore I had :utt- er: nOalthat atZiOnnt. E had to gt?.... Mahe, .niroits every fifteen minutes and , t:te uso 1111 1 ftSU'll t before 1 wild teseate. Now 1 Can le in bed tour ur tee hours without guthtg up. .W. 22. 111114P% Vrte Nat Mimi Drug & Chorikal tiottit. H. L.) Toronto, for to Recithit sise, :tee. 6 for $2,50, -.- 140 TRIrtK Al' ALL. (Puck.) Wegges So yoii niit down the tueise- leek expenses a: hundred dollare 0. month. Dow 111 the world did yen .Jo it? Bcggsenty tlei 'entree! inieneer, of the Woman's ceizeot." sd that my wife didn't. love a ptit. 003' Of tlicir houselutle esonomies late practice. lichsT sumfdy stowit coudho. cures C.7.1)2.6: hioll thi throat Brad 2101111 t.i1 ceate. A LITTI.E SCHEME. • (Washington iterald„) i s'pose I'll 'tare to invite the tamilty to dinner Christaitae," said Nto dean. "All those professors!" exclaimed, Me wife. "Think of the expenee." "fain get 'eel talking about earho- hydretee and they won't east imich tur- key. ict Mirtard's Liniment. Curse Colds, Etc - ' eteessemesetiettiensenmsetserereentairgegmwestenvestesseemeressieresseseireseettsetiess ELECTRIC FOG HORNS V:f11110111.,.rzstza ANIS ALL INQati AI'WTU0.1 DISEASOS tires the 1.34q1: and arts as a prever.tative for others. 1,tquid. ixtven on iIClongue. Sole for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy; treentss botile•, ea.® the etszen. sem by all druggists and hart/ass Distributors --ALL WDOLEISA.Vill DRUGGISTS, srnan IVIDICAT, CO., Cheudats, Gostico, Ind.. 11. S. A. 7" • thr;41, f166, "SILENT" kiTHES TUE Mon MODERN AND PERFECT SURE LIGHT, THE FIRST STRIKE '10 rio noise or epattor--s quiet, steady !Immo. The match r, the office and the Isenne. lioiders keep them and Edtitr4s Woodeuware, Fitersware, it Wo.thboards, E. B. EDDY Cos, Litraited.„ HULL, CANADA TUBERC44C IN PRISONS. Not long neer i statement is alitiged to have beenese:. by the warden of the Western' Peie ary of Penneyivania that ae.-proxititlo :r 300 out, of 1,n00 in- mates of Mei entution were suffering from tubermintee. in private converse- tiou, says the: .1.sienal of Criminal Law and titireilielkitar. the wartleu ot one ot the I:oaten-I' St.te prisons expressed inc belief that till tee' cent. of the inmates of his institutieet l tubereulosis in some degree. Tat New York state there is at Clinton prison a ettell-e.eippel ward. for tuber- culosis conviet- ransterred front the several State .sons. Sine,‘ that ward was establiesetl at the early 'nee the death rate fr.ni tuberentesiti in the three State prisote has fallen remark- ably. The death tate in 1891. for tnetance, for the ,ptisous of ;Aug *mg. Auburn and Clinton WaS seventy-six, and tile death rate -fifteen years later, in 191)S. wits Only 'seven out of 0 population (1' 3,400. In the last three yeaes the death rate lute advanced slightly, but 10 1900 was only eighteen in a population ot 4,- 439. • t itt moet prieons, end paelicularly tn the lesser tureetional inetittitione, au enormons.amennt of preventive work re- mains to be done.. The 'National Aesn- ciatian for Study and Prevention of Tie- berculreis en:heaths that there are le the Statti;'4:aileeal 1i1d loeal prisons and jails et thi. fatted States 12,00n tuber. mimes. v.iii;03 ;*Irt. a:Ad that no tie. aver. 'ler nent. of the prison pop- Altetto Peary is affested with • 1:1b „. ;kite • . • Only I et -one prisons. in flimert StatO, and :"errilendies have provided special nieces ferthe treatment of their tubereulotis prisoners end these hiEre ae- tommedeeinte for only 800 patients. "ln three-fourthe of the meter pristine and in practically all of the jail; of the eonn- try thul tuberculosisprisoner is allowed freely to infect his fellow prisoners, very few restrictions being put upou his MO- ilist' It is a striking fact that when the State of New 'York began to transfer tuberctlloois' prisoners from the Sing Sing and .uburn prisons to Clinton, in the Adirondaeks, not only did the death rate in the two former prisons fall front oyer thirty at Sing Sing and front ov er forty at Auburn to less than ton, but the death rate at Clinton fell aii4O. Since 11403 the death rate at Clinthn has been above 10 per cent. only ortee, namely, 1002, -when it reached 11. ALFALFA TEA. Carrespondenee in St, paid De. spatch.l FWV" irwArittl men and ivotnett partici. pated in an alfalfa inncheon in this city leet everting. Bieenits and .cookies me'. -Il front alfalfa fleet and shipped here from BillenteeMen., were served the gueste, 111111 tee Was servo"! made from alfalfa leaves. .Alfalfe. lets 'received quite It greet ilea/ Of atteetion in the corn show, and this pepular ittoeit food was featur- eft at too teeesteen. et is elle fiest time it IMF, l&O.It lISPI1 112 t'els Putti as 0part of eareeltatents. Minard's Liniment Cures 0 iphtheria. PROGRESS OF MAN -FLIGHT. A writer in Engineering remarks that it is not the sensational "records" made tly orof:mstottol aviators that shows the Tsai pr1grsa4 in the art of mechanical flight, hts. rather the praetical advances i11 iwerromieg general diffieulties. The most, impottaie tT -„;iesc relates to flying iiI (t wind. A little while ago 4 fairly strone wien nem virtually prohibitive, but now e:oss-esuntry flighte are made in spite oi .tn erdiettry atmosphere tits- turbance. The eeentlueion is that -the aerordane bite beeolne0 prnAiCal factor in human Ih•. 411. BETWEEN 0 I FF I CU LT I ES. (Washington Star.) . "roil don't like motion; statuary1" "No," replied Miss Cayenne: "it a modern statue's trousers aren't creased it isn't neat looking and if they were creased it wouldn't he artistic." * They who forgive most shall be most forgi vett-Bailey. Which May be Blown Without Effort by Pressing a. Push Button. The time honored fog horn and still the one in whose mullion nest on myriads of smaller boats is. of the sort that you raise to your lips aud blow. ToterAbly bard work blowing a fug horn. Bigger fog horns for larger boats an - set in a box, the leot eonteining it bel- lows by which the horn is blown. At- tached to the bellows is .an outside lever by means of which the below,. is operat- ed by hand. A lot of 11015e this fog horn makes, to be heard for a considerable diste nee. genre a re now mod,. ussa or many power boats and :melds. el.e.trio fog horns the operailne of witii•h (tells fur the exereise of neither . nor hit nil power. In tle.N.. horn, thele Is attached, enclosed ot ths smalor end, a metallie : diatihretglt to which k eneneot ed anelee• tris toll witieh, when elecorieity i 4 time - ed into it, vigrates the diaphragm and ' sounds the horn. -EleArloitv 11 mippiirii iiittevVngercuihotoet, from a. ste,sisigeTba r,e0, • rt. ictic)s.„ generated on thp boat if it is eleetrieal- 1. Wars 114 4111110,1 invaluable tis born you simply 1,WetiR a 111'0.170M ISSUE NO. 9 1911 AGENTS WANTED. ANVASSERs WANTED. WEEKLY salary paid. Alfred Tyler, 25.5 C10.r- enee etreet. London, Ont. --- -tee Present us locally. Twodoliarsper mEN AND WOITEN WANTED TO 0,131- day salary and commission. No expert - necessary. Write 3. L. Nichols :Limited, Toronto. gents Wanted Two new lines. Apply, Sellery, 228 Al- bert street, Ottawa. °YSgtrPilPtIrM rones,(otg);.2e Druggists or Prof. Castle, Hampton, Ont. CERTIFIED AUDITORS, Accountants, Etc, Special lite on all outside 'audits. Apply for terms, dates. etc. RALPH C. MURTON & COMPANY, 5 KING STREET WEST. TORONTO, ONT. CHAMPION EVAPORATOR Nota single feature of the CHAMP- ION Evaporator could be dispensed with. The s1mptest and most economical way of making maple syrup. Produces the highest Quality, which brings the most motley. Made in '22 sizes for large and m sall groves. Give your maple business a show by using the CHAMPION EVAP ORATOR and our improVed supplies. This wilt assure success. Send for des.- eel:Aire es.talogue. THE GRIMM MPG. CO. 58 Wellington street,Montreal. Every VW an ix interested and should kuovr about the wondriful MARVEL Whirling Spray 'no new Vaginal hyringe. Bess -bloat convenient. It cleanses instantly. Ask your druggist WINDSOR SUP'iY inppt t o• iffiadaor. Ont- General Agent, for Calm A WONDERFUL MEDICINE , FOR LITTLE ONES MONEY SPEAKS. Somerset Mauglio.na'the .popular Eng- lish playwright, was shown by a report- er ,luring his recent visit to New York, a rather harsh criticism of his work. Mr. Maugham; with a smile, took out his pocketbook and begmt to read off to the reporter the "runs" of his various plays: Mrs. Dot, 421 nights: Smitb. 217 nights; Penelope, 309 nights. So be read on till .he heal completed the list of his sueceeses. Then he said: "When the author of this artiele has written plays with MIS like those, I'll believe his eriticisra. Till then 1 prefer to believe in the publie aid the box- office. This isutt a question of words; it's it question of figures." A** Minerti's Liniment Cures Distemper. -.eta A RADICAL. REFORMER. (Washington Star.) "Do you approve of a curfew law for children?" t • "Rath% thought of it," replied Mr. Sir - ins Barker. "Have been toot mope 000u. pied. with some scheme to prevent par: ents from spending most of their titue away from home. AMERICA AN CHINA. "Ameries. and Chinn are raw bound together," writes Frederick McCormick Ourn libblets ate a wttnitrtui itt 011 Artida "HOW Allleriett. Gat into medicini for little ones- riety Tlet fail to give relief to the nett!: esitei hi', stemaeh or bowels are out of order: when teething is peiniel ; ehen Ora 18 make their Appearance. or when any tit the many childhood ailment.* seize him, What is more, they are el:sentient: safe. aud eatmot harm the youngest Mothers have the guarantee a Govern- ment. ana.ly•sti to tide ...Use.. Theesands of oettitere, through groi•el'Ilinesie tor what the Tablets leave dent; for titter eltildren, et ro ngly recom us; 1 tutu, Mr. I. , 1)111., rtrtyS 00 used Dabyn Own Tablet- ..'ser ever V,V1) yOakS, and would not be witheet. them in the nonse. Til'' are weielerne_ lLLOhLilillO for little liabt's teen *revisits are eold by nuelleine dealers et se yens 5 a ls'x from i he Co., firminville, tent. REMARKABLE. "One of the astrovoutess eleims 11:at he has charted 004100 new worldt." "By (leorge, rentatkable." "Not so very when yon eensider rhe feet that be has Cie use of the largest telescope in the world." "I wasn't thinking of that. What I consider strange is that, with So many other worlds in exietence, the lady who is acting as ,stepinother for any c)1ilnren had to light on Mk one." • Only One BROMO ,QUiNINE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QULNINID. Look for the signatnre of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 200. e" AS IT USED TO BE. (Liles) "Ilave you got a good pert?" asks the friend of the actor who lies been engag- ed to play in Bin Shakespeare's cora.v.ny at the Globe. theatre. "Beirislt." answers the player, "I've got Mercutio itt Inainee • and Juliet.' I'm glad, because 1 thilik if a fellow can slo one or two seasoilS in Shakespeare's )lays he can get a big enengh reputation to go into Melodrama." --- guleklystons coughs, cures colds, heals the Throat and limas. - • 25 cents. A WASTED CLEW. "1 lost it poeketbnok with a roll of bills in It a row ibiv.3 ago," Charlie Gibson told ''T didn't make a foes about 11 mei tett the pnnert, but it was 10c70 than 1 cc.,1,1 alford to lose. So I put a detective on it. He asked a lot of questions, looked wise and said he'd renert in a day or two. Well, about three days later 1' found that pocketbook where 1 had mislaid it. 1 rejoiced exceedingly, "and then I called up the detective agency to, 0011RISS. The s?,euth seem- ed disgusted. "'Mighty: careless of you,' he said: 'And 1'd )ust found a good clew, too I` "-Cleveland Plair. Dealer. FULLY EXPLAINED. Mrs. Highup-Yot r husband bats changed so that I didn't recognise Mre, Blase It isn't that. I've changed husband& Manchuria," in the February "Oentury,-' -first, by common recognition of the ne- cessity to China of independence integ- rity of territory and jurisdiction, and fieedom of development and trade, to the promotion of With+ America is com- mitted; and, second, by reason of eom- mon rewards and rebuffs sustained in promoting Chines pulley sant Arneriesee diplomacy. Together with the invasion of the Hu-kuung loan. the imperial &smi- tten to the Kin-elian-Aigan contract eoinoletes Americets entry into the Chi- nese empire. It supplies the desired baste and displays the unprecedented oportuulty aehieved for American com- mune and trade and for American inflet• emit in eastern A.sia by President Taft; and Secretary Knox within the short period of two years." ••-• 11'OR MARRIED WIEN ONLY. If you finl your razor as ball US 2. hoe, ask your wife if she wiesn't paring her realms. You can surely remove yonr (te)ns quickly, painlessly, end promptly by using Putnarn's Painless Corn Extrac- tor. 'Unequalled OS at painless remedy. Remember the name. Patneen'e Painless. Corn Extractor. Sold by druggists, price 25 cents. THE SEQU ENCE. (Life.) "It VMS very romaeltie," said the friend. "He proposed to bar in the autemobile." "Yes?" we murmur, encouragingly. "And she accepted him in the hospi- tal. 1 the name • o remenvocr e▪ n you need s remedy for COUGHS and C. MM.* .....1..1••*010.3•0001.11* A QUIET PLACE. (Pack.) "Business is pretty slow here pet pow," confessed the Squant Corners mer- chant. "I judged so," replied the baking pow- der drummer, "when 1 observed that they had laid off one of the hands on the town clock." PILES CURED 114 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PA7.0 OINTMICNT falls to cure any ease of Itching, 'Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Riles in 6 to 14 days, 600. ONLY SOMETIMES. (Pittsburg Times.) Mrs: Philip Snowden, the English suf- fragette. was taken to dinner in Now York the other night by a tery consersra- tive senator. The senator, after attacking the "new womall" !a. a lorklierangue, said to Mrs. Snowden bitterly: "Woman makes all the trouble 10 life." "But She, too," said :Mrs. Snowden, smiling, "metes life. Worth :nil the trout- Minard's' Linirrient Curse Garet Cow*.