HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-24, Page 7AtaaftEMMGMHZEMOWItatratearEVOL
.140; � .00.:; n OOlit'• \4. ffrl nLe ',,A'O. k,. ,rcUNI r
,Kell, sotnetxtuy !1A burnt it, any.
'lays" staid Royce, potnting ht.; foot at
the fire; "there are bits of the wood
eitioulderiug now. .And there is a Int of
;paper aasltee, too,' he added, "Why,
Bertie, it's my opinion you flung that
plaekvus will on the fire!'
"Noneensel" exclaimed Bertie, imps:
ilentiy; "1 am out such a fool as to du
that! What are you about " for Royce
had gone down on his knees and was
stirring about the ashes under the grate.
"Looking for the will, my dear boy,,,
'Ce said, lightly. "No, ttteres is no trace
of it. Stop- What'e this?" and he held
out the fragment he had cut off and half
Bertie took it, and his face went pale
as he gazed at the scrap of paper.
"Slireat Heavens. :Royce!" he exclaim-
ed, cinder his breath, "this is it!"
-:;Royce rose and brushed the dust ;from
hie trouser knees before aus\vering.
",Are. -you sure?" he said.
Sure! Yes Here are the words,
t.«lrlt Wlil and Testament!' great heav-
•ar:i what le to be done? 1 will take my
....i,, that I didn't put it on the fire,
Royce looked at his distressed and
1 cit us countenance and laughed easily.
It not, who did?" he said, lightly,
"le must have been that idiot of a man
c.r: -mine!" replied Bertie, agitatedly.
"-,ng and ask 11ini," said Royce, cool-
Butte rang the bell and the valet al, -
70, aged.
"nave Sol{ been burning anything
et ea•ked.
Pt.0 man looked from one to the other.
••11oening? Oh, yes, my lord. 1 cleaned
lip the litter and put it on the fire."
"I told you--" staid Royce.
Pantie interrupted him.
"The litter, .you foot; you man the
enetee of wood, the bite of frane on the
i ;bit•. But did you burn any peptone"
TLC nasi beg ail to look 'tttxions.
"Well. yees, my lord, I cleared out the.
+:t+ntC-paper basket."
"Didn't I tell you?" murmured Boyce.
°"t)nly the waste -paper basket':" de-
meaned eaded Bertie.
"Yes, my lord, only the basket, alt---
es-far as I can remember!"
"":'here!" interjected 'Royce. •
"As far as you can remember! Von
ielet, it is only a few minutes ago!"
elect Bertie. "What slid you burn? Was;
there a paper, a folded paper amongst
1`t t' valet looked conftii1e.l and ale -
• "1U/diy, iuy lord--" he • began.
}tertie seized a newspaper and folded
i' op in the shape of the Will.
"Leok at that," lie said. "Wan there
paper, a written paper, folded' like
'The man's flee cleared.
"Rao, my lord, I am certain there was
• roe," he •said, positively.
Royce - shrugged his shoulders and
held up the burnt scrap.
"I ant afraid you bare made a nus-
tak.:,' he saki. ''Lord Dewsbury has
;Meese' a paper like that he describes,
erste: I find a. piece of it in the grate
:,n,+i burned."
The valet colored.
"it don't understand it, my lord," he
staid, in a troubled voice. "I could al-
most swear that there was no paper of
;hail deteripLioxt amongst those 1 burnt."
Almost' swear!" remarked Royce,
"rvreut heavens!" exclaimed Bertie.
"Thera, get out of my sight!" he added,
aani! :;lm miserable, perplexed valet hast-
ened to obey. "What is to 'be done,
"What do you
"Wily, this --this wile you know!"
;stick Bettie; "it nuty be of the utmost
importance. I wish to heaven I'd read
_it. ;teatt powers! a 11•ill, yon know, is
8. strielns thing!" anl be strode up and
cloven his room,
Bryce, firing himself into a their and
'My dear Bertie!" he said, "you snake
Me laugh! I -beg your pardon! Why on
r•at 1,1, bhoulcl you attach any importance
"What?" exelaimed Bertie, stopping
shun` end eyeing him in nmezeeannt.
•+¶_ .,;lay, why shonld yon upset your-
eelf 'about it?" said Royce, coolly. "1
;ton's myself think it was anything buil
e shaft, just, the outlines of awill to
be copied by the lawyer."
• loertic's face grew less dark.
"But supposing• that it was a genuine
- ltills it isn't of ally value.!"
Not of any value? Why not?"
l • settee the last will Lord Arrowfield
Meet e was in favor of Stuart Villiers,
acrd title, was a former one, of cons:,
and' therefore not worth the ppaer iL•
WM,: written on!"
"Do you thiol:—"
slots btxnlly.
"1 'don't think: --1 atn sure!" respond-
ed toyre. "Evidently it was of no im-
portation. or it wouldn't have been shov-
ed behind that picture. You May de•
• a need upon it, sotneoue considered it
rvtlste pdper. end,used it to back up the
pabrting, just as he would have used an
olds newspaper if •it had been handy."
eseetsseesso st•Issetteet s mil's
And D3 dd's Kidney Ptl-ls lVlatle
Mrs. Pa1£lchat.td{ -Well.
Bertte's face cleared.
"If you think that, why 1 ant less un-
easy about it; but perhaps I'd better
eo and tell Old Craddock about
"If you take my advice yon won't do
anything of the kind." said Royce.
"What good will it do? You will be
making a stir for 110 purpose! You
haven't got the, will, you i:110%%! Atld, I
She Inherited111-h;enith From filer
Parents, and for Seven Years Waa
• a Sufferer f=rom .Kidney and Heart
Whitworth, :tielnliieonta Co„ Que.,
Feb, 20. —(pecittl), -- Teat she took
the advice of her" Triends and used
Dome 'Kidney pills is the reason 111•x.
Julien 1?ainehaud, af• this peens, gives
for the perfect health that slows in
her every niovenienf,•
'"1 inherited ill -health from any 'par -
don't want to snake 3-ou angry, nvy dear ents," Mrs. Painchexul says in an in-
Bertie, but lawyers are unbelieving ani. terview. "i?or seven Years niy .heart
male, and I shouldn't be surprised if old and Kidneys bothered 1111\, 1 was all-
Craddock declined to creditour ways tired and nervous, 1 eou1I not
stere!" 3 sleep. My eyes had dark eireltis round
"What?" thein, and were puffed and 's ellen.
"That's my impression! See here! °"1 could hardly do my Housework
Craddoek, I happen to know, is agent wizen I was advised t�, try 1)odd's Kid -
and attorney for Stuart Villiers. You 12ey* Pills. One box relieved me 01 pain.
go to him and tell him that you have and six boxes mads ane perfcetly well:"
discovered a will of Lord Arrowfieid's livery woman who is feeling ragged,
and he'll say, '1n whose favor is it, and 'tired and worn otttt should use 1)udd's
what's the date!' You answer, "I don't Kidney }tills, They -cure the Kidneys,
know.' He will say, "Produce the will!' aitd every woman's health depends on
'Oh,' you reply, :], or any servant have her Kidneys. 31ealthy K 1neyi mean
burnt it!' My dear fellow, old Orad- Vero blood, and purr !shoal e atries new
dock will laugh at you, and, to put it 11fe 'to run down 'organs wniih 'supply
bInntty, so will the rest of the wrld." lite bony with extern•.
"1 don't like saying nothing about
it," said Bertie; troubled and perplex-
ed. "Why, :Royce, it looks as if—as- if
1 had destroyed it purposely."
Boyce laughed.
"So- it does, rather; but what does it
matter? Depend upon it, you have only
clone what the plan who made the will
intended to do, or he wouldn't have us-
ed it to back up a pieture frame. Make
your mind easy. :lay nothing to any
one; remember, you cannot do any good
if you publish the story on the house-
tops. What does it amount to?—an old
atol useless will is discovered by you, and
it's burnt. 'Useful or useless, there it
is, or rather, there it isn't!"
"I think you are right," said ,Bertie.
"It stands to reason that old Arrowfield
would have sent the will to his lawyer
if it really were the last one, and—any
way, I'll say nothing about it for the
present; but if I Meet Stuart Villiers I'll
mention it."
Royce shrugged Ids shoulders.
"You might do that." lie said, tote
ehalcntly; "but, if you take niy advice,
you won't even mention it to hila. I
must be going now, old fellow. Thanks
once more! Neither 1 nor she will ever
forget last night and all you did!"
He shook hands and got out into the
As he did se his hand went to the
breast pocket of hie coat where the will
lay; it seemed t0 bur him like a sheet
of red-hot iron. Be had played his part
well, but at a cost wiaieh had. strained
every. nerve.
As u man who had been snatched back
from tate precipice looks down with e.
shudder at the awful depths below, he
looked back at the dreadful moment of
doubt and iinecrtainty while he waited
to hear if Bertie had read the will.
But he had not, and the gauze was in
Mordaunt Royce's bands.
He went to hie rooms in Mount street,
and looking the door, took out the will
and read and re -read it. Lord .Arrow- •
field had been something et a lawyer,
aiid it was drawn up clearly, distinctly
and with care. :'toyee knew enough of
wills to feet site. that titin wronld stand
in any court of la's, and that if Stuart
Villiers fought it, he could not upset it.
J01111 Ormsby was entitled to the es-
tates and moneys of Lord Au•rowfield,
and she vas to be Mordaunt Ttoycr.'s
Ms eyes glittered. his mouth watered.
What could he not do with such wealth?
Ile was clever, young, possessed of the
kind of ability which goes to wake a
leader amongst mem
lie would get a seat in the house of
Commons, would take office, gain a peer-
age! Lord Royee of 1)eercombe, or per-
haps Earl of lkercombe, for they would
like at the grand old mansion in Devon-
shire and be the great people tltetle! As
for Joan, she would have everything
in the World that could male her hap
mean':" said Royce,
said 'Bertie,
if you're. a. snffelli. woman ride
What right had she to be dwelling on
to past and Stuant Villiers, now thet-
site was betrothed to saitother?
Roved stood for a moment in the doon'-
way looking at her. It seemed to, bine .' t'8 Trouble Swepa3)i31$
that iter' beauty had inereased during 0,11`tld�i)t Epidemic: the last few weeks, and it ettenek lulu
at Lite moment that he had never :seen
a lovelier picture titan :,he trade, sit-
ting there to the glow -of tie fire, with
that soft, war ntflnsi�t on he e facs.
"1 ant back again, like a. Citi penny,"
he said, eonttxi to het' sial * ,nd raiesie
her hand to itis lips.
"`lists anything :Itappeteed?" ehe Haid,
glancing up at hint and allowing her
hand to -remain .in Itis, 'lad he not ,
deed, a tight to hold :{t
""No, nothing!" he said. ''"But know-
ing that you were at home, I could not
keep away. 1 should hays gone to the
theatre if you lead been • there : I ant
neve rhaplly unless :r have you u U15'
sight !"
"Poor theatre!„ she said, with a
"1 ee, but the papers' regret for the
fire seems to be principally because it
M11107es Miss Ida Trevalyau front the
publio gaze for awhile."
"Everybody is too goad sad kind to
2n," said Joan. softly.
`'Yes," he said; "'becaue-e they eeenn to
,think that Miss Trevelyatt ii their
own special property; whereas she is
Imine, is she note" lie said, ben,l:LLP,.,' over ease from iliti system, and makes weak,
her tenderly. deeps , denL amen and women bright,
Joan did not reply. elt,'erfi;l and strong, If you have suf-
"Sontetintes," 12:' went on, in the low , fere'"t in any \'ai from the- epidemic of
voice which be kn�'r: so wail how to let grippe teat bai been sweeping over
mate Intaiieal, ""eontetimee 1 feel ill- Cantata, give tilt. great health -restoring
They'll •:l ',,u out of dined to be jealous of the luauy-headed medicine a trial and It will not disap-
;Y'out friends. own public, and to feel that if I had a sword point yu :liege ie a -proof of the won -
their own esperienee to use Dodd' i i . u It 17'oul(l li1.* to slay »tIstat tlta tui power o Dr. William' fink
liiduey Pills,.
eaj.'ao1led and -Broken. VCoustitu.
• tions Left Behind -Bo*
to Regal), New }Iealtll
and Strength.
I.a (.lrippe is one of the most danger-
ous -di-aeesee thea annually sweeps over
Canada. le starts with a Sneeze — a
slight cold --slid ends with a .contplica-.
'tion r'f trnnblea. It lays the strong
matt nit hie back ; it tortures libu with
fevers and chills, with headaches and
baelcaehtta: :fts victims are left low-
spirited and depressed, and an easy
prey to bronchitis, pncuntonie, eheumee
legal, •and often tient meet dreaded of
all diieabes•---eoz sulnptiun, Pols ran a-
void is grippe entirely by keeping the
Motel rich atul red by oectssonal use of
:Dr. Williams' 1'i,rlk fills. The trouble
takes as its ietinne those whose blood.
le le n poor lettelitiott, and its after-ef-
fects are too da t•rone iutd mol•elast-
ing than the trt,uble it�t'li. For the af-
ter effeete of in grippe there is abso•
lately no other tucdicine can equal Dr
Williams 1'in% 'Ila, 'Every close helps
to make tl.h, tad blood that drives dis-
.)for eno y
night, for ittetance, I left the theatre, be -
anal more than all .l e. Stuart b'iltiara•c+ausd: 1 eonlcl not hear the thought that
1t Was her duty to .ria ,,,, inde^d, for 1so inane huedreds of people. had the
! right, by paying for : , to ,t i upon
was she not the prozuisa,l 'Alio of Mors you and revers/ you 118 their .,er•vait."
daunt lsoyce Joan i t{ll remained �i?cuts
On the table beside liege wire the .•1 dant :hulls ,you can ,:Sow, or "an
morning pap ere eontatiavg au aernunt feel what I sutler aomot.lnzw cu that
of -the play ar,.l the uuuortnnat fire score 1 t" 1 a n Ulf
which had destroyed the theatre. You did, I think—mor 1 4I»J" you'• ten- former t,ee:t it,n t ho,! used 13r. wit.
over the :after-ef f:sets of this dis-
ettee. 3• Ir. I'. 1:. t'anlin, a,oliector• of
eulstoots at C'ara:met, N. 1;., says s "A
few winters ago -1 bad a severe attack
of la grimes. which Completely broke
lit. down. 1 shad to take to my bed
far several weets and although during
that time 1 ,'t p'i,yt'et it doctor 1 did
tan scent tr, r;'..r,ts t front the trouble.
my dar tug. to won, „ 1 was really a physical %,reek. 011
The entice exhausted tater ad; 't arise •
der heart so well :—this :,,a vt>ul+l la-
in their praise of Maar, ';be mix :all that ileo to what I have e•unta' t, say:
was talented and +c:rr',er• .a poettive '•ll+hat have you +.vane t., bay:" 'le
, reuniter thruttoli her.
genius, in fact; and her Suture; :to the
neked, iu a low voce, au inward -hi•:tr
nninc{pal sillily declared. 001(1 of nese
li:uns' t'in's !'Ells for general "lebility
with sunt 1treaat surcese shat I decided
to try them . t J• in: I sent for :a hall
durrn bt i -'i .,,. 1 !s'gala to take the Pi1L
at +note. Wiese taiiivg the second bol:
site be a bailliaut and ;riirntpltanl one. 1Vhat I have eeere•e•ty tours•;• CD' I 1:+'also t;, f,•,:! quite :a. (tlan;e in my
There'Ishii also a tette: 'rum -lir. t;if-
feed, regretting the lire on his
own natant, but remarking that
he deplored it its deeply nit
another, namely, tie' ;widens inter-
ruption to Mise Ida rt're:.,?,yan'e : eecese-
ful career. Ile etas, however, he begged
to state ,already negoti•Stiag x\r• the use
of another titeatre white the Coarses
emelt to put into words, .lest:cit"." ee t. -
As he spoke he tett his haul ' e Vs
breast, .twain -t witielt the veil oty 1 arn-
ing him, as it seemed, n inteneely von -
a '
tetiuns was he of its prest•ea.=r.
""Don't be angry, Ida," Inc c: ,t,r"1.
"Bear with esti', as if I .tem '�. e gust:
hoe if yen like, but ley to realise want
cotiditim.. 1 was ante to well: about
the Wiese tied :uv :e;,ni'tite. wag improv-
ing. 1 -o..t ..at en I gained sthongtIl
every day ..ed before the six boxes
were dope w:14 nisi+' to return to the
office and :snore l i my work. I have
(:Hutt tna•;oeest the hest of health, and
think. 1)r. Wiliam' Pink fill* the best
neelleill.i int troittle of this kind,"
the rebuilding,leAnd um:ei•i -tool s0 filly° , 1)i•. ilaeluaute Pink fills nut
• , i :L je:Bolls boy IL's. -t f.tell who nese the only
the pleasure U. annotlI:l`:S1T that kills r e e uln ally e,:re ti,i :tirfieereiettgaltreorn.,10.seeaeielys
i' 1 It Iuv,la xta't+liz4g i,t tole na 2i', pr' !tl 'what he e -e -ivan's gallant reeve* from 41 inrr{b1e to belong /•I•- t:ve a+fleet tr 7tl2ass2unrs ti)snake.death by Lords ]3ewebuse. 1'�hil.•• s e.„-1-be'tlil'ty and the 1,:duet,:,; a t. : ltee'iii V.'1'i!,r;vl,doe"I,azulth:t;fultifySoo Beetite's heroism. +ee reporter wee pre:epee. ids, deers it, y'.t... -'4 1 lune
emphatic in h'.s prat,, ,. Miss Trace you,., Ve".' iaeur41111'deljest I'a,mno;;411-
San s °iwlni.ss, attrt a. ,. a that theway in which +te• ; '•'t esi on the ~iltrlibiuvr. Sun vs aear'.R' :L a iais cSu
stage, at the Viler! air oiin ii e, to -!• {t 1 calladjuro the aetdiene ,' Teta:tl their seats lore. 1. ung r:ever a ," , u: ei' gee enti bear 1.1111. '1"""'"• ia..'i,a u.ulwas as lse in ai l.o •i 1)ea f toa con- of the tiny 10 wliildt 1'to or.tk i tk0fduct Sn savtu; its•.: ::ani fate whicht you. Alt! ii yu nn!• e'' t hale ee
would, sa thel rer+,irt.' a'<.et eel, have ,,' e,a , ,:oht'•l.
Tres -lean wnald =.'lila .Lala,' heren't:r,tr-narwithoflicit,;/ l.uttey makewellandante nt "1 Mat's' ?.eve." Ia az:•ltlla•r col- u:o'vil-n:;l:l,shar:t:i to :,trwAl.l,.',:i.;;
,•u.�t i ,
amu of the 'paper ware an ac,xtitat , f the h tent , torus or debility or general weakness.
:hent what he
-.l �-,ti „net
burning of the theatre tui 31i;a Travel- t-tv to ltix7, ger 7'hc-.=c 311114 r.at o la:ratiIt or 1iumga-
au�i st rt t.g.he'n every organ .Lntl every
.n' tart. of tett' 1+',,.ly. Dr. 't'Filliaatis ''ink
1't", - are sold' be all Inedieine dealers,
Ur seat by mail et :all ':rents a box or six
b tx a for 't3 1) by tel,iressing Tite Dr.
LVt-::arts' :Ilea:tine tee, Brockville, Ont.
She had r•ve r her word, site had
l,rou:.,•n 1 to 1,e. Ilii wife; now, a fort -
plunged this tiro!,:eel ie late mourn- well ati 1 Iur. you. ao , , , a night, a year hely' e;tuid not matter.
"1 uu\t' _t Icnux Ito•% , •tr t 141" liar *yes,' •1e•trest," hr lvhisperecl.
I'M ar"," said .1uau. faint, ,.tsit_.1 Wt: will keep it very' quiet. It shall be
The papers seated, full of 'her, and
Joan, as she r.'ea?ied tit,, time, so few
weeks ago, when see wandered hom-
Iss and helpless, destitute and forlorn,
about the Mild London stree!..t, and com-
peted it with the. ,)resent period of
fame and )roeFeeit::, felt with :self -re -
Broach that alto •,ti;ght .tl ',te happy and
But somehow 11:ere :pas a :S11 ailing;
at her heart, anal in het' :ane:•most sou!
she felt that she would give all she
possessed—fame, reserl:arity, and fitter°
wealth—to be ones` more the girl who
stood on Deerconube r ifs with Stuart
Villiare' arm aruu.ld her valet and hit
vows of love in heel ears.
So she sat, with her book in her hand
but iter eves nixed on the fire., and it
was with a start, ate! something like a
guilty flush, tlt.it *111 heard the door
:pen and etre eervan` :anaounet\ Mr. Mor -
daunt Royce.
Obstinate o S r s Ari
py. ills love should surround her like �g w
a gltardiau loud ministering angel! flow ' .�aih1 1
proud he would he of iter! How proud — —
she should be of him! lie would become • l'or „ores,+,ie 1 diiy all ordinary
the leading man -in the country, be who relnccliee, gam•Buat ;llenld be trial. Old
had once been a boy of the gutter, the w'tteetee varices.' !.! lees, coed entelcs,
lad lvhonl old Craddock had. picked out blood poisouin„ ant chrome :thin
of the city mud!.But there was no time eases cannot resits+ .It,: liealliui influene:e
to be lost; he was walking, so to speak, of this grass hr'r)>a: utalnt.
in the face of a volcano, and there would yiiss Aima l-:,tur, l.t', est Notre Dame,
be no surety of success, no safety indeed, Kent Co., titer., ghee the fe!iowiag use
until down hats lits wife.
That evening loan was sitting • with a count of what ere !3tmk dill for bet• si-
ter var!eu.e all%r at tnlents ;teal salves
book in her haud beside the fire, but lead fail d. Thr n tis:
not reading, Try as she would she ewer lnontils 1 ufterecl with a eln,•
could not concentrate her thoughts up- ring sore on 2111' 1' . I fried seteratl
on the printed page. The strange ineet ellttments aril sa?,c,, 171st atitie 01 titetn
ing last night with Lord Bertie had multi t bring abutlt a ctu•e. Lite sure
brought bads the past so plaiuly, so would :Net heal ever, anal then break
painfully, that she muted .not dismiss out again. 1 real in t newspaper. ore
it from !lav mind. day, oI` tilt' gnarl l.,t,at-l3 had :lulu•,
Lord. Bertic's confession of love had a,ud so 1 d't51'n)rl.td ltl by {t stud st•<=,
.recalled, in ite manly tenderness, the what this baits would do for. :nee 1
Passionate avowal of gittari Vilfiars• also purchased some Zinn -But: Soap.
Once more site seemed to be standing "I washed the sere night and nommen
on the Deerconlbe cliffs, listening'to his with the soap, eat then applied the
musical Voice pouring forth his love for
her. Once mare site seethed to stand be-
hind the folding doors in the rooms in
Piccadilly, listening to Bertie and Lord
:pontielerc while they made plain to her
the eha.I•aeter• 01 Stuart Villiers and her
own peril.
Alta once again site asked herself, with
an aching heart and perplexing sense of
r .
, bewilderment,'lVlty had Stuart Trillium
attempted her ruin and yet become will-
i a g to harry Miss Mazurka?.
ballet. 1 continued with tide treatineet,
and after using a.tt-dull for :e ere`
weeks the some w.,; eompi(Atrly beak: cls
1 have reccluutended Zent-Betk to gyne or
two of my friends for sores, and in their
eases it has been equally, effeletive."
All driigggistea and stores sell Zara -Bak
at 60c. box or may be had poet frs e
front Zam•l3uk Co„ for peke. .11 is a
' fls;ln a cels
to ed .,.s t ,
sure Cute for piles, plates,
ibwrne, escalate, chapped hands, Dicers,
eczema, scalp sores, and all 14In) :11r dm-
�,,,.a.,�- Jhe etrove to put' he thoughts from 1 eases and injuries. Refuse harmful imi-
tweaks. moos ar,a1FL a cures ahold,,. 6►¢ 1
'a 't her she had resolved to .forget the Hast, tatitans
wild] • " a private 'r•elttlilt" —,just ou elves anal
"—That you could 1"v e, %e
:.nilly stud her father—mu inarW. Say
serve, col, \ore ;gin;' to a,." tie at... ye.t, dear
""Alt. dont wish that, ur ,ru a“yes,,,she murmured. faintly. '"11 you
Me' so little-. my deserts are -t,� 4:nr,!li isit it"
They eon -Rist in i,\ il,g year wit11 a': lny
et ert and t.oul. the t . t :till'
'l'here \vasa tonilunt`s i `'.
.Juan sat looking at til. t.;, -testing
ae the bird feet,: who bells staeit 1144111
in the fowller's eat and •••`� is tiapsur's
hand approach to grasp 1t.
• _Arid now for 111y rt'gltcit, Ser it :, a
request. clearest;' he murmured. "1ta,
1 went, you to take pity on me:”
"Pity!" s11," i;,11•tr t"1.
"`Yee, pity:" ?r 'oid: "for at preeent
I ani rel,.., ,t ', 1 ,hall a: bees be until
"I. do." '.ie said. 7u; Late turning pale
with the eudelen feeling of relief and
triumph. ""f .{" wish it. 1 will tell you
why a.fterwai•ds. .1h, dearest, love, hove
eats I thank yen? 1 Iran only say, 1
lore 7011, I love Y011!' and that you
knew already"
left her a 1'w minutes afterwarde
and went towards home, feeling as if
he were treading o'u air.
Only ;t fortnight between hitn and the
beautiful i creature with whom half of
London was in love; only a fortnight
you grant Suss any request. Ida, clearest, between him and a eoupie of lnillioas of
I leant you to be really mhos; I :vont wealth.
you to marry nn: " While he had :leen persuading .Joan
Joan turrte,t ptie to 11111 :inn an incident had occurred in Mount
"1._,.t have promised to :nacre you.' street which. seemingly commonplace
site Said.• and usual enough, was fated to prove
"')`cs, dears.,!. 1)o Sell elotos that I of some Wepurl.auee in .Mortlaunt Royce's
do not t•al•ry' t11ai premise :amt. with future.
MP, written in my hut -et -meet heart? }iut :k funr-ivllre:".l pal). hiving a lady and
1 'lit.pt you to eatery a.. v::1. tin will ?ler maid iesele and a pile of boxes on
you 1u' toy' wife in a Ute tett-men: :rowan tht' r<toi, drove 'emu .11ouut Street told
stopped at No. 1I!,
Ile hail put it. t'lil ptly�, .t:,,1.•.: seem- The lady gut out steal kneeked a; the
ly, its ilia int011;, i:,\.. -u: 34.1 .::4 wards dots:', and a :scr'.ttnt opened it.
seemed to stlt;t .less;, iTe be Continued.)
"A fortnight," •i:, roperet. silt:',,
with :e catell in her e,r =\ 1,. Canal 'Worker's Experience
tittle ago i eluent' to this plane to
\l'hy should you rot'! Yee avow time
1 love you, yen Icnow !Baty dearly 1 '.poi: lt`0r'.t 4411 1013 ca.1a1 111121 through inc!elnetlt
forward to making snot naywife: •a::'v wrath"1 aa1 dspu elr' corttacted the
should we not he intr11e-1 le owes! " ,1h. la1 et g-ee 02 neuralgia, The pain would
° nr ,i..t: as a that I couldn't see;
deartryt, 1 feel ' 1�. Omd•` !:«y t t,,, I it' 3 '
i 1. ft :eee l ,', 111ttul. 1 cent to a druggist
could 48.' y teach you to tree :me a, to,:f :suet Wai ad./Lied to use a 50c.
eV yeS
1 l cage e egg,. tete. ee if ai o. a••rePine. 't'h•at hale the best
,, +, ,•, ...., g £1.1: t.0• '„,1 the )teat medicine 1 ever got.
111.1 fowler'e. heed wee :1.;^,ei' ��. a.;7i•y I •.a e 7 re m:meild Neriilil)0 101'
will t•„' -1i. -in. It is ,,, sarong and
•, .e••:.1 ioe 1, •end 10 -urn.
i'rsntr,n, Ont.
rector: will tel{ yon !let nothing but
til:, puree. ental rmnit healing Sintiseptie
dregs Are 1 -ed in ti'nt'iline--that's why
i1.; is eo safe for general favnily use, for
the •',mby ae; well 114 the 1)11...It. lI ,volt
llav"n't tried Narviline, do so now --your
neighbors are almost. sure to know of
ire ma/fold merits and lases.
131obuq t,ungbow i:t an :uwfttl liar,
Velem. los.; {'1'e known uiwi to send re •
gret•.s• to ,; :, o'elocir• t•ei,`- ' •
e�ukukly mope meatless, CSPI.0 ,RH! es, Mercia,
SMta klatrw,tt eaneA:ren t,.. • • • 21.E oaaete.
'''Thio!;, d, o
you c11nnut u' 1y'
seed Mr t ,ifal.
about a theatre.
for the honeynt
nae down from : •
leen dowelling 1
day, and -hill,
afraid to nm "C
nets" he 314 414em
*'. s+ nv .'d'.
, r`r',t t r !me,
,, rorr x ~i ' 1. 11117
t tot!. \\ .!. 41.14 ,1 \\.lei.
on. (h, lea, don't east
,.i•:1y height! I ase.
:assn my happen{'.le all
vtees' Yoe are not
' ei ,"'?f with :.:', dear'•
”",Afraid'!" allid ,i `t S;, almost ho i'bt.ly;
"`it is of myeelf 1 ant Afraid."
"1)o not be " he said fervera*rtty. "I
will answer for yore, Ome yon are my
wife, I' will au -;wee • for. your' happiness:
Dearest, do not he a frith!. Suoh love as
thought' that
If' t
t ear, I
laughs at
fear. 6
n1 g s
there was any rinl ns of my making you
happy, T would go from you now; yes,
and never trouble you • niece,"
'What -could gi18 say ?
NrtU ,11YrFo1ltd *ma tataaltli. • »• 7!$ teats. , . • .. ,