HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-24, Page 2!.!,C!:THE STOMACH O 11OW TO CORE A Problem That Sias Baffled Maley a Good Doctor Is Now Solved. • .At some period in • our lives there int sure to come as time 'when the stomas?). is "off"-enot working well -failing to 'tOy and digest its food. Main thing their, is to get the right remedy. Yon really avant a soothing medicine, one quick to act, sure on results, combin- ing the virtues of a gentle laxative with a tonic' effect upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. Certainly the world affords no better medicine for the'stomach than Dr. IIiim- ilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut!, Their laxatives effect. is ideal, -- can't be beaten! But in addition to their helpful action upon the bowels, these pills contain certain ingredients that strengthen and invigorate the muscles of the stomach, thereby relieving all sorts of stomach misery, iudigcst:ion, souriness, rising gas, headache and bill- ousiness. .Just try •Dr. Hamilton's Pills --they'll make you full of energy -brimming over with snap; they bring and maintain ro- • bust, sound, vigorous health, and isn't that lust what you've looked, :for these mann months? REFUSE 13 SUBSTI- TUTE FOR DR. (HAMILTON'S PILLS, 225e per box, all dealers or The Catarr- hozone Co., Kingston, Ont. A MARRIAGE •BLACK LIST. The habit of making enquiries at pri- vate detective offices as to the menus and mode of life tri any young man who is under consideration as a suitable hus- band by the relative:5 of a girl whom he wie'es to marry leads to csonie curious vomplications in Austria and in- Ilallt- gary. Young then deep in debt are in- scribed on the so -'called "bleeds list" at the inquires office. Good partes are, on the other hand, put down on the "white list." Five young Hungarian aristocrats who were involl-- ed in debt to sueh an extent that the only possibility of retrieving their fur - tones lay in making rich nulrriages, formed a kind of company for the pur- pose of finding wives. Each was to he provided with a rich bride, preferably all American heiress, as lois biros mine . - Vienne eorrespoitdence Loudon Daily Mali. 'BABY'S OWN TABLETS FOR. ALL BABIES. FUEL E.NERGY. Fortunes Awaits theN inventor Who • Oan- Improve It, J: ell the IitoS., improvedllteibOd`i of Iterliieg wood, oil and goal are amazing- ly inefficient. in the ordinary locomo- tive !lily about li per cwzit. of -'th•e fuel elaregy le available for pulling the train. izt manufacturing pants lake than 3 per Cent, is utilized. From the Blast fur - lumen of the country gallas. ars WAY lost which, if they could he saved! Would 5'i'eid two fond a half million horsepower. Every year more than forty million teas of coal are converted into coke. The by-products of this cot version, if they could bo isolated and used, would be worth more than the coke itself. They include enough ammonium sul- phrite to fertilize moat of the fa.tnne, creosote enough to preserve all the tim- per and pitch enough to briquet the elaek coats, to roof hooses and ret:air roads•, Th,: combustion of fuel in the heating and lighting of houses is Most wasteful of all. The efforts of experts are now direet- ed to the discovery of methods of teeing the '!ignites and lots grades of coal that have hitherto been considered hardly worth mining, and already it has beet found that some of these despiee,,..uels are especially adapted to the eccmomic production of power. Bat the field is enor'neausly 'broader than that. The ina.n who shall find a way to utilize 50 or 23 or even 10 per eent. of the actual energy in fuel will prolong the life of the earth as the home of the human race by thousands of years. meftemoecrismaranOmp T l O Ids ODE DYEING' Is to use ONE Dye that -wiil color either Wool, Cotton, Silk or Mixed G oods Perfectly, 3(ou will and this in . r send toe 9a ramie Card and Story Booklet 99 The JOHNSON - N CO . Uinlltted Lim: 4. 1, Gan, With this Modern Dye all you have to do is to ask for n l.O.LA then you CAN'T matte a mistake and use the Wrong Dye for the goods you have to color. SAnt3 AT HIS OWN FUNERAL. 'We hear now and then of a man read- ing his own obituary in the papers. but it is a rare thing for a dead man to I.very mother of young thildran chin?rl st •u :tie own funeral. Pietro Fiero, keep a 1*x of Baby's (hen. 'l ahl os to a very great fondue„t for the phono- graph. Ile purcaaserl a gond many records and oe-cashnnuliy gang into his owe phonograph and kept records of the songs. He was taken seriously ill. Ire realized that he could not recover, and being a poor man and, unable to get up much of a funeral Iles requested that they use his phonograph to furnish the mu- sic for the funeral servicez. IIe picked out the "Angel's Serenade” and Gnuuucl', :'Ave Marie." sung by him- self, and throe were used. and thus the dead orae took an important part at his own funeral ,ervice. TIe instructed that itis phonograph and seventy-two reetvede. a number of them his own, should 1:e gent to his mother in Italy.- t'hrietian Herald. New Head In 30 Mimi ltes Exclienge that =hint, throbbing, suffering, head for a clear, cool, comfortable one by tekl0iaa DRU - Headache Wates 25c. a box at your dntge ets' or by nidi from National Drug ailed Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Moetreal.2 Veteteseminemounamgenteentemoetetemernerreemeoceompreememeemeetrarease a e idea::ricer and amateur musician, had the house. ;(o other nle'tI ii t; art:, 10- Leved so many little one's o' + h, no - went; that afflict them is leesa Behr'., Own Tablets -no other meal !I le f an be liven baby with that acaohue 1.urt - ±I. a of safety eau these Tablets. The Mother has the guarantee of n Govern - meet analyst that they +10 riot Contain a parade of thotse haretful drugs -that moire those so-called 'soothing" stuff; eo dangerous to the life of the little nue. '.i`Ito Tablets Stever fail to •benefit, ('.un- .•erning thein. Mrs. Ino. A. Albert. Car- aquet, N.B., writes: "I am happy to state that I have used Baby's Own Tablets for eontipation for any ,wo children with great satisfaction." 'lite 'Tablets are sold by medicine dealer;; or' at 25 cents n. box,, from The Dr. Wi:- !lanis' 3ledicir:e Co.. Brockville, Ont. MAINE MAN KILLS BLACK FOX. I;;sarge L. Worthley, of Norridgewock, shot a blade fox `i':agili y, whinle 1' e:tti- mated to be worth front $250 to $3110, Mr. Worthley thought he vas on tile trail of a reel foe. Ibe had set ilia Kentucky fox hound ao a scent and in a few minutes after the dog had made it circuit, of several miles the fox ran up close to where Th•. Worthley vias on the weld!. it took but one shot to hill the animal. This it the sixth black fox teat pas been kill- ed or captured in Nouridgewoek this ,ration. Three of them have been nap- tured and are still alive, -Timm the Lewiston Journal. 5 4 1 Qty t; -__Iib `khw quickly stops /soughs, cures colder, heals Mrs throat and lour • • • •:5 cents, FEARED WATER, (l'ee'k.) Willis- Are threw Kentuci.y 'tenant yon bought seared of ante,? etillieteNo, indeed.'They never notice a train, either; 11111 1 tttit'e ger teem ntecl to a Agrin:dieter (are to• save nr; life! MARCH Or PROGRESS. (\V* 4111 rq.ttt 1lerultt.i "\\'e are thinking .if •puttiug en ele't'- true c.ien Over the chervil:" "It alright be e gn"d idea." "Bet. their ,rte two teet :mt. We nau't dee:dt whether i.'r feature the acini -ler ;n''rans r'.1 1 he t hoir." �t _ l'ra2ineuma; pink eye; epizootic, distemper and all nose and throat dla• etsyes cured, and all others, no matter how "expoeeef," Sept from having a'>y of these diseases with SPORN'S L74'QURD DISTEIWPER CURE. ^lrItree to six doses often cure a case. One50-cent bottle guaranteed to da FM. hest thing Yoe brood mares. Acts on the blood. sOc and $1 a bettte. 04 and SU a dozen bottles. Druggists and harness shops, DistrlbUtors--AL'f • WHOLESALE DRUGGIISTs. SPOL N MEDICAL CO.. Chenrasts,+'Goshen. Indiana. Il..a1. A. in ``Fev",.. r eses.l ;'+- r '1 ,. 1 rax ";i SS'S fs" 10,4!CFTLYISOW1 1:5 VI EDY' "SILENT" ?, TCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, THE FIRST STRIKE They make no noise or eputter---e. quiet, steady flans. The mats h for the smoker, the office and the hum* All good dealers keep therm and Eddy's Woodenvra ar, 2'ihreeware, Tobe, Pans and Wsdhbaard*. The E. B EDDY Co., Li ULL, CANADA selBRILMetenelleerimeretterteneEMETO ISSUE NO 8 1911 AGENTS WANTED. cTART TEA ROUTE TO-I)A . Y SEND postal for circulars, or 10c for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon- don, Ont. I�irEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO Het - present us locally. Two dollar`s per day salary and commission. No experi- ence necessary, Write J. L. Nichols i Toronto. Limited, � onto. Agents Wanted Two new lines. Apply, Sellery, 228 Al- bert street, Ottawa. Villrowur OSS' OIL FOR PAIN, 'ASTHMA, exit Bronchitis, Coughs. 25c and $1.04. Druan•tsts or Prof. Castle, Hamilton, Ont. CERTIFIED AUDITORS Accountants, Etc, Special Rate en all outside atttlite. Apply for terms, dotes, etc. RALPH C. MURTON & COMPANY, 5 XKING STREET WEST. TORONTO, ONT. CHAMPION EVAPORATOR P £ACE. We know peace is the dreamt of the rare: dispeaee is the experience of the race. Fora few years men long for hap- piness, and perhaps achieve it: for ever they are longing for rest. The world ea'unot give it with all its good gifts; for it belongs to a. region which the world cannot reach. The world can give us happiness; it cannot give you blessedness. The world can give you pleasure: it cannot give you joy. The world can give you distractions: it can- not give you peace. These better things are states of the, heart, inward gifts, the condition of the soul. To win true peace e roan nmst have his thirst for the in- finite appeased: he needs to feel him- self held in the keeping o:f eternal love: he needs to have his soul satisfied and ,no earthly gift can bring that. appease- ment. --Bev. Hugh Blaek, D.D., in the (;hr•istiau Herald. The publisher of the best 'camera' paper in the Maritime t'rovincles in -writ- ing to us states : 'I would say that T do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like 1IlNAttl)'S LINIMENT. It has been an mitt -tiling remedy in our household ever since I can remember, • and has outlived dozens of would-be eonit)elitors and imitators.' CROSS -OVERS. 'Pae•y'ra iavored. The fiseedis lead off. (sate fasten dianonally. Skirts ehnw this same tendency, 7:vettieg wraps arms away over. Even hat brines are slit and crossed Orel. Saallea ar,i other draperies are crossed and reerosed. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. SAYING THE RiGHT THING. "I don't seem to be able to say tho' riglst tiling to women," a bashful young pian confided to 115 the other day, "and that's why 1 don't shine in society. I71 tell yon an instance of it. Not long ago I met a woman I hadn't seen for years and I could see that she was try- ing to l.e.'p ;young. ;;o I though I'd shy a grace sal thing to ger. ''t'oo !terry your age remarkably well," says L •'4\'e?1, the moment I said it I could see that 1 wee in wrong. She was look- ing chilly and getting red, so 1 said: 'Don't mind zny little ,joker, I never mean what I sn.y.. A3 a matter of feet you don't carry t-onr age a bit well.' "And then she killed one with a hatighty look and sailed away without saying; ys ood by. tiny, howsllonld I have pet ?t lett"--From I oln the Cleveland Pinin Dealer. yew Brockville Cure Reported. "I contracted a severe !told while fol- lowing my c+:eupatiion of fernit.ure trav- elling, and eventually it ,leve'loped into Catarrh. The desultory mode of life I was foiloteinggave me very little silence to attend to the Catarrh >londition, and at last I became a victim to Minnie Cat. wall. T bought a large partkage of Cat- arrho::hne, used it as per direetious, and hare navel' beets .beithered tinge; 1 will .be only too glad ;to give any ittfoxmation, I possess to any person suffering from the disease that Was ozne of any life for two years. Yours sincorely. A,• H. Swartz, Brockville. Catarrhorone will cure any. case of Catarrh, Asthma or I3rolichitii. Refuse a substitute. Sold in Sue, 50e and $1.00 sizes by all deaieni, HOME INSTRUCTION. (Ladies' Houle Journal.) "Hinz wuzza. tootest itsie•bitsie peciens lovie lamb, And hien des a sweetest pittie-ittie sin- gle, yes, 3tim atm, 'W1 'fm tunnin' hale footsie, sayin' 'Cloo-goo-goof' Hite was him imtzzc'r's ownest boysie-cootsie-eoo! : t" To this the baby listens by the horlr and day and week -- And yet his another wonders wiry ire doesn't learn to speak! Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ale hila 'amble THE JOLLY CURLERS. Or a' the gamthat e'er I saw Man. repntes. laddie, birltie, weait, The dearest far abooa them a' Can match auld Scotland's uhanel-stane. O. for the channel -stave. The fell-gud game, the channel -Mane'. There's rle'er a gamic that e'er I saw Cat match auId Scotland's channel -wane. I've been at bridals uneo glad, Butl whatrisn'a lasses hfun Chad Ain, Compare it wi' the channel -stmt? were I a sprite in yonder sky, Never to come back again, I'd Andrplaytthem at the channemoon and l stens. We'd boom across the Milky Way: One tee should be the Northern Wain; Another bright Orion's ray; A comet for the channel -stave. 0. for ten channel -stare, The fell -gide game. and channel-stane! There's ne'er a game that e'er I saw Can match anld Scotland's channel -stave. -tames Hogg, in the Galt Reporter. rtes•• A SILENT PARTNER. "So ;you and Meyer 'have set; up marriage agency? What capital have your "I put two hundred dotlar:t in the bustneee and rleyer has six tuiinerried daughters." WHAT WRITERS SAY OR, WOMEN. GreCor;nofsidre. eration for women is the measure of a nation's progress in social life.- Nc man I'as yet discovered the means of giving successfully friendly advice to W om; utiles. Woenman !s an overgrown citltd that one amuses with toys. Intoxicates with fiat- esre, and seduces with promtses.-Sophie Arnucild, I have seen more than one woman drown her honor iu the clear water of diamonds.-Comtesse d' Houdetot. '\\ulnen are never stronger than when they a.rm themselves with their weak- ness. -gime. du Deffand. Women know by nature hew to disguise their emotions far batter than the most consummate male courtier can do,- ThaciceraS. \"Vomer 1100 through and through each oiler; and often we moat admire her whom they Most scorn.-titlxton. 'Would that the race of w.etlien never existed -except for me alone.-3:uropides. A woman is like your shadow; follow her, she flies: fly from her, be follows.- Clt:.mfort. Women have learned to cry in order that they might the better lie.-P'ublius c� res. There are no woolen the merit of whom lasts longer than the beauty.- La Rochefoeauld. Troost women prefer that one should talk ill of their virtue rather than 111 of their wit: or of their beauty--FonteneIle Whoever trusts e. woman crusta a thief. -Heeled. PIUS CIJR D IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your stlue, OINTMENT to mare caseof Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies in 6 to 14 days. 600: -ss SPELLING BEES. (Columbus 3'ournaL) There ought to bo more spelling bees. Good spelling is so xnuch needed in the world, and here is a way to get It. it is a serious handicap for a boy or girl to start out in the world and not know hoar to spell. Immediately the inference will be their education has been neglect- ed and the suspicion will arise that they are lacking in other ways. THE BEST tbit:O1CiNS BUNIONS NO JO. Burd to get rid of them, too. Two or three applications of i'utnam's Painless' Corn Extractor softens the thickest tis- sue, and removes it painlessly. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor removes corns, warts, aud callouses quickly and pain- lessly. ,Sold by druggists, price `350. --• BRIGHTENING MAN'S GLOOMY iDAY. ' Many a man's..whole day has been brightened through ` his slaving been af- forded an opportunity to see some vic- tim of the hobble skirt habit in an ex aggerated form attempting to hoard a street care with an extraordinarily high steer, such a.0 in common us in Seattle. • TO Chili A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAICATIVll113BOM0 quinine Tab' lets. Druggists refund money It it tails to cure.l W. GROVE'S signature is an each boa. f f6R. Not a single feature of the CHAMP- ION Evaporator could be dispensed with. The simplest and most economical way of making maple syrup. Produces the highest quality, which brings the most money. Made in 22 sizes for large and small groves. Give your maple business a show by using the CHAMPION EVAP- ORATOR and our improved supplies. This will assure success. Send for des- criptive catalogue. THE GRIMM MFG. CO. 58 Wellington slrent,Montreal. TEE' Tii IIOYS and GIRLS We wIt1 give yens Handsome Walsh or honniAin ten or 01.02 Carl,, •"'>dchever you wish. ooIU,r 51.5* worth of o,,r splendid Pont Canis, They are may to sell -everyone aske for :unreel' Mom. Send us your nnmo and ad dress aol wo will send Yon the cards prepaid -sen them and stmt ns our money and we trill send Yea Your present, or you may keep 91.82 nut send ue t nlanae, Nhlnhnveryon prefer. Write to•day- we clue to otd1ttonnt present If you sea the lards within 10 days. Merchandise Cc., fept., Toronto OVERHEARD ON THE STAIRS. A Washington man inadvertently overheard some tender exchanges be- tween a reeently betrothed couple, who, it chanced, attended some social func- tion at: the national capital to which the aforesaid Washingtonian. was also asked. It was on the stairs that the happy pair chose to talk the matter over, and it was from the recesses of an alcove, whither he had gone to get his coat, that the \Vashingtoniaazt proved to be the aeidential recipient of the couple's confidence. "Just think, dear heart!" exclaimed the young woman. "You. proposed to ale but twenty-four hours ago'-" "Yes, sweetheart," ramie in thrilling tones from the fortunate Lean, "and it seems as though it were but yester- day-"-Lippincott's. Minard's Liniment auras Colds, Etc. thleriaml Ems IT %man it interested and should knew about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spra7 The new Vagina±Slxinto. B,.t -Mout convenient. It cleanse, instantly. Ask/oar druggist for YE he cannot supply the waztva;[. accept no other, bet sendstamp for illustrated book -seated. Itgives full partte. ularsaad directions invaluable to ladies. WIMDSOR SUPPLY CO. Windsor. Oat. Gracral.iatratts fo: Caw rat► THE BRIDESMAID. She's a necessity. And she's a picture. But she isn't the bride. So let her wear a color. White bridesmaids are a fad. The traillcd feminine eyed d!stin• geishas. Blit ever' so iliacs eyes are net train- ed. The average old blunderer greets any girl in white. And he congratialatcs the man who hap- pens to be nearest her, To he sure; the bride in ?Hind was the only figure with orange blossoms. But hall the guests didn't notice that the veils of her bridesmaids were eaught with white rosebuds. These subtle distinctions are beyond the average being. We niay fancy even the bridegroom wondering which is which as the white veiled procession approach- es. A. girl fiver acreams until after the 1 (Sena for free sample to kissing' is all over. Natteaal Diue Bc Chernie-al THE ONThRIO LEG!SLATUI-IE, The cannon boomed out splendidly, The bodyguard looked grand; The Governor was gladly dressed, With aides -de -croup on bend. The ladies' gowns were charming, For many dames were there; They made a brilliant showing, With diamonds in their hair. Full soon will elareor of debate Be heard on every side: And there'll be "doings" in the Park, The "House" it* open wide. --Canadian Courier. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. .6. SHEEP FATTENED ON PEAS. Sheep fattened on field peas in Colons,- do were marketed at the stock yards last 'week by C. P. Larrick, of Monte 'Vista, Col. Many will come in Febru- ary. In the San Luis Valley field peau grow rapidly, and mature early. Manny thoutsand acres of them are planted an - natally. Their use for fattening sheep began in 1900, when 5,000 were fed. 'laic year about 150,000 are on feed. The pea crop is a good one, B.ansas t.•it.y Star. yos n�uttickly estops coir >r,s. cures colds. 9ia:at;a We dfaroet tuna Mandel. - - 25 c•tnatu. WISE PRECAUTION. (Washington Star.) "I think," said the publisher, "that the effect will be more attractive if we do your new boot. with uncut leaves:" "Don't take a chance," replied the visa author. "There is no use of letting a book lie around advertising the feet that nobody hal read boyond the sea'' end chapter." Dept. 1fL Lr„ CO,, Toronte.