HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-17, Page 6NEWS OF THE
Welland's Hotel Licenses Are Limi-
ted to Five,
Fire broke out in the },t u1ent 1}t the
(lettere! re! l{uelrital Brookville, caused by
au ,overheated pipe 11•tu.ee were sub-
titled before the arrival of the felt. bri-
\lt)iri4 \Vineberg•; who tuts laet. Sep-
tember line been ineuktatl' et 'lovelies
awaiting e'iladitiou to 1l.tnttn, t ter-
Ymtny, on at, ellargc's of forgery, left t o•
day tea the land of his birth to fare Ihe,
leu ILS0tiUll. -
POriults were tal:cu eta at. Montreal
ort tl;r ('. P. 11. for the newfreight stands,
ohieh are toe ennead l'ronl thereix Street,
near the Plates Vigor station, to hinnt-
ca1111 ••t rent. The own. i, from ;fhi,006 to
Otrawa Has No Less Than 476 Gases The Welland Tow•tl Commit Ilaii passed
of Typhoid• a lealtrw limiting the number or hotel
oun=ce to five, itnd sirup licensee to two.
111, tea the prcretlt time (Alert' hate been
rx hotels, Ami the Whalley douse hest
htr'n ,.o:(1 anti trill bc' torn down. 0. P, R. 10 Erect immense Freight -1;‘,.. l la tt. ,1
Sheds at Montreal,
S aeI .. til Bolin, tilt.; liar
'evened a antic•!- from Hittite of his tile•
poietelem of 'nptrior of the Canadian
Dicier of the Congregation of the Re_er.
The Newftmed1Lr.d l,egtel2etttre was iettrnn! 1 L.ttilets:, Tic' aut•:evils the
opened t d j t1>` Pet VFilli:int Kloeprer. :Archl»;Atop
real officials t-, be virile for toed 'ai11 be °Idyl -__e1"._,
pence Tet c r t v. '
The Chine .t eggs; alleged by the atom. � e 1t c r bet•un)r- \"tutu• (there!' of the
'tate .Yeterees of 't;r will dek the 1;t-
rrurnion Government for a i,tttd or tuoneY 1
Admits He'Forgot AI, shout the Pas-
senger, "Fain.
Verdict in the .buret rAilway Accident
Rear firii;i1110.
Conductor) Meacham Missing and
Garet be Found
lirtwt,forl. Ont., deepnieh: • After' a
three -lute t:eeeitln iii, Pritl(•etutl to-
day, the et)t11 tei•rs jury eittpnneled te)
• ,n tee i'1f'r• tl'IA:. r•:,- tt' of the (.lrttltcl
'Trunk wreck near Paris on Saturday
} t,,r.: lits.• 9a u, i •.l .t. verdict fixing
1110 respe;1sih117tL for the �tret•.li Olt
('ondnetor Wert, hlettchum rind En-
gineer Robt.Earith, of the light i:tl-
gine;. d:,aritlt, who was carried. 111tt1
1h•iitteton from 1. falntholtet, near the
t'lere ottawa, .t i cases nl' 1vp`lo`.cl fever P it give
+ it: tc:,-e •1!' 17 side v c:•- •
; TIlr1=.e�•illastc.d •Schooner Aklout Three lti�11 testimote\'ttrtdait.t('d�r t•ut (tsrotie;'
• ureic,',
The New petite wick 1 t'_isIaturt' twiei r re
t tql,,, nf• far the ,lo-petielt L1 bll'it1. ' , 1T1
1 Z 1' r i 'fele t , ' it:ntats test trent Newport Niers. tvi h .t
arch 9.
Phillipe 'Hebert, d'- 11. t -hes .tnljt t
re. :i britt of the t nonter
Weeks Overdue. . taples time. 1)e :lad forgotten all
about the passenger tra9.,
passed through Drntubo, tend evident-
ly his conductor had. alio forgotten, as
dicey did not oxetuotge 9t word front
Tavi3took <1011,11'
The verdict Was returned at :,ix
o'clock.. as follows:- We, the jurors
of hie Maje ty the King. after having
eare:fulls t:onesiticre,l tete c videncte • --b-
luitted to us, brier_ in the following
veutiict: The jury is nt.ltllitnous that
Conductor 'Wen 3l nehem and l.n-
gitr<+er Robert, E1rt'et, in charge of
e,:::,hee 0217. were re sponeiblee for the
vzr<tcl: in colliding with the regular
trei:l. No. 9, which caueeetl the death
of Peter MacFarlane a:i<1 others."
'rite, inquest was hell in the Stroud
\Vii-etr'•et. \;c•.. Feb. 1:4. \eat•'y 11
t ✓ ,
fe, f !ea. to )11'.. renege, N. 'Y.,' t•alru of t•o:21 for this port, the three'•
t1uoM 1 a. • -
t'a plain Ralph N. \grill--.,, a (1t11uail 111:1.1et1 se.Coo:ler sell -jean �t'vitt. carre-
l. •1 re+\• n£ `ia
veter•nt dir.l at 3hllhrld;o, tilt., where S rt1,. (;{i,min 1,a.'ry and .
he incl been petdttr:t,te1 tor forty yeere, t
j it cn. It:,s 1105 Leen ren1111.”tl met'' she
The iferietten Board of i-'rltit•;ttiren has f It' t9 Cirg1rtia t'nre> on fauntu•y 11.. T'•tt-
engaged Mr. T. lobi,-. of 1 1.1\1 rl!!tn=t ete...tery rircutustMICE'S t he schooner
-Hih Selma!, fee= ,; shit tar },o•it ietii tepee .ht,uicl Iteve made the trip in Montt to
at a salary of 91..1it+F1. v.eet. S rr:u• is alt
It is unt1Prw"ad drat tee teov,1 esc•utta { 1'h:' seism -met' of{tvan 1
(;orernment hoe t}e>'idt'tl te, 0),pelee re e2n. t{tl, t;;t; t•'ru•'• ton, register. She
ial en. titt,l. W. 11. en odd nee NYS.: btti{i ir. Bath. anti is owned in Dos -
been seleettel for the peening,. tee.
Four Provisional Directors Committed for
Trial—Summons ons for r. Stratton.
Torontocieali:tteIt: Owingtn 41ev J?t•as- tvl•i,11e sheu is that for atltn(lin tine pro-
di ectcr:' lllteet ug' J. Jail'agite'r
sr+r npitagtt toss 1213Iltiftt". bore 1rt' r`nt4 cT:l
tet ceas rl1 get SiS.:tit- 1, aWt int
1)r, Tergttson r1^te .lta4en'c v;n:tn :;e 1 te. Loan, .\irk. {maser anti •1, f''t•rgueon
(:Marge of etneepiracy a±ta,ue.t he Hue i eel each, "1 have auullttt exhibit Itelt
p'rovisiontal direetors, A '. l. -ran, .l ere
\ ' Freeer.
which reed,,: Moved 1)y Alex. eraser
ol! ;tel. , s. and. e. eundr ti by 1.)r. I ergeson, that the
Watson, 1) "<•' following aeeounte be laxl: 1. tom. l.oaus
was .dire:(, *11). 1)t>, l�ergtWan $10 \.. Fraser $10, J.
'•3Tx. Fra"et 15 verw' 1, '.o rite tei:nce� ttellagber 02 .ill. and '.1. \\'ateon
n . - .. Rose, •mace el ••1 1 tei•?2tee} A. S. Lieu, end firman:'
the box.to rite evidoner,;4/waking of the
in the aitrcence (.f both be :pct,{ 1)r. 1'et-
room, :`:tie.. . ,,e .. , Itis ,
aril wv:fling that the; eaee .',Heli:! go 0:1 1 '1'bett''uavers. ex -manager. twee put itt
eget-en/lent by wibelt the provieiontlt di-
guson, who is ett.endin hint. 1 rectors were tit get tSetiattrt fur their
Before ata; britt} 'ties lone .0 11i, ,•:i•e 1 �t-i•vi<t:,'1'raver ,•+tltl lee they IIr,Ua Fria,
Ma. ►siro.le, Mr, t'ortuy', autt Ive ere+. i 000 and mire t., get .�1�0,u0e1 more If the
or l3untitn badit. lit'ie intei't:t-W in lie ' 1eClnia.nertt direeter:epessts(' un thio-. They
i dill not get the -e •0ttd $"10,0011. but had
tiag{�strate'; room. *=
"Yon have fount) eele hi -ether psteer1' to to ,tati tiecc. with roues of from $100 too
in this meet' ael:eil itt•. t'ot•:ev, (ei }It t ,,:inti, r
epector Duane. Trot\ere- told Mr. Corley he wag first
"Yes. I have here a remehr'r .t -t1' 1 i i,eim 1cd with the r ovi:eionei direutors
Toronto, ,Toni, 111. 1ft00, rt'<'etvoll /rein 't on Nevelt II 1t;00. They had gut't'ed to
the Fa.rtners Bank of Cana.la ill £+til t.. !*,ill tier c•all:teti etltrk in two months. He
' t!(t,t a year
dement of ail t•It itctc :itit} demand-, n-' ' tree to i2:t-e a salary ..ttt)+il`• tut ea vest
the board O: nl'ovitetoltal .list lots ti,e 1 witl' a },ellsiolt t!, $1 .4304) \ g'' 1
The e' 1L31.^C.� ttf the
sum Of i+'�i,(in, hl rne'•1-Ttalt'1 'Ferguson.-
= afterCie year {
Thenethe Ina) Fetor rea 1 off ',ire voeteb• i heel., if not,< :ttet•'letg telti.U}t0,lweke to
ore worded the sante in w ttt,:l .0 .x. Pre. 1 paid. 'Alt nt t
,s••r received 62011 and ,) mitt \Vs t rill
Bettides this. there wet., 1• ',II et' ,1.'' 1
truly 2:1, 1007, to ?11' ioirs. Rehisi et, ..ltd
Mel ennui,. to deiive to 'nave ve a :loot -
:tient signed on •1111v 4 by Me tire.. Ver-.
guson, Vl ateon, Irraetlr, Loan, and Gal-
"1 have also bore a kindle of a iteloese,
said the fospe' tor, •`��11)111re .)tit is i;, re-
fereaee to Ca1)ag'ter runt in le l: week."
The 'first elle-lite edit for 412,:\tel in
favor of A. S. Loan. There wire another
for 1$151.2 for Mr. Loan, as we'll as Vane es -
three other ehegnns for hint,. .1)tonin:tag
Co a ('tltsiderall?C etim.
t°?`hese' Were far travelling e17)eeuee-, I.
suppose?" acted the Magistrate 1 belt 0 melee of d}:e clul'„ ci me late,
"I don't know; they twelve 101 yowl- ''''a14.1o'Travers.
slotted die/tote feFes, Travers win be •} ' rae aclsa said that 1,121 business
able to Valent said tits Tittipeetpr.
Then there ci:ecit mares beetled ire, 1 done before they arrived eras out gone
over :again. treelaee Ittepeetor ]),meat,
sit.,,01.1 visional dile! tete ant
hl i Fer teflon as t'rerident arta :tl x bank nt }u,se(1 good.
\vireo 1
Advertised t'uber'culosis Cure Declared
to be Worthless and Dangerous.
Baltimore, Feb, 18. - Certain • patient
tuedicines advevdsed as cures for 'tuber-
1^,tlosis were the target against wltitl1
;i ,clan) attack was .timed last night by
i)r. Lyman F. Kehler, cif the United
States Department of Agrteultnre, }n
tut adelress brfere the health cauferenee
new in progress tinder the aUtpicea of
the :311edicaal end t•ltiturpttal Facility of
Maryland. lir. iirhler alleged that
haul} of tho useteat. nu•tticitiei advertised
Its iva,rvelloue owes for the white plague
etre nut as represented and are :tlasulute-
)y worthless- •-dangerous, even, as Cher
captain opium unci tither injuria e drugs
and cameo •(hose who take them to bc-
t'Unle vimitts cal the cut attic ter ultimo
Hotel, where the fttTett)us; Benevell
(pest, w;7s held. and a big throt,g -of
j7•'gi 1 goo;tered.
r the
�Y � e in t.
The ehief int(.e r_ne c.l
iestititntlV of Robe* Earith, who told
Alit= story of the wreck. Earith ad-
mitted his otnilic•;:on 'fiiarikly, stating
• that :ttt'aeltaln should have reminded
hint of the passenger train before
they left Druxnbo. Ho knew the tinte-
table of tlto train in question when
he left Stratford. He thought he had
time enough to reach Yarns junction
five minutes clear of the rsaseenger
train. os provided by the raves, which
provided 'for the priority of trains of
fins', to -cord unci third class, the
trains of superior class having right -
of -wad;. The rules provided that in
case of a- single, track the inferior
train should take to . s:. siding. This
was all . ulisolue.e, {wilt, 'nom dependent
otx atKe• •depl)ate< z:4l' orders. The rules
also held oonduetora•acid •enginernen
equally responsible, •for the safety of
their , trains.
The order received by pt'eaeham
and Enrith from the despatcher at
Stratford 'vas as follows: "Run as
extra. from Stratford- tae: PariG Sane -
tion." The rules provided as to how
an extra should be run.
Engineer Earith said that his en-
gine. which was a new one, gave him
F lot of trouble coming clown, the
cylinders blowing open and requiring
hi.nl to stop. The engine lost time=
and • as. the troubles bothered the en-
gineer hes forgot all about the pas-
senger train and the human .i.fe on
board. TIad his engine been in per-
fect order he would have made Paris
Junction before there was the p
sibilitv, of an accident. When. how-
ever, he saw the approach of the op -
peeing engine, he first. applied. the
emergency brake and reversed the
engine, giving one sharp. one long
'Ind six short, whistles,, all differ-
entus- :
danger :signage. ' . • .
By that time the crash was im-
minent, and be believed his engine
was backing up from the passenger
train. He yelled' to hid fireman tee
jump, and jumped himeelf just in
time. Earith was not aura that, his
headlight remained lighted, a it was
a new one. -
Other witnesses *ere': Thos. Anse -
brook, conductor: Dr. Sanderson, arid
Scheifle, bral.esznan. Other wit-
nesses were on hand, bat Dr. Staples
thought the evidence war eufficien t,
for the finding of a clear verdict, and
told the jury ego,
Xe to ti o report of Conductor
Meacham being overworked., Tra.itt-
master. Forrester submitted a state-
remit of hours on and off duty 1)1;
Meacham from Tannery 28 to Febru-
dry* A. It slzoived an' average of near-
ly 14 hours off fluty, ')Engineer Earithl
denied the report that lie vas over-
The company has made every et -
fort' to locate Meacham for the in-
quest, but failed to de so.
The evidence was -conclusive, and at
the close of the ;sitting' Dr. Staples
announced -that he would at. thea
eoinmunieate the finding -to the Ox-
ford county authorities. with the re-
sult, thut warrants will 'probably be
issued for the arrest of Conductor
Moachnur and Engineer Earith, ipon
whom the jury placed the responsi-
bility fo the disaster. .
11.. (. b(• frneis ttf t.t: Ian
Le tor 3nsp< •t or luneen prtdueed a. re -
44.000 had
sgb9t:ten, wide!, •tat.ed first ce ..
1)r1,•tt 'pt:ttt tit, e wad Tea tt;:reentent. to
ray the 100,1';ott2,i tt idiot•= el0,110e1 wee
eltanget1 later 19 $1,(h0). At some of the
tench ilii 1)t 1'ergtt.otl and aid. Hatton
t\ere tact ftr(.�':.t1G 'l1hveer:' admitted that
/annoy y bad to be borrovt'etl to pay these
itettme, lie fleece saw thud. of hire \ at -
1011, bat the other members of the mor•i-
sirtual elirne•tor•!e Were 111'e•ient.:nust of tire.
Mr, Loner sodee•1 'l'rat'rre 'shat truth
Came vete in the tepovt that the meet-
ing at w•ide1) 'the pertu:enrt+t directors,
were eltec.ted time held an hour before
tebe<iule time.
"\g; e started at tete proper time
Montreal Jail a Breeding Place of
Grime and Disease.
nine for AIea, „Theor, six far ,)n12tt \Las1.- located another document itt which the
con and Sia for .Tobe 1iergti5nn, til' 1 - uo heeded over the
r J. g _ e )pan - itt , p g 1 '. ,-nape with $570,-
Fraser. `eeietar-. 2011 bona fide ebsct'ibed. sltares and
p,itese e)lce<iltce t n art rspond to tit+ rt n- t $9,10.006 ui; the (lovernine:tt treasury.
llcenk;' sa.},1 t11e l:ux:)rrt.l,r to \1r. 1 To 11r. Rost. Travers laid that there
nose. was pomp troun}e getting subscriptions.
'Tlueu foratteudiag tnretin
wore otherelteattee,
1'nepee:tor 1)011511 nttl 011_ ••}=,m1•
meetings $4t). Alex. i. ree r: eight meet-
ings$80. M '. Sire soy ,T. \Vi1non, Ibi 'e
t*. ,:.; John \\'atttt
Pgn, ille tt.t- t Toronto de.pate.nt lion. ,Tames Strat-
ittgs sial exleettsea, $128: A, ti. 1";""...". ton in t=.mmntoued 10 appear on Friday,
four nteetillge loud rxpetise,e. t9u: A. `. Feb.i . el:urged that he aid confederate
Laa.ltt, eight tueetiitlez, tn::(t:l, ager r:• a:ntl agree together to obtain by false
\iontre<ti, Feb. I3;-t,tttermtr \'tiler', of
the IIontrnal ;jail. elated to -day that he
has 491 1sri,uncr5 peeked into the jail,
whereas he has only accommodation for
235. 11e say t.ltc juil is tt breeding place
for crime: and disease,
-"The umber gimes oil rue reusing. " he
aided, .'and will increeee, end we can rim
nothing, butt *imply pack them itt whew-
ever• We have a. square 1111111 of tipaee,
there was (Mee :t ltlttzc titarted here
every soul would be burned litre a cock -
At they vamp' 10 slowly. For the sale
of estr.ivk. ent111ntsetert had to be paid.
The font provisional directors were
torn committed for tt•ial.
, ' Locke Wilson Condemns the
Management of Fairs,
Should Copy Those on the Other Side
of the Water. •
President Gould, of Ontario Associa-
tion, Protests Against the Midway.
Toronto despatch: "I regret that many
societies last year allowed wheels of
fortune, dice, panes, pools, coin -tables,
draw lotteries, and other illegal games.
Tinder the :ttattttes .oeleties perhrutting .
;010h illegal practices ;hall forfeit all
claim to, legslative grants for the
year ensiling. A. number •of these
fakirs were arrested last year by e`•
fieers of the Government and take'.
before local magistrates, who, in sev-
eral instances. failed to do their duty,.
a11r1 allowed the parties interested mut.
on suspended emaciate, or whore •a
fine wee imposed, it was made pay,
able ill fifteen. days, and, of conree,
•ts these magistrates must have
known, these erooke did not again
%1'i;. their Worships. 1 would urge
that in tate interest of your agrieul-
tural societies, both from a moral zed
financial point of view, you see to it
that tate fairs of 1011 are run strictly
in accordance with the act regulating
ties. Societies which break the Sawa
are in danger of losing their grants."
'The above statements were nmde at
the eleventh annual meeting of the
roach and the jinloettusl would be the
Ontario Association of Fairs and Er—
worst which would have ever happene
in Canada.
'•.1 (til you f cannot 5ic'ep tat nights
wondering what is going to lta.ppen. 1
alit b>i,et by fears on every side. i)is-
eipline is suffering, for eve cannot handle
our prisoners with condit:iotts ns they
are at present. How ow can we? or how
Call we try to 1700 reformatory methods
under eucle conditioner'? 'Instead of send.•
ing our prisclnere back to society repent-
ant and determined to hecoute good
citizentt, they are leaving here, if pos-
tibte, worst, than when they enter.
'Vice is rampant in the jail: you have
Fro idea of wheat goes on, it is the worst
of all the terribly difficult problems but
with which we have to deal, -we can-
not ston it, we cannot apply any rem-
edies, for We have not gut, them to ap-
ga there
"I see one eurintt0 t'bing O(11r1:13. these."
staid Col, I)euienn. to' he vomited. over- the
'Net 1101. of meeting Mr. ].Dans wee
1)19.i(1. for ate lldinf~. •
"There are only eeve<t meet int: in.
tamed of eight, etel be 0'011111 have got
belt $109. anti tot ettn.a. 'This vote net
clone telt neettratelw,
repreeontat intra, deeei1 and fraud, front
or through the te, eery board of the Do -
edition of Canada t rtecer1ifie tc requiretl
111 order to enable the hank to often for
blltirteee limier provisions of the bank
ae,1 to the detriment of the public.
1Te is also ehnu'ged that be did ae-
eeyt. reeCivt or take in pledge, assign -
molt heeetiott notes of the
Farmers Bank o Canadafrom
Vancouver Auto Club Wants Highway
From Coast to Coast.
'Toronto despatch: The building of a
national highway from the Pacific Ocean
to the Atlantic Ocean le the project
about w9tieh the Vancouver Automobile
Club has written Mayor Geary, The
club is seeking to t'nlitst the eo•operation
of the Gita of Toronro in creating inter-
bibitions ltld ill the City Hall yes-
terday, by Mr. J. Leckie Wilson, To-
ronto, Superintendent of Fairs, in slier.
annual report. The references lee
gambling were not pleasing to sevitea.
Hr. IT. Foreman, Collingwoo), want-
ed to know 'what was a gamblire
ganle and what 0109 not. Some of tint
panes mentioned were not games of
Loud protest, et this query erucic'
from members and on Mr. Foreman
insisting on his right to a hearing he
was interrupted and finally eat doom.
Mr. Wilson oleo referred to his
visit to a number of exhibitions lin
Great Britain and the European co:?-
tinent. Ite found that Ontario fann-
ers had much to learn from the meth -
cols of conducting throe fairs. elate
Midway was not in evidence, and edu-
cational features were everywhere
prominent, Stock was judged in ringe
in front of the grantlstalui5. Milking
and horso-shoeing competitions 'vers
features at the Scottfsli fairs. Prises
were also given for eggs.
President Ii, J. Gould, Uxbridge,
in his annual report, said that in the
larger centres the speeding of horses
was the predominating feat ire. In
towns and cities many persons would
not walk through a field to view n
splendid herd of cattle, but would
stand for hours in the rain to see a
horse race'. The directors found t)eeea
people their heaviest contributore.
and this part of the Fair had to he at-
tended to.
Mr. Gould was not in synipatlly with
the hlidway at large shows. It wst,
neither useful nor ornamental, and itc
some cases it was immoral. He ha*
been at fairs where there were etc.
horse racing or special attrnetinttte.
and yet some were a success. State-
ing, field (trop competitions were int'
ing with approval. he=e
Lengthy discussions followed t
At the -exalting session the scheme
that the Department of Agrinultttr'r
should par: something to societies
eusta.inirtg loss through suowstarnve
and rainy weather w its endorsed.
Mr. Wilson explained that this pI,
posal wea•tt to make an additional
grant equal to 5O per cert, of the ler"
sustained through bad 'weather on the
filing of affidavits with the Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The total aorta
for this purpose was not to exceed
$10,000 in one year and the ostinlate
o4 the lops was to be based on the
average gate receipts foe the three
previous years. In rto ease was over
$300 to be paid as compensation
any fair. Perhaps in one year OUIT
$$1,000 of this grant -would be devoted'
to compensation purposes and ilk:,
balanoe wooial be Apportioned in He
usual way. The total Pro' int ►al peed
to fairs this year is V i o; )0J
Some of the tllembera protested. fit
was claimed that the $300 'unit m..uid
discriminate against the larger fairs
and it Was urged that :$it;,0tttl none
be asked of the Government.
Hon. J. S. Duff, Minister of A,;rR-
culturc, who occnpied the hcair. s,ot(•1
that he was pleased at 'te'io{t fable to
be present, and he exprela, d regret
that be `would have to leave early to
attend a banquet. r)t
As Hon, W. J. Hanna, who was ,
arrive o deliver n adjournment l l not
arrive by , 9 ,
taken until to -day.
est in and putting through the undertak-
ing. itir. Thomas Taylor, Minister •of
Public Works for British Columbia, ac-
cording to the letter. has undertaken
the eoustrtict:c ; of such a highway from
Vancouver through the mountains to
the Albertan boundary. When com-
pleted it will he joined by the great
Pacific highway running from Mexico
to Vancouver: It is pointed out that
the attraction of such. a road to tourist
traffic, and the facilities it would allow
Canadian automobilists to spend their
vacations at hone would mean many
tines more money to Canada than it
would cost in construction. and espec-
ially in the mountains would mean the
erection of many summer homes by
wealthy Americans and others.
Mayor Geary turned the letter over
to the Good Roads Committee of the
Board of Trade.
Toronto, Feb. 13.-44tanY people, besides
lawyers, will be interested to learning
that Miss Margery •cerlette, Lady Princi-
tun of the Westbourne School for Giris.
hae won her suit for the restoration of
ta op het by te ot hea win of apoint 1ace Bellevillealled
:, recently deceased, The ,suit was aualnat
inrnt nt, t}p one of the executcre under the will, tulle
1 bn I`e.`tteionsa eicetlttna for trttrntl{nt; 1 f L 1 \\r it hate the option of. either restoring the
o th
me t' to Broelcyt le and '~,tint• Ttat•els vivo -p general hvct o Dy t; o a It Its t
r' l , restilchlt and eneral IrtalI. r a In t at.s Curette what e
e gnts> sfrrsns,he rem penalties, was submitted to a, chosen
ford, ou flit, bank's hasntes', atncunt .
toIll 93 t
To Organize- on Lines Similar to the
Stock Market.
New York, Feb. 13. --The curb market
}las no roof but the skies and no trad-
ing floor but tho pavement of Broad
street, but it is going to have a duly
fornru)stet3 constitution, a committee on
nstembership; a' standard rate of comntis-
eions, 9,31+11 a list of securities.
'fie uctore solid brokers on the curb
have long believed that there was op-
portunity to trade in a stable way in the
stock and bonds of corporations which
do not comply with the rigid rules of
the New York Stock rxclittnge. They
desired to reorganize along the lines of
the f'•xehattge, and, fearful at first that
the "big board'' might object • to having
its methods ()opted, learned with p
stere that on the contrary the exchange
would welcome any reform in the curb. -
Accordingiy, an association known Da
the 'Sew York Curb Market was formed
yetserday and a constitution providing
for the election of a hoard of represen-
tatives, ly comtnittee on listing rules and
pry agars of the said Farmers Bahl:, oaart finds to be its velem. list of brokers. It is e;xneeted that the
Cr) far +..lie alnounr,, Itypotlteeated is
rant of the iuilgment the tact' should find
'Ihcn aztutbrti rxl,ili:t: ideas }telt iii, ,found to lift finfl,1100. spread varies -We to acs: it,
New York, Feb. 13,—Seientiats will
soon snake the problem of the conserva-
tion of the world's coal a dead issue, at-
corcling to I)r. A. I;I, Bttcherer, professor
Of physics in the 'University of Bonn,
Germany, who is in this country for a
series of lectures before eehenti f is bodice.
RadiuIn, Dr. llttellerer belicvee.. will sant'
ersede coal as the sourco of the worlds
s way to Toronto, there wilt be wide* t•
constitution will be ratified, energy ,tla8 Alegi.