HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-17, Page 2tin3:13 IR THE BLOOD .0 I LET 1Y REMOVED God News for Those Who Soifer from pimples, Blotches„ Pale - DESS and Waxy Complexion. Look into a mirror—one glance is erffieient to tell whether or not yea are suffering from blood humors. Those toted eyes, pallidi cheeks, pimples and er- uptions tell the whole. story. A deer healthy, skint is only possible when the circulation is pure and active, and therefore, to get well, the vigil fluid must be enriched, utust be e eans- ed. and made free of all pollutions and disease -breeding germs. Authorities say that skin end blond dieeases are beat treated by x)11. HAMILTON'S PILLS OF MANDRAKE AND BUTTERNUT, which aid the stom- ach to digest its food, improve. the qual- ity of the blood, and give comfort to disease -tortured 'skins. PROOF OF' CURE. "1 want to publicly state that i have been restored to stand vigorous 1-eleith by Dr. Hamilton's Pills," writes Mr. P. P. Jenkins, from Aurora, "My blood was over-ridden by limners weide carne to the surface in the form of running pint- ples and ugly" blotches on my lave- .I)r. Hamilton's Pills cured the trouble, rave Ise sound digestion. more strength end enalle.l me to eat, sleep and enjoy= life again." To get rest, healthful blood--te letro j club... o. r,, dear, rosy complexion --to ;rt' 1r,•ei! ir,enciig, emcee, golf wind Swim feint. stOmacb not -Sere end all skin to't'ed•• mints bete ue,. diad for elllbe, hies, purify your system with Dr. 1faat• prizes, ate... ... ... ... 1,000 00 bean's Pills of Mandrake and 13e:te'-- Doetora' sari dentitt:e' bill.=. , 500 000 nut; 25e per box, and remember, no lautereeittnsealt,s for ;thee dew. will cure. Prepared by •f • ( tante.% ... ... ... 2,300 00 Cethrritoso Co Kingston C)ut. Costs $130,000 to.AYe a Debutante in the Family just One Year! Listelt to this bill of particulars —the estimated east of le'tt'ing st dehattinte around the house -tor a single twelve- month. Of eour'se, .this applies ugly to the daughter of a multi -millionaire, and not to Marr :tette Julies or Betsy AmuB erne. dere ate the zigeres sail to bt very oonsery .tire ly complied on :t basis of ehuplieity i;l dress end entertainingl Ordinary schooling .. .. $3 0,000 00 Ordinary 'eepeztses . 1,500 00 ltesidetit • French governess 1,000 00arn Visiting (t/in end Italian inaeters .. .. .. 1,000 00 t)anciug r -tasters a ordinary 0,000 00 Panud Parley da#ng ... .. 1,000 00 Music teechers . 800 00 3:eseene in drautatia. art . , .. 250 00 !tiding and driving horse 1,000 00 Speeiat groom.. , 720 00 An1usen tents, theatres, opera 1,000 00 Lady's maid... 380 00 Country club, skating, ice 000 00 sports.. .• a 000 00 European trite Evening goe-ns, 40 at $'200 each.. 8.000 00 Afternoon gowns, 40 at $150 (),DOD 00 eech... Tailormade Stant+ four at $200 SDO 00 easit. ... ...... Hats,. 20 at $25, ... ... ... 500 00 Sundries, glove& buts, wraps. ete... 1,000 00 Subscription ti,,.n(t's .. , 500 00 Junior leave the OW club 3.000 00 for teterity) • ...... ,1'000 00 Motor eme expenses ... .... Sailing ... .. .. ..... ",000 00 1 oui -in-head, forladiee' driving 000 00 ne $150,050 00 PULPIT VAUDEVILLE. (Pittsburg Titnes.) Speaking before one of the loeal min- alerbil associatians yeitcrday a clergy - en declared that the modern church ehould not try to evulpete with the n',:,kelodean, the theatre and the let:tore b'preau. He insisted that the chureeh is riot a piaci of entertainment, but on religious instruction, where olden and women should resort for spiritual ttp- fift rather titan amusement. ThoE e are truisms indeed, or were a few yeare ego, but they have lost Hutch of their fcrcc• of late. Too many pasture in their desire to 'fill etatl,ty pews adopt the Methods of vaudeville. The free Show, whether in the church ur else- where, can always be depended upon to tray, the crowd; and it eontinues to at- tend until the novelty wears off r sofas some institution otters nwre 1 treetioes, • •-440-4,4-44-4-4-4-4-4-4-44.44.64-4-44.4- 4 MAKE TEETHING # 4 4 4 T H E PAINLESS. "Teething tints is aura,s a wee ,s . sn •a. At r+.tt.. 't t • to iilU l i i. e. anxiety r fttime baby becomes cross restie5a ' r. i nervous. [tis mane a print roil, lee is troubled with constipation or diarrhoea, spasms. colic• or r•<rneml- eions. His little life i.- in ea, ager erless a medicine is givott hilts t„ keep his :itotuaoh sweet And lion and his bowels regular. Sleet a medicine le Baby'e Own Tablets. Nothing ern equal there during the teething Period.. They have lessened the worries of ' hee:to nes 4 ,if mothers. Among emend is Aire, 3 W. A. Yeadon, Mallen:. N. S.. who 4 • writes: "I have ns^.l nn other ' medicine for baht- but Tt:ebys Own Tablets and 1 would not he with - greatly troubled with his teeth j teet them. Last slimmer baby wile .. o r:tfl 1 gave hint the Teblets. ► 4. Teey helped hint rad now he is a big: healthy {,hilts." The 'idablets e are 501(1 by inedicine deelere or jTee25 cents n• box from the Dar. e e illiani5' 'Vit: tlirine Co., Its ,ekvil:e. jr 4 l t ODERN AY M Isto•tte5OMR O'ye that will color either ,Pool, Cotton, Sills or allied Cootie Porfeetly, You will endear, in Belem:m eceee Send Sar sample Gerd cod Story *Booklet tt5 The eoue sore. At1Cii 31it)SON CO.. Limited, Montrec i. coo, iliiitlt this Modena Dye all yen have to do is to Ask for (iDliteen•t.A then you CAel'T snake a mistake and use the Wrong Dye /or the goods you have to color. rammegiA —the best known to modern medicine --is the active priactple which makes so ancon betted' than ordinary physics. "Mille thoroughly effective, they never gripe, purge#;;,r cause nausea, and never lose their effectiveness. One of the best of tho ,(3e •-DRU-;C0 line, 25c as b7s.. If your druggist bas not yet stocked them; send 2$c, and we rill TWO !Meer?. 23 Mononaii cad C$irmical Comeaey of Canada, limited, - • - Mostraxl. itOZIMAITAMOVVAIINOROISTOSSICISEMIMM 1Pl'r LL'lIlr1ZA C.NTARRIK AL FEVER PINK EYE EPIZOOTIC DISTEMPER MPER Cl leOP4IC r 0171 tP1S 33oo1:iet "Distemper; Causes, Cure and Prevention," 3!'ieRtd. Mt drag- gists,-LLL'e1SQL1iSA k1 DdtUGGIST3le. $11 mus Z6 a dozen. Dlscritr SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Goshen, pndlatna. t). S. bis SNIP -0 GRA1S. By >, Dewitt, Clough). T:ie fellow who t.ait better prices and bleep nets east.liiete satisfied Is the real setcemail. 1ror:laes are all right if you can and ..e •*onus. e deliver t,.. e de '• ^•or., alis tate Intaginatien.aplue hard " , P P oe the rut. out c r o I i It did x yoursusin- 1 r e'•I.t.:n'Jta over It 3,,t to *;o .ter ;ob. • iQ'"-t 3 C! � t'. :e Quit 1 " ,l,t the The man wtta,a{bw«sn't apCirecdate I ver ae c e a two Lit piece will always be 1 ," rt.e,+nagouu mixer isn't alt•: a:. s the best 'euein rss matt, tVliat is pupulat'tter "worth if you're not pre,:ti'ing to the rainy day" .r d 'Cite buil laal cnan .a nut always his own best friend. The wise man alv'a.' has the construM- 1 u gang a :'elle ahead. * e isuse. aa able tooreco Ii1 ok a tan tideaunllen one 11--: Ce:124l a eros: it. The matt who learns from yesterday. works hard to -day. and plans for to-nlor- rnw, will always Land on his feet. There will always be two kinds of workers—the ones who think for them- selies, aid the onee who let others do tech. thinking' for them. A live wire eau always learn something from every one he meets. If ergel don't belive in your own ability, otttet's won't. The sttece5afut tnan sets ideas for his own hustness from everything he sees and leears. eeentad notes are good thtngs, hist pencil aura paper are better. System in teathering ideas leads to knowledge and power, ')'here's a ever to convert spare mo - men wee make good, read with a pur- pose. °widow:wes f:cttott reading is a waste of time. EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES ARE TELE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIG n 15 TIE FIRS' STRIKE They make no oxoiee or 'putter ---a quiet, *toady ltatue. Tho aiat, h for the smoker, the office seed the stone. Allgood dealers keep them end 1Gddy''s Woodenware, lrebroware, Tubs, ]Palls s.nd Washboards. The , By ED i Y Come Limbed, HULL, CANADA eeeteilleeneeSSeetemeerreemeaveneteee MAKING THE LOG BURN BRIGHT. "Curious 'ittFaa some people have of patents:" a New York gnat dealer, said. " A pian carne in :fere the other they and wanted to I.nov i we ever heard of bor- ug holes in the logs we Sett for open wood wires, beep+sae, he .said, if the idea was new lie wits going to get a patent on it. • "I asked hint what night be the use of boring holes izi the logs; to hang diem u,Y Be said''eveiyone liked to see the blaze hi an open wood fire and when it got low. they poked -it or put on fresh logs just'ti see some more Funic. If you bored an inch bolt through the middle of a log and put it on the fire tt'th the hole vertical it would form a kil:d of chim- ney, and you would have a chesrfal lit- tle jet • coming 'rte through it un tit the log was co•upletely burned away. "1 tried :t:,wh+:n. I gat home. that night, 11itd is '•" enough he lees right. but t910 10411 :a'i81; foe n patent on such a'• Sun. • l s int tits Into dollars. 4 .r- .-4 *4.0-44-4-9-11-b-4-41-4-4,46-3, 4. 4-6 a 41 e• GOD e:XCUSE, (Lippineott's Mitgazine.) .F second-grade boy in one of -the 1''twiti4elphia. schools auto in late re- e.'ntee, when the following tutio{luy be- tween the teacher and pupil ensued: .Why Aye you late, Thomas'"" ""(lt uldn't mine no 5uan01'." "Yeti sht,nld get up eerlia'r, _11l the firet-grade ebil,li'etl were here on t•2 tn: ""7 was lit) ife time. but 1. couldn't tenths 11Cs canted•." "Why eanitlu't you etaue. sooner if you 'S'er'e up let titre.!" • ".11—. f T rattltla't finch lily' peeress:' "a?'rRnt's a good, excuse, 'Phomas. You ax. r•tall., emir seat." 1'aa '1o're, Seetia "Lumber King says t "1 collsi,iar Mlti 1.RD'` LINIMENT" the 13EST liniment !n use. 1 nut illy foot badly- jammed letoly. 1 Iratinel it well with M1N.d' ii)'S S,INI- ME^iT and it was as well ae ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. Me:1117J.,L1 N. l,erle+,: "•.4r= v ` oek • FOUR PHYSICIANS FAILED. Mr. George Pt.tlos, a Well Known To - ]IICtO Merchant in Brockville, Ont., Tells of His Faith in the Merit of CIItarrltox on. e. 'ern the fall of )903,' write) Mr. Pules, under date .of June 10th, 1010, "1 can- tiacted a very severe cold which devel- oped into•eatart'h. At that time I was living in New York State and treated with four different physicians, who af- forded inc tee relief. On 'coming to Brockville 1 was advised by a friend to try Oatarrhozone. I bought the dollar outfit and was gratified by the results. I was completelp`eured by Catarrhozone, and 10•' e+ used it since to abort a cold with unfailing remelts. It is the. grandest medicine in existence, and 1 Isope my testimony will be of some use to other fellow -sufferers." (Signed) George Pules. Refuse a. substitute for Catarrltoynne; it alone can cure. Sold in '.:3, 500. and $1.00 sizes by all dealers. Anvil Sllttr'4, • 1 0iigien that is good enengh for lite week day :viii do for Sunday. The Peart is not a fit place, to -pen grudges its; they betotug to the rubbieli pile. A. eagle never wears out if it is worn pleasantly, and it ie aleveys in.. good at,Vle. Td) have doge ono's best is 'elle source of greater joy. than. to have obeei ed the best. '' A. living that. Costsno.; Sntaa*t,,l* too costly, for it • oasts 'OA Ir1ri,?,lt ;`b,• of a great deal of life's 5Wet•ttat.se.., 'Mtn an aehieventeneereatie4 all our reeonreem in its aceompl(ahtneett it will exd1aust.our capaeity to telieeett the joy of it.• --'The Christian }Wald. C.leAllill"1ON EVAPORATOR ISSUE :NO, ? 1911 AGENTS WANTED. ED. ANVASSER'S WANTISI1, WEEKL! L / seadar;' paid. Alfred Tyler, 556 Clar- ence street, London. Ont. ents Wanted Al- bertTwstreet,: lines Ottawa.nes, Apply, Ceders. 2558 AA OSES' on, VOR PAIN, ASTHMA, lid. Bronchitis, Coughs. 25c and 51.00. T)ruggiste or Prole Castle, Hamilton, Ont. CERTIFIED MOTORS, Accountants, Etc, 1 Special State on all outside audits. Apply for terms, dates, etc. RALPH C. MIiU5tTON & COMPANY, 5 l(IING SHIM WtST, TORONTO, OINT. Not a single feature or tee CHAMP- ION 1 iaporator 0,)1110 be di:e' :etc, with. The simplest anti most eeeleettioel wee' of making maple syrupy Pe de tree the highest quality. which brings the reest money. Made in :..' sizee "ur large and small glee es. Oleo your amp's ',ueiriees a show by using the CFIA'dL''tt1N EVAP- ORATOR and our improved eup)ptiee. This will assure success. Sento far des- criptive catalogue. THE GRIMM 'err r), 58 'Wellington slre'tegonI OLDEST MAN IN SCOTLAND. James Grieve. believed to he the. est mai: in 4antland, riled at itis l :v+dt. eldis. ?0hri "e1ti,rew, of Ceintrtft Bean- ie;;, t.urtin-tee, Loch 1:e1�`tltiC. a few � "s:,pilYb �'. I�•. •tra8' pi'actlealiy helpless IS•Oxat .I.Iltrptm<ltisxri. nights ergo, says the 1t'esttutilStll C i- :,Ate could not stoop, stud her 1'lrnbs Jotte. Ile was a native of lnvcrueaw ached so that it was torture for her to shire, where, :recording to his own belief,. br 110 and arountl the house. he was born in' theyear 1500. fie fixtel Aw 'vers. YettiSiewr put it. "I was alt r.rippled up. i saw Gin I?llls adVertlsed the date of his birth by }lie reeolleetut'n5 and sent for some, and after taking only of Waterloo. ole was theta te ba work- twa boxes. am a different woman. Gin y Pill:+ are the only thing that helped Ile. .e , ,, Ing ill the fields, and t•.tt'nt the .t.3trs of ear'! 1 cannot say too trach for them: ' the victory arrived he, along with 1115 If you have that dreadful pain in the • h .'leu lila- +•tortured with k', 1 l` —i you are torte la.Ic it once. getGin Pills . liRn' Write National Drug & Chemical Co.. (Dept. 1I. L.), Toronto, for free sample. tle�rlllar size at dealers, 50e a box, 6 for 8 ). PLOWING WITH DYNAMITE. A North Carolina fernier, discovering that the heavy clay subsoil of his farm oiled not be broken up with the plow to sufficient depth for 'proper retention -of moisture and fertilizing elements, has re- sorted to the novel expedient of blowing up whole fields with dynamite. Observ- ing that the growth of gratin was much richer titan elsewhere over spots where stumps had been pulled or dug out of the ground, and the earth stirred, to the depth of tteveral feet, he drew tae son- cheeinn that similar deep disturbances of any sant would produce like reeetts. He therefore literally "plowed" his land with dynamite, and leas secured en inereae of growth that more than justifies the east of labor. Hie watermelon crop, for in- stauet', benefited over :10 per dent. by the iui: ave tiers. Pointing is a Track Game, 1t is neceesity 11 this game for tine player seting the part of guosater to have tit confederate, lie is then able to leave the 'room, end on his return to mention what person was pointed at during his 'absence. It is done hi this way: It is agreed between the guesriel' and his con- federate that whoever speaks last be- fore the door is closed upon the guesser shall be the perste" who is to be pointed, aL It is very seldom. that anyone eis- eorers this trick. ee HER LOGIC, (Boston Transcript.) 7Ir • ' ou are only woman t e=ver loved. She --Do you expect me to believe that? Ile -4 do. 7 swear it is true. She—Then I believe you. Any loan who would expect a woman to believe that cannot have been much; in 'the com- pany of women. The King of Coxa EeldioVer8 Is Putnam's rainless Corn E:ctractor, Forty years' success in many lands proves the superiority of .'utnatn's Pain - lose Corn B>Ctraetor over every other remedy.. Sas,fe, painless, prompt. Put. Hum's Painless Corn Extractor•absolute- lq certain to remove corns. Sold by d'rt:ga sts, price es cents, ▪ THE LUCKIEST YEAR. (Shelburne' News.) --w-e Minard's Liniment iDures Colds, Etc. ATMOSPHERE OF VENUS. A'tronoiner" have long been aware that. Venus possesses an abundant at- delepeere, but few 01) ortunities for inea- ui wing its extent are presented. On July iii last the =are tihonomeuun of 110,4 o0' cultat.ion of e. fairly briglit star by Venus afforded such ren opp")rtunity, and it was taken advantage of by Messrs. tiaidet, Queni;eet and ,;tntor.iadi. The star oeculted was Eta 'leminorum. On ettu•eging from behind the planet it eon • tinttttd to gain brightness during be- t e es n one send ai half and ttvo seemeds, 1 earn 'bhirt, is deduced the couolusion that the height of the atinospi:tt*ro all Venus, where it yet remains dense' enough per- ceptibly to absorb the light of a, star, its front 50 to 70 xitlles. CURED HE KIDNEYS. fellow -laborers, 1 ,at-dem:atrtl ni the gen- eral rejoicings. At that time he was ? t of 15 years of age. He n^ainta.ined the use of his faculties alto"+st up to the last, and was able to gen Anti %pe ak with visi- tors till )within a feet awes ergo. SHE WAP4TED AN EDUCATION. Mr. Grieve lead snot cit with men who had seeds Prince. Charlie. end had heard (El'umait Life.) his grandfather riateeri of that "tustcreal 11i4,3 Mabel Edith Ransom, of Perry, personage; and his own father anlas uncle had taken p art in a Ifighlandrl;in feuei. icor almost 95 y rare lee worked :13 a shepherd, and eve(i after be had eerie. eel from continuous liber he contirtuee to mist in the fields, .. tttl;i;lp; a deter at the bay," as lea phrased. it, "There's. [cels"in odd numbers;" 'Says herr O'Moore. 111 -tory is eorreet in leis oatrmiae then the year 1.011 will be tae luckiest. of all -:tole• ,ears within more than a century. Minard't Linlm a Guree Genet its Cows. DEFINING IT. 7f you dispensed goon cheer, ,don't call it "charity." It was the cancel- lation of your Clue bill to the world. -eAtlanta Constitution. eft EMfE MMlam.tpT for CaUGHS ....U.3v HOW TO DEAL INl T H 'TRUSTS. • tltocftester 11:rtit:d.l .Apparently the best way to replete waste ie to prevent them from Bering Okla., hungry for education, rode horse- back from her home to Lawrence, Kan., to enter the State University. The trip &led. for a mere canter of only :350• tariff laws enacted for the pnrpoee of giving them the right to prey ltptrn their public. free trade England ie indeed to be envied. a.s Only Ohne " BROMO QUININE" That is I,AXATIVE BROidO ctUTNCeTE. Look for the signature of. E. ' r, GItOVI:I. teed the World over to Cures a Cold In One Day. 25c. WE'RE ALL HER FRIENDS. • A -pretty story of't$iss ]alien Terry and o, 5a1 int your„ playwright right bas gone tate retinas of the Players 'Club ,dies Teery i:ttentl i in leie.e Yerll the fir•rt night Or 1111lsat•tvc gttt'S Itltert work, and at the end of the third at be waspresented to her. She congratulated him warmly. "It is Vers geed," she said, "hour play is very good, indeed. and I shall send all Inv American friends to see it." ,'in that ease," said the playwright, with a very low and courtly bow, my little piece will :sell e0,000,001) tieke.ts." quickly stops coughs. 'cores coldeb'bees: the throat nnd iunsre, - - `'«8 cents. ALUMINUM VICE JAWS. Sheet aluminum, states the A-nlsri- dao Machinist, makes better vise jaws than either copper or braes. It can be obtained in any thickness from machinists' stip:iy houses. utiles. • SMJOM Cur *powelsr *toes coa>46ae, cotes colds. triol* the shrewd and aunts. • • as eenta. AM E R I CA'S WIRELESS STAT I ONS. The Bureau of Steam Engineering or the 'Butted ;States Navy has Just issued a directory of all wireless telegraph stations in commercial use, as well as there of the army and navy. illations belonging to the navies of foreign Gov- elnntents are not included The total inter:Ler of stations listed is 1523, about e00 of which are shore statsune. Orl thti .ltittra:it and Gulf Coasts there are 88, on the Pacific; coast 51„ on the Great Lakes. 48 and in Alaska 36, in addition t., which there are three in the interior of the Halted States. There are 824 xlnval vessels eettippett with wireless ap- paratus and 801 merchant vessels. Mintird's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, CIVILIZED BY WATER, One can measure the. degree of civitiese tion in it given piece by the quantity of water used by the population, by their need of cleanliness, and the sacoifieea they are prepared to make to insure the benefits of pure water to the poulest citieens.---Neue Freie Presse. V-ieetta, PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS par druggist will refund money if Psi.?r) UINTIvIENT fails to cure any „5se of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Idles in 6 to 14 days. 60e. BETWEEN OCTOGENARIANS. (Punk.) oe understand they sentenced Mini to life imprisonment?" 'Veil, no; it' wasn't as bad as that. He got only 99 years!" THE 'GODDESS UP ALOFT, (1'3oeton Transcript.) Alice--•Whatf Leat night you dia. covered a man under your bed. Mercy! Kate.' 0h, I didn't hind it. It was in it sleeping oar, MInard's L(n lment Cures Distemper.