HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-17, Page 1AL
The Official Organ of Zu eh and. Hay Township.
Vol. XI.
Our annual February Clearing Sale is now
on. We have finished stock taking and on going
over our stock have found many odds and ends
that we want cleared out at once. We have
made the prices so low that they will soon be
picked up. All our winter lines are • going at
greatly reduced prices, regardless of cost as we
need the room for the big stock of Spring .goods
that are coming in. Come in and see our bar-
gains before you buy.
$3 Ladies' Sweater Coats for $2
'We have afew ladies' sweaters lett which we
clear ont if low prices will do it. All first class
reduced rices
.Regular $3.00 sweater.,, sale price 2.00
it 2.50 cc c 1.75
4 cc 1.25
C4 it 1.00
cc 'c 1.00
4.50 sweaters k length, sale price 3.25
3.00 cc a length, c` 2.25
are going to
goods, note
$I.25 Dress Goods for 75 c.
Ail our winter Drees Goods are on the bargain list. Every
piece inust. go. Illi not miss these :snap,.
Regular 1.25 Dress GGoods, sale prito 75 ets;, regular 85
dress goods, sale price 00; regular t10ats dress goods. sale price 40
regular 50 o is dress goo,l., sale pr cc 3e; regular 30 Itis dress
goods, sale price -20 ets,
A lot of resultants at your own price.
11211/2 C. ,Prints for 8 c.
We are clearing out il'our old. prints. Jiave marked.
''them clown to the ct'wes4, s1. >'s 41.1-04,„1.1-i47; •
.Ur. 5 l..t.liis'pe
2 -;a C. Ginroan s for to co
Fancy and checked ginghems--blues, browns, pinks,
Regular 19} cents, sale price 10 cents per yard
40 c. Table Linens for 25 c.
A genuine b^rgain in table linins. All best goods and
marked down to very low prices.
Regular 40 cents table linens, sa'e price 25 rents a Yard
•' 2 5 cents cc " 15 cent: a yd
'Aarimelette s at 5 c. yd
A snap in fianeletles. T)o net miss this good
surpi sing value. All remnants at a snap.
2o c. liVrapperettes for io c, yd
.A clearing sale of wrapperettcs. All will go at these low
pr.ces. Regular 20, 15, 12:!: cents, for 10 cts per yarn-].
$5.55 Fur Ruffs for 3.75
We have slashed the prices in all lines of fur goods. \1'e
want 1,316m all sold bef.,re spring and if low prices will do it, Lives
should not last long.
Regular $5,50 Fur Ruffs, for 3.75
c 4.50 fur ruffs, for 3,00
3.00 fur ruffs, for 1.75
2.50 fur ruffs, for 1.50
2.25 fur ruffs, for 1.25
A Few Specials
Boys' woollen top shirts regular 50 cents, for 25 cents
Ladies' wool clouds regular 75 cents, for 50 cents
Ladies' wool clouds regular 50 cents, for 25 cents
9 pieces fancy border Kiinona cloth in bine and brown,
regular 25 cents, for 15 cents a yard.
Fancy bordered apron ginghams to clear at 12 cents a yard
5 ladies heavy top skirts, regular 2.75 for 1.50 each •
New Spring Goods
We invite the ladies of Zurich and vicinity to call and look
over our new arrivals in spring goods. New lines of Dress Goods
Prints, Gingharns, Lawns, Laces, Embroideries, etc.
Hardware Specials
Cross Cut Saws 1.50 up Buck Saws, 50 cents up;
Horse Blankets, 70 cents up, A few bells, Meat choppers
1.25 up, Skates, 40 cents up; Ates special prices, Lined mitts,
25 cents up, Louse killer 25 cents up. A few beaters and
baseburners at greatly reduced prices.
Telephone 4 - Z U R 1 G
NO 2.9
Good general erg; ant wanted.
Mrs. J. G. Staab : y; Exeter.
Mr..Johu Duni ,rt of Berlin is
calling on old frieds in town, this
Mr. Charles. F tz is having a
new set of shelve planed into his
skoe store.
$3000,00 or prig a funds to loan
on good Imortage ecurity. Apply
to E. Zeller.
Mr, Stade the nqw harnessmaker
has secured anassistant from
Crediton. .
Mr, Alfred Gal •Mian who was
laid up with an at 6k of appendi•
obis for a week or so, is able to be
out agaain.
Lutheran (:burgh --The evening
service in St. Voter's Lutheran
ehuroh. will bo oc%ndueted in Eng-
lish. All are cordially invited to
For Sale -900 tin sap buckets
painted inside and outside, with
grimzn sap spouts, the best made,
also cover for .buokets. Apply to
D. Smith, St. Joseph 3t pd
Mr Isaiah Disjardine of St.
Joseph died on Wednesday at the
age of about 54 Tears. The funeral
will be held today (Friday) to
Grand Bend cemetery,
Mr Charles Sohoarun ober had a
very successful wood drawing bee
last week. Mr. Sohoernaoher is
very much pleased that his neigh-
bors are doing so . well for i'im,
after living forty .years in their
Mr. J. C. Ka1bleisch hail dispos-
ed of his farm containing 175 acres,
at the 14th Con,; to the present
tenant Mr. Nelson J. Masse, for
$7500.00. Mr, Masse has secured a
good big farm :lit a ` reaaoneble
figure. n Y.
illoliard Line Ste, "c!n reee.ntly sold
two 2 sero' -old colts to John Sher-
ritt, for $500.011. They were sired
by Harry Artbnr, 1t horse belong-
ing to T. If. Turnbull oc'the Sauble
J. S. Smi•tb, rupture specialist of
Stratford Ont., will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Zurich on
Tuesday Feb. 21st. One clay only.
I cure rupture without operation
or loss of time fromyour wnrk. 1
1i the cured others I can cure you.
Free Consultation
Mrs. John Deeher Sr., an ell
and respected lady, aged over 82
Largest Reduction Sale
Ever Held in Zurich
For Cash or Trade, Beginning Saturday Jan. •28tb, for two
weeks, We find our stock overloaded and have reduced a
lazge portion of our stook, you will find this store filled with
bargains on counters and tables. It will pay you to visit this
store during this sale, HERE IS PART OF THE LIST
Our Dress Goods will be placed on counter and reduced
prices on each ticket. Do not put it off buying a dress, when
you can buy at such low prices.
1200 yards English prints, 32 inches wide for 10 cents a yard:
400 yards prints 32 inches wide, for 83 cents a yard.
200 yards prints 28 inches wide, for 6 cents a yard
300 yards dark and light, regular i 91 for 0 cents a yard
200 yards heavy dark shirting regular 17 and 18 for 14 ets a
100 -ydss dark shirting regular 12i cts for 9 cents a yard
50 yards dark shirting regular 10 cents for 7 cents a yarcL
100 yards light colors regular pri_e 8 and 9 cents for 5 cents
WRAPPERETTES--200 yards wrapperettes, regular 10 -
and 15 cents, for 10 cents
LADIES' UNDERWEAR -40 vests regular priee 3:; ets,.
for 25 cents each
Ladies linty and Muffs, prices below cost; 1 Ladies Pony Cloth
coat, size 38 og $15.00 for 10.50; 12 Ladies Coats to sell at
halt price; 2u Girls coats, were83 to 4.75, choice for 1.00
All the overcoats anu ready made suits to sell at a dis
count of 25 per cent. A discount of 20 per cent on all the
inen's and boys heavy underwear, mitts, gloves, working shirts
dress shirts, caps, ladies hand bag.
7 wool mats, size 2s1 yard regular $2.00 for 1.23
6 straw mats, size tlx yard, regular 1.73, for 08. cents.
3 dozen door ants, regular 95 cents for 29 cents
' -•mus¢ Re sl. it ,-
4 tined smocks, regular rr lye 1 SR i 201
6 Unlined smocks, regular prieo 1.23 for 90 cente
,s 1, Men's Beaver Cloth Coat, Jur collar,. regular 20.00 for 15.50
FLAN:11 LETTli F.L N ETS---4 'Blank( Is dark color 12i largest size,.
for 1.6:1. 3 blankets dark color 111 heavy weight for 1,25
1100 y,iti erwill toweling„ for 4 cents a yard; 600 yards linen clinked
t ow.,:ling, fur 4 cunt, u t',l 11 J yi.k toweling for 5 cents
t ,
a lwi
- P}19IyE17 ZURICH G
VOMr'wolu 1 r 1i15 J 11'U- PaR 1 1sIN lilrli' V : ALill Pv r WMTIiii 11
years died at the home of herTN
" '° ..-..� ' �"��� "` `''s•n w"
daughter Mrs. Jelin Hey Sr., on
Wednesday evening. Her buahand
died about four years ago at a ripe
old age. She was nue of 'the pioneer
residents of this 'Township and was
beloved by all who knew her. The
remains will be laid to rest in the
Lutheran cemetery, •on Saturday
afternoon, at one o'olock.
Mrs. Henry Wiirui received wrrd
from Pigeon Mich., informing he r
of the death of her sister, Mrs.
John Foster, after tt long dine s
following an 0perationt for cancer
Mrs. 'Vurnt left an Thursday to
attend the funeral.. -The deceased
was a daughter of the late Daniel
Zeller, was well known and liighlr
esteemed by all who knew her.
and the surviving 'family- and
relatives have the sincerest
sympathy of all in their loss.
I have opened a Harness
Shop in
opposite the Commercial Hotel
I oan supply your wants in
Harness, Robes,
Whips, Trunks Etc.
I make a Specialty
of Repairing
R. F. TADJ 3•
'i 111
{ 7s
Only A
If you break Vio-
lin strings we will
replace them with
44 ,/ .\ ,� ; �, Try our
stririg at 2octs
«'e pat thorn to Correct Pitch.
A 2 Weeks' Special
If you want a Genuine Gilt l3oker. King Kutter
Baor at one dollar and a quarter, come along,
Two hundred Jack Knives at prices unheard of.
Goods Right -Prices Right
�a••• a
GEO. R. HESS, Manager of Clock.Uesportenardt