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The Herald, 1911-02-10, Page 5
OEERINC M1CHIERY A.p 1 :. OF ALL KINDS PLOUGHS and PO NTS AGENT FOR Petrolia Wagons and Sleighs Clover leaf anure Sore. tiers. ET. MELICK 2,0 N B. Gascho & . Gasoho will at, tend to repairs and shop 'during my absence. I Our Ann € : al • Clearing Sale I 5.14 1 1 General Merchant, BLAKE, 8 Special Bargains in Heavy 'Winter Wear, from 5 0 Feb. 1st to Feb. 25th. H. itDOUGLAS, I In 0 /Ian $S IR I ,F9 Y 11 Y O Li ME T MARX T E keep in stook a II full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aina is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give its a call. Yl,ifBU' 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Adam S. Faust late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of I uron, undertaker deceased, Notice is heeeby given that all persons having any claim or demands against the late Adam 8, Faust, who died on or about the 15th clay of December 1910, at the Village of Zurich aforesaid, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Polly one of the executors of Mae last will Zurich, nd testament of. the said deceased, their names and ad- dressess and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their am - counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, AND NOTICE is father given that after the 15th day of F'ebruar'y 1911, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard only bo the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said caeca - tors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated the 17th day of January 1911. 11„7. D. Cooke, Solicitor for said executors. You are probably aware that pneumonia always results from a cold, but you never heard. of a oold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For sale by all dealers. 0, A. C, RENEWS ITS OFFER OF ASSISTANOE IN DRAINAGE In July 1900 the Departtnen Physics et the 0. A. 0. prepa a plan of drains for a 52 acre bi of land that had never gra crop, it was too wet. The dra were laid that autumn. In 1 that 52 acres yielded potatoes a corn to the value of $22250 farm lies within five miles of city of Loudon. Why had land lain useless for generatio Perhaps the previous own thought it could not be drained, a matter of tact it was a dime problem, for this land was ve .fiat and the outlet poor. Perht they did not believe draina would pay, this one crop silo ronvines them. Or perhaps th believe drainage would pay One crop should convince the or perhaps they believed iu drai age but did not know just ho to undertltke such extensive drai ago operations. The Ontario Agricultural Colne is endeavoring to help those doubt about drainage. Any far er in Ontario wishing assietsnoe his drainage problems niay ha the same by making application the Departt>.zent of Physics 0. A. Guelph, As soon as possible afte receipt of the application a drai age adviser is ,eat to make, survey of the land, after whieh h makes a complete map showin the location of the drains, th grade, size of tile, etc, Whe completed the map is sent to th owner, so that he has an Iteeurat guide to tollow in putting in hi drains. As in previous years, th only outlay to the farmer is th necessary travelling expenses o one roan in connection with th survey. The railways give a rat of a cent a mile for this work, s that the trevelling expenses ar light t of red ock wn tt iris 910 ridThe the this ns? ers as tilt ry il)s ge uld ey this rel n- n, ge - n- ge in in,- in ve. to C. r n• a e b 0 e 0 S e e f e e O e • o,MIn,m,.— -_ After one survey in each locality Drainage Demonstration is held ht in the field surveyed, to ich ail the neighbors are lawn aasc irvao:11ssW 82:3 tis a aacres.0= ARE ARE YOU 1 RUPTURED 1 I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily dan- ger •of strangulation, Fill in coupon and send to Retern to .T. S. SMl'TIT, 7 88 Caledonia St. Stratford ,Dept. R. Ont. Name Address Age Time Rup Single or doablea Satisfaotionguaranteed sesseteeeteestas stsy"si„iass=seee icssi tse How to cnre a cold is a question in wltioh many are interested joist now, Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remark- able onto of ()olds. It can always be depended. upon.: For sale by all dealers. a rig w n ed. At this meeting simple methods are rlemonstrated of mating a dra,uago survey, finding the fall of a ditch, determining the grade, digging to grade, etc. • Those w.Shing to make appiielt.- tion for a survey should write the Department of Physics, 0. • A. ,0,, Guelph, whereupon regular ap- plication forms will be sent. AT WIEIK 111 3 WEEKS 1341fiortb of.ry il1'her itRmiscy's "No. 7" Cued Nor QC)nliammataiy Rheut latisala Mrs.Agnes ndgar,of Grand Ii`alls,N,13., had a terrible time with Inflammatory RIieumatism. Anyone who has had this most painful disease -will understand her suffering — and her joy when she found Father Morriscy's "No. Iii had cured her. She says: for Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1 had suffered everything with it, but in three weeks after starting Father Morriscy's Prescription r was able to do my work, and after taking four dollal-s worth of medicine l: was well. 1 highly recoup.mend it any sufferer with Rheumatism." Rheumatism comes from bad lcidueys, The poisonous tlric Acid which they should remove stays in tete blood, accumulates in Joints and muscles, and causes agony, Father Morrisc 's "o. 7" puts the kidneysremoves- the y Uric Acid from thblood andthe whole systeut,andcurestheRheutnatisrn. goc. a box at your dealer's, or from Pathet . Moirisey Medicine Co. Ltd., Chatham, N.13. 501.1 end guaranteed ii, Zurich B. .1. 3 b3ERIVER UPIDERTA Prompt Service Moderate Charges W. t TOFF V Ak Zurich, - Ontario ;r "an'GNFv t en8:. A shipment of Herbngeunt Stuck food just received. None better. J. Preeter. All amounts must bet settled on or before rst of Manch. If not settled by that date ten percent will be added from 1st January. P. Bender. .tl. smart girl can secure a good position as servant, with a smtall fancily, at London. ., W'age.s 810.00 tier month, Apply to E. Zeller, at Tela HERALD office. The big ]February clearing sale is drawing big crowds to our store, Don't miss it. 3. •Preeter. We world like to secure a number of correspondents for Tem HERALD, at a nrenber of surround- ing places. Send us your name and we will forward stamped en- velopes etc. Mrs. Graham of Goderich, who has been visiting with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. J, Merner for a few weeks, Ieft on Thursday for Exeter to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lindenfeld: It has always been. a. mystery to j` us that a young lady should make some poor fellow believe that she is interested in bis welfare wines as a matter of fact she is interertc't1 l only. in his ftirewell ourag000mm otramipDpD laDrJ1'�'PJQDommoDegy¢' ozwootwor QDmpoodPio.gO tip Give a e H . and you will find out that we will use you right. Come and take your choice in , FLOUR—Milverton. Exeter, lieisall, Parkhill al d Royal Household. We take eggs, cash or any kind of grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. All kinds of Feed and Grain. always on hand. Oil Cakes Bibby cream equiv= ale: ;:t plax Seed 9 whole and ground. Me je r/ASCZURIC qA yr pp� sl 1 1 DO M= COG= COCOMCJNtI'Ja P.'.ir, DD C am�au��maDez�naD�,,,,aOZZZDaDmMaDcrrr.,han,:ernCEISMe.aVDaDMaDati urs ry . tock For Sprig .ly ry Strong. straight trees with gand ood tots anan ab- undance of fibrous roots. Every tree guaranreed strictly first grade and true to name. Our a.zsortinent of Apples is complete, We never had such a fine lot of trees in this line. Send in list of ,stnoli Wa11ied Sf?ti g ; W y. e i� ill quote you bite( jai y)riw.,,,,..^ Ask for Catalogue. T ke til - Agency. Thos. t Ltd. Mr. Satin E. E'atist has a full j. -T ._. __� _.__ .n^�- .--....-.,.,.-,...,,..,,,.- stock of shoes in fIartleib's block. - He extends a cordial invitation to all shoe buyers. A' splenoid line of farmers' shoes for everycley wear shoe for men; women and child ren.. S E. , a.ust, RIDGEVILL E, - ryNTT PTO a. a 9 also i, completemstook of tine While the farmer will have n barrier for his goods and stands chance of realizing a few moi dollars from his hundred acres, acres, few machines pr erepleyees gill be thrown out of employment, Pos sibility a i:nanuf,aoturer or two may think he will have to drive a cheaper auto or run with 'one less. Word was received reeentlt- cif the death of 11 .r. Eiliroad .rtrrc youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, H, Merner, formerly* of this section It is reported. that he and. his father anti a guide were 0 I o "e a • out prospecting is the t 'set, we overtaken by ,t severe storm. to lost their way. The young man supposed to bane t)t•en it r L'1, death. the other hien belie; r.•F.cu A number of reeve:; and (tape reeves of the Connty hate forwar ed a petition to the t3 P. R. as nag for an extension of their lines 'via Exeter, Hensen, Kippen and Seaforth. As nothilig is being done in this section the chances are that the north and south extension of this railway will be made through the Eastern part of the County. To us it looks as if the most profitable and shortest line would be from Exeter threugh Zurich and Bayfield and connecting with their main line at Goderich. 4,11 ?'!nberl ui'n' AiaTi io �licu:`C •. t:ry it x ow; it May sat:. 4 FARM FOR PALE, Farm for Sule--Lot 5 tend East hall' of G Concession 9, Hay. 150 aures. Well fenced and well (-arain- ed. 12 acres of fall svheat, nine t'er ce of good lhsrdwriod bush Frame house, two bank barns, two driving sheds and tither out buil -i. Ings, about foul' acres in orchard, For particulars apply to Joseph Foster, on the premises or address Sarepta P. 0, 27 --It p3 When her el :la ie woninni vf'ill risk her life to protect it. No great ;ict of heroism or risk of life is necessary to p,•r,ttu:t a child from creme Gi•.=r Chen). er la.tn's Cough. i?, tm .lr apt:l el: id stinger is aye:hi;d, F.1r sec, ley till (dealers. 4:17 ty 111 PERISH 7, P,11411`17 OF t? I+ ii it esti. HAY COUNCIL Ono of the facilitisie wwhi,.h the provisions or the t'cn::ti,a/a Govern- ment Atinnities At;t aiTs)rcie, is that given to tail people of investing their (metal fv.t,i art;elute eccurity and safety, and with a mace greater retiree then any other form of investment ws .i give them, A. } tt()nisin of tact year* cif age who is livints in one of the small villages in (ntario, and who has outlived all her near relatives, has a deposit ! in the S;tvin s . Bane; of Serene which is till that re:Bains of as very cc,nsicle:r.able 1lrtnn.r4 haft her ',v her husband.' tv1)o prer1, rt4 it•rt.l he t.• i. - ��:• ts' yeat':4 a .r'i 'fills ,=ri , 'int i' r'•! titng her nn ii'o 'nf, ,if `,,.t, it Seel', W3.'01). )Pr dlesv to env, i- trot *I `Il, t %,t i() 1)1'074(1,+ 1„11 t tail a liH Zr 4 Of ii l , i• 1:11 11:e house would anima tr'1e Ii.,c• ht., -n her only destiny, as in as later) lees The council met on Wednesday I last, pursuant to seljoerntthent X1'1 members were present. The audi. tors' report was presented to tho council and adopted. Tile treai,ur er's cash book was also examined and signed by . the reeve,., After; pressing a few accounts the council adjourned until Wednesday April 5th, at 2 0'0100k, when pathniaster:3 etc,, will be appointed. I+. Rees Sr., Clerk. The report of the general 'grain agent of the C. 1' R. en winter wheat conditions in Alberts, forms the Best report to hand on the conning Drop and it shows the eon- f t clition of then winterwheist 1.6 be so far quite satisfactory, it estimates i a total acreage for the - province of 230,000 acres, which is considerably' larger than the estimate, reside by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, b haat October After that tiro l s weather was very Mild and favor -'I dable' to the sowing of wheat. '.the ' it end thus the crop had an excellent h report states plenty of rain came d after the wheat had been sown, a l start, Altogether, the grain couldnot be,better than it is now is, and vt if there are pleukr of xtiins in April ' b and May and no heavy. frosts after fr the ground thaws ;oast, u good Crop , n can safely be predicted fort. 1,911,, 1 Fl S �� CLASS 111E I have a large supply of the very best, tilts on heed, from 2.1 in. to six teeth 3,f'y e:tneedisfly cal:,. write tetephene to John Foster, Zan, Ica; Brick sand Tile yards. 11 tf. Reports that are constantly oom- ime out in regard to the Farmers Bank sestet to indicate that- from - start start to firsissli the funds that were collected from the farmers and laborers chiefly of rural Ontario, went to sul)ply the demands of elle 1`if;li r1.t: f l„tiir,1i Ft, 1'1'17 'Ii'i tate cines, :weir. to r,Ila overrituent farm Lards arids to show hoer iz r'it of this money was earned would be a good :-hist: for801110soiof those city feltews KAt�iv:II�' /1„, , 14.4u1G ChtACra J) ^72•r arrhr,-, Re e ;save t` rte' • Mona .ifr s * le©,� -t ...4/ t” : •' i:� ' 111"i to steel zit ;r. Nee het t e, •'- 0• ai ei)'vr ens, r; =t' ,, . _f ,'ser' al r rr. rlho'c'e 'ti�;t n" i itr ;t stock vt• . re r+a nem hi: w+',a r Lark) I;c , tl,oule /.1! hi sr ri,,I)ital, es tie t :wing c r' =nabs are oven *300 a year. One day the little} d 'a r ra bot,l,te,t t'C:ionlfort and Ilappiti•'ss" •"�_ rkift pert 'c1 it ciaah•,-fully . Ind considereditis Ficus:.'tents itheeds, thoughtfull % azul with the result :hat she i9 a,rlvisecl to tretefor bet i?1,5Ot) to the Government. she 1 will then receive an income of .' ,i $ every year inst+Y:ol. of $15, and the lerobabilit,> is teat her life will be very much osrt .idod, Certainly ! or happin a:,.:at .anti comfort while he lives will he increiased, as the ifierence of 0248a year in her motile will mean to 1iei;' all the ;fference between p,)vernr , and Mumma. She Way' bear to in) ion er paternal graedlathc.r did.Particulars conoerrting: this pro. • .'dent system of n,vestxrront nine, e had from ,your Postmaster, or Onl .tiAe Superintendent of trifles, Ottawa. to whom letters may he adtleeaselitoetage fine. tiiltt 1• Mt way into this lady's ,.t IISa.vinces .Lean ( , irFi:l rt' oF;'70,.: LONDO', . e ONTARIO, 3/. onoysativ t; st:0cl C)"s tsroc Fti.111 Morl,g;lgcs, to a)i'j)i'O:t'c'.'!i8 for 1t.it1R3, E°.' ), ER, Furl chN