HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-10, Page 2„Horan VkLU 1LE IEALTH HINTS "forMen, 0 'a aerl and al'lldren of All Ages. 'One's first duty is to eat plenty, Be careful to select nouriehiug, digeetibic r :toed. nt. -r. tit i, n fail na. c vie h I)o t to a to ciiew sup nil food thoroughly, Then see that the s,,)maeh is in a tit condition tie digest, that the bowels are ectivc', and that all wastes are regularly passed out of the body. Right here a; where natest people have great trouble. They allow the System to grow sluggish•—nalt- digested food stays in the stomach and bowels, where it ferments and deco.y,. Thio causes •headitche, biliousttees tori bad complexion. Once digestion is impaired and the • bowels fail to perforin their natural function each day, your can he sure that ill-heattlm is straight thread, and uui, as the muscles of the stomaeb and bowels are given sufficient strength to carry . out Nature's work, cure is impossible. Certainly no untidy can claim so great anumber of perfect cures as 1)13. 3IAMUTON;i PILLS, which aro a 1roznpt; relief and a certain euro tb>t ell the family can safely use in bilious - /tees, headache, constiptution, brit color god ell other affections of the stounaelt. kidneys, bladder, liver and stotneelt. You can't suffer distress or inconvenience in fleeing 1)R. HAMILTON'S PILLS—they are mild, yet cearehiug, healthful and amtiv At all dealers, in 25e boxes, or ay snail from The Catarrhozoue C•'mpany, Kingston, Ont. ,s db ANIMAL MEMORY. The memory of animals naming through generation is one of the as- iiotindin; facts of science which it is moat difficult to account for. Take any animal whose daily life entails a certain line of work and put him in an envirou- eent where neither he nor his children unto the one .hundreth generation will be able to earry out this work. Then bring the remote descendant into the eriirivad environment of his fathers and he will go about the duties of his kind ae if he had been schooled to theist. Recently it was found that some heav- ers were living fat their village near Avignon on the Rlone; For at least 300 years they had had no trees to fell for their dams. so for thirty generations they had burrowed in the banks and built mud wails about their lodgings 'int their tails. A. Polish count became interested in one of the colonies and re- moved a fens of thein to a forest grown agitate. Imnmediately the beavers es- =abl}shed themselves by a stream, cut thehr trees and build their villages as titer fathers had not heel; able to do for three whole s:entur•ies.--Chieago 'J r''::uitit, OF HOME itit MING Is to use oat= Dye that will color either Wool, Cotten, Sill, or Milted Goods Perfectly, You will find this la FZN WAY Pr Send Sur Seraph, Card and Story pooktet R9 The iOirNSOti. niCHAI(DSON t O., 1.1otitrd, $4,,utrea 1 l ion, W..til this Modern Dye ail you have to do is to art: for DY -0 -LA then Sou CAN'T make a mizt:Jre and use the'tglir..ms Dye for the goods eve have to color. NOISES U4 THE EARS. 'I 3.1e may arise from (mite a variety of rmn.et-. 1 uthe first place it may be due .eitupiy to an acourn: laatiou of wax in the v:;.r.', This is often taut,ed, too, by put- ing water in the cur:. while washing or atter bathing. Noises in the ears may even indient•e atl:uai disease of the or- gan, and is nen often attended by more or less pain and deafness. t;onstmtpation is sonretitns's a cause, says the family Jloetor, and one which i easily reme- died. Bloodlessness, too. may lead to noises in the ears. and then the usual :emeo/ripeninetntt are weakness. giddInes'a, 1't -:."•i,Tt ttt'as t,ncl palpitation. etlsienty stops coughs, corers colds, heals Otte throat and. Sting ;, - - . 2P., tieing, --ie-•.s- THE^ RULING VOICE. (ITarper'e ilaazaar.t it ,.,.- •l. say. old. -pian. how svnuid yon like to .onto iii) to the tlu.0 to-me/low arse play ;!old': 1 en ey _..\T t s -'r-••I e•an`t clap fur onr- twin till _. cr consult lily reite, .k3.1.- etiI debt! Let not know as r::ea she n'tatkes up her mind. .4. in m,n has more difficulty in civet in;; o joke time in breaking a ratan, WISE ANS OTH 7L�i> Y;,9E. `'Marry you? Why, you couldn't even dress mei" "I suppose X eould'iearn"— New York Evening Telegram, The mystery -of mysteries is to view machine making machines._ Disraeli, "A man needs very little to make him happy," said the ready made philosopher. "Yes,” replied the habitual kicker,."and vlmezf he gets eventhat it s I �ua i ms u tuxm out to bsomething that's more bother than it's worth." --•Washington Star, -"- Come, we have a hot venison pasty to dinner; come, gentlemen. I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.—Shake. speare. Husband --What are you looking for, dear? Wife—I was looking. for the, in. visible hairpin I just dropped. --Hartford Times. Our bravest lessons are not lea -rued through succeis, but misadventure: A.1- oif. c Rusty Ilufas Say, • Torn, wouldn't it be great of youse could git all de eat an' drink youse wanted by list pressin' a 'Iectrie button? Tired Thomas—It shore would—ef 1 hed somebody ter press de button fer me.—Chicago News. The still, small voice of gratitude.— Gray. "Why do you consider women superior to men in intelligence?" "A bald-headed )mean buys hair restorer by the quart, doesn't be?" "Er—yes." "Well, a wo- man doesn't waste time on restorer; she buys hair."—,%n Jose Palladium. Be lowly wise; Think only what concerns thee and thy being.—Milton. "And what did papa. say when you asked him for my hand?" 'Td gladly tell you, but I'm afraid you'd never respect his opinion eny more:'—Cleveland Plain Dealer. - Cured in beamsville, Ont. Oct. 2(l. 19[11). ":After a long experience with differ- ent pain remedies, I am ennvineed that none are equal to Nerviline. I was taken with a cold in my cheat, which later -developed into a sort of chromic bronchitis. Every time I coughed it seemed to rack and tear my whole eiiest. T was also subject to a great stiffness in my joints, espeeially al>omit the knees and shoulders, and experienc- ed enuelt pain izt .riy muscles. To mire any chest trogblee i first rubbed on ' erviline' oopiousls• for two days, aucl Hien put a Nerviline Porous Plaster over the sore region. I got quick relief. Bub- bing tate sore niuin1eee and aching joints with Nerviline slid more than all other treatments combined. By the eitl of Nerviline and those wonderful Nerviline Purous Plasters almost any ache, and certainly any kind of inflammatory cold ran be cured." (Signed) Mt't. W. J. Sharpe, Beamsville. 11I •druggists se?1 Nerviline in 25: and • 60c betties. Get it to -day. UN; EA$ONAj;LE REASON. S »r ;Sidtou Flexner, the. dietingur;lied: head of'iahe disc efr'llee 1m,stitute, said of the anti-viviseetinn mnovemnert, at a .re= cent dinner in New "tion.: "It is odd that so many 1n•ononrletel anti-vivm;;ecttouists aro pronounced sportsmen. These •in°n o}',jeet to kitbag rats and mica for the good of ina.nkind, bait they don't mind }ceiling; gazelles and pheasants awl er}ratfe ant ,)they bo,tu- tiful and hatinites creatures for the mere tilt sure of the ki ee. `They make me think. itch peopl', eta encu ole•, a Philerlr'lp tiait. "'Well, Mr. Ski'nple,' 1 4oid onr. day. 'what are you going to mnake your 1 boy? A green. like yonreelft, .N o, doctor,' haat ;kin Skiutple think 7'11 make lain as butcher, hs' fofondof rin! i''. "•--it-:a?lm glen Otar. CORN , ORN , t;tlRN5 of :ttk se Tender corns, painful Borns, soft corns, bleeding corns, every kind of corns that other remedies fail to cure --that's a good many-. yield quickly to Putnam's Painless Corn J xtrretor. Used forty ,yearn in many hind.i. Largest sale in the world. Putnam's Painless Coin Ex- tractor. The name, you • see, tells its story. 11 removes corns and does it painlessly, but here ie a pointer; be sure you get?tatnatn'e. Sold by drug- „Rt.e, price ` 5c, era +� • SUGGESTIONS CHEERFULLY OF- FERED. Collector—See lien. my l?rne, i., ire) ralualte: for me to be ewitr'r2 here every day about title bi;)• Hardt:ppe -1'm glary its hear it,; why tlnn't you conte ansa 1. week? PILES CURD IN 6 TO •14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if F'A'1".O OINTMENT Valls to cure any case of 'lt, aims;, 'Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies in 6 to 14 days, 60e. HE WAS NOT INHUMAN. Mrs. Coleman, who keeps the police rif the \Vest 3hb busy arre.st:In?: (ritel di•iv- rat•:•, says the New 'York Ileraald ap- proached a policeman iu Cetitrsl Park Went in great bidignetion the ether day. `.1 trs0 ,y;a '4. arrest the dr.v i -f that ionic over there," =ho acid. pointing toa delivery wagon aa'ro.s;; the street. "The poor eroatme framing at the mouth, 7' mast he in frierhiful pein;" The poite..uman took his stet lee by the wagon anti trrestett 'the truer 111b he i:etmue out of the house. '"flow Clare yon drive s. he):•w i mit mien a oatiditdan•at. the' :' %fry, t.'ole'rztan said to hill, pointing at the fo-tta on the ani - trial's jaws. "rI know, mum" he said. npologeticoily', "'I know I ought not to give her -n 11=.11011 suget to eat between traits. but Tie beta doings it for 10 vaars. nt.l Ovr' won't start the wagon now not 1 ,5e gets cne lump at every stop." Mrs. Coleman le)')`tpt1 at the polir e;n•ia, The policeman looked at her. Then I boy wheeled about .10,1 Walk e4 in oa;Cezent directtionw. I HEALTHY Ileay b thegyolbhod 'h 1a' home. " Notlth father moinet entre than to see balmy play- Lrve;r, 'i i tenhent is wtttehed with delight; every eterilword spoken brio s Pride m' zde. to the, fop lel parents. It is only as sickly baby t: at makes ho ie wretched hed --and, motile i it ii not baby's fault wren he is Sher. You are the one to iblame, Perlia[ Ls Cott giro hint candies, cakes stud 041 r ?cod willaeit his 'little stoznaaoh is lame.,1e to digest. Then when he is cross tan' . ailing you give hint some. "iteething" lidl• tires to quiet him. That is w^atong---*eilrlifber• his little stomach is not as late rge its a grown person's, and also renakrber that every sperltm:rut of "soothing;? 1. a:'rtou sire h3Ci' only aloes him ruo�lt ?njuzvxre y --it rices nut re- rnove the e^i>' a of his fr•et",u1n+?.t.s•_-it merely dopers,' hint into ea unnatural sleep. S9hati,s deeded to make baby healthy and. L(ppy is Baby's Own r1'ab- lets—a anediistiee with a guarantee of safety. Mott them Mrs. Mathies Mit- Oorzniek, We"41.; St. Peter,, P. E. 1., writes: "We,nano used Baib r':i Own Tab- lets with good results. 7.'liey are cer- tainly a blessing for mothers that have cross. sickly babies. Tiley sweeten that stonmaeh; .give refreshing sleep aa: -!a make baby fat and healthy.' Sold spry meth. Wale dealers or by mail at 25 rent,: a box from Ttao Dr. Williams' '41:1 the:1 Co.. 1J•r'oekyjile, Orat. LOREC A BLESSING. tore geoid babies, ttstd e b easing itt every. C ail give the mother or ♦ , Kindness to Horses in Switzerland. English people travelling oft the con- tinent have often been trot ss'tt • to see the unkind way in whielt .animals are treated, more especially in Paris, Italy and Spain. Seme of the continental countries have only lately established societies for the prcveritiort of cruelty to animals. • In Switzerland there has fist' some time existed a strong animals protection society, which luta now organized classes for cab driv_ ers, coachmen and all who have charge' of horses. These (lasses are very largely attended by cab drivers and others who intend to take up a line of life in. which they will have much to do with horses. Examinations are held per- iodically, the examiners being veterinary surgeons, police inspectors and cab pro- prietors. Flu examination was field the other day, the pupils having been examined in what they. had learnt during their course of lessons—that is how to drive, the best kind of harness and the proper way of harnessing, how to look after and feed horses; and what horses can be expected todo and what not: 'Students,who wish to attend these classes but can tot afford to do so are given assist ince front h rtpecial..fund .tor the purpose.— 13asle C,`-orreetionatenne Pall. $itu11 Gazette. Send for free sample to Dept. If. L.. National Dt-itt & Chemical Co., Toronto. A SHADY GRAMMARIAN. (Liverpool Post.) , Some Spiritualists were at one time very anxious to ,persuade the fatuous novelist, Charles Dickens, to become a Spiritualist. He was on otee oerasion induced to attend a seance, ao that he might be converted to the cult. lIe was asked whose spirit he would most like to appear, and he said at once "Lindley Murray." In due course they informed him that the famous roaster of "ranunar was in the rooms. Dickens asked, t' Arc you Lindley Murray?" and the spirit an. swerecl, "I are:" All hope of making Charles Dickens a Spiritualist was gone from that moment. ;/-- a a -r rt is N .a vt r.s or -rein ei5.ST m ot.;,•,ICBN,T. for COUGHS f; (LTiintr!P �isaf>.�C^,rStwerssStkv-viwerm ;Rr. CAN SYtfi?ATHtZE. (Boson.!T.rar,script , ) Fficics••—Literary. razmmt`.y the Green - smiths. The daughter writes poetry that nobody will .print, the sort plays that nobody will met and the mother novels that nobody 'will read. Hicks --sial what does the fatle.r write.? Hicks—Oh. he writes cltegees ibii.t no- body will easy'. Dinli SLIMS lit Pre nitnni . ;National Drag 82 Chemical Cara of Cam - oda (i per tent. first reference tilutrei of :l each are now.gteetel on the f.oia'I:ui market at it pt•eansuin of 1i 1-2 per vent., the present vice being in. 2s. ilad, IN NO HURRY. (TSppineot is Magazine, ) A kind-hearted old lady, while vision$. it prison, said to one of the inmates, "1 suppose you will be, glad whoa /out time is up," "Well, not so very." "Etot glad/ Why not'?" "I'm here for efoping with the servant girl, ttnd my wife will be Waiting for vie outs add," Minard's Liniirient Oures Cistern:3er, SHAW'S IAEA OF What He Thinks '1E;rlglishmen Would. Approve by the • Referand• nun. After considering MM i - I3alfour'ssng- gestion for tate establishment of a ref- erendntn, George Bernard Shaw says he would expect the first year's legisla- tion thereunder to include the following anthill wouldbe earri 1 b measures, � i 1 ar (d y onerwiheimieg majorities of the people: Ten years' penal servitude for all a vowed Sonia lis Is; life irepels own en1 for all avowed at theists; the es tablisll- ntent of a triumvirate with complete dititatorial powers, censusing; of the King, Lord Roberts and Sir Beerbohm Tree; the litiou b ofand o all rates t, a d fates; the abolition °of-siutitary inspection; !i the rednttion of half -timers to six years, except in special cases where they could be rearmed by magisterial order to ".);c years; the expulsion of all fot•eigners from the British isles and the exclus- ion of all foreign goods except tobaeeo;. the disfrartchisentent of all low, caanrrton people without eur•riages and servants; war 011 German's war on. America; mar- tial la* in Iter Jr war on Japan; the reduction of the :fleet; and the substitu- tion of the rersonel proweee of Lord Charles Beresford for costly armaments. —London cor'responclent New York Sun. 4♦• NO CLUE. (Puck.) Stranger—Yes, I have the general lo- cation of my friend's building, and the name of the street, but 1 ean't find the place. C:itizen--Ilaven't you anything, more definite? Stranger ---Nothing esrept the arelmt- tect's print of bow the finished building would look. (teat I1oax—•:Mise Antique says she just loves cold weather, ,Teat. -.-1 shouldn't think it would make mueh difference to her. She generally meets with a frost all the year round." ISSUE NO. C 1911 AGENTS WANTED. QT.cA'RT TEA ROTJTE TO -DAY, SJ11I' G nostal for ci IecTuE :•el, or l.ee for sArnoles and terms. '.Alfred ',Cy1er, Lon- d ori, Ont. eats Wanted Two new lines, Ay>ply, Soilet'y, 11.8 Al- bert street Ottawa. 05ki,S' OIL FOR ASP1T 1.1:4., Syii,pl+T- 1T.1L chttis, (toughs. Dollar. Druggists or Prof,. Castle, ,.T;famfltou, Ont. CERTIFIED i Acco B tants, Etc, Special nate on all outside andtts. apply for terms, dates, etc, RALPH C. MURTON & COMPANY, 5 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT. YOUR EYEBROWS. They count a lot. They make an expression. They should be weft trained,• Vaseline may be rubbed gently in. They should be smoothed after the face is washed. If superabundant, hairs may be pulled out tyitit tweezers. This pulling out must net be done jita;t before snaking au appearaanee. as there'll be a red spot for an hour"or SO. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. .p - A THE PASSING OF GOOD .TALKERS. The art of eonversati n is well-nigh i dead. We do not lack imsti•uct on, but we are lacking to an amazing degreo in "general" culture. 'We hare tan t )e to talk; we have no time to think; no time even to be polite or pleasant.—Re- vue. leasant---Re- vue. Paris. ()PIN, +S` X ShippingP� k vo Epizootic, riftp, ° E "4v and Calerrhel fever. Sure cure and positive preventive. no matter how horse, at any aIle. are infected or "exposed." Liquid, given on the tongue, aces on the Blood and al Glands, expels the poisonous germs front the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. Largest setlinglive stock remedy. Cures La Grippe among human beings and is a line kiduev remedy. ,oc and tit a bottle; 86 and gig a dozen, Cut this out. steep it. Show it to your druggist, 41,4 of who will get it for you. Free Booktet. ' Distemper, Causes end Cures." DISTRIBUTORS—ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS SPORRN MEDICAL CO., Chemists sod iactertele list t. OMEN. R.D.,1L y5. ALMGST PERSUADED, (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) "Oh, my dear, what a pretty, easy 111. tie home you have." exetuinaed n caller to an oast end lady, the other day. "1 should think you'd be petfeethy happy in such a beautiful place as this." "I am." hearted the hostess. "It real. ly is a sweet place. Somnetitnes I actual- ly feel like giving up my Oath work and living in it for awhile." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. GOLF DEFINED. On the terrace' of a country cip;b,'ov er- I9oking 11 green dotted with !theta). a group of non -golfers were. eoking tea. A. male non -golfer, wlr) took his tea through a s•tru:w, said thonghtfnily; -Golf might be defitti:: a -t bilihlydc gone to ,rrass." "Spleen on the greets, I' 1 eat' it," said a feava.de non -golfer. "Or the last flicker in tit-, dying fire of athletics." ,veered :t p'ttr,.; foothill player. "The misuse of land and ic uag •" suggested n ia'rtuis cltautpi'en. "No, no, you're alt wrong," said a ;am- ens angler. Golf is simp.y a, gamic wherein the bell lie; Hadi•; end the ol,iq- er well." ---New Yuri; ['rib m.• iutekly ato.pa couxks, cares colds. Ttrslts khn throat And has. 23 ceatm. TAX THE RASCALS. (Boston Transcript.) "Manage," remarked the professor, tewas a rite practiced by the ancients—" "And haehelorhood" interrupted a maiden of 40, "is a wrong practiced by the moderns." -s Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ' DIDN'T SEl•_r✓i ii0 TO HIM. "Here's e column headed. `Sitinilmery of the Ne.cvs.' What n fanny mistake!'" said the wife. The old subaeril:er glanced at the sen- sational headlines on the first pap of bite SU=t•ningg i 4ar11;1,411 t. an, "No," he sa•itlt "it may be n typogr.a. phheaJ blunder, but it's not a mistake." SOUND TO SEE THE SAD SIDE. A certain country minister was one day visiting some of his church mem- bems, among whom was an old gossiping woman, wimo was always complaining of something. No sooner had he sat down than she begat with her grumbling. "But," said the minister, "I don't see what you are always grumbling at. For instance, your potatoes are the beat 1 have seen in the village," !`Alt," replied the woman, "but whar'n the bad ones for the pigs?" Minard's Liaimez't C`o.,-Limitrdt Some time 'ago r had a bad attack og • Quinsy, whieh lai,l the up for two weeks and costs Io? or tuoncy. 1,`indingr, the ltonp again farming iu my throat:, I 'oathesl freely with 13INAP.ID'S LINIMENT, NT, and. saturating a cloth with the liniment, left it ori all night. Next morning the swelling was gee and d attributed the wttrdin'; off of am leti.aek of Quinsy to the free Use of MINA RD'S T.TNI: E.W. (1. y, \VDIIDP.'N. Si. THE WAY OF THE WISE. Mrs, Nubridc —I ant heartbroken. l: find that mnv husband doesn't reeomi/le my ideal in the slightest. Mrs. Wise -•-•'Chen take my .advice, my den-, and try to rnake your ideal resem- ble your husband. TO CURE A COLD Ni= DAY 'Cake LAXATIVE BROMO Quintile Tab- lets, Druggists refund money if -it fila to euro. E. W. GROVD'S signature Is on each box. lin. A Pencil Lighted by Electricity. Many bus7 people will welcome a pen- cil with which they write iu the dark, says a London exchange. it is a useful postsesa'ion to =motorists and (lectern among other individuals. The pencil has an electric light in it which illuminates successfully a tablet or sdmeet of note- paper, thus enabling its owner to see what he is doing, althouzelt dart:ntese, may be all around hien. Illuminated walking stielts airy made also, and the new 1a.nteres for. country folk, if not so picturesque •es those of the old pattern, are very effective. w112 sage yo;r )sours of inkier. 7hoy at''op Val headache but do you stn harm. 25 canto a nos at all drugointe. 1' ATEONesr. DRUG 7c C233-Ten..CAit (2t3. 05' CANADA, LIMITED •msmappoumpreuaamartymeeammenasspnevars Mllwaternmsnonew nstranelearmMaw 44044a4C44,W4.41T2MWCZ - Y°'- .a• a3Yuls`'.t�aairtaMS,.u^1 �•.x.'a atagr Lfac 4a ,r EDD d��'.TES ARE =TIlE MOST rODE'RIS AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, TR FIRST STRIKE They riiakei no noise or sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The match for the smoker, the office and the horse. Allgood dealers keep them stud Eddys Woodenwat'e, :(i'ybreware, Tub, Pails and Waedrinoards. The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited, HULL, CANADA