HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-10, Page 10 0 0 0 Vol. XI. TINIE The ()facial Organ of FRIDAY MORNI 1 Our annual February Clearing Sale is now on. We have finished stock taking and on going fi over our stock have found many odds and ends that we want cleared out at once. We have made the prices so low that they will soon be picked up. All our winter lines are going at greatly reduced prices, regardless of cost as we need the room for the big stock of Spring goods Ili that are coming in. Come in and see our bar- gains before you buy. 0 $3 Ladies' Sweater Coats for $2 We have a few ladies' sweaters left which we are going to clear out if low prices will do it. All first class goods, note reduced prices Regular $3.00 sweaters, sale price 2.00 ' 2.50 " 1.75 2.00 °i " 1.25 '' 1..0 " " 1.00 1.25 1.00 4.50 sweaters 1 length, sale price 3.25 3.00 " * length, " 2.25 $1.25 Dress Goods for 75 C. All our winter Dress Goods are on the bargain list. Every piece must go. Dn not miss these snaps. .Regular 1.25 Dress Goods, sale price '75 ets; regular 85 " dress goods, sale price 60; regular 60cts dress goods. sale price 40 regular 50 cts dress goods, sale pr cc 35; regular 30 ets dress goods, sale price 20 cts, A lot of remnants at your own price. them lines, 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 and Hay Township, FEB, 10, 1911. NO 28. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 121,6 c. Prints for 8 c. We are clearing out all. our old prints. Have marked down to the lowest notch. All regular 10 cents and 124- for 24fur 8 cents per yard. i Y2 c. Gina sforisc. Fancy and cheeked ginghams--blues, browns, pinks, etc. Regular 124. cents, sale price 10 cents per yard 4o Ce Table Linens for 25 c. A genuine bargain in table linens. All best goods and marked down to very low prices. Regular 40 cents table linens, sale price 25 cents a yard 25 cents " " 18 cents a yd Flannelettes at 5 c. yd .A snap in flanelettes. Do not miss this good one. sur pising value, All remnants at a snap. 2o c. Wrapperettes for Io c. yd A clearing sale of wrapperettes. All will go at these low prices. 1' egu,ar :30, 15, 12,1 cents, for 10 ets per yard. $5.50 Fur Ruffs for 3.75 We have slashed the prices in all lines of fur goods. We want th4nt all sold before spring and if low prices will do it, they should not last long. Regular $:1.50 Fur Ruffs, for 3.75 .' 4.50 fur ruffs, for 3.00 3.00 fur ruffs, for 1.75 2.50 fur ruffs, for 1.50 2.25 fur ruffs, for 1.25 4{ A Few Specials Boys' woollen top shirts regular 50 cents, for 25 cents Ladies' wool clouds regular 75 cents, for 50 cents 'Ladies' wool clouds regular 50 cents, for 25 cents .; pieces fancy border Iiimona cloth in blue arid brown, regular 25 cents, for 15 cents a yard. Fancy bordered apron ginghatns to clear at 12 cents a yard 5 ladies heavy top skis ts, regular p.75 for 1.50 each New Spring Goods We invite the ladies of Zurich and vicinity to call and look over our new arrivals in spring goods. New lines of Dress Goods Prints, Gingbams, Lawns, Laces, Embroideries, etc. Hardware Specials 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cross Cut Saws 1.50 up Buck Saws, 50 cents up; Horse Blankets, 70 cents up, A feew bells, Meat choppers. 1.25 up, Skates, 40 cents up, Axes special prices, Lined mitts, 25 cents up, Louse killer 25 cents up. A few heaters and, baseburners at greatly reduced prices. J. Preeter, Telephone 9 ZURICH OVIDGC0300C1181210112101120141300113001011210C314MICIPOICK3=004. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 erAcyeAere.« LOCAL Mrs. Christian sick list at present Good general Mrs. J. G. Etanbn Exeter business forming a Business, tion: E WS. ess is on the vent wanted. Exeter. men intend en's Associa- 83000.00 or privet .'funds to loan on good mortage d purity. Apply to E. Zellee . Mr. F. Hess Sr., has been ap- pointed one of the County Auditors. Miss Mabel Wenzel of Crediton. is visiting at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. C. Etlber. Mr. P. Bender -was called to Fordwieb, last week to attend the funeral of his brother. Mr. Fraser Brown and Miss Mildred of Crediton;' spent Sunday at the home of Mr. S. Preeter. Fresh lot of Oolt:tmbia batteries just in. Send in your orders at once. E. Zeller, Zurich. Mrs. H. Mills left for her home on Saturday, Ormstown Que., after visiting her brothers Messrs. John and Robert Williams, Mr. McFalls, of the 'Babylon is very low with pneumonia, and it is reported that his cha.nees for recovery are not very bright. Owing to the decline in prices' of wheat, flour has also declined Family Flour is now setting at the mill at $2.26 per sack. For Sale -200 tin sap buckets painted inside and )outside, with grrmm sap spouts, the best made, also Dover for buckets. Apply to D. Sinith, St. Joseph.: Et -pd We are prepared tit, do all kinds of clover seed cleaning.. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, We also have some fancy alsiko and. red clover seed for sale, all recleaned. J. Preeter, 11 r. J. i)reeter's' er' r 5 g of tt ill at present, the cause being gangrene in her foot. ,As she is over eighty 'nears of age her chance for recovery is not of the best. A pretty wedding took place in the Lutheran church on Wednes• day afternoon at 3.30,. when Miss Lydia Decher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Deoher of the Babylon Line, was inade the wife of Mr. Roy Merner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Merner, of the 11th Con. Rev. C. C. J. Maass performed the ceremony, in the presence of the relatives of the young couple and a large number of spectators. Tar. HERALD joins with the friends of Mr. and Mrs Merner, in wishing them a long and happy wedded life. The initial meeting of the bee- keepers of tho County, held here on Tuesday, had it small attendance, but a good sound neuclus of a County Association was formed and will likely soon become a strong colony. After some dis. cussion, the following officers were appointed : Alex Smith, ICippen 1'. O. president; James Green, [3ensall P, 0 vice. president ; Jacob Iluberer, Zurich P. O. sec. retary treasurer The next meeting will be hold at Clinton, some time in May. Any one 'wishing to become a member of the Associa- tion apply to Jacob Haberrr, secy. Tenets Shop I have opened a harness Shop in MERNER'S BLOCK opposite the Commercial Hotel I can supply your wants in Harla.esS Robes, Whips, Trunks Etc. I make a Specialty of Repairing SME MEA GALL STARE. Rs NNW Largest Reduction Sale Ever Held in Zurich For Cash or Trade, Beginning Saturday Jan. 28th, for two weeks. We find our stock overloaded and have reduced a large portion of our stock, you will find this store filled with bargains on counters and tables. It will pay you to visit this store during this sale, HERE IS PART OF THE LIST DRESS GOODS Our Dress Goods will be placed on counter and reduced prices on each ticket. Do not put it off buying a dress, when you can buy at such low prices. PRII`�TS 1200 yards English prints, .:t2 inches wide for 10 cents a yard 900 yards prints 32 inches wide, for 84 cents a yard. 200 yards prints 28 inches wide, for 6 cents a yard FLANNELETTES 300 yards dark and light, regular 12+ for 9 cents a yard 200 yards heavy dark shirting regular 17 and 18 for 14 cts a yd 100 yds dark shining regular 12;-cts for 9 cents a yard 50 yards dark shirting regular 10 cents for '7 cents a yard 100 yards light colors regular pri.e 8 and 9 cents for 5 cents ' MIA PPE RETTES--200 yards wrapperettes, regular 104 and 15 cents, for 10 cents LADIES' UNDERWEAR -40 vests regular price 35 cts, for 25 cents each FURS Ladies Ruffs and Muffs, prices below cost; 1 Ladies Pony Cloth coat, size 38 reg $ 15.04 for 10.50; 12 Ladies Coats to sell at half price; 20 Girls coats, were $3 to 4.75, choice for 1.00 FOR MEN AND BOYS All the overcoats auu ready made suits to sell at a dis count of 25 per cent. A discount of 20 per cent on all the men's and boys heavy- underwear, xnitts, gloves, working shirts dress shirts, caps, ladies band bags. FLOOR MATS 7 wool mats, size 2x1 yard regular $2.00 for 1.25 6 straw mats, size «xl yard, regular 1.75, for 98 cents 3 dozen door mats, regular 25 cents for 20 cents 6 Lined smocks, regular price 1.75, for 1.35 4 Lined smocks, regular price 1.50 for 1.15 6 UvAed smocks, regular price 1.25 for 9Q conte 1-Nroalst;Ream: c.l i t,_ fir, cc r> r F `a FLANNELETTE BLANKETS -4 Blankets elark'coier 12 latest size, for 1.60. 3 blankets dark color 11 heavy weight or 1,41! . 600 yds crash toweling, for 4 cents a yard; 600 yards linenchecked toweling, for 4 cents a yd. 60 yds toweling for 5 cents D. s FAUST a;y �����}�,�� PHONE 17 .y G 11113LiN REPITIM G ALL 11TS MANES ZURICH Nr,�� Only A. Reminder If you break Vio- lin strings we will replace them with The VERY :BEST Try our 44077 string at 2octs I «'< lint them to Correct Pitch. A 2 Weeks' Sped& If you want a G enuine Gilt holier King Kilttr;r l.;aor at one dollar and a quarter, collie along, SUPPLY LIMITED, Two hundred.Jack Knives at prices unheard of. } Goods Right -Prices Might. F. W. HESS JEWELLER ZURICH GEO. R. rows, : Manager of Clock Department