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The Herald, 1911-02-03, Page 8
411S0 4IIIIIcetatwali4110,4160,4ina• I: IN SALE MEN'S SUITS Regular $18.00 suits, for 14.50 15.00 suits, for 11.00 12.50 suits, for 9.00 10.00 suits, for 7.00 9.00 suits, for 5.50 A few suits at 5.00. 's Cloth Coats Regular $15.00 coats, for 11.00 " 12.50 coats, for 9.00 10.00 coats, for 7.50 5.50 coats, for 6.00 4i Cc Mens' Fur Co;,, is Regular 19.50 Dog Coat, for 15.00 18.50 " " for 14.00 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets Ladies' Astriehan Jackets, regular $35.00, for 20 00 Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, regular 38.00, for 27.00 Gents' Fur•Lined Coats, regular 65.0O3 for 48.00 Gents' .t4 35 00, for 24.00 March Prices o, ` Ladies' Coats Ladies' regular $10.00 15.00 12.50 10 50 8.50 7.50 44 coats. for 11.50 for 10.50 for 900 for 7.G0 for 5.50 for 4 75 44 t 6143.,,111X.13,11.31111TARG.111rAJWISSIM1•1111111.1.11.1•MS111.11. 111.114:1:31315.1.1•11141.11(1•4,11111141141.1.1211111.11.0213 Specials One only Ladies Black Caracal Coat, size 38 regular 15.00 for 9.00 ' Children's {bats at your own price. • -Children's Fur setts, regular 3.50 for 2.25 Children's Bear Cloth setts, regular 2.00 for 1.35 I3oys' all wopl heavy ribbed worsted hose, regular 45 cents, for cents per pair Boys' all enol Leavy ribbed worsted hose, regular 35 ats for 25 Ladies' white and cream lustre wai;ste, regular prices up to 1.50, for 75 cents Ladies' black sateen skirts, made of goon! quality .sateen with deep frill. regular 1 10. for 75 cents. ^ T 41i s' bitcr,k skirts, regular 5 Os for 50 f3ent�' wi itli 14i)tidkeruliiefs, reg i et:4. now 7 for 25 cts _�.1.11170:-=�--•---oma, u„astr.,.. Lace Cmetai. as Lnc'e Curtains regular $5.00, rem- 3 75 ,. 4 rm :1.25 :3.00 4 4 2 00 t. 2.50 4. 1.75 2 00 44 1.25 t 4 1.75 1 ca) 4 tt 1 4 t4 a, 14 t Chinaware -Toilet Setts :17 pierce dinner setts, regular 8 5e for ti On 7 „ regular 7.50 for 5 00 amulet. 3,e0 Toilet Sett, now 2 Oct 4.50 Tea unto-', now 3.50 The Home of Good Groceries SPECIALS 10 lbs Oatmeal 25 cents 7 bars harll laundry soap 25 cents 0 GENERAL, ME RC IAN 160 Telephone 28 1 are alive yet, .1.1.e. Old Place ! A Bic,; el Stook of Every Mcg than. ever Wag. •,s, ileigba, . Gutters; (Ja2re.8 hovered and open all t' Irsttst styles in Bug- giea. • ,sli our,. own make. Als,, l.'. kinds of Implem- entr ', ',eh as, all the lead- ing ':, ?ses .of Sulky and IVa: ,,:„ plows, Root n. thatdifferentkinds Lou 'a`s:)ouble Steel Hay For d 'tok beat made. Ex - ten e. ladders, Magnet Cre. `ra Separators. best ski; ;i, re and easy to run a d`: it square gear ma - chit Wheel barrows, .T01-'--.0 " Grinder plates, all ;,a . Metal pig trough We are ah: ; .eady tto tdo Business with -you ahe= OLDEST 'SJ.NESs PLACE IN TOWN ZURICH .1J6mileSS ,.ushing The-piing Men Of this t.:tvn have fairlyswoop- ed dow=n : lton us this spring and ord4•' .sl suits to such an extent " it Nye thought no other.Taiasrr wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price., So if you want your suit to wear well and fit well have it tailored with us. Suits from $12. to $2,.. Laundry irx Connectiore 'o E. HO TMAN 1'a®1•, - ZURICH Gir14wat.ted for newest brightest, cleanest and most up-to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. C+'cn' consists of sewing Ladies' Waists. Girls ex- perienced on power sewing machines prafor'red, but beginners will be taught. Comfortable quarters. Steady :work. Good wages. TUE STAR WI-JITEWEAR ;1iFG. CO. l3erlin, - - Ontario. c."z DC&TDCDMIZEsicti DeEMCIDWATOSI A well bred dnrbaui heifer calf for sale. • Apply to Ernst Gies, Zurich. $3000 00 or private funds to loan on good wattage eecurity. Apply to E Zelie�. Auction Salo of farm rto± and imple mentis on Int in t;nn. 15 Flay, on Weclnos- dty, Feb. Sth at 1 o'clock. No reservo. Lone tripper prop., E. Boysenberry anat. Mr Alonzo Foster has purchased Mr. Jacobuararas farm of one hundred acres and most of his stock and implements for, $7000 00. Mr. Sinnan &wara,s has sold. his farm on the (belle r Line to Mr, Wendel Smith of the stone line for $6000 ('0 Mr Sit rams retains Das•^aseiorn foto neother ,y olsr r1r. ,Tohn Dreher and Mr. Leon Jeffrey have exchanged properties. The former; gets tbo dwelling in ;town and the hitter gets the 75 acre farm nn the Babylon Line, now oepapl d h , John. Decher Jr. Po,tSession..will 'be given about the middle ot March. SOCIAL EVENING. On Thureday evening last Mr. and Mrs, john. Deoher Sr , threw open their `Bogie to about thirty of the young }:pooplo of Zurich and vicinity, whO surprised them and simply granted them the freedom of the house urging theta to Drake themselves right at hone and en- joy themeeivos. The evening was rnoi:.t pleasatly spent, in various amusements Cantil the wee strati hour. Judging .front the way in which all , resent 'speak of the delightful o ,fining Spent, . Mr. and Mrs, »eohe; certainly know • how to make ohng people weloonle' and tiny. c :Ur* of. the event would be ti%+ NitOcomed by all these who aaaepted the mysterious N, EA N, °, 5 'Vittition: a. Charles Hanson Towne in ttie Smarr, out,. punt, . rett,'ti have purchased the shoe business • of Mr. P. Bender, and the same will be carried on at ..Bender's Stand, with Mr. Bender in charge. will arrive shortly, and has been bought from the best xnakers. Our prices will always be found right AH Felt Goods at Big Reductions letakoccosaismanamszszvouramazr 1 Ian MAI This is the Malleable iron Range -the one e you cannot break with an axe. The one the 'eople Talk so much about It is built of the same material that is sold by peddlers,' who charge the people $70.00. We give you a larger stove and more up-to-date. ur price is only $5o.00 We have sold. lots since this. stove was placed on the market, and those now using it say it is a World Beater. See it before you buy. DAPI C� LE1BPN©{V r.3.7031 HURON'S 'f LA CEITwCOCllyBi6L^•,'J`t'HMa•RORE, rs . l Get our combil n ation Door -keeps yo warm in winter and cool in s Inimer. Windows glazed and repaired. nted We buy all kinds of good logs. Custom sawing and Planing mill work done on shirt :notice. CICe PrONE .., tYd, SSC `r ZURICH