The Herald, 1911-02-03, Page 5DEERING MACHIERY OF ALL KINDS PLOUGHS and POINTS AGENT FOR Petrolia Wagons and Sleighs Clover Leaf Manure Spreaders. . J. Sm ME "._ IC N. B. Gesoho & Gescho will at- tend to repairs and shop during my absence. V.p®aD(&'y(ID QUM aDGUM9tbe1®¢DG86DODMEIA,),, Sufi I annual Cleari g Sale Special Bargains in Heavy Winter Wear, from Feb.}1st to Feb. 25th. I m mU UCL 5 General :' )'erclharlt, B L AK E. rr DG5SID aD611CIM G00QD6DQDCMSOQ DUKS2 aD6aDOt O R 6MUCH G 1 b MEAT MARKET vE,.keep in stock a full line of -fresh .meats, haxus, etc. etc Our .cuts are noted for: their tenderness and wholes.onieness. Cllr aim is to keep nothing blit the 'best. 'Te make our own Sausages. Give usacall. Yilf,TriLUT Ct L I,RE YOU RUPIURED 1 can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old nee, ,: thout operation, or loss 'of tirse. . ACT 3,T ONCE and remove the daily dim - ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Retern to J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont, Name Address Age Time Rup Single 'or doublet Satisfaction guatat teed . k s N *>eseaeera How to cure a cold is a question in which many are interested just now. Chamberlain's Cough Reny- ody has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remark. able cure of colds' It can always be depended upon, For sale by all dealers, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Adam S. Faust late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, undertaker deceased, Notice is hereby given .that all persons having any claim or demands against the late Adam S. Faust, who diad on or about the 15th day of December :1910, at the Village of Zurich aforesaid, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver'to' Mrs. Polly Faust, Zurich, one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names apcl ad dressesti and full particulars in \\.riting of their claims and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities, i£ any, held by them. AND NOTICE is further given that after the 16th day of February 1911, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per- sons untitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said execu- tors will not bo liable . for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated the 17th day of January 1911. 1'3. J. D: Cooke, Solicitor for said executors. SCHOOL REPORT. The Iotiuw>iag is the sohool re ort of the Zurich. Public School for .Taveary. Form V Rineman Kalbfleisch 77 ; Marshall Zeller 70 ; Ada Wurm 69 ; Freda Kalbfleisch 66; Flora. Hess 66 ; • Olive O'Brien 64 ; Muriel Preeter 64. Sr IV Clayton Hoffman 70 ; Orland Johnston 69; Clarence Hoff- man 63 ; Arnold Leibold 60 ; Fred Thiel 59 ; Leonard Schnell 59 ; Ferd Howald 51. Jr IV Alma Azt 78; Herbert Worm 70 ; Elva Heyrock 67; Gertie Weseloh 66 ; Karl Schnell 60 ; Laura Sohilbo 60 ; Russel Zeller 58 ; Louis Zettel 58 ; John McCormick 55 ; Violet Fuss 54 ; Leonard Davidson 40 ; Theo Foster 40. Sr III Veda Fritz 86 ; Hazen Zeller 84; Erna. Fritz 84 ; Earl Rau 72 ; Harry Rosa 69 ; Gertie Weber 08 ; Lloyd Kalbfleiseh 67. Roy .Appel 66: Theo Mittelholtz 66; Melvin Britten 61 ; Ada J.>raun 00; Ford Haberer 59 ; Arnold Hilde- brandt 42; Bernard Hildebrandt, Ulara Thiel. Enrolled attendance 42. Average 37. W. G. Beaton, Prin ROOM II • The following names aro in order of merit including marks made by each pupil. Jr III Harry Hess 612 ; Milton Heyrock 604 ; Verde. Fuss 597 ; Samuel Fisher 588 Mary.. Jeffrey 563 ; Teodoro Howald 562 ; Willie Clansius 407 ; Percy Weido 384 ; Robert Clausies 360. Sr II Lloyd O'Brien 521 ; Walter Bender 518 ; Roy Weber 518 ; Charlie Davidson 516 ! Genevieve Zet't.'1 ill: ; t?.ibert Notice:wiclr 4512; Minnie Merrier 4ts1.; Ulara Weber 388; Mary Zettel 35o; Gilbert JeiTrey 341; Carrie Brenner 37 ; Lueilal, Bender 216. Jr 1I b Albert floss 701. ; Sinien Thiel 094 ; Alberta. ttittelholtz 61i3 teazel Mete (., a ; T.c+ll.t:; ti7tlf11.1 080 ; I Marge rot Fula. 0 ;'5 ; ledger Schnell t4ryl , r.. ; Y.. ; t h '?..( t.U;l! i e,, aa\C+J L, '4 dreier E. )e ' , .a 11; :a.:' ire ii: c'r'a'il Weber 519 ; libeinhold.Koch 4:7, J'r 11 a Alia F1owetd. 600; Glerlvrl Fiber 667; ;ianet Thiel 650 ; Pani Jeffrey 64c ; Word Fritz 635; Eerie rionJer 51i ; Roy Foster 53e ; Elmore Ulausius 501; Maggie De•ieh ert t1.iS ; Laura &trams 3e1 ; Pearl Simeon 82. L. H. Mulholland, Teacher Room Sr Pt, TI Margareit F:iess, (enamel .~turner, Lawrence Rau, Prances Zeller, Resell Preeter, Clarence Foster, Leroy O'Brien, Clarence Brenner. Louisa ,Howald. Jr Pt II Mildred Ht.ffman, Ruth Het rticib, Rose Tires. Lind:tay Wterrn, Jean Cam obeli, Freddy t't'eseloh, Petal eV/elle.— l?(hrgt,,rr:t Siemun. Cele tuw i'. +rn,b,rlt.z, A.lphoneue Dieterich, t. ' • .; I Oct.. idr 1 (Jelin, Flit.ira1Jr t,ilve , .cit&, • li,stiald SVli , . Armin Brenner, Harold Schnell. Jr d Susie l)ietcrioh, Hazel Foster, Leonard Rau, Anthehny elittelholtz, Ervin Fischer, Mar. garet Thiel. 11 el Joseph Jeffrey, .e.lfon Lei. bold, Ivan Kalbfleisoh, Jacob Haberer, Iva Kalbfleiseh, First Class Richard Jeffrey, CIara Sararas, Lloyd Sararas, Nel- son Jeffrey, Larra .Dieterioh, Lloyd Hey, Mabel Bender, Enrolled 49 Average 32. • G. MacNevin. Teacher, FARM I+'OP+, ALE. Farm for Sale—Lot 5 and Eant half of 6 Concession 9, Hay, 150 acres. Well fenced and wen drain- ed. 12 sores of fall wheat, nine acres of good hardwood bush, Frame house, two bank barns, two driving sheds and other out hi -tills Ings, about four acres in. orchard. For particulars apply to Joeeph Foster, an the premises or address Sar.epta P. O. 27-44 pd aI11irapoolnioaDamDG asfeanamogoargoloolo0QDQgmaoca simCP Malivoc)[Emuogramegromao 414:2, a n 'u= r.arw.o'itir11M14^m ;'titin_'!++ •.� � t§'4 : ,4.•-' We owe it to the co unity in which we live to do even hing 'we can in every •way poee le tha t will be to its advantage. Our neighbours prosperity -cans a great deal more to' us than some- one's who lives elsewistere. We should bear this in mind:buying our goods. We can afford' to pay ear home man a fi.rni; price for his wares rather than send our money away, knowing as we do that every dollar our own citizen makes will help in sustaining our schools. churches, and public institutions. It pays richly to patronize home industry. HENS• ALL J. E. McDonell who has been laid up with the grip for some weeks is able to be around. again. C. Hogarth: and bride syho have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock,: left:last week tor their new home at Calgary. George Joynt has teams 'hauling gravel to his farm on the 3rd to be used for cement foundation . under his barns. The G. T. R. station has been overhauled and improved. Thomas Sharp Lae moved into Joseph Hudson's horse, on Rion mond street west. E. Steaoy arrived hone frc'n Saskatoon, last week. A. Whiteside has been appointed to the positton of high , constable by the Huron County Council BLAKE Miss Etnily .T, Drysdale of He,i: sail is visiting this week • evith friends in this neighborhood. Samuel Hey of Znrich, has leased the blacksmith and is preparing for business. The soft weather of lute has left the roads in a very slippery con• di tion, We are sorry to report the illness of Miss Ethel Stevens but hope to soon bear of her recovery. John Dinsmore arrtvea home from the West, where he has tak- en nth a homestead and intends c)tl:in% (•ut, a carle.a(l.of horses, line elements etc. The following report shows the standing of the pupils et U S S No 9, for .Junuary. IV Odwili Nicholson, .7akie Bren- neman. Sr III Lorne Manson, Emanuel Moyer, ;Tokio Moyer. Jr III Nancy Brennertnat, Roy McBride, Clara Zapfe. Sr II Willie Manson, Gladys Douglas, Abraham Zapfe Jr II Ruth Zirk, John Moyer, Ada Kennel. Pt 1I Harvey Moyer, Sara Erb Pt I Herbie Moyer. G. S. Howard, Teacher MST GLASS I E I have a large eupply of the very hest tile on band, from 2st in. to site inch. If you need any call; ;write or telephone to John Foster, .Zur— ich, Brick and Tile .yerdsa •' 11 tf, A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to " sell nursery stook. Wo pay lib rally and offer Steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice last of ready sellers in both fruit and Ornanientel stock: Seed Potatoes, !ate. Writeefor terms and catalogue. STONE&.' LL O The Fon thin Nurseri esr; Est. 1M Toronto + titani° 5 e 11 and you will find out that we will use you right. ,Colne and take your choice in FLOUR==Milverton, Exeter, 1-len.�all, P;:trkhill and Royal Household. We take eggs, cash, or any kind of grain in exchange for flour or anything we sell. All kinds 'of Feed and Grain always on hand. X11 Cake, {Cabby cream equiv= alent, Flax Seed, whole and ground. Vt. nJ. GASC iioanC/QD(IADaD®DaD6113ZDaDe:,IDQD(SS9DQD4GD80D®dmQD, ,DGD®aD®QM4.6AJaLMESAQDRi'.:? DUCCMCIDoZZVD.QtirSn urser �..4 ��c k r ring elivery Strong. straight trees with good tops and an ab- undance of fibrous roots. Every tree guaranreed strictly first grade and true to name. Our assortment of Apples is complete. We never had such a fine lot of trees in this line. Send in list of stock wanted, statin; quantity. We will quote you special priceu. Ask for Catalogue. Take the Agency. Thos. W. Bowman & .>5or Co., Ltd RIDGEVILLE, - ONTARIO Fattier Mouisers P eserl tins have been curing for 30 years, and are .curing today all• the common aillndi-lts that tomo to every family. We have hundreds bE grateful lettere to prove thin. &1 ice lloru soy s No. 7 tones t. •r the lti ;l s, re- It1'-es if: Al' 1 In= the bkeel, and et; res Rheumatism. In tablet form, gee. FiW.;h•Q ""ti'i ao Stv▪ "9' if`l4lo y. s&a-?:.•i n... 10 is a most effective and reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Aet1:irea aid \\..luopiIig Cough. A real Iaatl g 'Tonic. Trial .'rattle, ` Rt:,: illar Size, 50. eR r a r P } T ", r tJ: bra J 1 O. i�. r lets r 1'':".''. :!ad cure .i 1,.. ih Y -2 .: t :.: flirt;:s of l a.- ua• ::3:1. i. i it'ii1 clig.Lit i %� 1 i1I1d5 c'f food. Per bolt, r t.4:11 l aCy''s EC. favi rositively tikes Catarrh. A ton:S.i:eel treaitnent--•tablets for the blood, and a h. *(ling salve for the a:tented parts. Tablets and sane toatalier, SOC. alma' MMAf7 ;tot ,i's ek ichvi is a 1lousehuld eiaridby for all sorts of acILL; amt pains. Pleasant to use—quick to relieve. ? .r bottle:, 25c. At your dealer's. 61 Blot'';s.y Medicine Co., Ltd., a Chateam, 4V.FS. is Sold and Guarannteed. in Zurich by J. J. As showing the rate at which western land is being taken up and put to the work of producing grain and other products a. recent state- ment of the Department o2 the Interior is interesting. It shows that from Jan. 1 to Nov, 30th, 1910, homesteads to the number of 46,305 were greeted • in the four western provinces, as compared with 84.091 for the same period. in 1909; being an increase of 11.314. There were 2,973 entries in Man itoba. 25,850 in Saskatchewan, 17,263 in Alberta and 210 in.British Columbia. The increases over the previous year were Manitoba 588, Saskatcthewan 7,640 and Alberta 3,123.. FRUIT TREES. Now is the time to place your order for fruit and ornamental trees; We have the largest line of nursery stock grown in Canada. Our Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry and Peach trees' are unsurpassed for fibrous roots. In moll fruits the Herbert Raspberry and Blaok Raspberries are our heaviest sellers as they are big money makers for the small fruit grower. Our nurseries have been visited by some of the largest fruitgrowers in Canada and after en inspection of our trees they have given es their orders, Write for our data.. loguc and give us a •list c.. :veer wants. Br.1 ., n ?.:rt,,; € :tt , For. cider lr and e1 land. Jacob €:.;,gerlede 21-1m pd. r: I am doing eastern chrppin,gl every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I have a first chats chopper and everybody is sat..afed with illy work. delta m0 a call. P. s3.ropf, Znrich. NOTICE Ole DiS 0flurroti!. Notice ie beret e r11PT( teat the partnership hei-et. fore suhsistieg between us tae undersigned, rt Mercharta in the Village of Uri, has been this day, dissolved 'the. Mrttteai consent. .Al. debts r by to the eaid partnership are '��'n.g, 1 .( l p to be• paid to Alfredl € Gunnell, et , aforesaid, and all claim• Ztch, the sand partnership • ' eU Zi1iPbe presented t,. the aidl A ere to be roan, by wl:orlr the sr `lfreit Q'alI settic.(1, erne will be Dated+.t, 2risi !I, this 10th day of - anuar r Fl •A. V. l;il 1d , \V4tnt�s3. Bdwar.i:. A> el 1i, Zeller Alfred Gi ltma1l,. 24-3p.l.