HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-02-03, Page 1•
The Official ul Organ o
Vol. XI.
li and nay Township
Our annual February Clearing . Sale is now :
on. We have finished stock taking and on croing
over our stock have found. many odds and ends
gi that we want cleared out at once. We have
isC made the prices so low that they will soon be
picked up. All our winter lines are going at
greatly reduced prices, regardless of cost as we
heed the room for 'the big stock of Spring goods w
that aro coming in. Coxae in and see our bar
gains before you buy.
3 Ladies' Sweater Coats for 2
We have a few ladies' sweaters left which we are going to ii
clear crit if low prices wiI.l do it. • All first class _ goods, note
reduced prices
Regular $3.00 sweaters, sale price 2,00
., 2.50 cc c, 1: r . N5
2.00 cc cc 1,2:i
c.•° ]..50 4', cc 1.00
• ._ 1.25 c' ' 1.00
4.50 sweaters 4- length, sale price 3.25
$1o25 Dress Goods fora 5 c.
Al our Winter 'Dress Goods are on the bargain list. Every
piece roust go. Do not miss these snaps.
Regular 1.25 Dress (roods, sale price 75 cts; regular 85
dress goods, sale price 00; regular 60cts dress goods. sale price 40
regular 50 ots dress goods, sale pr ce 35; regular 30 ots dress
goods, sale price 20 eta, -
A lot of remnants at your own price.
3.00 " length,
c. Prints for 8c.
•We are clearing out all our old prints. Have marked
them dawn to the lowest. notch. All regular 10 cents and 12+
lines for 8 cent er yard.
121' c. Ui ghams for' 10 c.
Fancy and eheeked ginghains-blues, browns, pinks, etc,
'0 Regular 14 Dents, sale price 10 cents per yard
L e y e
® C. Table Linens
1t W. 5 c
A genuine bargain in table Iinens. All best goods and ht
marked down to very low prices.
itegular 40 cents table'liuens, sale price 25 cents a yard
" 35 cents "
Ci 18 cents
Flannelettes at 5 c. yd
A snap in ilanelettes. Do not miss this good one. A
surprising value, A11 remnants at a snap.
2o c. Wrapperettes for wo
c. yd
A clearing' Kale of wrapperettes. All will go at these low
price:. Regular 20, 15, 12+ cents, for 10 cts per yard.
$5.5O Fur Ruffs for 3.7.E
We have slashed the prices in all linos of fur goods. We
rwant thorn all sold bufure spring and if low prices will do it, they
if should not last long,
Regular $5.50 Fur Ruffs, for 3.75
" 4.50 fur ruffs, for 3.00
3.00 fur ruffs, for 1.75 •
2.50 fur ruffs, for 1.50
" 9.25 fur ruffs, for .1.25
A Few Specials
Boys' woollen top shirts regular 50 cents, for 25 cents
Ladies' wool clouds regular 75 cents, for 50 cents
Ladies' wool clouds regular 50 cents; for 85 cents
pieces fancy border Kimona cloth in blue and brown,
regular 25 cents, for 15 cents a yard.
Fancy bordered apron ginghains to clear at 12 Dents a yard
5 ladies heavy top skirts, regular 2,75 for 1,50. each
New .ring ;oods
We invite the ladies of Zurich and vicinity to call and look
over our new arrivals in spring goods. New lines of Dress Goods
Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, Laces, Embroideries, etc.
Hardware Specials.
Cross Cut Saws 1.50 up Black Saws, 50 cents up;
horse Blankets, 70 cents up, A. few bells, . Meat choppers
11.25 up, . Skates, 40 cents up, Axes special prices; Lined mitts,
25 cents up, Louse killer 95 cents up. A few' heaters and
'b• asebarners at greatly reduced prices.
Telephone q R I C
For Sale. --A, i
50 ft. Apply to
lon Line.
Miss Pearl W"► 1
nesday on a visi
Mr. J. J. Meru
car of beans fur
Mr. and Mrs J
returned from
remain in town.
Messrs Fred .4
and Merano Kranz
ewan, visited . t
William Beaver, ,1
F"E E3, 3, 1911.
barn 32 ft by
Rannie, Baby
The Ladies Aid
'Evangelical char
the 7th, at 2 30�
invited to be prese
For Sale -200 t .'Sap buckets
painted inside an$ ntside, with
grirnrn sap spouts, ,,a 1: best made,
also cover for hue f+ s,.;• Apply to
D. Smith, St• .Iosep`b, ; 3t - pd
Mr. and Mrs. ' p
son Wilbur, ]eft on tliti sday foanr
Stratford, wheretb, wiil reside
in future. • We wis :them every
success in their new %eine.
The Ladles Aid in connection
with St Peter's Lutheran ohuroh
will hold its monthly meeting on
Tuesday, the 7th of February at 3
p. in,, in the school room
Mr. M. LeineweaveA and sister
Miss Lydia of ;3tratfol , also Mr.
EmanuelVolland ane? Sister Miss
Clara spent Sunda fi with the
letter's uncle, Dir. li.:c Volland
of the Bronson Line,
Mrs, Andrew Thi and .MISS
Annie Flees spent 1 a week, in
Stephen Township rr�i '..Mr. and
Mrs. Louis graft and 4 cr friends
They bad a lovely , e4le during
their visit.
ft on Wed.
relatives in
`il raying up a
Iment to the
obnell have
aan and will
Me, Alberta,.
of Suska.tcb_
sister Mrs,
meet in the
on Tuesday
ek.' All are
Mr. 0. Schrag o,y *Was
;, lucky., p r'.ob
jersey c;1v, `� the sale
on Saturday. The Price 'was $87 00.
The cow his a record of 18 pounds
of butter per week.
Mr. James Humphrey has moved,
to the faun recently vacated by
Mr. Ed &ierner, and, will manage
the same for Mr. J. J. Monier. Mr.
Merrier intends going a tensive]y
into stock raising
Lutheran Churoh•.--The evening
service in St. Peter's ..Lutheran
church will be oonduote , in Eng-
lish. The subject of meditation
will be "The Religion of Chist as
tried gold." All are cordially
invited to attend.
Mr. John Decher of tbo Babylon
Line has purchased the dwelling
and tannery property froth Mr. F.
Witwer. The price paid is $1650.00
Tho property has a frontage of
about thirteen rods, and would
make a number of good building
Rev. A. D. Gischler organized a
Ladies Bible Olass is the Evan -
gelled chnreh. enrollment 34. The
election of officers resulted as
follows : President Miss i\ elvina
Koehler, Vice Pres. Miss Ira
Veber, `Secretary Mss. Lottie
Gah ter, Treasurer Miss Dora
Geiger. Owing to the teacher Mss
Lydia Faust being away from
hone, Mrs, Rev, A. D. (isopter
bas been appointed to teach the
class .until Miss Faust returns.
I have opened a Harness
Shop irl
opposite the Commercial Hotel
I esti.$1114)lgy your wants in
Harness, Robes,
Whips, Trunks Eto.
I snake a Specialty
of. Repaxring
R. F, 'FADE.
NO 27
Largest Reductio Sale
Ever Held in Zurich
For Cash or Trade, Beginning Saturday Jan. 281h, for two
weeks. We find our stock overloaded and have reduced a
large portion of our stock, you will find this store filied with
bargains on counters and tables. It will pay yon to visit this
store during this sale. HERE IS PART OF THE LIST
Our Dress Goods��ill®O
be plaS ced
counter and
prices on each ticket. Do not put it off buying a dress,
you can buy at such low prices, when
1200 yards Englishlish
000 yards prints 32 iuehespwide, , 32 nfor `8+ entss wide oa yr ard nts yard
200 yards prints 28 inches wide, for it cents a yard
300 yards dark and light, regular i 94 for 9 cents a yard
200 yards heavy dark shirting regular 17 and 18 for 14 cts a yd
100 yds dark shirting regular 12+ cts for 0 cents a yard
0 50 yards dark shirting regular 10 cents for 7 cents a yard
ea 100 yards light colors regular pri..e 8 an,1 9 cents for 5 cents
\VRAPPE RE1TES--200 yards wrapperet Les, regular 3 O
and 15 cents, for 10 cents
for 2LADIES' UNDERWEAR -40 vests regular price 35 cts,
a cents each
Ladies Ruffs and Muffs, prices below cost; 1 Ladies Pony Cloth
coat, size 38 reg $t5.o0 for 10.50; 12 Ladies Coats to sell at
half price; 20 (xzrIs coats, were$3 to 4.75, choice for 1.00
All the overcoats anti ready rnacle suits to sell at a dis
count of 25 per cent. A discount of 20 per cent on all the
men's and boys heavy underwear, mitts, gloves, working,shirts
dress shirts, caps, ladies hand bags.
7 wool mats, size 2x1 yard regular $2,00 for 1,25
6 'straw mats, size 2x1 yard, regular 1.75, for 98 cents,
3 dozen door mats, regular 25 cents for •.20 cents
6; 11nfid4 sxioclls, regular price 1.75,' r; for 1 3'
. .114 t�'d riAOrIk3. X•ei u`Iklr lrZ`i'�� �1: ! "+'"SY 1:•� � t k
, b `'Lulling.,eaglets, regular ''prico 1.25 for '00 cerate
1 Men's Beaver Cloth Coat, 'fur collar, regular 20.00 for 15.50
FLANNELETTE BLANKETS -4. Blankets dark color 12a' largest
for 1,60. 3 blankets dark color 11 heavy weight for 1,26.
600 yds crash toweling, for 4 cents a yard; 600 -yards linen checked
toweling, for 4 cents a yd, 60 yds toweling for 5 cents •
It" Cr
Only A
• If you break Vio-
lin strings we will
replace them, with
Try our "6"
string at 2Octs
We put them to Correct Pitch.
A a Weeks' Special
It you want a Genuine Gilt Boker King Kutter
Boor at one dollar and a quartet', come along.
Two hundred Jack Knive at prices n theard of.
Geode Right --=Prices
GEO. R. HESS, Manager of
look Deportment