HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-27, Page 3511riday
LESSON V.—JAI`). 211', Cal t. I
deho:hapliat's Good Reign in Judah. �1
—2 Chron, 17; 1.13,
t ommentarya-ef. An optive Igloo/me
(vti 1-5). 1, Ria ;:on --,)chole ,iiva( t„(,
Ana't3 ,:ota and began to reign at, th,• u;; •
of Its Hie fa.t'3h,:r had. bequeathed ,
hon a kingdom that was plo.porou and
conlpara•tieely free front 3(iul.(lry.
Strengthened himself against le r,a 1 --
The t.wo liatii1is contilllted hostile, and
,Jehoshapllat purposed to retain all treat
justly beeloage to Iris kingdom 11:s
coni e shows the active ratan, 2. Fenced
eitiee—Lie maultalned armed men in the
' fortified cities, especially •L1•)ng the f•wn.
tier of the Kingdom of lerael, to pertagainst sudden invasion's from that k ng,.
dons. Garrisons a , .apt the cities of Elmo
a:aint---Jehoshaphat was determined -to
retain Itis hold upon what had been ae
gltired by his fwthlr and cawed Clown to
him. Here is a spiritual lesson for us..
We retain the Christian t.r. erienec 011(11
grace which God giver us only ?ly wattha,
fulness, activity and faint. The kine;
did not sit down in careless emearity.i"1Y
luan wants to make progress ho mu -t
first see tit it that he hold; what he al••,
ready has. A young man who negli {;f(
the property Lis father has left him .eitee,
hardly emceed in business for hot -ell,'
He who fails in 'attention to old fr i.n 1S
will he of little value to new ones 9,,her'
is no hope of scholarship to a. student
who refuses to make available the re-
searehes of scholars who have on bc-
' faro him. When you hear a man sneer-
ing at the faith and doctrines of his
father('(, be sure that his own faith and
doctrines will be of little value to iris
children. If he cannot hold the best
things his fathers left ?dinette will not be
likely to leave anything worth bottling
SR them that come after Ural."—H. C.
3. The Lord was with Teh:0sltapaat--
l:Ie was with Jeboshaphat as he was :wit it
Asa hie father. because Io was with the
Lord. See 11. Citron. ,(y., L Z. The laet
that the Lord is with one is that the
preson is strengthened in righteousness,
is encouraged and blessed. The te'•ti-
)nony of the devout. victorious Christian
is. "The Lord is with ane." The great
reformers and the mighty men of Goa in
all ages have succeeded in the work to
which they have been called because God
was with them. In the first ways of his
father David ---David was earnest d(•rot-
ed, strong and true to God in the first
part of lits life, but he fell into deep sal.
of which he soon repented. Jehoshaphe)t
followed the good ways of David. antra
� tt
ne S
Ot in
the P
or "David”' d s1(
gint. some have thought that the first
ways of Asst were intended, the word
having crept into the text a3 an inter-
polation, but H is more likely that the
text as we have it item is correct. Sought
not unto Baalinl—phe tendency in Iereel
V0.8 strong toward Ileal -worship and had
its influence upon the kingdom of .Tndah.
Beam is the plural of Baal. and in(li-
sates that there \vete various images o,
llaal and varying f•nrrns tinder which he
was worshipped. This worship was ua-
quaiifiedly debasing. ,
4. Sought to the God of his father (Ll.
V.)—The true God. Walked in his cont-
nlandrnents-•-•Ire observed not only the
'ten Commandments, but also the law.
moral and ceremonial, that God had
pfomulga1ed. lie who seek', the Lord
has high reran} fur his will as exl•reeeel
in his law. Not after the doing: of
Israel. -The northern kingdom had bro4.-
en (away friar the pure wrehip of Gad,
and ih great part from his we r`'t3p
eyn1b0le. and had gone almost
hop( lesels. into idolatry. 'Multitudes of
people attempt to eseuse then,aelaes fel
wrong-doiltg berau>;e other: do wrong.
Jeltoshaphat withstood the tide of evil
and left to the world a grand example
of devotion and tiaelity, The world ad-
mires briliianey of intellect and physical
tonnage, but it admires much more
,notal. courage anti unflinching devotion
to the Cause of righteousneee. The char-
acters in i;rnipllu•e that stand out with
]nits. ;;re- tt -r.; that exhibit faithfulness
ii ;r1( h e\en unto death.
5. Therefore- -`Toil ha: vegeta to the
•t -la
ral:aic•eq and 0,31'3 of men. 1` tet e r1a.„
Yearn!; wl(5• (toil (140111.1sl,ad "the king-
dom it; his hand." 31was be a.usc hw
walked in the flood ways of )!avid, shun-
ned idolatry. sought the Lord and kept
his eonintanautent , All Judah brought
pteeenis 111 addition ta the rogue
lar taxes. 7110 people recognized
godly. and
'appieeiated the
their sovereign. Riches and honor—Jeho-
erpbat eought, not riches; and Honor; but
God himself and in finding )him ho ob-
tairted '`riches and honor in abundance,"
f. itis h()rt w•es lifted up
ITiI heart was not lifted
u , with Ode, but he wee enen3ragai
1 1.
and strengthened in the Lord. His atti-
tude. toward the Lord and his law had
resulted in 1(ie being prepared for the
great work that lay before him. '.1'nok
awny the high ;sleeve and groves.- Aaaee
workhad ben toward this some end. but
it had 00i been wholly accomplished (a,
ein•on, 15. i7). nod the strong disposition
the people tnwnrd idolatry and donbt-
i 1
Arse resulted in the erection of other
shrines, The high plaices and "the Asher-
im" Stoact for idolatrous worship. lie.
cat o they ware removed once would not
answer for nil time. Constant \vate'It.ful-
ness mustbe exereiscd to keep out the
TY. Titstr)tct'm; the people in the law
(v a3.
7. , �'1'
. 'Two bad been smolt in
:!avec ing nut the reforms undertaken and
in organizing the kingdom to )naiOt;1iu
its prelate: standing before the nine Ler-.
ices and the two priest's, except what is
iv el) in this rcunection. The princes had
he owewsiy(ht• Gad care of the inetrue-
f%en, but 1be lethal work of teaehialg the and effort effectual. Captain Riehax'd-
1oT:hers, elo y'o'gi realize the
Importance of caring for baby's
tender, easily .i.�ritated skin?
:Neglect or unsuitable methods
rraay giveriseto simple rashes
or tiny sores. Torturing, dis-
figuring humors follow 'and
threaten to -become permanent.
Not only is Cuticura Soap the
z)urest and sweetest for baby's
bath but, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment, it affords the
speediest and most economical
im ethod of clearing baby's skin
and: scalp of eczemas, rashes,
itchings and irritations, and of
establishin,ga permanent condi-
ondition of skin and hair health.
Ctltl3nr0 Soapand Ointment are sold by
ut,glsis, everywhere. Potter Dom: Ec phew.
Corp;, Sole Props, Boston, Maas, Send for urea
Cencaus lama on the Caro of skin and :role.
see, 01 the 11iloe'e '1!(k a;. )Otleed one
ennr'niJ'g :a brot11e 1 A01 (rt ('out (3010 hitt
!pool 3 nod go i i( 1 1'1 e )JtlY• ho. ,310: re-
tfurne 1, :11(11 r "n1313111 u3(4loltu '.ti no , 6a11(1
W.11 With a:10031 on' 03 fut,,r.•'Wi ie)t 3011
lh3 captain to ill,joir0° )111Y Iv, had re-
turned. (In anutter \ 1` ".1;1tor 1 got
int. 1 tuned aft, is 33(0 not frith m(,. 1
could not ga vvino 1 went:
. Dock 1:1 'n3' e)o.;at t.t( find: i'im. Now he
is with 1333 13131 J (•11.0 33)"' \V i1,110111 .1c
)lF'1 the loteet is hood bitter, 1(hellieus,
restless With Josue the v•ri y to sn1O0ttl,
warm; j)lcnsnnt, afe. AGrim ,3,+sus the
heart. is 131(1ur, 101•)1(; 11)1)uel:11111, rest
fill, 1)h,T, take - sus with \p1t evert
The prusperncl lite f3ltosphal)haL..
had riches and. 10)nor iii ahnala:It.e
(ys. ) TThep) promise be-therighteous
Juan is "Whrtsoewer. Ire (100th `;hall
shad] prosper" (Psis. 1, 3), 'Writitr • moo
miming money, Pial says: '`And God as
able to snake all groeo a,bunud toward
you; that ye, a'ways h0\-ing Suffi-
eieney in. all things, rn)aYabound to
every good work" (2 (,Ur. 0. 8), Lave
of real prosperity seri-tease from trek of
101111. ti gentleman sitting with guests
one day at los dinner fallen• add. to his
wife, "Let 1313 try an e):'(3et'iment." Tient
he ealiea. to lis dog, ."Pette`, come Ilerc "
Slowly the animal obeyed. Then the
-taster, to his wife's ust(1iiishmcnt, tool(
the platter containing Cite leg of roast
mutton and put it on the:. floor 10 froot
of Peter The dog lookup) f)xet a L. the lomat.then at his master. • `1311(11 he Walked
Laroiln(1 the platter and (looked up into
the laces of the ;nost3,lWhat did il.
mean? Scraps 8.31(1 leaOinga were all 11('
had a right to expect. final!, he gate
longing look at the 130!,1,t, dropped his
tail between lis leg.; and _diseonso3stely
sneaked out of the roof, and missed
the generous elite •that-;wnuld surely
have been given him had be (laved to
believe hie master."Therm" said. lir.
Harris, "Peter is jest as
:inconsistent as
most Christians." (Po verily, wheal our
Father drops down before n8 SQn30 ex-
ceeding great rigid ple03911S !,wattage (2
Pet, 1. 4), such as, `1 vwa h above all
things that thou ill (h cat prosper and
be in`heaTth, even as they Anil prosper-
eth" (3 John 2). we read it; 'incl look
at each other and rlisouss it: a little anti
(loubt and go oil diaeousolately. and are
satisfied with crumb; when We ml',ilt
feast on the "all things" (1 Cor. 3. 21; 2
Csr. G. 10) of the King's table.
The preaehing of the law. "•'They. • The railway:: reported 05 ears of live
3o d.the hook of t.hee law of the Lord stock at the rite market, consisting of
with .hent" (v 9)•L°.061‘ helps are (01 993 cattle 3.51.i»mee, :34;1 shed) and
1'A11Ml R1' 1Lk11KE:I,
()tfleeings of grain t U -(lite were about
'13(3 buolwfs. 13111 ) firtiter, at; hush (tit
spelling St 04 to ltuc. t)ai rtixl)arige(l with
,tides of 1011 bushels at 101.
Illy in fair supply, with ;glove firm.;
20 lueds soh, at $18 to $19 a ton for
tintet:hy anti at $13 to 15 for )mixed.
Bundled straw soul at. (317 ,L 14.01 for 11
load of 130'
l)Le sril how. • are firm, with quotations
ruling '(t $111 to $1030.
Wheat, white. .. ..$ 0 `i7 0 8$
Do., reel . • . 0 877 0 88
0 so
0 00.
0 80
0 05
0 64
19 00
15 00
0 00
Do„ geoee
Oats.�1ne11 to...,
Peas, bush
.11rlrlew, bush .. .. •
ily0. hush
a) 78
(t 78
0 el
13uckwheaat. bush • ; 0 48
.Ila1, timothy. ton .. . 17 00
Doe mixed, ton .. 13 00
Straw, per ton a , . a a . , . 10 00
Alsil e
No. 1, bush
No. 2, hush
No. 3, hush .. .) all
110,1 (rover No. 1 ,, a, ,.0 i3.
1)p., No. 22 • • • ' ... 00
5 00
1)o N'o.:i
llreesed bilge , . , .. 10 00
flutter. dairy , • . • 0 25
1)o.. inferior . .. • . O 21.
Eggs, new laid. dozen .. 1) 35
Docks, sprung, lb .. . 0 16
Ctilickens. 11) a . .. .. 0 14
Turkey's, 1b , . .. , a .... O 20
(4eeee, 1b • . .. .. ... 0 13
Fowl, lb . _ .. ... 0 11
.'Apples. bbl ,. .. .. . 3 00
(:'ailhaite. dozen .. .. , . 0 35
Cauliflower. dozen a . ... 0 75
(inions, bag a . .. .. .. , 0 00
Potatoes. bag .. 11 80
11ecf, !hindquarters ... f) 50
1)o.. forequarters . - .. 7 00
1)o., clmiee, carcase .. _ R 00
1)n.. c:etbnnl. ear(•asc .. 7 50
:Mutton, per e\wt. . s 50
Veal. prime, per cwt a . .. 10 00
Lamb, t•wt . a - a a a .. .. 10 50
6 50
r r
7 50
U 75
(1 00
7 O0
6 25
5 50
10 50..
0 30
0 23
0 45
t)' 17
0 10
0 22
0 12
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
10 50
8 00
9 50
8 25
10 00
12 00
11 00
faithful study at ]tome.„"The teacher lambs and •2:3 calves'
who has the lesson in his head and in TIiere nere a few lots unci loads of
his heart will not 11ave.a Ieeeon help in geed tp chop': e:lttie 1(]t sail•, tltc' sold
;•;, ��5 his hand.'' A little 1)oee (0111111 r with readily 1(t ,tettd� prices, lett 111(1 cont
shows a.nd.• the wo3li1'4 )votes joined a •neon and 11tedium e]ai;0(•0 of steers and
1(lission sc:hon!. After„;', little ` e asked heifers were not ,): Lrisk sale, and the
people was done by the Levites and p beifer00 coos lad 1(15'.1(3 were off 2... the
priests. J•ehosopha.t "did well to put cwt, in prise.
down idolatry. but he \vas wise enough ? 1t. 111 Vl 0. i`riLne quality picked eat -
to know that unless the people were in- " t t; 1113 Arlin ole, at1c wattle ie expert weights. , of
strueted, they would soon apostatise 13L1 he Ip ut hl. )plod I 1 1 which. there werelea few sold at $tT to
again. Whedon. 9. Book of the law-- $6.25 hit ptr (re loads of g sold at, tui:
This vvas the Pentateuch. "Copies of the ]3eloved, how r, ], 1 S 8a; medium $:),40 to $5.60 comm lt]. 4�
whole lawp were no doubt seance. • tut i; ` ' l']j" 'to $5,e5eoWS.; so to 15.25; bolle, 'a
therefore J'osha inet•`s commission took „net], cubo was
°3 t.o $4.g0• aur TL*
t t? e p
care to carry a copy with )!tern:'---I.>h.w- nug 1 � rn k ''t 'hill:er:i tLn(1 Springers. --A fair 1 P .
e Throughout all the cities—It was 191 a11d io r of milkers and springers sod. at $40 to
a thorouglhatampaign of instruction, The
(Acts 1. 11. His l 5 (f,rled $70 each, rvitll few r:eachlna the az.er
fathers had isrgeIy failed in their duty A \f price -
aa prescribed. in Deut. 0: 7, and because Stockers and Feeders—harry nudity
of the scarcity of the written law it was reports no stockers or feeders on sale.
neeessary to inaugurate th::s plan of Mi'. Mollie stated that he has cedars
niESic.rlar instruction. here is author- to fill, but. prices will have t . be tower
7 y before he can do so.
tt}• for Carrying+ the gospel message -o Veal Calves. ---A. limited n,tn(T,+'r of
the people. ()n mission fields a very im- g veal calves sold readily 1(t f8.,,tt to ; e.',0
portant part of the work is to give the tf
per cwt.., 0110 01 two of `X•Ta qn:,?it,'
and to instruction in the ward of God, per (cd , per cot.
and to teach the;,, to read it for them Sheep and l.aml)s.--\'\ (.sl(.\ 1)3100 31''
e 111. ported prieeo as follows h •)p e \ ,.
Ali. An honored and prosperous rs l:iu e (34:35 to 1+4.75; cauls. $:3 to ; 35,3: 1+33311",
(:ern (vs. 10-1:3). 10, the fear of the $J 7;, to 013,10.
Lord. rte.-'Thie is an illustration of the t y i; .Jogs: ---There was a liberal ,leave];.
truth of the words in Prov. 14:34,
S of boas reported from 1311 $onlc. , 3.5:5,
"Righteousness exaltctla a nation." As ?, ). yk p
delivered to -day. which (:01113.'13 t]7 tee-
the surroundio nations saw (Judah in '. ice feslin'* as regards prices. S .(, t, fest
tannest to lint away all evil. ane the at- t e 1 at the market S ( 0
tendant proepelity, they were filiejI ` .' '.
with a wholesome fear of (his favored
nation. The ungodly recognize the pow-
er of those who are in full harmony
with. God. ll. brongllt, .. ,presents—
The•3?Ililistines and Arabiattis,'.instead of
making war, placed themselves voluntar-
ily under tribute to JehosaLphat that
they alight avoid war. The Philistines
brought eriver which represented their
wealth, and, the Arabians brought sheep
and goats, for their wealth consisted 1(1
their floats. '
12, hoaxed great exceedingly This is a
strong ex.pression.. ,Telloslrapl]a•t's moral
greatness prepared the way for Mini to
become great in honor and riches. cas-
ile;' -Places of defence. In tinges of
pence he made preparations to maintain
pea Ce cities of storee-Storehouses were
provided' Inc the' abundance that flowed
iaito this divinely favored nation. 13.
much business --The expression indicates
the ,great commercial activity existing
during the. period.. of prosperity. men of
war-�Jekos:)aphtat did not neglect the
military department of the government.
From the trorses following the lesson we
learn the vastne58 of the armies.
t, nestien_- -Who wits king in Israel
when Jelsoshaphat began to reign in
Ju1a)i? V3 ho 'vats Jehoshepiiat's .fath-
er? His grandfllther'?' What. was the
first act. of Jehosliapha,t after becoming
king? • What is said of his moral char-
acter`? Describe the blessings than eagle
to hire; 1 \\� Ilat reforms di lie a.0C,oln-
plisil7 Deseri)1e his, campaign of instruct -
lion. What was the effect ofJ'ehosha-
phot''; good 'reign upon J01ah ( What
was the c;ffeet upon the nations around
about?' What eh0ws the prosp(er1ty that
came to the nation,? What was the
Icing's perons0 ;at, taking the course he
did? What„ Other eou101) was open to
hint and with Whet pr(ispeets.
!offered Several Years With
Kidney Trouble, "Peruna
Cured e."
en f'(a]
Kir ten 0 t
i sue r d
do you wish, one?" he
"I. want it to renal 1311
your lesson there." poi
\\ by
r'n 1e•l.
1 1 ]
'(iwa.s ill e5
33(1(10,1, ''YOu have
Pig to
lfI 1S. butt (tn1
like to read liiv tesstln +ff of a. `lodger."
- ,s (. 803001? 170
you. rear!"fa< >a...W T. _=' , ..
('4,, her s fou ;e: 1 , +':.:
aril •(Tu•e .
"mighty t . deed aul`1 ,.
. "boron 1 tl •n do nerd tenth„
should re a , »iri
life. • . C. • .
Mr. •Tolhn
N. Wat-
kins, 3.133
Shenand o• -
ah avenue.
St. Louis,
Mo., writes,
Anton ;•
all the
greatly ad-
medic i11 e''s
for kidney
and blad-
der trouble
there is
which quells
Feruna. I
suffered for
years with -
this trou-
ble, ' spent
inlrtdreds of Mr. John N. Watkins.
dollars on doctors and medicine and all
to no purpose until I took Peruna.
"One bottle did me more good than all
the others put together, as they only
poisoned my system. Pernna cured me.
I used it for four months before a com-
plete `cure was oeeomplished, but and
133).1)• grateful to you. The least I can
do in return is to acknowledge the mer-
its of Peruna, which I take pleasure dr:
(Chicago 1ICcortl-lferatd.)
Mr. I,'neer , had drooped a. n-tkel
through a crack in the sidewalk o€ 111(1
elevated railway station platform.
"There goes the 40,000tlt part of my
entire year's income!" he groaned. •
7:t -4d; West .Australia, 800 bales at
3 1-2d to 8(1; Tasmania, 200 bales at 5.1
to 81-4d; New Zealand, 3,400 bales at 4'i
to 13 3.4d; Ponta Arenas, 1,100 bales at
•4.1.2(1 to 8 5-8.
and wet ei .( • - t 31 up a
high as $7.70 incl $7.35 to liesders h,)' fevnr01310. The businese in sorting bore
kings f.o.b. Ours at. county i)nn1i. \):'o is fair, eltbongb mild weather has af-
said to be the ruling price tire, weak, feetcd the trade in emit) districts,
although logit as $:.40 and $7.60,7.G0. and'Wholesale grocers have lwr('n stock -tel:-
( "\•er•a1 big -and the; report the bu1330es8 of tilt,
Tice pretence l;i', the Lord, "The Lord
rv(;s with Jehoshopllat" (v. 3). "The
Lord established' the kingdom in his.
load" (v. 5). Under abandonment to
him whose. instruments we are, joyful.
consciousness of the spiritual presence'
of Immanuel, (god with us, fait!, hi his
own assurance that we are workers
ether with hint,; these ; make labor light
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Gardiner, Mains.—" I have been a
great sufferer from ndraaseveref troubleas
weakness. T h e
doctor said I would
have to go to the
hospital for an
operation, but I
could not bear to
think of it. 1 de-
cided, to try Lydia
F. Pinkham's Veg.
etab1e Compound
andSanative FV ash
--and was entirely
cured after three
months' use of . them."—Mrs. S. A.
WILLLUfs, R. F. D. No. 14, ]3ox 300
Gardiner, Me.
No woman should submit to a surgi-
urgical operation, which may mean death,
until she has given Lydia F. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound made exbinsive.
ly from roots and her3is, a fair trial.
This famous medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to be the
most valuable tonic and. renewer of
the female organism. Women residue
ing in almost every city and town in
the United States beatwiliing testi-
moray to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
n. • 1�i111cham s Vegetable Compound.
It cures female ills and creates radi-
ant, buoyant female health. If you
are ell, for your own sake as well as.
thoseyap love, give it a trial.
Mrs. Fittt(lrbaain, at Lyon;, Mass.,
invites 1(,)I1 sick Women to write t�
hrfora advice., Uler vkeASto
—0 'Victoria., 500 bales tot ,53 -,Id to til -`2d; me. What is that it, sign of? lake•--
&WOO kelp) South Atist(rulian, 40 1ia1(v at 6 7.211 to `Chat's a. 1x0}(11 you were (1)'eiLttlir) .
'Montreal, Que.--At the Canadian Pa-
eific live stock, market the offerings
wore 900 cattle, 350 sheep and lambs.
1.200 hags and 150 calves. There was no
Jmportaut change in the condition of
the market for cattle, prices being
steady under a good demand for local
coneurnpt3on. and a fairly active trade
was done, whleh resulted in good clear-
ances being made. Choice steers sold at
t 3-4 to ( ]-o(, good
5 3
r fairly
good at 5 1-4 to 5 1.2c, fair at 41.2 to 5c,
and the eumm0n grades at 31.2 to 4 1.4e -
Per pound. There were 100 winch cow-;
on the ntarket, which !net with a fair
demand foe the season• of the year, end
prices ruled steady at from $35 to $65
Meat for milkers and -at $25 to $513.cael
for springers. - Suppliee of sheep• x11(1
lambs. were shall, and the tone of the
market was steady, with ono-- afair-de-
mand. Sheep broight from . 41.4 to
4 1-2e, and lambs froth 6 to 61-4e per
pound. The (iemand for calves woe
good. and sales were made at 4 to' 7c
ger pound 1us to gra3nte. A steady feel-
ing prevailed in the market for hogs,
antil u•iees were un(htnged fl•oni Mon•
dap'. tipplies were nl::r'13 nleutiful, which
met with a good demand atel sales of
selected bite were glade at $8 to $8.115
per 100 rounds. weigh0(3 off cars.
Montreal reports 10 13radstreet's say
general tattle there holds steadyi11 tone.
Retail business is nlntl.r0te)y active fit
all lines amt wlloleeele )'s report a 1•;.10
movement for this time of the year. Dry
goods travellers are not with spring
s,^nlih'�a and so f:»• indirxtumn are very
$7.65 was paid to tauntts a
points in Out alio on \4 005 0(3 •tv_ 11.0
general price paid farmers war. Said t. t
be $7.25 dowing the -week.
S13G `at -MARKET.
Sugars are quoted in '.reroute, it
per ('Wt., as follow'e:
71•.traL granulated, lletlp'ttir's $C40
.1)o., St. 3,10rcn(0 4'340
Acadia .. • • • . 4,35
imperial grann)nted T• )
Beaver rranuinted , •. 4 00
Ne. 3. yellow, lledpa's ce?rs(11 ,1 ea 11 mild weathernd
'• Do., St: l awrent 3 . - • ., • 4 00
4.00 rain, knit i1 011ut pasts of the e0mn(r7
1')o•, :A0r.dia ., 130 0011(:li1i(MS 1i:1 v0 1((;^31 more seasonable
3)0., .'' 9)31la, ore fO1' e - , irncl :the ma\�en:r)e i((i5winler at00ks 31414
'!rhes( to-(•,�s are for d0 tv (.ry here. 1,311 1)rcu send.
lot) "1(0 leve• 1'wleea in buli.e3a are 5e 131ii,r \'i'inn)peg 3'31"31, "a.'S• a gond n0neral
).rode i. nt1)531), 01"('0 and tlrruughout
1Ve"tern t 13)1,0 8.
lila on:e•r and Viet roport, say
all limes of 1 r(1" aro moving w'e'll.
(lncbee rept; ets to firm istye el:'o say:
The \rt (k has r er't a (,)11141 0110 :,rod conn -
try storekeeper.. t . arc o Jerit)n emulously.
Hamilton reputes lv retail trade
there is /Inlet. lite \ 01(11)• line been
nese:teonatbite 1:, aro 411"i1„ s?, h0\vavet•,
10 bniolit. 'i.oeltl Whnic'0aler9 ant? mann.
facttrrers are w1)11 satryticcl wan the
Kew York.---1-emlo)t salt -le, market• prdepeets for Spring and ern egoa11v well
•('`.fur A]nctic:a)i eater, 13'1-`2c ter.l4n, p]euse(1 \with tluh InlBiness of the p.tst
dressed r\ei;;ht; reFrigcr<ltui•• 1>0c'f r4tt,si0r, year. ',Cbe growth of the city Lias }•,eco
-4c. Liveri,(ol e:pith'.; 10 to Ale, tnt,r):r(1 dwring the year and there are
at 10 J
f1) addition. to ofi,Ll. • indications that ibis growth will be. con -
LONDON \1"1(.17. MMII(1'1'J`.
Lend». .' sale of sttecl)1311ins Wa's
field here today. `J"here \\rets o, good a1.1.
tendonee, awl the ;demand woe 'fair. The
erin s 'amounted to (1,000 Pales; Amt
11tany lots of nominee'and , < ros:;.l,rr.cl.,
weer withdrawn. l rota 8.renee declined
1-2d and coarse crohbretls from 1-2d to
5,8(3. The sale's .follow: New South
Wales, '100 bales follow: 'New South
tteenela21(3, 200 bales at 3 3.8d to 7 3-4d;
past some pts well up t•( eepeeta1ns.
1,13's se in hardware 1s 11(1.0, in char-
;l'oronte reports in J3radsir0(t's today
say gehlc&1y hn sines, )here has a Sea-
sonahly (mint tope et the moment.
elms -mess moving is p,'nlolhly of greater
v(3131n]e than ihnt of tale time last year.
and. taken a?I0,"t h01•. prospects for
spring husine..04 father better,
their was the nnr.!nok ie .)emote;; of
14110. Local retail trade has been ad -
Pur cwt..
\ViNN1Pi -4 (3.13F::\(' M Al;lrh'l'.
.\a:•ac .. . , .. , 03% 04)98 on1;, one
July ., ... 10034
0111- ._
y ,3l`5
Maly a. .. 3711il�.t 37%4 3714
July .. , a • . 333
1;11:1:1'1511 CATTLE 1f \itKET.
tinned througlc 1011
'London reports a,y retail business in
sCasonably 4Ju104 .1111'13 The omtlook for
spring business lou? s \•('17 satisfactory.
Ottawa, reports say while the volume
of business mowing at the moment is not
heavy, there is a feeling of general satis-
faction regarding general conditions..
Ile—Do you believe in sig:lsi' sae-,
Ob, yes, indeed. ;lie Well, last o'; hi• 1
(beamed yon were tia(lly lin love with