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The Herald, 1911-01-27, Page 1
The Official Orga of "Zu,1 ich and Hay Township FRIDAY MoRNlPt ➢4 JAN. 27. ,oe Lam eat (a erry used .uit t se kers rr. ted gro spec ive rr 5f r. C seri 4 re= Inventory §Sale 46 Stock taking will soon commence. We want to reduce Q our immense stock before we be= § gin. $20,000 worth of goods to choose from. Now is your § chance. Come at once and 11 have your share of the Bargains. § We will use you right. LADIES I1ANTLES All this season's styles. Every garment well made and f stylish appearance. In order to clear have, reduced to fol- k,wing low prices. tt;' Regular $18.00 mantlea for 13 50 11.50 ' #or 13.00 1E5.00 " for 11 +ijO 12.00 •. .'Tor° 6.50 10.00 " for 8.00 6.00 for. 3.50 25.00 Pony Cloth Coats for 20.00 13.00 Pony Cloth Coats for 10.00 10.00 Misses Coats for 7.50 9.00 Misses Coats for 6.50 7.00 Misses Coats for 5.00 A lot of Children Coats from. $1.00 up. Ct CC CC Cr cc CC '' CC rlen's Overcoats Al new Taney tweeds with college and military collars. 'J he best styles and patterns. Mote these prices. Regular $16 overcoats for 13.50 .0 14 " for 10.50 " 12 " for 9.00 CC 11 '" for 8.50 " 10 " for 7.50 " 9 '" for 0.00 i0 6.50 " for 4.50 Boys' Ulsters at equally low prices. MEN'S SUITS Men's tweed and worsted ready made suits at the leg low prices to clear. 4 Suits regular $13 fer 10 3 suits regular 11.00 for 8 10 suits regular 10.00 for 7 2 shits regular 9.00 for 0.00 4 suits regular 7.00 for 5.00. sp ciaivalues in all lines of Suits up 10 $18.00 Boys' and Youth's Suits, large assortment at l3argain Prices. follow - FURS. 5 LOCAL 'NEWS. Read D. S. Faint's add carefully. Good winter apples for sale by the p.til. 0. Frig Zurich. 20 percent disco • tat vale on hors© blankets for vas, to, clear balance of stook, at Har i ..'s. Mr. Ed Mettle r i ` p.1e on Tuesday was a splendid E> .gess. The sale realized over $33 ;00. If you are ink a`bed of a tailor made suit, call at r . S. Faust, for a snap, 0 Colder weather is coming.. Our stock of Furs is still large. Big values in Ruffs, Throws, Muffs, Coats etc. 1.1 fti fel ti Seasonable Hardware Heaters, Skates, Axes, Bayo Lamps, Perfection (111 Cutlery, Silverware, Carving Sets, StoVe Boards etc. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN J. Preeter, Telephone 9 Z 'U R 1 C I utsocomeautasoottealoputoocrommolocisconowscg For Sale --A fe e barn 32 ft by 50 ft. Apply to ,Akr a Rannie, Baby. Ion Line, Misses Ethel ?ltiame and Ella Rennie left forik fortxoit, on Tuesday morning. ,e Sam E. Fitusi;, ill open with a new shoe stook iiia short time, in Hartleib's block Mr. 0, Fritz raccoon which he claim he ever SEM, A number of Hope Orphanag iMs u silver grey the shoe store, is, the finest skin isters of Motint London, were in townthis we .1 collecting for that institution: Mr. John Gatlttian has purchased the handsome teidence of Mr. F. Rummel, toget;`with abort three acres of land fon' 700.00. Mr. Stade of., man who lea. M. Fenn of Pa harness shop i block. tiwood, a you ng his trade with II, has opened a r. G. Hornet's Mr. Henry .er bought out Mr. Conrad Th ,t property at the North 'end •fw x;$1000.00. Tbere are 2 acres in lot and is nicely situated. Mr.. F. Ria, ipSroperdty 1 effects, which "La urday, 28th inst. For Stile --200: tin sap buckets painted inside and. outside, with grimm sale spouts, the best made, also cover,*for buckets. .Apply to D. Smith, St. 3oseph 3t -pd Our cheap furniture sale has proved a great success this week. We have dedided to extend it tor another week, to make roam for the new shoe shop, at Hartleb's For Sale -Blake chopping and cider mill. Also a dwelling house and stable including 1 acre of land. For partioulars apply to Jacob Oingerio'h, Blake, P. 0. 24-im pd Mr. Owen Geiger. reeve of Hen - sail, was elected Warden of Huron County at the session of the County council this week. We congratulate Mr. Oeiger'and as an old Zurioh boy, we know he will do honor to the position. Do you kiiow that fully nine out of every ten oases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and require no internal treatment whatever? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives relief. 1'or sale by all dealers. Mr. John Decher Jr , has pur. chased Mr. David Schnell's farm one mile South of Zurich, for $0500 00. The farm is a good one and in good order and the new owner has secured a Dimly located farm. Mr. Schnell intends going to Saskatchewan in. March, and the community will be sorry to lose farmers of, Mr. Sehnell's stamp, The Yonng Men's Bible Class of the Evangelical ohurch Sunday School, held their annual election of officers on Sunday afternoon. The following ofaders were elected Pres., Wm. O'Brien Vice -Pres., Chas Fritz; Sec. James Humphrey ; Treas., Les Williams. The Class appointed Mr. D. S. Faust as their teacher, 1 who sold his ill remove to of persoaa1 lace on Sat. 19n. Largest Reduction Sale Ever Held in Zurich NO 26 MAY For Cash or Trade, Beginning Saturday* Jan. 28th, for two weeks. We find our stock overloaded and have reduced a letge portion of our stook, you will find this store filled with bargains on counters and tables, It will pay yon to visit this store during this sale. HERE 18 PART OF THE LIST DRESS GOODS Our Dress Goods will beplaced on counter and reduced prices on each ticket. Do not put it off buying a dress; when you can buy at such low rriees. 1200 yards English prints, PR:;2ffiinchTSes wide for 10 cents a yard 900 yards prints 32 inches wide, for 8+ cents a yard. 200 yards prints 28 inches wide, for f cents a yard FLANNELETTES 300 yards dark and light, regular 12+ for 9 cents a yard 200 yards heavy dark shirting regular 17 and 18 for 14 cts a yd. 1v0 yds dark sbir. ing regular 12+ cts for 9 cents a yard 50 yards dark shirting regular 10 cents for 7 cents a yard 100 yards light colors regular pri_e 8 and 9 cents for 5 cents WEAPPERETTES-••200 yards wrapperettes, regular 10+ and 15 cents, for 10 cents LADIES' UNDERWEAR -40 vests regular priee 35 cts, for 25 cents each FURS Ladies Ruffs and Muffs, prices below cost; 1 Ladies Pony Cloth coat, size 38 reg $ 15.00 for 10.50; 12 Ladies Coats to sell at half price; 20 Girls coats, were $3 to 4.75, choice for 1.00 FOR MEN AND BOYS A11 the overcoats anu ready made suits to sell at a dis count of 25 per cent. A discount of 20 per cent on all the men's and boys heavy underwear, mitts, gloves, working shirts dress shirts, caps, ladies hand bags. FLOOR riATS 7 wool mats, size 2x1 yard regular $2.00 for 1.25 4 straw teats, size 2x1 yard,. regular 1.75, for as cents 3 dozen door seats, regular 25 cants for 2Q. cents 81ied. smocks. regular price 1,75,, for 1.33 4 Lined smooki, regular price 1.50 for 1:13 6 Unlined smocks; regular price° 1:25 for 800 ciente " 1 Men's Beaver Cloth Coat, fur collar, regular 20.00 for 15.:10 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS -4 Blankets dark color 121 largest size, for 1.00. 3 blankets dark color 11 heavy weight, for 1.25 600 yds crash toweling, for 4 cents a yard; 600 yards linen chocked toweling, for 4 cents a yd. 60 yds toweling for 5 cents D. a FAUST PHONE 17 ZURICH I SMJ M Mfn�pl .�, .esnam.e,.,.......r. The regular • meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held last Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 18th at the home of bars. C. Fritz. The devotional exercises were ably conducted by Mrs, Prat, Mies thel AN1Illatns took charge of the Educational half hgiir after; which Miss Ella Reunite sang Very sweetly a solo, "Heaven is•.my Homme." The busb mess was then transacted and the tne'e.ting ava'a dismissed -With Slag. ing the'I.stnperanee Dox010 ; ►, 1 1 1 1 thing ewr Only A Reminder If you break Vio- lin strings we will replace them with The VERY BEST Try our "0" string .at 2octs VIOLIN REPAIRING IN ALL lTS BRANCHES We put them to Correct Pitch. A 2 Weeks' Special If you want a , Genuine Gilt Baker King Kutter Bazor at one dollar and a quarter, come along. SUPPLY LIMITED. Two hundred Jack Knives at prices unheard of. Goods ight===Prices Right Int look NW! . F. W. HESS JEWELLER ".:- ZURICH GSD, R. MESS, Manager of Clock Deportment