HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-20, Page 8STOCK E G SALE MEN'S 1T Regular X1.8.00 suits. .,for I4.60 c 4 t6' G6 t 15.00 suits, fOr _11.00 12.50 shits, for 9.00 10.00 ' suits, for r 7.00 9.00 suits. for 5.50 A few suits at 5.00. lien's Cloth Coats Regular $15.00 coats, ,for 11.00 12.50 eats,' for 9.00 10.00 coats, for 7.50 8.50 coats, .for; 6.00 G1 G' Men's ur Coats Ilegulal°og Upat, for 1500 bG 1-15(5)0D ac ...._. for 14.00 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets Ladies' Astriohan Jaokete, regular $35 00, for 20 00 Ladies' Fur -Lined Coat*, regular 38.00, for 27.00 Gents-'. Fur -Lined Coats, regular 85.00, for 48.00 Gents' " .35.00, for 24,00 March Prices on Ladies' Coats Ladies' regular 316.00 coats, for 11.00 .. 15.00 for J,0.50 I.61 6.6 " 12.50 1050 8.50 7.50 .. " for 00 for 7.c0 for 5.50 " for 4 75 Specials One only Ladies Black Caraoal 'Coat, size 38 regular 15.00 for 9.00 Children's Coats at your own price. Children's'Fur setts, regular 3,50 for 2.25 Children's Bear 'Clothsetts, regular 2.00 for 1.35 Boys' all woel heavy ribbed worsted hose, regular 95 cents, for 30 cents per pair Boys' all wool heavy ribbed worsted hose. regular 35 ots for 25 Ladies' white and cream lustre waists, regular prices up. to 1.50, for 75 cents Ladies' blank sateen skirts, made of good (polity sateen with deep frill, regular 1 10. for 75 cents. Ladies' blaok skirts, regular 75 ots for 50 Gents' white handkerchiefs, reg 5 ate, now 7 for 25 ate Lace Curtains Lace Curtains regular 35.00, " " 4.50 .{ '4 f, iC ,l 3 00 • 2.50 2 00 „ 1.75 4. now 3,75 3.25 " 2 00 1.75 G: 1,25 1 00 Chinaware -'Toilet Setts 97 97 piece dinner setts, regular 8 50 for 6 00 " 'r regular 7.50 for 5:00 Regular .3 et Sett, now 2 00 45o a Setts, now 3.50 The Home of Good Groceries SPECIALS 10 lbs oatmeal 25 cents 7 bars bard laundry soap 25 scents We are alive yet, t the Old Place.t A. Bigger Stock of ; rverything ;than ever Waggons, Sleighs, Critters,? Carriages covered and open ,All the :latest styles' n Bitg- (dee, all our own melte, Alao all kinds of Itn.plem- eaxits, such es, call the lead- ing makes of Sulky and Walking plows. ]?toot Pulpers thatdifereist kinds I„ouden'ssDonble Steel Hay Fork, tratok beat inade. Ex. tension ladders, Magnet Crean Separators, best skimmers and easy to run a dtirablr square fear ria* - +chine. Wheel barrows, Jolliette Grinder plates, aall,aizes. Metal pig trough WG.ere always ready tto thdo Easiness with y.0 a OLDEST BUS--rNESs PLo- ACE IN TOWN HESS S ON ZURICH ELusinoss Rushing The Young Men: Of this tonin have fairlyswoop- ed down upon us this spring and ordered suits to such an extent that we thought no other Tailor wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right Pries/. So if you want your mato wear w.e1l and fit well have ittailored with ns. 51.1jts from $12. to $24. Laundry in Connection W.t. H. HOETMAN -rancor, ZURICH Qa.1),41)011121)0001211111116cDallaDd WANTED. as ;' Girls warted for newest v brightest, cleanest and most up-to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. A Work consists of sewing a Ladies' waists. Girls ex - v perieneed on power sewing machines preferred, but beginners will be taught. o Comfortable quarters. Steady work. God wages. THE STAR Wf3ITEWEAR v MFG, CO. I 1 Berlin, Ontario. 1 001101D6011111144 DGMEDGDCIIIIIIDC1 When a man tries to drown his troubles it seems that he thinks his trouble is in his stomach. Mr. Ed . Merner's sale of farm. stock and irnplernents 'will take place on Tuesday next, 24th inst. • Auction Sale of farm stock and imple- mentg.on Lot 17 Con 13 Bay, on Tuesday January '29th commencing at 12 30 sharp Ed Merrier: prop., E. ilosseaberry aunt,: When a man cannot find pleasure and profit In minding his own busi ness, there is something wrong with the man or the business, or both Great clearing furniture sale, 'Inning rented part of my furniture store for a shoe store, J must snake room, and in order to do this will give great inducements to reduce my stook of furniture purchasers, for next week only, fox Dash, at $tartleib's. • Huron assizes will open at Code. rioh.nn Tuesday April 11, accord- ing to the list of high court ses- sions, just issued. ]During the week several notable cases will normo lip.. Cleo. Vanstone, charged with tle murder of his six.year•o1d sett, Freddie, and now in the county jail, will be tried before a jury, G. Cameron defending. The eastl;. of Edward Jardine, charged With the murder of Lizzie Anderson, ,n September' hist, will be taken tv. ai,'tbat of ,T, C' Armstrong, the ionwaciiggis, ° accused of negligence in dispensing uetie to `Miss , Margaret netroit, ate .a result of !filed, writ'eesumed. , y=is ds?ondi astable, ' coke, Ot fait rtovr, is ex' Art115flrs rig, ORLD' S EST ST ,rNUictlwlaCk MJH.a:I "'ilieli l Aaorrr Ma + 11't ialrrrrlr 6 6 01111111111 I I 111111 123111 ,. This ble iron Range -the on cannotrs' 7 ° '4 .a an axe. The one tine People Talk so much about It is built of the saM,,e material that is so peddlers, who charge the. people $70.00. give you a larger stove and :more up -to Our price is only $5o.00 We have sold lots since this stove was p on the market, and those now using it sa is a World Beater. See it before you buy C. I4ARTLEIB, ZU[2,l HURON'S LARCEST:COMBINATION'.STORE STORM Doors Window Get our combination Door=ke you warns in winter and cool summer. Windows glazed repaired. Logs Watt We buy all kinds of good 1 Custo sawing and Plan mill`tic ; N,. '**4ne on short not PHONE moremmiummiwooka FLEISC ZURI Farm for Sale --Choice 100' acre farm, with good buildings, well fenced and thoroughly tunderdrain- ed, about one utile ,from :the thriv- ing hriv.ing Village of Zurich Connected by telephone. For 'p4aa;t'onlarsap- ply to David t3ohnell, , ZiWi h P. U. CARD tJ Mr, and:: family wit` thanks ,. bq' for thel,t dueln tkzc eigez and or hearty eeighbore, n to thetas aaroment, in ifted. t4 ON COUNT.]', ohai at ;3 mo9<L t Cherki naedt;,; Dated arixKil County of the council f Goderioh, ,Ith of this ae s for settle - laced with the is date, W. Lane, Clerk. ' Oth., 1911. For. Sale -Blake chopping cider mill. Also a dwelling and. stable including 1 ao: land. For parttoulars appy Jacob Gingeriah, Blake, P. d 24--im pd FRUIT TREES. Now is the time to place order for fruit and ornate trees, We have the largest of nursery stook grown in Oa Our Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry Peach trees area unsurpassed fibrous roots. In small fruit Herbert Raspberry and Raspberries are our heaviest se as they are big. money makers the small fruit grower. nurseries have been visited Aome of the largest fruitgro in Canada' and after an inspeo of our trees they have give their orders. Write for our logon and give as a list of waetata. !MN Brown Bros. 0 Brotrns N'nrseri , , Welland Co,,