HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-20, Page 6BABY'S SPLENDID HEALTH H :airs. I1, Yates, :flout real, Leon),} Writs: "Baby's epleudid , healtli.�:, was obtuiued through the use Baby's Owe Tablets They a. grand medicine for cot Lipa as their a}tion i$ easy and 1l, not give baby pain. 1 woitltt: eemmend them to all Mother one should be without them have young children in the.j This testimony is.; similk. thousands of testimony sent, grateful mothers. Every: er who has ever used the, for her little ones will ..t they are the very best, in the world. They not the ills of tate little ones,'; make them grow, hapl strong. The Tablets 5ttn toeven the youngest absolute safety as they lane sold under the guarantee. of a gov- ernment analyst to eplttuin no opiate or other it trtni!tit drug. They not only curt:rthetills of the little ones, but they ayt'lt;te "them grow happy and etttong,.ti'he Tab. Tete; can be given to e ateert ; th(e youngest babe with;4 ;late saf- et:y as they are. sole',+ i]1e guarantee of a gtk,V,V9 ?1 . art- alyst to contain n other harmful at s possibly do hares do good. Baby's Omen, sold bs medicine dea1oi cents a box from `'T e'' Hams' 'Medicine Clo.,•;A' Ont. TEACHING THE IMMIGRANT. (Brantford Expositor,) Ideal Men says that ate intensely in- tele.ting feature of the imnnigration cert'erenc'e, held in 'Toronto reeently was tlie° l+entnnstratiou "How a class of -for H hili lit be taught." Ten tad ;11;aeedonians, who slid not un Grill, a wort of :English, were usher- o the room. Dr. Roberts aunounc- 1.h'e co,nfeeenice tbat he yes going ,11 'item them a primary lesson, 1;ied; eaCettilkg Up in the Morning:' ectcler stood up before the class of oreighers, stint his eyes, yawned, stretched bkxuself, and . said, "1 wake from sleep," the class pronounced these words after hini. Then the teacher Went on and repeated over and over to there these sentences. It d o'clock, I must got up. I throw bade the clothee. I get out of bed. I put on my pants. T wall) myself. I comb my hair. 1 put on my collar and necktie. T put on my vest and coat. I open the door of ...my bedroom. I go down etairs: Illi about •20 minutes l)r. Roberts bad them all telling the story above quite clearly, and the delegates were alt as- sured that they understood what they were saying. The incidei.t proves the riuportenee of having foreigners taught the Euglish language in at systematic mamma by teachers who have special qualification, for the work. In Ontario and;probubly elsewhere the work might )With advantage be grafted on the duties et the tlepau•truen( of ednea.tion. •s• WOMAN MAYORS. Oldham, England, has eleeted a woe span Mayor, the third English town to depart thus trout tradition. Her instal- lation was held in the large town hall, 'hough a small room has previously .l•eyed on such occasions. When she entered the vast throng Sprang to their ie et and cheered and Clapped intermin- :chly. Mrs. Lees, the new Mayor. made a speech, and the hall "echoed with de- lighted laughter," for she is very keen atm witty. "She seemed;' sad one re - :tenter, "like the mother of a great fano ..ly ' before whotu her children rise up end rail her blessed:' She is deseribed ei "a tall, dignified wonutn, with a . valet. beautiful, humorous face, crowned Leith white baba" 'A score or more of simile towns in Kansas have woman Mayors, several of whom have been re- elep'ted terns after term, --The Chri-:tion l l'viaid. N IES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method It you suffer from bleeding, itching, b:in(l or protruding Piles, send me .your address. and I will telt you how to cure yourself at hoine by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with reference from your own locality if requested, Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. M. Summers, i3ox 1'. S, Windsor, Ont. e - The Boll Weevil in Mississippi. 1 eiriking illustration of the damage w.teight by the bolt weevil is found ht a etetentcut of the size of the wane clop ill .feffersoiz County for the last. fire years -•-before and after the weevil n e'ip, its appearance. In 1907:,Jefferetllk I'D utlty tirade 20.145 bales, ti'..11140.40,1. 9,a as hales: in 1909, 7,191 ..10.106 at :{.4n4 bales. `.there is atir:,14 the r•ee'ord of stix•h carol' 1 eines. peas, molese e!... ,. lent it is i,rlo(vn" e etoady li ereaSe alts ignitors of that 55(t rtiw to"`ti 7t-,/•(' 1se46t111'h it/tliip a�1. 'h(i7 lives. -New tartbi ore te 'hoot u vsnop5 COtai;hfl, 4=nrTCS:5 �oius, lli:and ..the throat and Bair,, cents. THE WHITEt'1 S BU"I3.DEN. tiiuffele Retirees.) is wrong. raid 1011n' al, ' •nc-si(le,l. Oh. 1 .sec nowt" coat poel:rt is loaded to(7 lnti)i� bevy Con in it. anyway 'Cot11ing but a fete 17111`:•"`li," tin` moraine; Kn hr ye t?) tveva!lic. 1':llr:irt`• new t 711 its Every Woman Needs Them 'it'itlt constantly aching backs, weary, dragging -down pains, dizzy and nervous headaches, women have a hard burden to carry. It is Wise for every woman to fortify herself against those derange- ments whirl, ,ire present when extra de- mands; are made upon the system by Nature's laws. No better remedy exists for woman's 'needier •ailnrents than DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS, whieli possess. ) ionic properties that net upon the10- } per organs at the proper time. To pre - vont lteadache, to nvereome dragging pyaele totit• n--(,5, backache, ger voile riffle and d t look well, R O • I tel1, eat well and enjoy the uutnifold blessings of sound. regain' health, every'giri anti woman should. re„ ita.te her system let I)r. Ilamilton's 3:55 per box. Ile:d- ere or the ('aateerhozone ('o,. Kingston, Ont. •-- 2,000,000 Feet of Wood in a Ship's Deck. With the laying of the ,keel lef ;Ile Europa. the biggeet• ship in the world, now under t'onstruction, .comes- the netts from abroad that the gross tonnage of ;Ill the ships flying the Itantlntrg•Am''-ri- ean Line flag lute passed the 1.000,010- t on mark, , or t o be correct, 1,022,452 tons. For years the. llamburg .l tuerican ].enc hate held the tonnage re; or,l for chips sailing under into house flag. Some ilea of the enorn)one size of the Europa may be gathered from the order '+which has beep given for '2,000,0t1t) feet (.f Ore- gon fir to be need for the (1(•?l:s elope. For months this lumber has he,•n (?tying near Portland, Ore., before being. :hitapea to Germany. Special ('Inc •I'4 -taken 1.1 protide only clear. vertical grain tweed. -•The Christian 3lerald. Drub f Sprains, Lameee t` ;ATMENT ACIV1SEO Yoe' I e: astounded at the rapid pain-` veli t ii 1; :::Liar of i`1erviline. its Mee ilia enet , ri due to Its :remarkable pone-' tratinl, i+.lever-eat strikes it deeply slinks 1• rtee core -:of pain instantly. Ner- i nine . ;a :l ronger, many times staastig,er, than = ii erye liniments, and '1t -e not' greasy, e •welling or disagreeable. Ev- ery tint; ,Lbs i.», brings. coin:fort and'' heading here'.+er applied. 'iron would senreele :, edit how fast it relieves a sprain, '), =t it takes out lanneless, how it soot! e and eases a bruise, Thousands say no I"..aialent is half sty useful in the Mime Tele xhust he so because Nerviline is a safe aenredy.. You can rub it on; and taie' it internally, too. One 50e. bottle all ]'ore the bruises. sprains, strains, -1.. wetness and aches of the whole fancily. .-•ATING HIS NAME (From e London 'Evening 'Standard.) .A Seel/tan teacher, M. Medakoviteh, has rose'. tteiL the most successful' meth- od of 1 e..; rbirrg yet diseovcred, : In his school ta(e pupil is provided with a ehoenlaie; alphabet, and as soon as 115 can pltt i.i.l name together correctly he is . ailov jL��,. to eat it. Word making iii!. taught it, the same plat. M. Medaicg-' vitelt'y libelist on an average can res(. fluently t three days. PILES °CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your dini..;ist'will refund money if PA.Z0 1iJ'f OINT.fails to cure any case of Itching,,t lin(i, Bleeding or Protruding Files in t; ;n. 14 days. We. ••• MILD WINTER IN FAR NORTH - A lettto received yesterday front; Nor- way Mose. Keewatin elietrict. states that in 1 1(e experience of the: oldest in- habitant, •,x that little far away colony never h;ttn they tvitnes+ecl such a mild December. The outioek for another big sea- son's cateli of f.rr does not look any ton promising on account of tide, Very few of the Tn,tians who had ,oust returned front. their fell bunt'hrought in anything near the (l iantity of fur they did this time last year. The Hudson Bay Com- pany had offered extra inducements to the hunt111e for ermine skins, which are in big demand for the coronation to be Held in London- next .Tune. Prom pre- sent proveets the company, it is stated, doubt Meg able tit supply much more than 148 per cent. of the huge order they reeefApol :r few months ago. ()Wing to -the exceptionally mild wea- tlier progress. on. the surveying of the Hudson, Bay, Railway has been somewhat retarded.' The engineer:; report their in- ability tet travel by dog train on nee euu7rt :latcic 'of 1:nn-an(i s d. "1'01('1944> `rt'vel ler t tyanoe� otvit$ngwvato• the rivers lakes 'being 'full of floating Il'(::.- • l�. le ,Ai1axtl-i f,°i i5e•it. - ll'urar(1"a Liiiinient Co.. Limited, 1ictttle)uee, •-1 hate assert 141NARI):S LINIMENT from time to time for the past fwni:ty years. Ir was (wont. mended to ale by a prominent physi. cull of Montreal, who enlled it the "great Nova Seotiit Liniment." It does the aloetor:s work: it is particularly good ire eatses of Rheumatism and Sprains "flours truly. G. C. 1)U51 a.N. Chartered ;\e( -militant, TTalif:ix, N... $ept<. 21, 1005. '�- THE SNOW BLANKET. Cu red His Larne Back Brest Fort William) ' ov.1908.-"I 'Lave been troubled with a 1arre back for 11.e past twenty years and have ttse.l relasters and ointments without effect. :1.t last I tried Gin Pills, which proved lux the thing. and I would highly re- t •,1111(15nd theta to anyone who has a strained or lame back. { It, 1IARIKN'ESS (in. Pills act directly on the Kidneys relieve tiro pain --neutralize Uric Acid, which is generally formed when there Is Kidney trouble, TV)' Gin 'Pins yourself before buying the t rem lar 50e boxes. Write National Drug 8r. ehentical ('•u., (Dept. :ll, L.} Toronto, t',, fres sam:7le. A T 1aine Man's Home Made Mittens. '?t pair of home maths mittens is prized very highly by 1'estmnster C. 13. 1Iaskaill, of Pittsfiol(l. They Were .presented t0 Me. Ea.,kell over fifteen years ago When he was proprietor of tht, Pittsfield Ad - ver tiser by Mee. Arlie Pnwert.. grouter of the late Ox -Governor a11(I-. Cengrecs- m e n lew-elyt'. Powers, They are at work of art in the 11)111ting line. of fnney weave in navy blue and white worsted yam era knit in to the wrist hand hi limit blink letter= are J:Tr. ITaskeli's in- itiate and name. The sparing MA per- feetian of the letters are worthy of epee - i tl incitt'oil, The mitts; have never been tiscdiiy :Mr. Ilaskell:--'-Portland Argue. ,Min rd's Liniment Cures Distemper. PIANO SUapopi'. (v War]., (1 man of youthful ap- e ought ,.111 build eompured with and gray ars to hair. was at let unsliustalyds perfectly 11e2rlpar.;V the prima don. what roliinee is required, illlg 11 .desirable and how and, he f()I101vs every Motion to detect her ikixi require- lie inetter of piano support., t 'elily knows these thlegs, but he ;1 ern. 'that Is wary he is such an tisll(rnt ee4•onlpalniOf. l' -Ie tvor'e evening ,clothes. The piano was finished .iu Meek, one of the low cohort type of instr- trent, with little outward turn, on the top ' of vidish Madame J'ome11i gratefully rested `acn aria oeoalslo ally, --Oshllosb :;tiorth,rostertt, The valve of a nnantle of s110w i11 pro- tecting vegetation in the fields in winter is fully understood in farming districts, and the cense of the proteetive effect of the spew hes been the snbjeet of scieutlfie inquiry in (lemony. In that country the, observations on the thermal properties of snow has disclosed the feet that, the looser the 511oty, the greater fts power to protect the ground beneath front the effect;, of external changes of temperature. Snow general" ally offers about four times ar( rntlell re- sistance 'to such changes its a sheet. of ice of the same thickness offers. 'When snow becomes elosely packed, therefore, it is less't'ffeetive as a protection to planet life than when it lies loosely upon ilio :surface. Other experiments have shown that' while a. blanket of snow protects the ground beneath from tate Chilling effects of the winter atmosphere, yet the stn•• face. of the snow itself, especittlly tat clear weethe('14 er,lder than the air. so that snow ono., to lower the tempera- ttu•(. of 'the atmosphere, and where broad aueati of'counitry, of extensive' monuttain siopes,ati' (•layered by it, iulportant ell- nnatic conelitinns may be pr(dneee by the influence of the snow, 1sb A BORN POLITICIAN, (tile.) Firm, Sew 1Conl.a.n---''t is very import- ant to 'get rail woke interested in the 511 fr tge mown -mut. Secon(I New '4\f)m t 1 ---ie by so? First New Woman -Because every rook controls two votes ---her own and that .of her mistress, NERV. (Fliegen.1e :I3laetter,) Lady. ,-Why do you give me this hit of piper? °tra1oJl.--btI1da nt, I do not like to criti- cise yarn• soup, but it is not like mother used to arttire. Allow Me to give you hey recipe. ...�: et weal. to ask 'you fora bit of alb, Ade," stiff the insinuating man. "Wiutt` 111 i1 ?".want you to put yourself 1(1 rfl ' i1aas(41 land Me in yours, and toll inn how you, wield go about it i t' you went- e,t to borrow ten dollars front mer"-- Washle ttott Star, THE TIGRIS, serest to all who issnssip $ River a)u tSa kuoty a tij(FF'l vlt1cli �'e 1110147.17 ape i po tslble �i;zse on th13 Aileriuk Sinl- rttl at Bagdad. c•oueeti+;v urn fur- foiteetl for the ho Magri sent trII methods east l tries. le Ferias, r anal ]iltt �.epo1•t�• it , epiployea This 1l1001 took ''a trim' made a careful draught and ilea 'Led to hie employ issippi boats ai14 which Barry trey+ place we used to were ehiidren,' t and the host al to juvenile min; ald. ISS 4/E . N.O. J 19 AGENTS ..WANTED, A.NVA$SERS WANTED. 4✓ sata.eg paid. Alfred Tyler, epee street. London. Ont. Agents Want Two new lines. Apply, Sellery herr street, Ottawa. j� oSES-OIL 'OR-AST1.12dA, Otitis, coughs. Dollar. ui Prot. Castle, Hamilton, Ont. CERTIFIED AUDIT ,Accountants, Etc. Special. State on all outside audits. terms, dates, etc, to sort RALPH C. MURTON & CO t 1111' 5 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. WBC Babas s tint; Tier' >yulckly stops Couittts ' trio+ theont end luaais vati THE LOVE V - (Exchange "Consent to' be axion+_ "` ilo task wilt be to() IgG tempt, no honor twill reach" "Would ynu'go th. Ili"for. me?"' ",l 'would date 14U "Then get ire th'. -'have just been th such a pretty pokey eyed with plush" , ;b u; ref Wa; nix 1. FRAGRANCE OF ST. SOP Visitors to the mosque of St. in Constantinople notice home they enter a beautiful fragrance ing the entire building. The soluti ill the fact that when it was buil fears agothe stones and bricks laid. in mortar mixed with a solute enlist:, ThOSS who laid those Bare been long forgotten- but the once and fragrance of their wort xaaanrs,--Sunday :ct 'Tome. o M innrd's Liniment Cures Dipht St; ROMANTIC. 'lea was very much excited ei,iat's account of her elopement. -loty iomanticl But {weren't F'aid. of the ladder slipping?" Nora --Oh, not Mother Was hOli WI ss� Nt ctrl tv ;la tin � Bell fa' r get l a it .y� le red pee erg, tae ,he lh 01 st -e ting, Warr le. i Oi. et al 11 !hall ri.-I a1'.' ell le •st ie 'Se. d fr enee ,sac our.: broil l0tim 1 Ira their 24. rives bes 1ra1 oth. 155)1 alto isesl ease end nunsl vtllll ane: itat rll.l teeth ter, 'he rod 115, u. va e a 1} 11 i of S ' Cares the sicks and(etsas the tongue.. Sere for brood= 50 cents a bottle; 80.00 (lis (li houses. -Distributors-ALI, , DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER .AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEAS Tlve Cor others. Liquid given all others. Best kidney reme old by all druggists and horn ,•i,ESALE DRUGGISTS. SPORN,MEDICAL' .4lO,'Chemists, Goshen. Ind., U. S. WOLVES IN FRANCE. [ THE OFFICE BOY'S MOUSE TR According t0 a report just issue] by .:\ new sort of a mouse trap was the Ministry of Agriculture. sixty wnl- vented the other right bya eopy boy 1g P. ves were killtee iu b'nanee ,luring 1001). I a newspaper office. Tying a string ab The majority of these animals Were the neck of a railk bottle he stood killed in the departments of the Vienne. bottle on its side in the room where Charente and' Haute -Vienne. The Freuelt mice were. Then heai, piece iece P Government pays a rt:tvartl varying from , eheest: in the bottle and Went into 20 francs to 1110 franca for each wolf, adjoining room. After half an hot • - 0 wait. a mouse entered the bottle. ' Only One "BROMO QUININE"boy pulled. tatestring,"�vhih was rung That is LAXATIVE BEIOMO QUININE. the t(ip of a ehttil. Tale bottle ascan1 kook for the signature oc E: IV. GRUc E, and the mouse Wag caught. In the mc' lamed the World over,to ('nre a Cohl In a •Clne''Day. elle.tihe a lot of copy waited to be sent I the-eoinposing room. -New' 3: (ark • Sin Whether Montt of the Terror was a NOW EASY TO CURE CONI veterinary surgeon or o fashionable pity- Yes, -it is easy if you. .use. Putn:i .<;T(:ian is a point which historians have • Painleos Corm Extraetor. Tot- Stili earnestly debated. Some light is thrown • not flesh destroying, NO. Pate upon it by the memoirs, liar published, 1.'aiinleses Corn Extractor, its name of the Papal Envoy of the period, who its story, does its Work eainle5sl7. was ane of his patients, au'l reports Its promptly, and always �effcetive. 1 1 r p Y> Sold by tl follows: est sale iii the world. ":Fie.. prescribed for tie' Som+' metliebte ; gists. Price 25e, which would have killed loo if the rete- # brated chemist of the Rim :With hail , been willing to give it to tie. 'f See welt i enough,' he said, '11115 is no attedi(11)0 for yon: it is ntedteinr for x hearse. T. re- cognize the doctor's signature; he :s mad: Apparently Marat had miStakeit me for one of his patients et the stable et tt'iut'li he Was a a,)) v seise., "---are-g- . tninster Gazette. A MARAT PRESCR I PTI ON TAKE A OOSE or s 09 THE BEST MEDICINE. • "'For C O Uec NO , BUSINESS BUY - THINGS. (C1evelar.al Pleb; )very fellow 11110 bti heart bedroom xlipp5t will have to hunt up fle got '510 tori largt; , small he got tem, gout .hint.. RESOLVING ALL OVER AGfi (Washington Star.) Some emphatic) resolutions are (hntbt being made by people who expected to get rid of their trouble telling them to Roosevelt. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, THER OWER -TRUE TA (Pittsburg Times.) Ore -There's a story aims couple who lived togethe and never had a quarrel. W all 'I put it? Editor --Run it in the departmen "Odea i:tappenings." - Minard's Liniment Cures Cargo Cows, Headaches - -- ni .lt e bad breath—these aal`, stipation. Thetnild, reliable rekrtedy is .1 A POSTPONEMENT. icor-Web. Bobby, db you 1 l0r new Sunday School? Bobby --I can tell better- when T ft tat. what they gine you for being go fbn—muddy complexion—pimples— :a the effects of con - erm tial;; turbing the,rt1,r They contain the latest , 'discovered and best e.vacuant 41* the slightest discomfort tend without tits- ' Constantly increased doses are not necessary, gi yet stoolced them, sand 25c. and Ws will InAil them 25 SILENT" MATCHES it:LIGHT, TUE FIRST STRIKE and the home.