HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-20, Page 5ysam0asa aa®jDeraielaell e are ready e h a full line j oliday goods 8 will be to r advantage call on. us be- e purchasing- DOUGLAS, Merchant, BLAKE, aDaWaaD®e64liMe Doespodemdit ZURICH a AT MARKET keep in stock a full line of fresh ats, hams, etc. etc r cuts are noted their tenderness d wholesomeness. r aim is to keep thing but the best. e make our own. usages. Give us a call. Dr, BeattieNesbit"; the iirst,'preaEi'dent til 'arpgter's 1a>ak, a1R;t arrest a *arrant her is ietrtding the. ceoboe,ibTepgll" ut the Wi.' b be able to et Conatipati mails` ailai'}Qn make life miser, berlain's Sterna% lets, keep ye r., l? you will n,vciid the sale ;lis all deals'! cheeriiag a'bo t'Gireat, �!... yoi1$eei tlO ter fieid� r1;i1w now?" atI sa's but: ,t10 eyes xnu MUT & DE ICDERT. ARE YOU RUPTURED I can cure the worst ease Rupture, from infancy to age, without operation loss of time. ACT AT ONCE remove the daily dan- of strangulation. Fill oupon and send to tern to J, S. SinTS, 88 Caledonia St. Stratford Ont. pt. 'R. me dress e 'Time Rap, gle or double . • • • atisfaction guaranteed • TEAO CANA n didn't erg• i . oon- }lji j#st *something, ball. all. 'Your mine." 1 i l S'�5 xtcrtq.• it coo era gnu 1Qea Betieaf. shag save life. BhECI.A.TE'ME, Il,N11dENT AN. ttq s rheIna' xu the puolic ti t >a,s.a rules themselves, it st: the day 'when their +will demand their their, profession, enderstood are and are • taking revisions of the ai rK g sties scheme to Tli'x�';a,:11W�a,,4`��;Gorl.atex ,years,. lDED" 'rompt Service Moderate Charges. W. N. HOFFMAR' Zurich, Ontario When buying a cough medicine for children bear in. mind ` that Chamberlain's cough remedy, la most effectual for, colds, coup and whooping cough and that it con- tains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. ONE UOTJR OF O BUILDING o :is perhaps to the large nun `b$ai.•en ` lk► teaching, but it iizOt 'fie bm ne,ln mind that the Aiinrlities idea s'nM'and that the attention,: ai •the' school teachers its, only . been ;recently specially 'directed mit, . ,M'any ;night follow the example of a woman in one of our oiti4ak.. She was 43 years of age, had no heirs, and her salary aver and above liar weekly expenditures was laid away to keep her in the days when the shadows began to lengtben She had saved $1,000. It was drawing 3% compound inter- est, or increasing at a little better than $30 a year. She heard of the Government scheme, and she im- mediately transferred her $1,000 to the Government on account of the purchase of an Annuity payable at 60. But shortly after her $1.000 had been paid to the Government she became an invalid and was totally inoapfoitated from perform. Ing her duty. Her ease came under the.. •provision. of the ;Apt which, provides that if invalidity or dis- ablement occurs a person, if he or she has paid in sufficient to secure an Annuity of not less than $50, may draw the Annuity though then under 55 years of age. The', payment- which she bad made give. her an Annuity of $69 67 so lung as she may live. If the period before she became disabled had been 5 years she would have had attt Annuiiy of $88.50, and at 55 she could have had ber contract con- verted into an immediate Annuity of $147 50 It will, therefore, be lo! 1 am ready with. a full $tot Deering Implements • How ;a Highway Across A great State Was Re -constructed 'In One Day The people in Montgomery cam. � ppo A full supply of Wheel and will keep a complete of. Plows and Points;' Dal Ip'i Wagons and. Sleighs. Give me a Call ty, Kan., by volunteer work, built a modern highway 20 miles long. That record is outclassed by some thing that has been done by citizens of Iowa. The greatest piece of road -space of one single hour a line of road 380 miles in length and stretching entirely across the state was put in the most perfect con- dition of any road west of the Mis- sissippi river. Weeks and months were spent in •preparation foiethe work, but not a pick or shovel was used ked 'Thenthe , as if by nated second was ticked off, 10,000 workmen swarmed out on to tho roadway. and when they tens- ed work 60 minutes later Iowa. ha,d ogle of the finest loog•diotance roads in the entire west. And not the least interesting thing in connection with the tre- mendous remendous piece of work is the fadt that not a man of the entire • 10,0J engaged on the work received one cent of wages. Goodwill and patric. tistn alone are responsible for the cpiendid showing. Last winter the Iowa roads became so feartully bad, that traffic was praottcally killed and farmers were simply, coni lled to'reinain in.theix' homes.'" i '3r - the matter became a political ues- tion and both parties got behind the early movement. Gov. 'Carroll palled a "good roads" meeting at Des Moines early last March, and out of this meeting was evolved the ;saga of a "ri=ter-to•river" road, stretching from Council Bluffs on the Missouri river, to Davenport, on the Mississippi, a distance of 380 miles straight across the state from east to west. "Make the river to river road as near pude common as is possible to make j dirt" wad the sense of the good and see if I can't satisfy you. If 'I am ; Zurich Feed Store—they will show you in; Town Mall xtension ladders, .e leading makes cam Separators, st home call at the tank, See our Clover Leaf Manure Spreader before you buy. These Goods are SECOND TO NONE. J. oMELI9K DEERING AGENT 04w NI4 'favaY7aDa®anameDeiriosoasneora®oass a InaDas®esfssDasonaoopuate ta�S4saleaD(ilasseaa'nDIDMMaip�i 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 s^en Celt if site f,r'iilel mail her- self rat else provisions of the Aet at re r)4iS rnnventio platin new ccm- Instead of appointing any timeho -after her e had hadd been inittes to handle the work, the over she -would havehaclincome regular republican and democratic over twine as large as she would have received had she left the ceternittees in each county throe :Money in the Savings Bank. This gh which the road would pass were illustrates the advantage of persons appealed to. The chairman of the Who have been laying up for their committee of each party was asked eld'.:age transferring their savings, to get in the game and work for the road. Everybody agreed to do or eb, pbrtiai%' • of there, tothe so and soon a rivtilry was created C:a,o'rrt�it*txiuent ,on between republicans and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cure us a eaI1', Flax tea. and you will find out - that 'we will use you right. Come and take your choice in FLOUR—Milverton„ Exeter,. Hensall, Parkhill and Royal Household.' We take eggs, cash or any kind of grain ell. A exchangeindf for ur and or Granything in i always on All kinds hand. Oil Cake, Bibby cream equiv= alent, Flax Seed, 1 1 0 1 M. & 3. LiASCIIQ, ZURICtI 1 whole and ground. fi, a4�aD®aDaalpaDOIMCDa�DaDdiDQD®aD�aDa�aDa�aD®aD�aMINDDDOlaDaD®aD�,aDa�eC, ao"ooutzt e e democrats uxa se fir% l �i etV . would . - P, t � , � rt each to see which party you know that fully nine out l n:al�waM 14 i � be,'had at the Su ry ten cases of rheumatism have the most performed "on the Plesr i ,a h�a ' !° ,the Superintend- ab„ when the time for work imply rheumatism of the � . "� i "l l Ottawa' arrived. l �' Nursery Stock For Spring Delivery imp, duo to cold or damp, re A Saturday was selected as the requi y nd see rl how quickly nt • she way was personally seen and y and see how quickly it T11,a, '+� r *lye j'ralli h, its ��t.-1ef 3 to �;9va the one houasked es , to rheutreatm , and ateverc dayand from 9 to 10 o'clock the ternal treatment whatever? %a w w? bout- cad.'verl:, Every farmer tilting 4 N1 { M o reai,dett , i i t3iflim o, pr eI . t. 1 were Algia`^tau e' xiail order flents i to bring their plows, scrapers an ,,, : ,atd drag, and lin organization Wet),itra taf" f,:icae ee-e;ig+.1:cl iia • , c,ryn1 t . those empir,ycd in prof es t {1,ra fi,i'l' lr a xe1L C'texi't �F Y• NNI,;, $ i want: •01140.e..Yon send; to te�. ; ebanal railroad building was work - city?" e.:01.9 c�ityot tempted by the ed out. In the weeks preceding the t;littei in l`iti�,f'a'tf "'silage"' ' t""^' I work all, bridges and culverts along 1 a h' iga road were repaired and put in 98 oculi, uvr°�f� nentei nr ",e,18 figti:tes th t 'age to look as if i lir ' class oroer, that no delay the;'!` were„pi �.' U0101. ltd ; �liltt ftwere: r that s relief- For sale by all ft711tiwTi t, it 1 rl t w,. la atsi.eti for. 1,,i,rtic1s d rs. EVV VISIBLE LOADING PEATING RIFLE NO. 70 The most accurate .22 Caliber Repeating Rifle made. o models, ono made for al short, the ler for .20 long rifle caitridgC0. Indies 15 -.SZ, short cartridges, which o amber. For Othe 1x22 being rifle,n12 rtridges. eight 4A pounds. tra strong double extractors. HE STEVguaranteed and gives ani- No. 70 REPEA.Ttn absolutely guaranteed rsal satisfaction. Fitted with habe bsiead front s nt and sporting List Price $3.00 lSendl us hr�[ ,,i sat. Cato glea,drenun Penni s - intensely interestttlg'and in- structive one . hundred page book, entitled "Guns and tanning.” Hardware and tpolt1ng Coeds Dealers everywhere carry Stevan Shotguns, R;/Tes, ),"stair In stock. 1f you cannot obtain, we willshipdirect, express prepaid; upon receipt of catalog 'p ice. .1 STEVENS EVEN, ARMS O. P. 0. tot SsOZ ceico1'EE t'ALtS, rasa.. niarginl' longe;. i Ii ! Oweti Scott their g'17 with .thoSt will find. i that S'1'at1 d ri,00Cie ii 121 just tis ulxt tri from theMa tenth place yo' shade ti -M134 11X' you are' aqui merchant bets'. before youpit order house iu you S00. It'�l''S every rim;t wit, 1 lei the smallest. c.a sucker any tQu ; visit the aed ;, see how Ilr,te�esp compare Stores.You udg bui when once this latter started work- ing. ork• in The remit of the organization was showia on the appointed Satur Strong. straight trees with good tops alis an -ab- undance of fibrous roots. Every tree guaranreed strictly first grade and true to name. Our assortment of Apples is complete. �"tv � e never '!Aad such a fine lot of trees in this line. _, tating quantity. Send in list of stock wanted, We will quote you special prices. Ask for Catalogue. Take the Agency. li tios. W. Bowman & SonCo., Ltd.. R1D G'EVILLE, SI -ASCE sub ig rates. Miss Violet Stevens, student of - Setafor.th Collegiate Institute won the prize, a $5 gold coin, given by "' Vir Dr. W. H. Robertson of Walton,.. to off for the best essays written by any rates -Vet student of the Seaforth Collegiate, Daily ONTARIO a day. Shortly before 9 o'clock in Institute. The teles of the essays were 'The County of Huron" and "'The Township in which I Live" and contained a limited number of words. There were several com- petitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS weekly ettin o'itt of ten,, l the horning farmers began g g 'elf sante ant in Vie road. xlon rgdS and rdiil, ) 06'hantS thousands of plows, pick, elts,- '`thkd,:ac apois, road drags, g truth ohiies and other implements were. brought along. Every farmer hi'ottglst his team with him. Super• i itendbtitS and overseers lead been atppointecl n readiness when, prom - 4e lir $tX:'lr at•t.9 o'clock the order was is-: 6 stied to "fall to." n to"10 099 de- cree,' - c a;t , terniined men "fella with D+ r ii:i'tn'Ya ;ant, Ith. ey continued, working, +t, . .: a ht',at,nd main, At. 10 o'clock the goodsthat t# tb. Oki and the ft- .. viti Dods that yeti .tion er have t e ii;t; t job, was m Q ei fields, 1, g of baying lead Nall Seam , Iliad h st , gian1.q$ ,he . osS aolr to beer of the 1 tetat Yet smote of you will, wta,k taiilit X 4ic i into the trap i►gatiny ,'11r�sb ,atiaia06'6 pop''' 10110, diititane0 road'' 7 its. you get,. d; rtf t Made .arrat1eeement elle-ether low clubbing 'Weeks :eerlie s Family Daily .r ' wpek1 ti Farmer's tic' ,ot.te In the natter of the estate of * A icu t r . a's 1 .; $ and Adam S. Faust late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, 'undertaker deceased, Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claim or demands against the late Adam S. Faust, who died on or about the 15th day of December 1910, at the Village of Zurich aforesaid, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Mrs. Polly roust, Zurich, one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names aid ad- dreasess and full partieulei's in writing of their claims and statements' of their counts and the nature of the Securities,,i any, held by them. AND N°TIG.5 is further given, after the 15th clay of February 191.4,: executors will proceed; to disti,•iltite assets of the said deceased among the sons entitled 'thereto, hating regard to the claims of 'which they shall have had notice and that the 'maid 1' tors wilt not -be liable for the sa<icl a or any part thereof' to any persons of wll: claim they shall not then have: rowel1 $ 4.25 4.25 t .re 8. 21 ;i.'f) 't7 o i+'iCL pl3 - e ONT,ARIU icy all,''itnced on g of Mortgages•, t' iii ^Tli:acm g,v'eii a a plicat1c z1d for loans ZE L R0.7 rich*. 0411iG. bitted the 17th day,of Januar} 191.1 ' 11;4, ' ' Solicitor' for slt11 ereautart