HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-20, Page 4moot D OD 4311111111D DOWDCID GIMPCIO D 4i)41 0 001111043 The rIolsons 13ank Capital paid up $4,000,000 Resseeye Fursid$4400,000 p Total Assets evert 44400090OOO • Head Office I BRANCHES, du1 i geese-, , Alberta -Calgary, Camrose, Dramend British Columbia -Revelstoke, Vancouver, '6restrtt _ O Manitoba -Winnipeg, Portage Am. a Gliosis lite rpekvl le, ry , ea Clinton, Drumbo, Dutton, Exeter, Forest,. ;'4'r5'x, i r, .•I eneiall , Hamilton - James Street, Market Branch, Highgate,'s requgan, l iogavi�le, ZCirlrtoxi, Lambton Mills, London, Lueknow, Meafordy,; Ierlin, Iaforrrsburg, Norwich, Ottawa. Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridgetti*Iq, + imecter Sr iih's Falls, St. Marys, St. Thomas, West End, East End's'ruttteh, ,,Toronto -Bay Street nWilliamsburg., r to t 'Ta o Queen St. W., Trenton, wales, IVatgrloa, ; :West Woodstock, Zurich. Quebec-Arthabaska, Ohicoutirnr, DrurTlmoridnrilie, Fraserville and Riviera du Loup Station, Knowlton, Iyaehine:Lpoks. Montreal -Cote des Neiges. St. JamestSt., St: Catherine, St. Branch. St. Henri Branch, Maisonneuve Branch', 'Market and Harbor Branch, Pierre- ville, Quebec, Richmond, Roberval, Sorel, Sri, Cesaire, Ste: Movie Station, St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Viettiriaville, Waterloo. Gethbrirlge, Ontario-Alvinston, Amherstburg, .Aybeet AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAP.' AND Couti E:S-Lgndon and: Liverpool-Parr's miC d Bank Limited. Ireland -`Tipster & Leinster BankL e . Australia and, i New Zealand -The Union Bank of ,'4ustralia,, Limited. South Africa -The Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited FOREIGN AGENTS-France-Societe:OekieSiey Germany -Deutsche Bank. Bel- gium Antwerp -La Banque d'Anvers, Clhina!; and Japan -Hong. Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Cuba, -•13 lteo Nacionalde Cuba, AGENTS IN UNITED STATES -Agents and. Correspondents in all the principal cities. n Zurich Branch -„ 1�►. i Sia' 'APTTII�TE, Agent irMEMDd D({DGSM 4ilgttMUD iY CtDCMaD.QDCi Xi LEGAL. CARDS. . J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Hai tor , Notary Pablie, Hensali, Ontario. At Zurich (Zelier's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. MEDICAL DR. T. P. McLAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen elle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- any ; also assistant surgeon at oorefields' (Royal London Opthal- ic) eye Hospital and Golden quare ; Nose and Throat Hospital, ondon England, eta. General raotioe, with special attention to ye, ear, nose and throat, Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and lasses supplied. OFFICE DASHWOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTiON;.OER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- action guaranteed or no pay. Terms easonable. Orders left at this office ill be promptly attended to. NDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ee agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day., 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office -- Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETING, CL1 l Court Zurich No f. 0W . insets every .lst 6.1•14 Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. Mn,1:RNMC, tea �� �. ��(� • RickbeiI T,odge r w No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. FRED. WITWnR ,M. W MARKET REPORT. -The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up tc Thursday, • .Barley .... 50 to 55 Peas ° es Bran 20,00 Shorts. • . .. 22 00 X2.00 Oats ..... .. 3Y 81. Wheat .. . 82 82 Five Roses flour 3.00 Purity ... , ..... . 3.'00 Royal Household. .. . 2,90 ':•;hose family..... 75' Hay....•. ... , .. 6.06 7.00 Driea apples , ... 5 5:1 Clover seed ... 8,00 .9,00 Potatoes :. . ... 25 25 Butter .1• 20 20 Eggs...... , 27 27 Bogs Iiveweiget....., . 7.30 11ENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour ,.. 2,76 Wheat-, , ... 1.08 Oats. 001 . 6 .. , . 1•, . 610 . 32 32 Bai•leya......,..., ar, rP Liege livewei ht., ,, 7,80 IffERwi PUBLI�RED'BY E. ZELLER. .TEM CRY OF THIRDS For, Ben was relic tea..the in- terruption. Mi fort rnaidenn..-.•it wits Sadie Tolman irw • was de• . lighted beyond re tee - et his cordiality and go' I"-: humor, and. showed at her eery 'hest . "Have yon seen the mornirle' [Japer?" she asked presently. ;et/ coarse not," answering her own, e aestion Such a sleepy head meet te•' way ; be hind the times. There tie e a great fixe last night" ' You c en't mean it, I thought I saw ti blitz .before I went to bed" "Beaton, ,r den my own ground" she admitted laughing, but perhaps 'You, ha, leer not heard the particulars. A Mrs Fuliivan came near being burned, to death. and an unknown gentleman rescued her. "1 wonder it it was our Molly Fullivan?" said Mre'1titte, glancing up from her seam. It was affirmed by her son. "I met,Jakey after the fire was all over." "Then you know all about it, pouted Sally. Perhaps, but mother: does not sup- pose ye tell her, " l will".said: the girl rising from het i;rat near the young man and walking to his mother's side with a ; carry laugh. ". iuu see late initis he bagels ;rim something in her vei e brought a senile to toe tired ecit ir's lips, • the gentleman's name-" he one who saved Mrs Fulliveseele unknown or held back on• the:pose, as Dan 1 Flanders thinks.' ,_r was areal sport, one of the toaisst kind. Dan e says, and about as handsome a man US he ever saw" Dai. Is in rook if he knows of an individual who ap- proaches him, reimrt7,ed Ben sarcas- tically "Oh, I,x Dish I had seen him when he carte ed up to that window. Dan gars he had the courage ot a Bono; .1 Meyer saw a good big fire" with a sigh "It must be lovely" "That's aery much ac • cording to the posit tae one holds Certainly net ve^ v lovely if in '•lolly Fullivan's lilt 1 or that of her rescuer," replieai, sett his own hands from which he had hastily torn the bandages ' .s""efore leaving hit, room unmistaketeely emphasis- ing his retuar'.a.. Nu, pelt -no once was hurt, you know. The building was tottering, that :insider near fal- ling, as Dan says, when a man whom nobody knew, sprang out of the crowd and held it until both were safe, Bens nodded assent "You were there yo zrself„ you were there," she cried ''Now • to pay- for ayfor trying to deeeivw me. you shall. tell me,'just how •,fust fine gentle.. man 1pked." - " " dect, "la was in the -timed. ion ,„.. enieettet He looked inch li e.,ra piotrire I saw several times when . I was ':a boy," he began andhip mother's eyes were ,,,,li,f ted suddenly:., to his face. "The picture of a ,beautiful boy, with big blue eyes and soft 1 ght hair falling over it broad fore- head" he welt, vii tldrif unt:uLdOlOua of that swift glance, "but there was this difference, the boy had a merry ct%reless air and the man was earnest and serious.' It was the solve sunny face, but the lips which in other days were always quiver- ing to a smile were firm and grave progress. To make a machine of,last ni'xht, the limbs were. lunger a .child will not do, thongli there grown ,.ilii :.it; art~;,er. tire ryes i]•,.sii ed natifun but fires. 1 suppose most of the crowd saw nothing more than a tail, fair, elegant gentleman in finest broadcloth and fxn]tless linen, not differing much from" ."You" interruped the_girl in eager admiration as her glance took in. the handsome, enthused face. 'Me' with sarcasm. "Thi, to, not differ- ing much from me, only as heaven differs from" He did not finish the sentence., he felt if 'ie did nut sea, the lifting of bis nibtber's eyes and stopped. You are nut bad looking, said the girl, timidly defending her position "No? Well I make it rip in bad feeling. Hee ',visa sorry the moment he htul nttered the worlds, the young fuoe ire tr,iryeti .•-eto11 (Li ;,- up'' an honorable ambition if tress; Jut the sevirtl )g• of his possible. This is worth all the I troubled heart -to 'say n . •, r e,1 •rest. which at most are but ex- bis hands, initis the .witty•• t iis,y. pedierits.' Begin on a good friends I Sidie nil tled her Leer cos, :,ver, Win :1.1.1d bti:ilcl as the trine ee et a`I''1 ee r'e'itracte : -Yen l a 'y, ., elegy requires. ;Ilere the diet -even -it ;it t ' tore betel lee other one tee elm the teacher mines in; he nnist know his scholar. He mast meet tire his capacity note his wee kness, aiid, get on the right side of the pupil, ;A. teacher beloved. is half titehtittle, won; haled or feared there ° is little, progress. A sof t v d 'd. ttu'zieth away wrath, but geitteen5 words stir up anger, even malt Slitld,,,and• fear, which is worse t'ha iteiger'- 'Levi.docs wonders with a cb i& it is whet the mother bass alible t10 tgaohei°" bunt takes the FRIDAY JAN. 20th, 1911. A scheme is on foot to construct a canal from Goderich to Hamilton the depth to be 35 feet and the width 300 fent. This canal will re- volutionize the shipping trade of Canada and make Toronto and Hamilton the leading manufactur- ing cities of America. Electric power would be furnished even cheaper than by Niagara and a veritable revolution take place in business industry throughout the province A contemporary says that news- paper subscriptions are infallible tests of a man's honesty. They will sooner or later discover the man. If he is dishonest he will cheat the printer some way ; says he has a receipt somewhere, of sent the: money and it was lost in. the mail, or he :will take the paper and nob pay for it on the grotiud that he did not subscribe for it, or move away letting it come to the office he left. Thousands of pro- fessed Christians are dishonest in this particular at least,° and the printer's book will tell fearful tales in the final judgment. TEACHER AND TEACHING. The first thing to be done in teaching is to get up interest. Without interest there will,be little attention, and without attention there can be but slow is much of the mechanical in Learn- ing the .rudiments. But all the more it is necessary to awaken an interest. But to interest a child, is to enlighten its mind, to make it active, in other wards easily re- tained, and may be made indelible ; otherwise they are fleeting and soon forgotten. •Another thing is emulation; a desire to be as good as your fellow -to excel him. This lendable and we find it to sornn ektent in school. We are not of these who approve of renumerat• ing°merit, offering rewards, ester, attery and reproaches. There hotly be use of these means but they S'hetxid be sparingly inrinlged in. Another grand essential is to get plaoe>tif' `eta aeiw,:. The tencher'Pi Diedtq ptalit therefore is of aced' , st'we" . illi Iiia .intellectual attain, bas tin get/ern-- wen ' f �.oan lie be etpetit thers • We there ° ''°" h' 4it the qualifaoa Hairs oteld consist of• Itrorkl '� ew a ,, e,y„ wdell disclpliiied ; baittii >P,'; o age, •'ef human ohi:'ld it • e d'"d, possossisig `natio elide, taut tit 'si' teatlY. deli'aery ' improsst' e 41* Ikrstioitrtg ft his apoetlh, i Irosea.bley trilling to- cnoriftes, iso love, 'with his 'cathing,, iaiterestectAimseif in • it; patient, happy, cheorfti and .hopeful, -Ex, held the heeler." Illi. bunNeely settled. A poor devil of the corn. mon sort, not svortla tlesarihing ; with scowling brews and slit teeth reeti 0 Wishing • you all a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous N e w Year, ;. Thanking U for past trade, amak8011Y. MO 06, .. attad hat pulled over h}s he was 00440lot0 o t ward .glance Of Ij$ Matter :if her ws s +pr would lraere ftitead returned the girl tins took Mrs >+r lliwan fro man's army, "eTooh:T dersitrely.".., and firing became such' tett gentleman, . e lire' sought, to save deed just.the eW40,''4' es praise' COI&ulnae &t .: to vindloate,.-',the ,ta#ibxltr, haps: he had to db could not lttelp hiria elf," ea1 Ben, "In such a case ing of nothing, neither leirei, blame." It is evident yota tu*:. out of bed on the wrong side, la. ed the maiden, rising to go • Tmy' advice and finish your • natio will come again when,you ter natured. "Mother" said. as they were left alone, an tone was gentleness itself..mothe„ do you remember the friend I•used to love long years ago; before Meg died ; the friend I had to give upV' I never forget Ben, wags the sooeinn reply, and it seemed to both s these people that centuries had 'passed since that day told its hours. Well, it was he, my lost friend, who saved Molly Fullivan's life B s voice was eloquent of pride andlitt miration, but the woman. said ;nit word and he went on determine to give her the confidence sit would not ask, And, mother,.;; held the ]adder. She cast a gl,an' on him then of utmost affeie and pride. ' It was . for his nothing else ; I could not de other.' wise where he was concerned, Hite voice trembled a little ; she kept' very still but he felt her sympathy (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres. Supt. Canadian ' Nur Uegulttions. west Land person;'Who is the Sole head of a rally, or any male over 18 years old, its'lioniestead a ouarter-section ot avail• stale 1)oeulnen land. in Manitoba, Sask-' ateheivart or Alberta. The applicant must appear in parson at the 'Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district, tete by pro .y may be made at any ,agency, on certain conditions, by father, other, son,thepghter, brother or sister of Gtarkdrng holuesteadter. Il!g'roq, Six mdnths'residence upon and of the land in each of three 3ioruesbeader may live within nine is homestead on a farm of at least solei9 oWned and occupied by him father,, mother, son, daughter, Vie,ger;rir tatsister. ri districts a homesteader in standing Tray pre-empt a quarter.sec- ialtitigside his homestead. Price $3.00 e; ' babies -Must reside six months is•eRre'Of sirs years from date of homestead eetr is tldi the time required 1 t e ed toearn 4'y (etc g q hotneo leal patent) and cultivate fifty acres extreettie tete stender who has exhausted his lietnlit9tixyright and cannot obtain a pre - el ptio, rrnsy,take a purchased homestead }rA ale ,'tkarii districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Page§. -,r 'iuSb;reside six months in each of tlrrott t `' s Cultivate fifty acres and erect b's .s60.04.; $300.00. W, W. CORY, heMinister pf the Interior. jborized publication of this l not be paid for. y, Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior ex- cellence. Sold by all dealers. Twenty six municipalities were added to the "dry-' territory of Ontario by Local Option on Jan- uary 2nd. swelling the grand total to 436. By the helpful in- fluences of the 8.5 handicap twenty five contests were ' unsuccessful. -Local Option may not ttcooniplish all its most enthusfastio 'supporters claim nor will it be responsible for the many dire calamities predicted by it severest critics A summary of the situation as it now stands is as follows :-Municipalities carrying kcal option : 3 towns, 8 villages, 15 townships ; total 25. Failing to carry owing to three-fifths clause: 7 towns. 5 villages, 18 townships ; total 30 Defeating local 'option: 1 city, 6 towns, 7 villages, 11 town ships ; total 25. Planes sustaining by law in repeal contest. 1 village. 2 townships ; total 3, Number of places voting 84. Municipalities •already "dry" 410. Total number of municipalities in Ontario 816. Number now to be '-dry," 436. Remaining "wet," 380. -Ex. Why is it that an audience can peacefully sit through a program two hours or more in length, and. yet the minute the opening bars cif the National Anthem are struck they jump up and strike for the door? Do people forget that ' a; prayer is being sung? Reverent*, for our Master, loyalty to the Kin • and courtesy to the perforn a e, should command , perfect order, from an audience during the sitife ing of "God save the King." en as soon as the appears Chamber - Remedy will ward off' croup and prevent all. cause of anxiety. of mothers use it. Sold by all dealers, talc_ ger. Thoustar#. Secicessfn'l NOW For Zurich and surrounding district for fall and winter months, an energetic and reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock GOOD PAY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY boo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee• to deliver the stock in good con. dition and up to contract graded? We can show thnt there is good, money in representing a : well- known, reable firm at this time. Established over 30 years. PELRAN NURSERY CO TORONTO, - ONT. FOR SALE. 000/000/41/40,04030. 15 acres of good pasture land adjoin- ing the village of Zurich and agricultural grounds, 2 good Village lots, 1 new dwell- ing house in good s tuation, also one large dwelling and large stable, good lawn in connection. Apply to E. Rannie, Hensall. NOTICE 'tO CREDITORS. 1'e. e' In the matter -of the estate of Melina Oescla late of the Township of Say,' in the County of Huron, feebler aeceased. l`lctiee is hereby given that all persons lir4tf Any.elaini or demands against the �l?kA e ;e"c no Ouch, who died. on or about 1r.lr of December 1910, at the ay aforesaid, are required to prepaid or to deliver to ttiY'ufreh, one of the executors and testament of the said names and addresses and full, etk)a�'.xs:irr writing of their claims ti et stents of their accounts and the rlatrc` °of the seour°ities, if any, held by tlreiTri" i'' . AND NOTICE is further given that• after ,'the 1st day of February 191.1, tho client;tors will proceed to distribute the assets.' of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said ex= ereters will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then nave 1~ eoelved•notice. Stott the eth day of January 1911. H. 5. D. Cooke, Solicitor for said executors. FRIST GLASS TILE I have a large supply of the vex/ best tile on hand, from 2e in, to siX inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John roster, Zoe- ieh, Brick and Tile yards: li:f.' l'kk T - •40116 - A IIEPRESENTA'J Z dor OVER OVER SS YEARS EXPCWENCE q'hrs it the n1irser r steel] We pay llbeje steady emll list of t peeut a rasp abd read,• eellelc and O,r 1a Seed .E'otatoen, Write' for` termh ,r TORE The ll'onthil TOiOlrittlt• rXtarr, ist0 1837 t lino °TADEsieD£ MNoARita COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone seniithg a sketch and desorl)St1en may galckiy adeertaln our apinien treb W other an tnrehtton 1d probably.patentablo. Oommunieh• tiaras strictly eenadentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents dont free, Oldest agency for eeourrllg ptktente. - Valenta tatted thro fob Maim & cc. receive ilptddt ttottes.•*vithout (thaneo, in the •eI nttfIc. JJonerka ..: , , +�M11E.titlde btedyily leoient� 'leunlIseoic%1. T(rO( fbr Cdftnda $5.75 a rear, Dpetatae prepaird. sold by ° 'Nil r1b a&leklt+ ye t�r., ' �M & Co.301Brostiwat Newyork niece Office, 625'6' $t,, Washington, D.