HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-20, Page 104..1111.0 Official Orgart urieh and. Hay Township me sol ). -d Pia say uy. f 3 IC ZE (ee ol a lo Lfll ot2 RI part an( veni enj NG. the the Jan 3100 o, S ieor nte c in tin ; 9 r ers R or r ; Vol. XI . lcoocoOstsolotAZA • i•••••.,t NOS St .,. to reduce will soon our imnled -, ,,,,,, , .before we be ,, ant commence. gin. $2o,400 worth of goods to ichoo rem. Now is your chaAti - Come at once and have cftr share of the Bargains. t We wil use you right. -•. IARAIMMIMMIONNIIMIIIMMIIMMINOKI 0 LADIES .riANTLES CI 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 All this season's styles. Every garment well made and of stylish appearance. In order to clear have , reduced to fol- lowing low prices. Regular $18.00 mantles for 13.50 4' 17.50 " for 13.00 • ).0.00,- for 12.00 • moo ,for 9.50 ,414 10.00 4r for 8.06' 6.00 4 4 N"' for 3.50 ' 25,00 Pony oth Coats for 20.00 13.00 Pony Cloth Coats for 10.00 10.00 Misses Coats for 7.50 9.00 Misses Coats for 6.50 7.00 Misses Coats for 5,00 A lot of Children Coats from $1.00 up. Lien's Overcoats All new Fancy tweeds with college and military ') he best styles and patterns. 'Note these prices. Regular $16 overcoats for 13.50 14 " for 10.50 " 12 " for 9.00 si " for 8.50 ..: 10 " for 7.50 9 " for 6,00 " 6.50 4 4 for 4.50 Boys' tasters at equally low. prices. M Men's tweed an • ing low prices to clear.: 4 Suits. reguliti*1 3 suits regularel„' , 10 suits regular,•10.,• trf r 2 suits regular 9,69 Zor 0.00 , 4 suits regular 1.00 for 5.00 sp cialvalues in all lines o,f•Solts up to $18.00 1:1 Boys' and Youth's Suits, large assortment at Bargain Prices. suits at the 0 ertseeserss 6 L0( Mr. W. O. nese trip to L Mr. 0. Colo, Centre stree Faust. bilis H. P. visiting his present. • Dr. AilcKin n vent several days this week ting relatives, east of Toronto. INC JAN. 20. 1911. 41104,141144.1411 ri.L NEWS. 4ter64,14114‘.004164 Calitt8 made a busi. don, on Thursday. y bought a lot on from Mrs. Adam eber of Berlin is mily in town, at The execni4, # of the late Menno Gesell will se ' the firm on the Goshen by an . ion on the 26th, Mr. Edwar" I Stelck of the 14th Con., took Sit. it enly ill on Moodily with sympto.4.of appendicitis. Mrs. Ore of Onderioh, is visiting her . - ghter, Mrs. J. J Horneriste ,.. , Alfred Geiger's household eft ebts arrived here this week. Mrs, le ziger will likely re- main i n town. Mr. Napold Lebean and Mr. Cadieux returned from Texas re cently, and may locate in this sec- tion again. • , Mr. j..Xellerman hes purchaeed Mr. Alfred Ge,11mntee shoe stook and is moving it to his shoe stole at Dashwood. -, Sleighing is lira good this week and much hes,, teaming is being done. The so ..8 are good with the exception of a • sedd pitch -hole. Our big clea .., g sale is in full swing. If yo ant a bargain In clothes, furs, teats etc.. now- is , your chance, . Preeter. • f' Mr. H. Voll. s 4 Jr., of the Baby- lon Line lost , • lircled work horse this Week whil, . Ging some team- ing in the osio,mq • . The Doke of ;Ism:taught brother 01. the late sjs• Edward will be ' -•,-,,A '4nctr general of De4i.fe,' . OW I. - . ' \ , bells and robes rett; ',going at greatly.. reduced prices to . clear. J. Preeter. ' . ;"• .1.130" license commissioners for South Huron have been appointed. Wm. Delbridge If lishorne replaces Mr. Peter Dot gIas of Blake, on this year's Boar]. Mr. Louis Thiel of Pigeon Mich., formerly a blacksmith here visiteal relatives and friends in town this week. Mr. Thiel has been in Michigan over 20 years, has pros - pared and is looking well. Mr. Louis Sohilbet had the mis- fortune to break his leg, one even- ing last week, while on business at the grist mill, It is a bad fracture and will lay bim up for some months. Miss Amelia 'Laporte, who has been at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte for about six weeks, returned on Mon- thly to Detro4, where elle is i engaged as hea stenographer with the Roberts BrJ3 Mfg Co. W. R. Terve general menages of the Fartndrs Bank recently suspended, was sentenced on M.onday. by Cols Denison of Tor- onto, to six years imprisonment, be having pleaded to thee charges made against hies by the crown'. Willie Bendeis the seven-year old son of Mr and Mrs. John 13en, der of near Da thwood, who was severely kicked on the head by a horse is said to N recovering, or at least is tnakin satisfectory pro gress. He Was Iterated on at St. Joseph's Hospit.iI London. A large Mina er of our sunicrib- ers are still in rreLrS for past sub. soriptions and we would like to have all arrear settled at once. The only way a weekly paper oan prosper and flourish is to have a good paidin-ad ranee list. If yon have not rene ed tor this year, kindly do so th s month, if possible Mr. F. Hess Sr.'who was last week re-eleeteA trustee of the public soltool, is Inow on his 13th term and on I expiry will have given the sellon 59 years con- tinuous servic L 1We believe this constitntes the- record for Huron County. 1, Atthe first meeting of the pollee trustees held on Monday. Mr. orAb.1:3),Bieretistttsli:0,7 etmb ae n 33 was anealecmterd. secretary. Mr. Andrew Thiel was resippointed constable Lr cell 'of tl'e oliai Itat.u, , , . • A few small 4000111AS were passed and the ineetin i 001;4110 at tlia for the year at the feriner salary. 0 000 FL1RS Colder weather is coming. Our stock of Furs large. Big values in Ruffs, Throws, Muffs, Coats etc. is still Seasonable fi ardware Rayo Lamps, Perfectioni• ,)Lamps, 11 Skates, Axes, Cutlery, Silverware, Carving Sete,. 04el.36ardS, ete. • 1 P Telephone 9 .002011;11001010111111(10t10100000CK34730021,4mgit AZ* Watch this space for a Big Reduction Sale, which will be= gin on the 28th of January, for 30 days. ,••••;.ese . • ,• m••••••••••• ..m1011101 I Many I Thanks for 1 ast favors IWishing you tl 440. .` py and PERous •New Year ESS