HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-13, Page 4ieD01101DODONIIIDGE“:111111311OCOOD41110111i)43D011111110411,4:111111111OODC1111118DO iso The nolsons Capltai paid up $4.000,000 Vote(1 4 ead Offio -11 ,s,4400,000 ,041 BHA Alberita--Culgaryi Carmose; Diamq British Col*Mbla—Revelstolce, Va V Maraltoba—Winnipeg, Portage Av Ontarlo—Alvinston, Amherstlaurg, • Clinton, Drumbo, Dutton, Exeter, Foresi• James Strent, Market Branch, Higlagalh a,,.. Lan-abton. Mills, Loudon, Luoknow, ' e k a Ottawa. Owen Sound, Port Attliur.' 1 Marys,St. Thomas, West End, Queen Sb, W,, Trenton, Wales;,• Woodstock, Zurich. 2, • Quebec--Arthahasks„ Chicon a Riviera do Lo aia Station, Knowlk* — Montreal --Cote des Neige,.i.g St. Henri Branch, Maisonneuve.M villa, Quebec, Richmond, RobeNi4l1i', z St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blatotillekti '47 AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN A3.05, . 1 Bank Limited. Leland—Munster "6,2„ New Zealand—The Union. Bank ,OtAd...i. sv 1 , a *villa, - rvi.tor,— . ' 0 wicla, a •Pete on i s ) s.1 si St. n Toonto—By .Street '41 V . TorontoWillis,mg. h r s u , 9110:vine, • Fraserville and a Ste Catherine, St. Branch. kr; rid Harbor Branch, Pierre - %tire, Ste. Flavie Station, Waterloo. odon and Liverpool—Pares v Limited, Australia and Limited. South • Africa—The THE rMY OF .4.Pe - 4'No, no ; the Not a sow' sec) in the hulleht "VV0I1', you hoc 4`40.1 1 wonthe knot inquires ' of P 4 don't know nee.",t 'e lad ; I'll rowel resimbles ye .e.,`Iii' \veva, the ropor nanie in the pa t!eri•t, i,,,r a eu,M intul tt,,,i dark; an' Who's• ', pride or whet e . nobody'e husine-e: ell whether it's n.Ixtur a a the crisp reply - '1- to make it TOUT is over to knew •ttatt, •raftde -114*, so tinge ES?, tGry Trecli24. ebettlt, , „..„ ••• .. e'tfend.' 4'1.; YATOP, • ,0,,i•tlils : doge' 11 • .: t, 1 , • . ber what I say No OT.t-6,',.. i‘th'I 110-041110tixisili',4 whii t.,670t'2, affair ; Keith Weswick least 'of all rleheeeiP1,e6....te4' 'fclra-54. '', Understand Me "Sake, - if you ever -,,e-Ae.,".majeu 1.11S2tgiOn_.,,-. tell him who ,b -id the 'ladder to. "'''.'.4 9?1. ' lo• combed ex, his •biter4 night never lo, k 211 my face again - Be aisy, b'y, ztiey Am I the on •-b gie4111 he aSke ” tinnis g "It'Ola• setindil* dog. as would go bat:t on ye? Niven fear ea Standard Bank of South Afrieo4 a..*trobytid. -' . ee w Fonnbox AceNT0—Prance-, 'citete154.tteral4•2"P:d0321a0,D1r-Deutsolle Bank. Bel. %;;;, though 1 will ea y it s a square AGENTS IN UNITED Sk i ::1-Berloo Naoionalde Cuba',•your loife for :i' riot enough to thing ti Ioike e plan enough to risk Shanghai Banking Corporaii giura Antwerp -La Banquo d'11'‘'Clalia aud . Jainta—Hoog Kolig and A 0E6, and Correspondents in all the rtimfro ti li 'hfro 2•,,i,h,m.,•,-.1 Dr, concory, AL principa1 GItm. 01 YOU IM ' nee ;tea • kiwi -'teat, as. - ' '. ' ;'' w R , ,"i• p J Zurich.•Er atioch GiliMESDODaireigil0= LEGAL. CAP?' • „ EC. J. D. COOKE, BARR1ST 'pTiSTANTINEI Agent CalpfaD4:11111NO43 » MUM IMOD lieiter, Notary Public:1E6*S At Zurich (Zeller's office) ' day. PROUDFOOT RAYS e. Barristers, Solicitors. No etc. Goderich, Cauada, K. C. R.1.10,4 1/4 •4,4* -4-4 41'220trutf' DR. T. P. merly • jansen. Halle and Biers «,bzdin,Ger- many ; also assika t surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal Londonpthal raiz) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London. England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested. (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASUWOOD, ONT. ..k::14UBLIS33ED BY B. ZBLLBO. FRIDAY JAN, 13th, 1911. 4rNow that the holiday season is over there will be a enuring away for a new year's business and a planning of work. There's • 'nothing like method and a well ZIN• for. deb.ned purpose in any calling. It BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all pa,rts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSTIRAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, w Monarch, Stand- ard, 'W. ell &au. Every- thing in fire in et, DR. F. A. SEW duate of the ree Surgeons, Toroozqq, 4,.! ate of DepartniV ronto University of teeth. Plate wet • spook. Dominion Honse trieb, ever day. saves time, gives opportunity of comparing progress and :1111°11/41'st invariably writes success on the undertaking whether it be ph) sloal or mental labor. The hit and -miss style is productive of small results outside of -wasted time and energy. She laid. the still, white torm beside those which had gone be. fore ; no sob, no sigh forced its way from her heart. throbbing as though it would burst. Suddenly a cry broke the stillness of the place—one single heartbreaking shriek ; then silence; another Dry ; more silence ; then all silence but for a guttoral murmur, whioh seemed to well up from her very soul. She ^loft the "place She would lay another egg tomorrow 1910 was a year ot marled grow- th and development throughout the Deminien, of Cennele It wee sociate wines -11(h 'as Itirn, .1 know my plan and 110;:i the kifid.that can receive favors oitbr IX. were his eqnal—Ben iittopped al tly, with glea,naing eyeS peer' into the darkree • Bend a froixn his compaSion—if 1 Wer equal Jako FulliVa.n, no other than mine should touch hun night. I would carry him in' arms to Ms mother's house, to bed, nurse 'his bzrus, watch ryVer itc,1 him while he i'slept. "How the woman slumbering in every maxi's breast came to die front in, Ben' tonight. The groan that fel his lips, as 1i. brought lit' down desperately on the iris shoulder, was not born alto of the pain that went throng as his blistered palm met the coat. "Ah, now, Benjy, b'yi up" said his friend, putt" f%rin tenderly abl"e1/4t the ell form, Let me °lanu to Ser they lies a.chin' wild thalign* the flames, I'm there,,g • ore than my heart" i'iscestiO1 :.the woman within g...tting tho. tter for the tints „of the f'young. Man: But I kin hill) tbaff hands, Oer see I've brought part of;•,: the girrhl's bottle that the Doetb.Or rubbedlier in. • Thinks I. Bet'll, go Off home, au' divil a bit he,- All dot far hl4 poor laande, ewe, ' hands, d'yer ee tp` etufeiatis some of the liniment this phial an'•gfah bed settee rags axi' aff stbarts. ' Yea alien At go 'hem° with me, said. perverse Ben. phy not? Am 1 to tie ye up on the strate corder?'' q'Thee or no- where ;J don't eel e a dime Whiell" twelve months of expansion, with answered the yeeth. '1'rri not go. all that word implies. Not in• ing to have mother asking ques nation and liability to explode as tions" As if she iver did. that," did many of the so called businees ',Well, she'll think them, whioh is booms but a broadening and better- worse," Va"..0. the seely reply, the ing of trade conditions and re- thought of his silent mothee adding lotions bcth at hone and abroad. 'poignency to BOWS headache. For From a financial view point Canada was ei.o not silent beer wee lio leas Mee ,sc rc.114ievo abort d 711.11 •ter his j ,ys cr vi'‘A3G1' Ai he5Xai. Im- patiently while the little Irishman, hound up his burns' . memory brought back te him the r.agb,t, when ee a boy, i.e had told her of Keith and his sorrowful separation from him, and recalled the tear that fell on his bend n$ she listened How she had Lee ad hin., sympathit zed. with him When be had. let her. How had he requited her Wye? BY his sullenness and sin, refueling to share with her the conimenest things of life; and that now be- cause he did Lot return her affect. tion, but beceese he so keenly realized, bow ho hud failed her, tailed himself, No wonder he sat tea •the edgeeot is bed f bears that night brooding over the pest, otzi'sing bis folly:aud Ills ' • No wondl,tr 012,,e;) ovntloti n, evhen legit it kla11104 tilly la its entbraere t he res tea awl • Aoti lie could not wok witb eeee. ed. hands, be muttered to LILEFSElf, so he might as welltinve ei„et. 'on ; and just then, for the third time, yost !.0±ea(1 vc)efil,a-. 1Gien Lands b3,:eya:141a1;taati:ahaulinaksryt:, tlae• district; ,ina ne her • or sister of 4j ieaeh 02), egidlioP, fa: rtntll emsciet e'vitlain nine o 2i-‘2•• • -'4atighter • • '!'',„• ' honMetteader in 1eanpt,a qUarter, sec. 1.1.a,linalestead, 'Pelee .$8.00 Nitr:•19:iist reside six Months 5Y46,"§tionir date of hoinestead required to earn ' altivate fifty acres ',,,;'pelienstod his , •elatain a pre- , Ate aty ors and erecta Pl:foSttnljct*h410! inpQyelreasdotheer4oe. df •41$ imsteor:thetr.ntenor. ication of this fo r soon as the pears Chamber- edy will ward off oup and -prevent all CiaBse of anxiety. mothers use it ld by all dealers. eel Vila.8 never stronger an,' :Lb.) f utlook for the yeer 1911 is resv "th well grounded anticipation. eyes of the world aro upon da and this land of Magnitilde$ bility to satisfy, whether in n for financial investment, or orts and privileges of eitizen. Let is eheer fot Canada. E. ZELLER, coNvnYAN-csR Notary Priblio. DeedsMr , Wills and other Legal Documen fully and promptly prepare& Zeller block, Zurich, Out, LODGE MEETINGS C. 00E incets every 1st and 33, Court Zurich No. 1240 Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. in the A. 0.1Y, W. Hall. S. 3,gERNEA. '.; • Ritubeti I,Qcr nOt advisable to look back- - teerne the past too , muh—to lover its failureSe or to gloat y. ;els snccesss. yp, it is not w tO ignore the'paste altogether. There are valuable.sse0n8 to be learnedfremepast fealfittOis ae well as snecesee.Many 10,10,a- who are sucpeSsful,, thte.y .'hteVe. profited from: the't0411,,r;o$ 'of the past, OW., iave„•analvilized , the reasone OrAheit , tailtIre, made a 010se Condit/00S that have lAit 10:Etetri " abs, -and have ,:l'etlile 'to, hai rip d ' on a ,1 and surer foul &Law.... • -.. '6v has h:‘,..P.1, i,,a.couss,:til hl t, ti.lwaTs lokas forward 1143fu1tes, and he has every . -so to do. Past suecesens hint stronger for futute nd he pushes forward with ce ii -i himself to accomplish ater stteeesSe. There are Owever, whose past failur. es ioo',0,,,. larger' than their neppesen ' W,,b'thcse. a little closer of . ':.oeudi lops whioh o tbpIr:',0 khe:,faiitires ilig year . the qi ti7iti- ith,ty" 1:, the ..\'7'.e :thitk- t.,'Uot dwell :01.4001.5 p;.0 it • I • ritieeta Iiit the 2nd and 4th Friday of every in th, • sGUE, t 8 o'lock, in their Hall, Merneik -10 •,•pia.n. FEED, WITAVEW MARITVIT RtORT.—Tho lowing is the report of Market corrected up to Thu Peas,— Shorts... . ' Oats Wheat .., VIVO RoSes flotir Parity „ • t ere Royal Household,„.... Chace family .. • • • Ha,y,......• . . . ....... Drien apples CloVer Sed. potatoes Eggs—, Hogs liveweite HENS,ALL'OAWO, ma • Cok's Best--Z.b;7:5' ' WtheeA. .1341 132: Rnrtey'...— Poa..,"" 80 80 hers lee flogs iiveweight 7,10 iii the Lo ere nit. ,4-4 St failures., 6.kq, the past, •4,agd,' which wards SUCOOSS that 1st eff#, olligh Henke' y actS op allays the cough, r eta opens the seoretion. re in restoring the syS lily condition. Thousa9 ified to its superior el.' 4. Sold by all dealers. We n and We pablish ' WARNIgG. r , yo -1,44 erry )(ma's' rospsecyus • Year, n The Family Herald arning their rad, s expire this once. The fiks-tund. new f sub. Sorrptie pouring into that office every day are a sight to behold TA their prospectus for 1911 the Publishers promise some wonder- ful improvements that will make the paper even greater value than tar of Montreal the ever before. although ithas always bA11 recognined ae the greatest TO NTO, dollar's worth to be had. Every borne in Canada will be the better f The Family Herald and Weekly Star is a regaler weekly visitor tinting 1911. ow- - surrounding rater months, ble agent to t sry stock L., ft t.D.,i1V)" OUTFIT FFtEE, i1IVE TERRITORY o Acres unde„cultkation. We guarantee • to delilt t, stock in good con. clitiorr4NaM, .0o contract graded We Can Ot there Is good, money in rePresenting a well known, rea.lite firm at this tire.e. Estalished' over 30 years. , - PELIIAll NURSERY CO °•°' ONT. aci?4' . too;t116 .41 A rnral manufacturer duns his, subseribers in the following ix.,o1 manner "All persons knowing -.4 selveeS indebted to tb.is eon A eteseeve t1,11"). G'11, roque‘ted to call and set, 4 those elndebted to this time net knhwing it, areocllenn, id lie 01.1t, knoering t1±emteet, be r 2:d and hot, call, er4e) nested to Asle 71"elo' place le 4tonh tor ttfl thene,`I rnanati; )(4 you w 1 1 be 1„it. eetle y a. 1 land adjoin,. agricultural 1 new dwell - r ion, also ono Le, good lawn E. Rannie, e. etre , aitte DITORS. '..• , .theetbalter of the estate of !filo 6sei late of the Township Hay in the C,oteaty of Huron, rithp,epeased„ 12,ttip• ailrelay given that all persons il„„'"alay claim or demands against tho 4/4. t`tr,Oesch, v'ho ' died on or about, • of December 1910, at the '2•0 Ray aforesaid, are required to ost prepaid or to deliver to la2 urich. one of the executors t will and teStainett of the said ' 00-6 their names and addresses and n or fla116,:raitIeitof trt!' °age coolmattosheiranedlaitmhes nature of, bho'etattrities, if any, held by • them. etell:further r Februarygi1v9e1111;thb• tahe eXecutato' will Proceed to distribute the assets,'Wthe said deoeased among the ,,eutitled thereto+ liming regard • the eIaims of which they shall them had notice and that the sad ',Crs not be liable for the said le or erly part thereof to any person hose claim they sht1,11 not the* nave b'Avfleciteet,ith day of January 1911. It J. D. Cooke, 'you ior past trsY' 1 have a, large atipiJly u, best tile on band, from 2i inoh. If yetneed any eal or telephone to John ' Fosar, ich, Briek and Tile yards: .t?. 11 t ir Solicitor for said executors. ER 65 liicals°° XPERIENCe of are int oh no A fr gi' de