HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-01-13, Page 24,10, 0'AV/0r,, THg Fro.N.ps OF BRUGES. • ete": eve emis , of ..13rn"'' it Ire into a ‘$ocietv tb troln V4,m1114 01 10Wfpt their in - 4 bria,.;e i'!1•1'141Id, to lot o'r make 1.,fittiri4ig any ibo arehiLeetur, anon 01. Inany, the tAleggestive u1 jj,.11- s et) 10114ari it be 1)11.O eemiretioe 'JO 41telii, so long, es its •ghttirer. Te wield' the teeiey Whit, 4.--1 :Irnei as 0:01d' 114 to S.064'cLe thi: consecrated erpieees which hong un museum towus should be protected eeth other works of art, and ii seniteey or other causes they be- et: ; uninhabitable there is no reason y the,•t siton1L be inhabited. People tat be made to pitch tbeir tents else - »c and the masonry they haze vacat- ay 14 turned to other uses or slut - one side and preserved for ,ebacological or artistic study.—Queen. (eep the,Boweis Regular Seed for free mpie te.b.4; National Priv', & Chem tee! Cet":!•Iti ',e53,77 PRESS PULPIT AND., A hearty laugh is one ot•.4: restorers in the woi141..-.7S0r, u« the Savage °lob'. The incoming tide of . d sweeping in Me a tiaa1 like the tide it r11I not, Vaughan, at Pickering. Nothing succeeds Like .11 As much a necessity toet te-tiay as is toed to a T. M. i1eigh, J. re at' Nature .,seeras to be' eex: it is certainty- ne.4'„.4 no like What we Used tQ ••-Nfr. A. C. 3.eitetteiereie,., etelice Court. • ee. 1 have no retcard Iesr it can 500 45 that .41,1; ple's conduct ami 11 the better-Mr.JUt001 "Girl art iduclent f*.1 end assiduous titan thilgt, My( and Poyoter on. ',,3a:Ellr ilg wlzes to shrlerttst Academy or Arts, The only WaY for .4 earerully in the st.r.."0,-. every pedestrian to commit suleide,,1 lildinburgh. The .great thug 4:-g.4 ,.R to consider not )4% 1 he stalls, but tlae-' 1hp gallery. -Mr. A11tb There is a certain fOr ion, a desire' to stand to say "the right thin ratted or us, whiali eO a dismal and vapid Gore. at •AtrInitighe; IrounW,' °e;) heat rte. -landiiti +Ito snap. ft fen Nir. • , app17,, fur o 00 ritder- ,e stage. is for :You'll never heve health ti the bow' 'els are inact3ve. keeping them right L.Yon ensure o clean. wholesome body. . Why Watt: Lor eunstination to clog up and exclum 11441 whole syetent—use Pille—they are the firteee, dest laxative known; put strength inte the museics of the stomach and eeeyer injure the ddileate iirting of the t4,e-ivels. They got you in the habit of gperfetiniug a certain function at a cer- ViOn time, and thereby restere normal ,liteditione. Dr. Ilamilton's Pills are %eat hosouso they help Nature help her - ,'Self, and thereby keep the stomach strong, digestion good, blood pure, com- plexion clean, spirits bright and happy, Prior t2Se., dealers, or The Cetarrhozone Co,, Kingston, Ont. ta terrible one t o st gi.satota reee.8e, THE METHODICAL MAN. Llninieni, Co., Limited. Gentlemen, ---Last winter I received great benefit from the use of :KINARD'S LINIMENT in a severe. attack of IA. Orippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effeetive in cases of inflema- reation. Yours, • W. A; IICTCHINSON. • THE ;REASON. • "The only thing ¶ find to say Against you is that your washiug bill is far too extravagant. Lase week you had six, blouses in the waSh. Why, Jane, tuy ovm daughter never sends 3flore,,,t244tn two!' "Ab, that sney be, mum." replied .lane, "but 1 'eve tol Your dgealiter's sweetheart is a bank clerk,' while any young man is a chimney -sweep. It makes ti;lletS1108-0411,1111 Suctril atme mars, frc4 tO • eat Men money, ,ieloren tri.6 blame the oh Ltp it. Os:tee-ea" ncludIs and aged ,peeple urive difficulties by (laic." tit -1',11,tktti''' ••, 1 44— Glad When a Holiday is Over and He Can Get Back to Routine. "I don't like holidays," said the meth- odical man; "they interfere with ney NerVir Ct.t,• "Expo4u, wilid.l. '... n 1 u ti;;:in, F‘ ',vas othele; lected, the' severity 41 , nd SO ati Oa , 'i' ed. '..i,lin 0, pi I 1 s, a (tele,' i it but t11f.:50 ary, I *,c, A' irmiderful:p Ail' line, 414341 4r4.• chemislee li et'i melt thee, ,, do. acus going .,'-Q tlitishistit; ,Atud being able lio go ,dko many man ti; ie,ttice' ale 4:i:et.. elf previ , 'de( 1 to be le ' nr1- E tlitc of , rib 1 ef fa ,4 it. A laing,, 'Mit Nier), 4 !tile el. d .k 't.titEt....ti:. day •I eau 2 451.,'''i ' .. .'.." (Signet ) l‘rf.i.Itev T, WO,,,ib,4',41: Ail dealt, It -,11l it\rerviline iY. 50c bottiv.„ • ' work. I recognize fully the -fait that days off, days of abstinence from miter, are neeeseary for our bodily and mei,. tal welfare, and I take a day off week- ly, my day being Sunday, but for many years I have worked on ever' other day in the week -regardless of helidays. Anything that breaks in 011 1110 ia this observance is disturbing. • "To begin with, we get up and havz: 'breakfast au' hour later thin thetel. There'e hoeir 'hese fere'eeee. Atte the -Ai on holida;ys we more dirtiest. in tiM die of the day, this being a farther. die. ruption of *our usual routine., and then who can work after a hearty midday holiday dinner? And then, besides, tbe whole atmosphere of the day is chang cd. "So I am glad to liave the day over and to get. back to work in my sys- tematic, orderly, methodical 'way, It is in work in my regular, accustomed manner that I find. my great pleasure, with my regularly Teeurving day of rest have no use at all for holidays." on after that day I am glad to take up work again, and I ONE BY ONE. (London 'Tit -Bits.) • 'Thireletired, ManL-What! A ehilling etit'ting my hair? That's outrageous- ,41113arbere---But, my dear sir, the lui.irs your head are so far apart that ve to cut each one by itself. TO C,LIRE A COLD IN ONE DAY feeeseet,11Yril urktt4: ,Dttigtf4,-„,s BR°,MQ'91/11111a rer,MA, „o7111l4a.ils tue, le. W. c1q,7 stvn3ture on 411 LIKE, Pe ,144IIAN„ (Bst.,(Iti don't et1ivyetk; t C14:. 'ant tte nulree, t•,„, says 1147 gotette ut0":,•::•e,..,ret re ti tato, , iny tleer.e*le" 311,; seimetelng to cot, elite (peletleinti-el- Isn't that just Ctinkin of his st0m0 it 01, , - A tetAel-i,,,,, 3; LICENSE (11itpt:41Pi eekly.) , • Mei i„"-ery tr,wd - onid the 15111- • Opeii,, acileg ; '1.4.C.:.•'s, ' ‘,.t106y Visitor, t utei 'i•S'I" ' ' '' ' ;4e1.,, +oil to leave, 411' 011301E19 &hap* 41o4441144:t ugsr4"4*, ib* sileciat mad hetes "Yz,tzr d1x1J,r410:443' 1.;.,11,,, r; 4 - ti v. i 11(11 01144 31 Ine I, itig1e .," iv)r eete' 3,4.4; teeth*. "1 itoartt 44411455431 Fi! 0- 1 II 4 il,:;:t, shrt tiee the best- 1 -- 141 aity of the boees."'sxe hostess es sle;t 1441431.; lier V gr 3444' 4\'4'1' tilv h41.e1; ta 44 ro o..?.? is. "1)11i It 44444 14011 4: 414 11134± 'see 'woe lite eilieterie 1444. 1.0 .fleerd lle)t I, Ilt.1 es is a lisic, lett e 3e411 11444 denlitilded the 041444d, 911"ateturned 1444 .,1 -4*--4-- -----, THE VtiLUE OF THE A Methot st telaiseer in, littlp,„ ANDMW otenciOgi' for WO. ieflijciiIure' o,1,1 to the nO per. stereo. BROX- )ruggists. eteitly Merit 0! aeteilig inada, - '11' cry type, *elk etItheti him, a '1 t ti sen4 of tht r5l12t2 in the how tench IV', "eliditylk 4 )44J clergYniall in .l'i l' V , 11F,:5 fe able Iniete 1 1f,, .-young i dollar 1r010 4144 The reipistee 440011011315t1 444 317041 1110(1e, ill, i,iS,' 5051/13:e5., the 'delighted y pine litediaN "I)o you liezer Ulla, eiag 1 he, nothinl" vial dropped the back hito his peeket. told his edger:or hat, dm fee depend. Bet -the peat r had more to.0_,:4;i.,:,4 i the -ealuatitett placed on the int the young . 1,aromalt 0.1,4:. lit,6'.1,....' rendered. 11: trot worth nathi ig ;tied- but if'.licivalutel he ir 'e uld give some evidence of it 11I.S f Aits. Appiy ior 7 977kt4r; i:oftt, Ii Les57:1116:41.11ittiandreyeIvileeatimi: 8';';)''teeabet hook eaorf -°3.1m3iat;Oetibatl trir e e hook Ascii: Sew stretch tlie tape' over am and tack flat, being 've the tape Test this same e abate of the skirt between 44 tt the back opening. When closed, it will stay firm and moult' was impressed. Stow1rhn p ;.o 41 led 11111 half dollar and laid it 'in the niblie,„ hand. A11 hill'followitee•kT-beti.A grasped ae-m. Ji �sed If ward the' de'dr.—Erederiet 044058, 1411 Tile 11 ietolte,d the noisy, 311 423)thefe eel 14SE..0:41: „tt:.rill:1°tedr ( t 5) 1.44) 04121111 011 ;. 8'; I have." -mid the inukooper, "but 033 lictiese, ;net yottre. o ctiselleiteriLleseut p'etrhregIml s :4 .., I an intereeting e :' t own to /mine.; it, li I .41 i • '''," Mrs Isene Bevil' ;jai' etesr iihe:n :ill; eirult iv) ysol,sitte„..„ 4 et. s a(lmil',0 ,t44 (*-art ,bi 'ato 1.01,10r, A kED FOR A, ncLcs ....***11.110" 1-LIf4G't GLOVE HAI4D, tot .,(4. 44 eta] y linowe that :,King t'lleeell,t eppsaeing,),e .; 44e.1 ti. L tied the tit '' ha' metier g. tit 1 ...,4 Mu. T Warrn,cuat igetkeilue and 1 had tried acneYt7 e kind of niedieine wizen it oeighbo told aid to use ICt•tultdi'k Spirits Cure, vritieh I did 4441 44 acta Kegtalairs Spaitylot Cure is no untried tmprineut, but is th vorld's standard remedy for an sweniage, Soft nueches and eemeacss in horse and luau. Vsed the world eser for 40 years. Every farmer, stockman, expres- =an, 'leery proprietor mid horse omuer generally should keep ity always on hand. L. a bottle -6 for ZO. A* your dealer for free noe), of ottr book "P.. Treatise On The Horse -or vrtife us DR.,. D., J. IfEMAIDALL CO. 56 EriosIntini Fel.% h Vex-100AL 44 4 e4144e414e, NO COUGHER. (Exeltange.) "I tell you 1 niust have some money!" roared the King of Maritim, who was in sore financial straits. "Sonatibody will have to cough up." "Alas!" sighed the guardian of the treesury, who was formerly the court :icstr, "all bur coffers ate (axiality." An Absolute Remedy for Crog Pulnanti Painless Corn Extracter'R safe, sure, lways emiulese. A hundred, substitutes prove ihe supremacy of NV' mire's Paielese Cern Extractor. Tbe name telllite story. It is painlete. it retracts eofes, e430 doss it quickly. Sold Easy, ,ef 01014444, if you know hew. by druggele, priee WHERE CNOE I WAS /-I,APPY— Theist: is' It& etrength 04 my heart, And 1)2444 01321:5 soul; re-v.ni.og is ealr, but 1 Knew day and its glories 'whole., MI thinee, here are the same, The Iniuse Aral (he 11111,4 aticl the lake: 1.3441 then in tnY pulse wAs joy, 21110 210W In uly • heart ie ache. e atoll tbe genile mirth That others have bore to-niele. Ane iltabe so euckleely merle, teauchse by a vamie eettlieesed, ".trif 31)10144 uitair is anittli ing then the. State. Supreme Celrt, be- cause the Judges come in dressed tu their imposing silk gowns, ha,vni,e, beset cried out by 4111 impressive bailiff, who eloses his remerke with a `God save tne Unitd States.'" Mrs: Buell spoke a the extreme Lor' nlity observed and said. she ;wee asked 30 T05401/0 ber hot 'before proceeding 10 the counsel table to take oath. "The first thing 1 said ethen elle), es ed me to do that was: "But I doe't• any mirror her.' It seemed the. 31a.01t2a observation to make until 1 eteatel' ator Clapp, who was my sonsers,e kle and murmur: 'Th -s• etereal feen, Then after 1 formal addeees ir made to me I took oath on,4 Bible that Clay ande, 'tet that I would d =id conduct inyse fitted my office," Deepatele ver seand throat die. ," kept from having ISTEMPER CURE. bottle guaranteed to blood. We and S1 a and haruess shops. hem. Indieno..C.S. ,E. FRASODIER. mtge.) you my word, the next pe ho interrupts the proceeding -a, judge,. sternly,. "will be expelle 0.01)t1 iie courtroom and ordered home Ain4 Orayt" erica the prisoner, re: . the judga pondered. treitnent Cures Dieterape N OPTION. (Cleveland Leader.) "De you mean to Say that you r fused the millionaire who proposed you?' I didn't. I got a tee tiys' tion on him." * • • o Cu coughs, cures e_nlds, hea iuntzs. - 25 Om OT HIS WISDO y sense in referring t °lemon," said the mai d a thOUSSIV1 NtiVOS." be wenutu, tartly, "14 • from them." nt Cures Diphther ' IIINGS TO TRY. it,the top of any kind 01 41 kfiet away to cool, especial rtg..It prevents a, tough coati terming. ep beyeanats from turning dark ot fhlit salad by taking a 1 itiltting crosewise. Thee are net tit ae when. out witih a knife, b kitin their netural color longer. ,, 'elt obliged to ilse bsrti water t h . .61111-t I try adding a little SWftet 111I f,1i:4ca,asivna4,inri.te,, ie,i.del tthe :v4" er1n d 9044 ' -" how 41441511 0 15 1ctisni17i,ogea:tas, ,,0sie:cMeresiin1nant CuresCold, o41:h1Atne 0— , meebenteally AN OLYMPIAN EXCUSE. 301‘1ta:401,reiti:•;:n,4`.'ot;'1,'e:c,,elefIt:aleidyrk-;hi....1d lust, sprmig f row PAO 1' ,,,. (New York Sum) Taff ei,*. t leeteVie. You bra- ''' kIt' tn,44.4•41I11;leles:-wt.i4sinas:X. Ile? slalsitir.e ' his b '''A-1:*-• ''''''''''' ,,..,........--________________ .iollitting Headache 31111 vanish a you tees ...;.:-CO" Headache Wafers Otief. and we euatteeee they contaln nothine eenervouz 333345441. 2.5o. a box, t all cirugglsta'. 26 1,A lent Co. oCatuia*,Lintited. Montreal. 4 . liere ws a,tialtd (41 .4 4...13i). .,.': . .- rc .5.00 of 414* le et ' 41412444t c -,A, - "M ontoi . '.6titn lAirni Ler . totyl,'. q'teci''''‘Iil 1 i4114','04-ner the etirnree '11144 1.141441 4014 (4(41441 ' , to. tile wt.:1054i, bt t • e ,,,, „,,, 1 t''').41.T. I621aat'"11,--rilwpai':'1,1 .-L.I-Opt'.411';:fat'11:.1r31.. ,.144'.. --S'IlLI°11'ir"S 6"'Ll ' • : NOTH• ... IfIlt,4.) 45 Ire 4.11 014 1111,4, lethe beet* fife tplo vtr) 4t',4 bee. •`'' ATCHES ANI) PEIRFECT „FIRST S'TRINE flanie. The mate LireeTeir7t7e7reereel-e—eie As Ohre • 0( (vs. Imo) Old peri, TidT,t this Xece n futt be 'a werk the had , and pie to wit on as 41 one heli to ; aeel ill, Thi of 11 The act; by 3 tam en gal the lie' 1101 4445 071 am 001 Ta vet tin Go an, 1311 tea Pri twe th, cli fen ttl