HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-12-30, Page 44
Zurich Herald.
,�,..U fano--bat this is impossible as ye
iClA i7(iDC idD OD O SID! OD (iD OD( la0 W. C. T. v
The T`Iol ons Bank
know yerself. "No, it isn't. Mrs
Fullivan'' Reith always addressed
in the land, and his politeness was
rini. ilteserve Grund $4400,000 tvOwn piffle I signed me name not lost on her; she brought her
shure ; a heart of sthone would melt 'best manners to the front to dohint
afore un" Yes there were marks honor. "It may be hard, but not
on the gentleman's hands, as Molly impossible. 3. know you can keep
said, and Mrs Weswick worried the pledge.'" She looked at him
constantly lest they should remain, hopelessly, how could she contra.
though the Dr had assured her to diet him? yet had she not tried, he
the contrary Keith spoke of them read her dilemona on her face and
with a little laugh, as he extended answered it. •'Yes, yon have tried
his palms to Eleanor's one night. and tried faithfully, he said hearti-
Perhaps he had been somewhat ly, "An failed Shure" she inter-
vain—his affiance knew she had rupted "Yes, and failed ; but that
been --o the strength and white. was because you would try alone,
ness of those hands. The next in your own strength. If you had
morning, as he sat with his mother asked God to help you, Mrs Fulli
a servant brougt him a dainty note van you would have succeeded, iHe
The lady narked the flush of plea- never fails, I have proved him."
sure with which he read the super- "Now, Mr Weswiek, dear heart, ye
scription, and then such a tender know ye niver had such en appetite
wistful light passed over his face as I have to contind wid. I'm not
as lie drew his new Tesament from so snre of that" he said smilingly.
his pocket and reed, she was sure But it would be quite useless to
there were tears ia, his eyes as he assure you I had ; you would not
tucked the note in the place he had believe me." "An how could I?"
found and passed it to her. She she cried deprecatingly, when I
liked this way he lad of sharing can see wid me own eyes that ye
his joy with. her: 'There was only niver in all Ter loife wir naytbtr
a scripture referer ee Gal. 6.17. last could be loike me in anything."
clause, in Eleanor's handwriting Well I am sure you will have to
Molly as he would the finest lady
ea Capital paid up $4,000, -- 4 4Q0 000
Total Assets -ovet 4- . r
!Head (Meees
ea 4.7 v
Alberta—Calgary, Camrose, Diamond City, Eamon
mon onister A. V Manitoba—Winnipeg, Portage Ave,
V b Aylmer, Brockville, Chesterville,
Ontario—Atvinston, Amherst ung, Y ,
Jamesn,Street,bMarket iBrancherHighgate, Iroquois, Kingsvl, Hamilton—
ill , Kirkton,
Norwich, e�
G� Lambton Mills, London, Luoknow, Meaford, Merlin, Morrzsburg,Falls, St. , A
iv Ottawa, Owen Sound, West End, Bas dgetowt End Branch, onto s Bay Street o
Marys, St. W., Trenton,
Westan Toronto, Williamsburg.,
IQueen St. Trenton, Wales, Waterloo,
Woodstock, Zurich.
'a Quebec—Arthabaska, Chicoutimi, Drummondville, Fraserville andA
0 Riviere du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lachine Locks.
c/ Montreal—Cote des'Neiges. St. James St., Sb. Catherine, St. Branch. 12
'vi Henri Branch, Maisonneuve
and Roberval,nSorel, St. CesaMarket direarbor Branch, Pierre -
Ste. Flavie Station,
4, .e, Quebec, Richmond, Waterloo. o
y� St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriaville,
ustralia and
New Zealand—Thend—Munster Sr, Union Bank of Leinster
Australiaa,tnLim Limited.
ed. South Africa—The
New Zea a Limited.
Gs Standard Bank T South Africa, Kong. and
O FOREIGN AaExxs—France-Societe Generale, Germany -Deutsche Bank. Bel- Ca
gtam Antwerp -La Banque d'Anvers, China and Japan—Hong
Shanghai Banking Corporation. Cuba—Banco Nacional de Cuba, Cz �,^�� „ c ail,. ,,,_pq„nn ,•,r(inNtq
AGENTS IN UNITED STATES—Agents and Correspondents in all 41 ^ eu 1 1
v •
British Columbia Revelstoke Vancouver, d
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land
Regulations. ,
ANY person who IS thq sole head of a
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a ouartor-section ot avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother oe sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
hood standing tray pre-empt a quarter•sec-
tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00
per acre. Duties—Must reside six months
in each of six years from date of homestead
entry (including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-
emption may take a purchased homestead
in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties—Must reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.00.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this
advertisement will not be paid for.
principal cities,
Zurich Branch - J. A. COI�TSTANTINE, Agent
Hensel, Ontatio.
AtlZuricht(ZelliePurls office) every Mon-
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
R C R. O. Hay's. Canada
. L. KilloW. ran.
DR. T. P. MoLAUGHLIN, for.
merly with Drs. Jansen
Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger-
many ; also assistant surgeon at
Moorefields'(Royal London Optbal-
mic) eye Hospital and Golden
Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital,
London England, eto•
practice, with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested (Retinoscope used) and
glasses supplied.
and read : I bear in my body -the
marlee of the Lox•d. Jeans Christ ;
she looked at her son• inquiringly.
as he held up !lin 'marred hands
There was in his hands and eyes
snob a holy, yearning joy that her
own filled wi`aii t:eexs as she stooped
and kissed the tsl ass she had la-
mented. From 03,1'. hour her son's
religion and hie' .sfflanoed held a
different place ix her esteem, that
igned the pledge was
FRIDAY DEC, 30th, 1910.
Ladies and Gentlemen
At the request of a number of
ratepayers I have decided to be•
come a candidate for the office of
Police Trustee for the coming
year. I have no fault to find with
last year's Board, as I believe they
managed our business in the 'heel -
interests of all concerned, consider-
ing the funds at their disposal. I
think the time has Dome to move a
stop forward in our method of
building permanent ' cement side
walks It is a wellknown fact that
many residents have paid taxes for
years and years and under the pre-
sent system they will be years
more without a walk, as there are
still long stretches of old plank walk
to be replaced. : To leave these .old
walks as they are much longer,
they may at any time be a source
of heavy damage claims, should an
accident happen to any pedestrian.
Under a system of ten year deben-
tures 3. believe our tax rate could
be reduced at least $1.50 for every
$1000 00 Assessment. Other ad-
vantages, I would enumerate under
the following heads :
1—Every taxpayer would at once
have the benefits of a walk.
2—The improved appearance of
our Village would more than over-
balance the interest on the outlay.
3 --Persons acquiring property
four or f:vr; years hence won 1 be
called on to pay their share of pt -
manent iinprovel.;.aents,
There is no doubt a feeling in
'parts of the Village against the de-
benture system, but every reason.
able man in the centro ot the Vil-
lage will have to adnlir, that the
outlying portions have waited in
patience long eaoug'li and that their
turn has arrived. I am quite aware
that the newly -to be elected Board
has no power to issue debentures
without the consent of tbo raltepay.
ers, but if I am elected, I will use
every legitimate effort to have a
bylaw submitted to the ratepayers,
and believe the same will be en•
dorsed by a good 'majority. If the
ratepayers desire ilio to essief
this necessary improvement, 1
want thorn to come nncl veto for
me ; if they desire to remain in the
old rut anpt her ten yeers,
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or to pay. Terms
reasonable. Orders left at this office
will be promptly attended to.
ce agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
verything in fire insurance.
dnate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University, Painless extraction
-of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
Molly had s
indeed a groat •stop in the right
direction, her' husband and son
were overjoyed. It was delightful
to come home ;to a house as nice as
Molly could 'keep it when herself
and vanity spiced the language of
Tim and Jake whenever they re-
ferred to the ,“girhl Keith had
interested some of the lady workers
at the mission in her and they cm
cassi.onally called leaving her tracts
and papers, and always adding a
,_:. es: inn invitation *0 tbta seevioas
But Molly, while receiving their
visits with courtesy, resisted all
indaeements to attend the meetings
and dutifully burned up the print-
ed matter as soon as . they were
gone. "Whin 1 wants to go to
ohurch I've :tide .ot a to go to” she
said stubbornly. But alas for Mrs
Fullivan,. a eiiSitett some old friend
and the fumesa f b"ot toddy were
too much for .4ii , she Dame home
intextcated ,Te xnaguve up in.
•despair,` and' fe''faioa was sore:
ly shaken. The7outh did not sur-
render the•• battle; however. too
fraught with, k'ood•to, be easily re•
linquished were the months of
comfort that had gond before this
relapse, as compared with the
veara ni' missrv. a,1re dv counted
with the past. His wonderful de-
votion to his mother forbade des
pendency ; she must be saved. Re
had felt such pride in her of late
he could never; subrrl,it to feeling
ashamed of her. again so when lie
found Lis father's, and his own en
troatie:l of no avail, he applied to
1'..ai •yrluila, gintlt: im;l” tai hi: en :lee,
,1r. yl eewici�, it was -each ;,h:.nie•
fulness—it was hard to make his
report, but he kept the bust aspect
of the subject uppermost, desoan•
ting on Ler late record. She had
done fist illegant, • an if wance
sthurted agin who )mew phat
moight happen. "True" assented
Keith, •;lteeringly. "Rome was not
built in a day, bat it was built. Old
habits are not easily ca errome, bttt
they can he and have been, actually
anti forever Wo will not cease
trying until we suoceod, which sen-
timent was so after-Jakey's own
heart it could not fail to delight
him. So Keith visited his old friend
once more end Pleaded. with her to
ilia Ito a fore:+!, trial i•;•' r,'e+iatt'd tat
first. but llie.11:>T yif'.'•.'e-c to his per.
kris, eney. her .4,'n' t irelebteclness
�qq, � ]" to the yni 'C Imo. ..Ir,n -:<, favor
AO ®.TT V V . Rickbeil Lodger h o'rH tlloy for,in ra•l-,.o r,};• Is ;e plelga
No. 3 93, ni!`;;tsrr t „,r wee a rie...! "ate again,
will do me a favor by Lrn'ati', , + she re.
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, ballot for someone else. i' • ; ltl eine! lie l,rt;
t 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Horner Block, you all a happy and proaperr,ua fused to renew it. ' 1r, a ;list Lid use
FRED. WITWER ,M. tiV New Year, I rennin,
an v.,irsilf knows it, • 141.ister Wes'
igree with me that God is able to
do anything. Nothing can be too
hard for him to perform. It cant
make no sort of difference to Him
whether an appetite is great or
small if he alone's to do the over-
coming—the conquering." Molly
was much moved The dear, blissed
gintleman is that rivrent an' arnest
like, there's fist no withstanding
him" she explained to Jakey later.
He argied that beautiful, though
we know its all in my eye, that the
folk at the mission 1 bad luck till
them I could hilp me better than
(To be continued)
Ethel M. V4 illiams,
Pres. Supt.
Notary Public. De eels , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
f Court Zurich No. 1240
1. J• L o meets every lst and 3rd
Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. rn.
in the A. 0. U. W. J Hall.
J. MEnNER, C. R.
When your feet are wet and
oold, and your body chilled through
and through from exposure, take a
big dose of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, bathe your feet in hot
i water before going to bed, and
you are almost certain to ward off -
a severe cold. For sale by all
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 6, Hay, for the month of
December, based on the work dur-
ing the month.
Sr IV Lizzie Eisenbach. Kolletta
Foster, Beatrice Rennie, Cornelius
Foster. Adlebert Smith.
Jr IV Eddie Hey. Robert
Sr III (Darfield Staubus,
Howald, Leila McFails.
Jr III Theola Smith, Louise Re
gier, Isidore Smith.
Sr II Philip nice ldfong, Herbert
1�rabus, y,
Pt II Willie Witmer.
Sr pt I Tena Regier, Rosetta Da -
bus, Irene Regier, 'Fedor Smith.
Jr pt I Wesley Witmer, Garnet
Class a Alex Dabns, Herbert
No. on roll 34. Average attend-
ance 25 Miss Hartleib,
MARKET RLE'P ORT. -1'h0 fo
lowing is the report of Zuric
market corrected up tc Thursday
Barley ...
Five Roses flour
Royal Household.
Ohoce family .....
Dried. apples
Clover seed
'Clogs liveweiget
Cook's Best F•lour....... 2
Wheat ,
Oats , . .. , 32
1-1Nrir' _ •• •.,.• 48
50 to 55
22.00 22.00
30 31
82 83
6.00 7.00
5 5
8,00 0.00
25 25
.... 20 20
1111 . 27 27
t?ineeeely cuss,
E. Zeller,
After the experience of long
years it does not appear that a
high protective tariff has strength.
ened itself very much in the opin-
ion of thousands of voters in the
United States. It may have east
up a highway on which a good
many because millionaires on ac-
count of special privileges ne mo-
nopolists, but the rank and file are
not benefitted but have to 'pay the
piper' while the other fellow relies
in easily earned ducats, in our
judgment there is a very much lar-
ger measure of fair play in a wen -
balanced free trade policy ,than we
can ever expect to be procured over
a high tariff wall. Improved rail-
-way and steamship transportation
facilities- and the telegraph and
telephone have brought in a new
era in the question of trade rela-
tions. The old way• of doing
things has gone 'and the men and
a lea, dear, I'd do a`tyLaing I con
to pltize ye—God bless y er. bonny
�— •. Culls, Cholera and
Chamberlain 8 Disrrizoea Remedy.
tzever fails, ;r iv it r,nw. It fnar save life.
!anyone sending a sketch and description may
(prickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica-
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
dent free Oldest fluency for securing Detente.
Patents taken through mune & Co.
speefaa notice, without charge, in the
Scientific erica.
t : a
A handsomely illustrated weakly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific journal. Torras for
Canada, deaib>p,. Sa.n a year, postage prepaid. Sold by
ala nows,„,ew YOgK
PM Co 381BmadwaY, a166Yt""yylie
Branch Oalco, Bab F St.. Washington, D. 0.
For Zurich and surrounding
district for fall and winter months,
an energetic and reliable agent to
take orders for nursery stock
boo Acres
under cultivation. We guarantee
to deliver the stock in
rfg ti draded
dition and up
We can show thnt there is good
money in representing a well
known, reable firm at this time.
Established over 30 years.
When you have a cold get a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It will soon fix you up
all right and will ward off any
tendency toward pneumonia. This
remedy contains no opium or
other narcotic and may be given as
confidently to a baby as to an
adult. For sale by all dealers.
If laughter brings ahealthy body
a clear. sane .mind, and a good
digestion it is about tine a great
many people began to get apuck a e
on their face. It may p
little at the start but keep at it
and it soon won't pain much. A
good hearty laugh—not a "haw-
haw" n or a •`tee,hee"—but a
genuine old fashioned bubbling
over, rollicking laugh has in it the
elixir, of life. Try it starting off
with a faint smile, which we notice
is now stealing over your placid.
countenance. Yon look - the better
of that even if it were a trial. Try
the laughter cure. '
"I hall been troubled with cold
stipation for two years and tried
till of the best physician! in
'Bristol, Tenn., and they could do
nothing for nie," writes Tho.'. E,
Williams, Middleboro, Ky,
packages of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets cured me," For
sale by all dealers.
Wishing you all a
Merry Xmas and a
Prosperous N e w
Thanking .you for
past trade.
J as s • ..hy'te:to .Ag°t.
For Zurich
This is the time to sell
nursery stohk.
We pay liberally and offer
steady employment. Our
list of Specialties embrace')
a rare and choice list of
ready sellers in both• fruit
and Ornamental stook.
Seed Potatoes, Eto.
Write for terms and catalogue.
The Fbnt5 ill Nnrserie `, Est. 1837,
Toronto Ontario
until you have seen our New Double
Barrel Models fitted with Stevens Com-
pressed Forged Steel Barrels --
Tho mode of constructing these
superb Trap and Field Guns is fully
sot forth in our New Shotgun Cata-
log. Send,.for it, it's free.
Ask yoin Dealer
for Stevens
Demi-Bloc Guns.)
Insist on our
,& TeiOL CO.r
P. Q. Bax 5002
Cthzopeh. Falls, Mass.