HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-12-30, Page 3"You look an white tilt a ghost'," said lord 1'ontclere, "What's t}u.. Cinder?=, Royce laughed softly. •trfothing,n. he .said. - "The place' is 'beileidy hot.; • it always is. Yes," he• added, latlguidly, "she is pretty, very pretty. What do you call her?" and, yrtivning, he picked up the programme, CTfA.it?'1'J',`h Montaunt Romeo ].tuned, beck in his tall :ted looked 011 at the performance with a listless: languid air, .hies eyes half '•loser; but h,ii acute brxiu was hard at '$Arlt. • It was John Orms•byn there could" be no doubt of that! • He never forgot a face, and here had been too firmly im- pressed upon his mind to permit of his being- mistaken. Yes! The Queen Of t he Fairies, the Miss Ida T're velyan, was- Joan Ormsby; who had nm away with Stuart Villiers, and who, ' lloyce was convinced,, was the heiress to the Arrowfield estates and imemnse wealth. The stage entrance to the Coronet wan in a,Mback street at the side of the building, and Royce, after waiting to ace that no ones was observing him, made his way thither, and stood in the shadow :tear the grimy little door. Joan had gone etraigth to her dress- ing room from the stage, and ehaltgc'd • ;ter: costume; ;and Emily came ta ber presently in the state• of satiaE;,:::tion which always belonged to her after the performance. • 'Went beautifully to -night, dear; bet- . ter than ever, I think! And not a seat in the house'" As they left the.tiheatre one of those gentlemen" who haunt stage doors, and endeavor to force themselves upon the actresses as they emerge from the thea- • ire, stepped forward, and, with. an insin- uating smile, lifted his hat. - Pale and stern. Joan shrank back, and the next moment they would have es• caped, but before she could move, or elle "gentleman" make any further effort o detain them, a tall figure stepped out from the Meadows, raised its arta, and the exquisite went spinning with a dull thud against the wall, down which ite slipped as if he had been a, thawed icicle, and lay sprawling on the pave- . ''tent. Illi sa'launt Roy ee raised his hat. "Fray don't be alarmed!" he said: •'f hope he hate not frightened you." "Oh! it's you, letr. Boyce. is it?" said Monis, with a. setup little laugh; `doh, 'w; we are not very touch frightened; alt we're- seer -,v ''melt obliged, to you, all :lie sante." "It was very fc•rruna,te that I happen- ut to be passing," said Royce; and 1 an never be too grateful for the chance that sent me here." - "SVe were looking' for father," said hurriedly. "He 'is generally waiting for tis; but I suppose the roads ere set slippery that he couldn't get a He 'seesitatted a resilient: "You will not ..rink I am to be of some slight service tv you if I beg you to let the accompany you, Miss Montreseor."" "Very well; eaid ]Emily, "but I can't t tint{ what it is that has kept father." They were war ing on, but ;loath atop. 'd and glanced• at the man, who had solvea-teed to a sitting position by this tune, aced woo :regarding the group with ' tiney gravity. irs—is he hart`t" .she- said. in 'a low Royce Went t~f, to the man and stirred firm up with the toe of his boot. "Get up and go home, you idiot'!" he eaid, sternly; the he rejoined loan and Stroll , "Oh, no," he said, "I think the n unable has dune .aim good. X wish I had Mt .aim a. iitt.ie harder!" "Move you seen the pantomime, lefr, l;oyee?" said Emily. • "Yes, tonight,"' he answered, "and was. delighted. X tun afraid to say how ' h Itarreed I was with -your part, Miss llontressor•, test you should. think I wanted to flatter yon" p "'Oh, don't 'sc'u'd! I'm used to it!" said f t.mi!,-. "But rn part! hat about Miss Trevelyan's?" There is no occasion to speak of hat," said Rome, Quietly and gravely, -sent-lig-that WI London is talking of it." 0 Then no adroit. y Rhine(' the conver'sa. t -ion to other topice. a "Frac we arca; this is our street," said h "nnily�, presently. "You need not come o •ray further, Mr, Rome, and SVC are aw- : , telly obliged to you. aren't we, Ida?" a "YF, " said Jan, quietly. a "1 shall scaree1yr believe you, unless you 1 will permit me to see you safely within a tistore,r" said Royce, pleasantly. Ail eerva.nt opened the deer. It ,eves Oat the old let=rknhop home, for prosper- f icy had conte to the Iiarwoods with Ju'nta's success. Emily buret. into the parlor. • The old man 'leas sitting in an armchair with his el leg stuck up Ott another chair. "Father! What is the matter`?" • 'n "othing very much, Emily," replied nx the old man, blinking at them d throogn Iiia spectacles. "I was just w P „ming for a cab, and slipped down the ,+reaps. Tt's s0 frosty, you ems,," he added, ,1 apologetically. • ' .li;t. you've broken your leg!" ex. lsaie tett ii rrin ''deet' obliged to you, sir," said the Old malt. "The obligation. isori my side, sir,' said Royce; and he crossed over to Mtn and inquiredtiabout his leg. The table was laic' for supper, ant.Emily, looked. from it to Demme, - "You'll stay and hems smile sapper. Mr, Rovee?'=: she said. He accepted the incitation with a bow. Fortune was clearly on his sick. But for the two aceident -of the at•gt tack by the drunken asu. ire and the slipping down steps --ire might have waited for months before tie could have gained an entrance to the house. The supper was plain enough, but Royce .noticed• that it was elegantly „served. Joan had taught them something of her own rettinement. Ile was an acute tae- tic]1rn. yorne melt wonitl have fallen into the mistake of paying ter marked rttten- tion, He .seantety addressed her, devot- ing himself apparently entirely to Jingly and. the, old mien, and. only bychance, a„ it seemed, did he speak to Joan, He got up to go at last, "1 hope your leg will soon get better, Mr. _Harwood,;" lie said. "But i and afraid you will`not he able to lase it for a day or two. I shall take it es a great favor if you will permit the to see '.figs Emily Rafe, in her cab when she leaves the theatre until you are able to ego on duty again." "Oh, Miss Emily mot take etre i)f, her-; self!"' said the young lac.,',• "•J. kuow that," said .Royce, with a smile. "1 asked it as a favor, i pass the theatre about closing time on the way home from any e'! b," he aided. un- blushingly, "and .f shall look out for you." The old man expressed hie thanks, and Emily nodded, but Moan mid nothing. He shook hands with the father and daughter, just elasped Mamie extended finger's respectfully, and Olen took lease of them, When ,Joan got newt -airs to her own room—a pretty little ap=rrtelent, daintily furnished --the handsome Mee of Mr. lfordaunt Royce haunted her. and his voice rang vaguely in her cabs, not pleas- antly, but with a pereletenee %vicuna re. fused to be put aside. She looked at hers If in the. p'la'ts vitaa faint shudder, anti, holding alp -hen right hand, regardad it swnh a doubtful im.tle. "1 can feel lain fingers mooed mine," she mltri iuxtd, half moseyed. d hail per, planed 10;), the.iae:a; ,tali ee if they were not to be shaken off!" '.hear there flashed -small her mind the reauembranue of the ruse slut had loved. :w She ould have given her sons for hint..... would have asserted his truth anti faith the fate of 'Heaven; and he lead been treacherous and false, stmt atritein to rutin her, bode and seta: ".•1i1 men are w.t,ke,! and hese." Rho mursuured, a fiaalh vena her face. her lips ,' set tightly. by sh.,a':d rhi, man,Mordaunt ]tov,te, be any different front the rest? 1 hate them alt •-all save ogle! --and Trim I should hate more that) all others!" CI l .:II'h:It x is . AIordannt .Royce fotrtu'I hiniseif in the moonlight, with a streams sense of be- wildez•nren t. Something had happened to lt:in! Ice had diecovez'ed ,Joan C)rtnsk,', and the game by which be was• to •'vizi two mil,ions had begun; Vas;iiut sometbing more thou that hail happened to hien! What was it? In all his life he had ever felt so strangely; his :'anally clear brain seemed clouded and misty; he meld not sketch out his c'ouree as was usual with him ---.lis mind refused to work, as it ward., He tried to work out his scheme as e paced along the n074 silent anti de- serted streets, but he could not sueeetd n concentrating his attention neon his lot; because there rose before hint the ace of the girl be was going to et - rap. Her beauty had taken .his usagesnd benumbed his brain! The, following evening, cbctrt eight o'- clod:, he went ;down, to the Crescent and ailed mem Mr. Harwood. He kuew that he girls were at'thcs theatre, of course,, nd he felt that Joan would appreciate is delicacy in calling while they carte tat, '1'he old Aran was pleased to seg him, ud much honored by a visa from such "swell" as lir. Mordaunt Roy;e; and Loyce put on his roost genial manner, nd smoked a cigar, and drank a little hiskey and water, chatting with the old maskmaker as if he had nown him or years. He sat with him for 'an liour, thee. heath's rose to go, he said: "Well, X hope you will soon be better, r. Harwood. I'm afraid you'll get ra- iler moped and sore kept a prisoner in he house. 'When you ecu bear to be oved you must let me take you for a,. rive. I've got a very easy phaeton that on't shako y. You must go down to ichmond with me and have a bit of unch. it's as pleasant down there in the winter as et is in the stammer, almost." "Really, you'ro very kind, sir," said e old man, gratefully. "But X'should- t"like to t kft,;E.. your, time ---"•+Timet", li#tt he , Royce, "getsia1.y. "I ave so much of that X dont know what bio with it,: and 1 ehalt be much ob- to 'von for•belping me to kill it.l �.rtii by, the way," he added, with bras act on the door, "perhaps' you exit pian. "'No, no, 'nay, spra�ned 'it,'•tny' hear," tie said the old elan, cheerfully. ".It's" nothi• ing vary Hutch, but the &actor says that h I mut,„ keep Tact: Tina sorry 1 ean't to ''lie fir), I hope ;amen excuse me," and ltti b,) 1nodded to 10-70?„ "Tits is Mr, 1:tovte, fathor," said, ;ran• hs tote the young ladies to join ata. They i1y He kindler Saw Its home," ._u woltld probably ruby thud drive, 'rite could. wrap op "wall, yi>tt ».now, .I i to:ci: Care they were back, iii plenty of tiirte for the theatre." d'Itiankt yell,.slr, than' fou,' haig t Harwood ' .limy'dl be vima v pl ased teastwaya ];ming 'would," lie addi'ti, h:al d'r dotlbtfnllw "1 clan.'' I.now s'h'pt Sf '1 revelvau "Why t of Mies Ttc.v+ , , tn, •" ane' Royce, plea atitde• +Oh, well—yell Scr,:•_,lt i .:'item.:, said the alt. man, con'fu, dtt ''She is very quiet .and —reserved It r`All, welt," said 11oyv.e: "1e;l them that you won't go to Rit'ltutoui1 wittont both of thein go with mut and lick to it --you'll find' itiisrt'.1'rest+ly:tn Will g: re way then. Good-tllght !" Livery ,light Lite tall, lhandsnme fi;ura of lir, ?,ordaltut :l yne..as.siated .the lad- ies to their ecab: 5C41'cely .noire Linn t or three. words were suokrtee, sotut'tiau Joan lid not speak all beyond the Birt pie `'`good night" mid "thank, gone' an he did not mention the delve to liiel mond. He was too clever, to loth ail by 1, iug precipitate. li'ant-iy thought Ito Ira forgotten all abort it. or hitch cuart;ed his mind. But in about a weeir's time, wlseu ih weather eeemed to have set 1» clear all fine, lie called- at theintreteeut, al; th same ]tour as that of his former visi and reminds'. the old' titan oJ; the trip. "You are well enough now," he eat "and the fresh air will henet'it you mot than all the tonics in tile do:dor':a is gery. 'fell the y011na lad. ee I. will ,hew around for torus at rw.sive o'ctoek ti morrow." :And with .,t ;nod and' a emit he went orf. At twel,e 'e'cloc': a ;ulnen' pi'aetiu with a pair of hor1e� in 1 ^at-c-'ais Little drove up to the dome'„ Joan, dressed, 111 her 'Mein b:at-k fro;k cause to the window al'. bowed e 'ih handsoiue, we':-di.'sseel gectieman ma til box xaisa't..11ie flat `-"lot•rude yet!' ltdtirelaivaed, a', h shook baud with her. "1 ant not going : :e,:ti Joan. "No!" Ye exclaimed, and the soil' died out of his fate. "tri early! I al very sorry." ' "1 think we',] better all stop a /minter" eaid Emily, destSe ,tI an: mem Iter aniwil form,. e' -ad is ,is seakain, ire time looking -ging. , "Ida i s a ma:dt;r, d k- agreeabia thing, 1. em ses•a:y to .•:t�•, ]Ir, 13oyoe." "Oh, Mimi '1'ra:vel 9;:n lead a right to please herself," he said, gently. "But she would have enhanced our pleasure by accompanying us, Have I"--h,s stop- ped and looked round with an affeuta- •tion of having been deeply won:lded — "have 1 offended her is any wave" "No. no! Oh, not" said Iona', gniekly. the blood mounting to her Mee. "l1 is notthat; indeed it is not. Bat Elms I newer go out ---'ha. 1' would rather -- "Well all stay a home," saki Eauily, g ,. etre+il:ily. "11re'rc tt'ry;; aua:im obliged to you- JXt. Royce, mil • ;e hope you'll be attict to e-£tt a 1r Na ep t'•ae lune:i a% � 1, Iw 4 e.l 'uta a : �.s s tis r ":1'hatrl.s,» lo' said. fixate'. '+Ui ,'').arae, 1 shall not 2 )!" "(til:" saiti ,3uani tr.- ubl 'dl and re- luorseful, "3)o nut tall: like that, .t will go if you are all so .rind as tel vr14h it en much,' and she ran upstairs. .:.vera SS she taut on her hat her tnit:.l ntisgat -e her. i'rreentments are things to laugh at aiier they have ;'roved falee! But while t'i • ie laboring under them they seem set'b:us emenglt. So Royce's fate :vats ail smiles when she came drixn nein. ile assietc':•1 the old man into the veltiene a9 e•tr?fully :ms if be had been an army nurse. "Wool! ride watt Cie on tit b,x :'" he exclaimed, looking. g. at the two girls. "Not 1! retested Emily. "I am too nervous. I shouicl fall off. Isla. dear -m" Joan dialiked a. fags, and without.a wore. she let him help her climb to the seat. 1loyee was, a. s' inlet driver. and for the first `Wei dr three •minutes he paid V 1011'x. fiht' bed never i'ujoy=e„ }, anyl''tiiug bee tine drive; "the i'00111t,v Was ,bean• tifut, quit'' 81 nice in the winter as in t.l,. !,n 311nl?r," and She ryas ravenous.. ,zit, devil red. )Id . — the until gsrillemulti zvaet t'o'nicns:el nip• h- s'a'ne to at room overlie -sting the river, ' ilei '.,' bla I, \F El 111 ,tie; Irl of a bitleori , !time ll Il11II they I 011td yttlpk' 14).41' el• ell gore tllll.,ril tnnitinit it: Iailuti: dull „ tut• nut• -r, who 'wa !Hutt) dignified t-lete bishop, anti quit •t; civil, with a sO ul,+;m ri�;p+'t'I'fn1 hoar. ,antlruu:eed that Itiettit )n 'A '44 erratic•. lb,vrd hurl t,Iogt:i 'lit L dawn 11411rrre• !Ion, , I rly in the day. tied the zncxl WAS r.t•rtetl !u as e0101110.1• 0 13 yle nit 11 COP eht'( it'd held tt Ween, 1)t svhiclt to 1)t+'Int rt. IL 1t w•as an nibuiral,1' Ittn'1t nut that tiah•n'si'e, extray:memo une. titin of os - w0 teute I Fon and overt iz23uing with i iter • rs paeme, 1vititIt geetl''mt;n are in the liabil: of giving to attic set; but a carefully irde•t'd mead, replete teitll elegant little diehe soil hitter. ,vela as It gelltlematt of ':ode night offer 'einem private ia• di thee. Reda, we, rtl:e'lit;MI itse:i-•bra Ai .'ireful of hu1i t c.)n:for', mem' lotto's; Indeed, lie tail;,.it more to 1S,nii anal her father than to ,1oan, tiro: ttntt tend again he motet' to her, bol' it `les rich that a0fz"11ti 1111:',41.011 of torr.` tv!lirit Ito 1.010WSt) se'! hot' 10 modulate. d :Cu l:mel;•', .hate-s':i:tted e}c'; that to. • Nus ;at a with id,t'lte'vllyan woe tt•d ,•- Main a, .t Menem belt :four Iz.e� it+tire :te1l Ittt-'' f iii+ti, ,_ ?•IP: til,i';1n;. tl:lt a:! `:- tit. -ti!un, e ,...re 1)^ing r,.:l! to 1It." b igh• ltct!e thine: ensh Iles •e„'e ,Y.t4 ,t,ht g.. ..lel! hair, vtt:! tet: t::• usenet life i1.'i't, planned , emit nit !me i', a cut rel en ti'me'r h • bait riot l : pet me .wax eery 14'OOy, Slt' e 1.1''d ltleeorr:• :,.t •t ,'t; ! •.'ii, ei':t's flow. e •'te atm en. efts ie-,! 11.'r Name rite a dainty eel i'.'is r:o:n::t Imam . •fitted e It tie:'! (aim.. 1s ” SS -h ' :s' , all 1Ci.:lr.nend lot:ahem: ,it' fetol..',l .o lie inf ll: eel, _0 ess g;ie dta . , eneat at 't lir! nut. tliltta'' ti ae,iaeee lir • .t t ;,E1, ,1hv' 1i-„t!tin'i. he h'r Om +tet dal' ire tar! Atte:{: - t t'1'iat.'s ::lea I ..1 ,.- •. vi.ti' i 1`. seems g ag :1 W•• W"t” •eat' t•, ee `1ae a, aetf xh,' 14 it ,1a tont . 1toyee n'tli:i' I. _l fsbo. ;z Vary tubi' Sig!) tl411,,'1'C•1 d:'. ,lira enI nn. "A very }ier+lent I1;1. s'i.,,n, Al!•t, 1?ut• ly," ho aabi. Lii; w:.i*•' nth iiiti 4'.toW'- ing under It nes:Jeta." t' in atm :way that Emily once davitrett stag ,.Emit i t : pc r• haps ,rlie' 13a:1 dint rt+',1 to is i,z Looe; all his attention to the- horses; bet .tie brain was in a whirl, hie heart was beating wildly at the .thought that he had her dose to him, that he should have her to tack to, to Tool, at, for an hour or more. lie kept clear of rile main thorough- fares, not wishing .Cat anyone he knew Should see them, and retrained aline* silent until they Lead left •the park and the big streets far behind, then he said. forgetting himeeli. is lti suppressed ex• o!tcnl:meta-- "I3ow good of you to give way! yen have made ua all w',:happy. Hiss Joan lie stopped aurnpie us +'loin, with q sudden start and pallor, tented and looked athint, and for e metnent his heart stood still. oiled be eei'ealed hiss. knowledge of her aeeret! In an he; stoat his ready breis taame to his res- cue, "I was going to. rill•yon Miss •Joari of Arc," he said, with a saline, "Yoe were so resolute and lent, you know!" Ws5 a pl.tient In tem hospitals, tut , and he laughed. grndeally pot :c"al:"l•. l;,'n•dileg the 1 J'oan's eves fell free'his flee and she eamolgeees ut oi':tet• 91:tt''1*el••s tilt,:• nl'e'. drew a breath of relief; the sound of .her own name lool tttri.11ed her likt'cn eleetric shock: "an t'xilenol, p.a,u+t• trttsiro=,, 1 aup- pose the eel e'er i9, tea. 11 ,lie aro not a10 aye happy, iris p, n".a r'," al'riays our 0W0 10014.' "it isn't 'n'i fen she: 1 ,Io -t' .Isle i i t1tt tOn•t1 innt'lt ere: i.i, :onside(' te:d „Entity, net tly. Ite lau;ited. "Some pe'tnte e Mein ,,r lr.; ..+ .e •n :ter y i widely dlttment ,';Ot:l oneste. Blit a4 tent; fax yours a i.at,:d _g t ? inti, a by : i ws3lfid a'l;:r .. _•+.'�� (l 1 tt. l FO. 1111,0„, L,t: i a ocaety for i he ereef4Y1I seism ' d tiev lineh,•om -a: !it'•.i:t311 n,1. a,t ;1 71 ince Atchhi.,iop et t :1.11. 11:: i.) ,. ecce the cll•ttim:?m�1':11. f;1t. :,il., :,.ten. ?. •t;•r.. iiatie s r. 'n a (11.''i.� ry• a,: and tar; eta u•,tk. - m , rt h' 4) 0"0:0! happy." ,. 'r In ttlt`d'+o'e.,' t:e. a"d u'tgtlt t')*AO 0111 10 to 'Aare' lit m." diet=i•t; iw;yte t r i "t! 11'- •r .:;t'', w s' n .1,,.‘11. "l ender es -Moller'' 9'l;t*tart Ita.o to pe. ')list' 'erec•ely e Image' rte etti. 'i1 a -nv, vole.."'teed 1 ae•:t'; ,, 1 stn a;'8',I :•, ce41,00 .'." r be Contltmett.) Cured czeiia and andru " az. ;.111tased 10 inform you that I have been c rtz'ed lly (luticura. Soap 1u1 Ointment Since 1 was a boy f lts:v etrerccd with dandrun', not only front ho it(liir+g; but front its. dis- aK: s •.able a1)pearan.cO in. a, scaly form 011 :,er^r Inv head. 1 had to bruph it oft', by Maims all da.y long. X .ascii. me ' 'riud of nreparntioth supposed ;o mum dandruff, also soaps and eltesupooto but it seethed to me that,. iu;t,ead of improving with these rem- edies; elm dandruff ixlenease tJ, •++erre for r tiS "Ise e,4 to fall out and tl;e result''. war that two month+ of') °comae} developed on rev tiralp ".1 ntlesreel ,-o front 'ltie'tltat as a last. rmolarce I thought I would try t'•dt, mus titian a=.,d C.•.ttictlra Oint- 7*ie111'. 'rimy heal the moat gratifying reaa.,l e for 1 bad used only one box of t unt:etra Ointment and a single cake of c'utieura Soap when I was t+urad, 1.1)s ee-senta, and dandruff were ani.'sny head pez'fectiy clear. "I teen assure you that so long .as T live no other soap than-Cttticnra be ?'sed by zee cued all those near 1'1> inc. I will aluo add that :I win :deepest cies ('Iain r, Ointment as a dr«sitig for the hair. T. feel that you sitottlil hawse of my cure and if you desire you may use this as a true 1 e:ttimouial wllirrb carnes from a suf- ferer of thirty years' standing wilt be Napo, to- telt any ono of my experience lti order. to angst those who matt 1)0 ';u+T'rixt; ftotaz the same di.seit e." ('Signed) -J. Aravano, (iaueral C.lotr_tti.seion Merchant, ir3 Pour.•! St., New York. custom soar, sad CIattatent afford 11,4 ?3,'„d:Nli: 111ti most '3,Jita,n154t treatment for rtoh:oa, buratut, seals timtutra or tm�t,, n- arreu aid snarl'.+,. As is tills rnr3,.;malas a single met Is co:e:t w,tfftetaat yatk tcr-)ucinout tht, world. 10,0 ,c. 1'8064 1)r lq ,;c Owen. .'aur., tacstoa. t;. 5. 4-, for S2 -pass uatItstrt ?look tintread- moat u; uk1a anti scalp aCtistto2n i'ti1►4. v.ei.�rt y. .1,1t14.014..; 9p5iph M+lS9itMWIR+S.UwF• .r,4t ors,tr Sounding the Toxin. :Itis-: irim excited or Irritated cows is, at edr,•t!ng. to the latest scientific opinion, more baneful thee. that •whiCll contains. I rli;•:::)*e gems. The blood of an excited arI i,'a1 throws out poisonous tO)ttu3 that Ire nt Vet rltsatubrious, ' i (, miikmatl, be candid, and tell. nae, 1 I pra, 1: Your nares are with toxins, infected; 1, Clarissa, the cow, when you milked Iher- to -day. Was •ut,ruft'ted, sedate and collected. ' Met ells l.al.e in a temper and scornfully laugh .At the short -horn who came from :li r i.thoeffe •" I 'Dill see :spurn the advances Ot Clarence, me eaif:' 1 tail she • quarriel with Ifarold the 1 `, lIi'tler? or, t; so, to her produce no time I'll dle':at Pcu. ! F3u, rel;' r my tea upon Gilbert the i Gear.. {1 U ret• >:'lt.clher, please state if Susannah Ithe sow. Ir Whom a•ou recently turned into bacon, 'IN ore a loop of ineffable peace on her hrov: , :"• If ;ter Her, -es were unstrung or were seal{en. Gil, had Oswald the ox. when you sever- ed r +��� 1,:F :all, SHE jti�-iNOT Bt en a martyr to mental disquiet? Wee there anything known about Con- Wen the quail 1110yfp Whlteb xuuld Make her unfit for my 9� CUPIttyJ® diet? i'rav exclaim, ere his hate on my platter I pile, tit:hatter Patrick the pig met his death with a senile. C) nay dairyman. tell me. 7 earnestly beg, Lest m;.• prospects 01 breakfast e Whether ifetty the lieu, on evolving her egg. APas ttpset. overs rottght or excited. U my Grocer, bring news about Sam the Sardine, When be swam as a child in the ocean. '\Vas his character tranquil, his outlook, Doctors Agreed Toronto Nurse Had Bright's Disease. Dodd'c Kidney Pille Cured Het' After Five Years' Suffering—eYelt a Bette. fit After f=irst Box, 1 t, 4nte, m:hie tem, tee Mrs. Alberta mann. a 9_,• m ae •!r) Wright mentos, 'hie idiom 13'13 levet' !:treeei:',ved in :memo,' so ire, reported esre of nc t von' or Miilmy 'lnette'..;a try .i)odtl'4 Kidney f':ila, She mete"( steer the report ie elms in a•ser a,rt .,la•. "Ma ttiekn:ee, Mrs.. (t',ttlu cavo "'S/15 Cali?ped ir'O,1t n' ne'1Q'25 h1'r:a;Ul0",tl. a.tlil What aha roetor- eared itestraltle height's 1)15ea1e larot.,n,:ai+ d 0 '.as c,Old and long weekS of 153u•si'm. t ,•t fin 01 for five agar's "1 .was treated. lev eleme , •:.tt.,,; and JHAP'Il le was a please/It drive down to .'cone. mond. The day 'ryas chanting„—just one of those wintry dlay,s evhioh seem to pet on the cloak of summer and from be• hind it laugh at the idea of frost and shower The streets were filed with sum shine; the sky was elear :and blue, and the river, es they saw it from the bridg- es, a sparkling bell of silver. . Emily was in her brightest humor, and from her pent beside the old man, timaied Comments, upon the landscape auad -id's pegpla'•Lor the, benefit i f, the two' in' front,' which 1ade h',B4Oyee.r)rtgtzt and even caused the ram scone, to'ap. pear" tete Joan's face. When they got to the hotelEmily 'rag, itt s welt -bred fashion, trite httar- scot lett me to t!ee t)oil.l's 'Kidney .'ills, t At that ti:t' • 1 wee '0 ,%e:t!: atnd :t'150n8 colza not ito`+I a :u '11 tea ;vi';iuetit 1 11171".11g of let ,i1' '•, 4 "I felt a rseategt . r er Lt Iter alt••• .first 1 tem of Nord': Kidney Pills, tylia eight or nine t)" It cit.',',! llle •i) eo•titpletel'r I eon nor. ..'ill a t11't ;theut fa- tigoe" +f sdnl 1+ 11•.a1't• 'teal i)t,o ['-, Kidney ie ,v ,ottr,r f ,u:mast 1323% et yo n;' nei;,h• bora will telt fou they steely Cute n•\,y Inseam, itt any .form. APPEARANCES brCt PT!VE, C'ountr'y Cott:de—Who': chat shabby. looking 0141 man with the brad hat?" Town ('attain 'That's Levi, the dia• mond meta.ltent of itatton t)artten, Country i on,ip-,?.rid who is that young swell 'with. tlte,,la$ge", rings +tzid_ diamond in? , e Town Cousin—Theta Siniffti'1, the 1511. t 'Was 1 o swayed b) blind gusts of eorot 1t s,),sore? sl:th s relief that is deep and ac rte, 1 1110114 1''11, coln:ilne any attentioIls to from ':''rile the heart of Louisa the lettuce to dead, %:td cult harbor no poisonous acid,. Cain dntina the cabbage, thought lostii 1'er heath le b•' Nature proverbially placid. And tl,ough Bill the banana,. (whose coat orae ntust strip' • f'reeides suitable fond for the glutton, And Orlando ?be orange, 510ugh prion. to "the pin," l more wholesome than Mildred the► 'mutton, W ithotit tear of bacilli my tastes I rna;r tai' nem P.m..; the pumpkin and Vora thst --London Observer. AIT WALUilS, ( neck.) •Advaire ..%.gent 10f Me/tooth-Ranting- ton Co.) ---We'll require t30 supers. for the snob scene in net three. Manager i 1:aptusvlt 'Town .Zoll) --.(lee whiz! C'an't you get along with lean 'n that number? Advaree Agent -..Not a'one less. Manager (sighin};l—Weil, you't'e Vire 10 put 511 awful eritrmp in the boa office recc.pte! CORKED, ilea, Strong--,lohit! Do 1•oti hear met \'11•. •8trong (moek y) --•Yes, love. Mrs,',St3ntto--•X'here 14 1 little corner oraofQ none' av cihnc,;