The Herald, 1910-12-30, Page 2M.R TRAVERSR a tntlaiSt/ to st solve inose n tate tree.
rWeseb c ilr!' basoi ea tire, ntotie r3 a
f t',.'1) !+n! and van 4 i Ivy t44+ Il) ,?O6Clt Of
to; enough !honey to anove than meet
;ill the Iialiplities of the bank. The in-
we5,trrezzt itself t+aa a pe feltiy iPgti
opficsTIT,I_ ra1P a(!•orctin++' to rho stele:nu/11,e et rcc
ural bankers and lawyers, c rs, but leek of
judgment was „show n bz laveet'tlg soul!
a largo amonut of the haute's reson doe
ki. this One rlirea't:ctn.
;Nile .lake ,Sounders;• +.he well-k+town
Toronto beekmal.tlr.,' wi prob)la.biy
the largest depositor ire. L1ze :. heal
l'an; h of the lea micas' Rivet, ' His bal-
anic at tituee ran up over $40.000, while.
Will n lest week le was over $80,000. After
Banks riifil hot Assist the Suspended reading the newrspanee reports of the
Lindsay !:neepiracy trial. he condoled
that it would be ;IS well to ww•ithdretw
hie money,. and. making Int n. cheque
for the full entouut of hie balance, he
A Lucky Depositor—Numerous Other presented it 012 Monday- morning aid
Bank Failures. a safety deposit Vault.
The Farmers Bank •failnre is the third
n: hicli has oet,rred. In Toronto within
Toronto despatch --Official iufor'metion the past five rears, while there have
'men several °them in Can'tda during
the'Same period. On Oe.. )i . 1900, two
months before the Farmers. Tienk tart-
e,l•busines , the Ontario ?hulk closed its
doors, while ou .Lan. 1,8. 1Ctte tine Sow•-
erelgt Bank Rent into ticpa3,f•).tinn. hese
fad/tiros, eceordixi t o the optuiou ex-
pressed by several leading 'tinkers, will
Probably have the el ec•t of +lts.oaratging
Oily bank f:otatiouti iu Len eda for a
number of 3 rPas 1.0 c'otnt:.
Farmer's Bank .Could Pay. Hundred
Gents an the Dollar.
received the eash. which he ;Ieposited in
as to the actual condition of the Farm-
aritrers Bank's assets and liabilities was.
very meagre, yesterday, those having an
inkling as to the inward facts preserv-
ing a discreet silence, air, W. B. Trav-
ers, the general Manager, talked freely
enough to the representatives of tite
evening papers, but his remarks were
mostly an extension of tate etatemant
which he made on the dad• of bank's
suspension. He roundly ;(tared .fudge
Harding, of Lindsay, for having critieis-
ed the conduct of the hank, and he
elafined that if given a free haat, he
eould •pay' one hundred cents on the dol- l
Jar. Later in the day Mr. Traw•er:s re-
fused,.to talk to the press, on the ground
that the curator was then in charge of
the bank, and it would be a brcaclt of
banking ethics for him to awake any
statements to the public. -When they
take the curator out of here,. then 1'll
talk to you. Mteanwhile, you must etek
him any questions,:', was Mr. Travers'
parting remark to an interviewer.
Mr. John Knight, secretary •of the
Bankers' Association, was almost equal-
ly t-eesrved. "T r:an tell you nothing of
the actual conditions," he d, "beca.use
ave do not jet know them ourselves. The
curator will in due time millet his offi• 1
tial statement;, and until then there ean
be nothing definite given out. One
thing I do 'suspect, however, and that
is that !lost of the tna.tter so far pub-
lished in regard to the !'antes of the
failure and tate general eireumstatu'es
was metutfaetured out of the imagina-
tions. of tie writers. Vere plausible fic-
tion it was, or :•o it seemed to ate. `o
doubt the whole thing will be made the
excuse for la number of attaeke on the
banking act. The banking act! 'itself is
all right, tate fault lies with sone: of
those who have tried to run ball c,"
Mr. Clarkst'n, the curat•or,'interviewed
at his ltonie late last night, refused to •
discuss •thin affai.It of the" hank. Tt i; ocrld
take aeeeral -darn, he• said, before the
real conditiens, r}+ould he ascertained
fully enough to make any public state-
ment, and in the interim it would be
impossible for hire to comment in any
-way upon the failure or noon any faets
which came to his knowledge in his con-
fidential capacity as curator. .
Mr, Clarkson is a son of Mr. E. R.
C. Clarkson, heed of the well known
firm of assignees and accountants. Ife
hag been for years one of the most ac-
tive members of the firm, and hes hada .
wide and varied experience in winding -up
proceedings. This year he acted t•" re-
tteiver for the Scarboro Beach amuse-
ment enterprises, and considering tate
handicaps eneountered he made a dis-
tinctly creditable showing in tho dniin-
istration of the park's affairs. Mr.
Clarkon as curator rw
Will have the
fit of the assistauee and experience of
Mr. Daniel Miler, a veteran hanker. who .
was for many seers manager of the
Merehants Bank on Wellington etrct!t
The general tenor of opinion on tee,
part of the Toronto bonkers who ,ort.
mented upon the •,nspenion of rhe
Farmers Bank yesterday was that
there was little possibility of the other
banks coming to the aid of the dis-
tressed institution. They had done so
in the eases of the Ontario stunk and
th.e,Sovereign Bank, because it wee to
their ` men' interest to .do so, as ther
thereby averted -the the pondhility' t.' ey
panic. The Fanners Bank, however,
did such a comparatively small business
that its failure will have practically no
effect upon the financial situntion gen-
erally, even though it entails ineoni-en-
ienee and possibly loss.upon the deposit -
ore and t1tareholders. .
,Man-'. well-informed • mining Men
yeetea•deer expressed their, opinion Viet
the Keeley imine vonld, if properly
Voting All Over and Government
Returned to Power.
Loddon, lire. 25.- With tit the result of
the polling in Wi,•k Burgs,, Scotland.
.lust annotx''ed, the *Alsatian returns
are now con:plate. 'Tut, final ,tate of
tlio parties is:
Liberal!- 072
l:aboriter; 43
Nat 71
independent .'atioett%ist : .. • ill
Coalition gaits.. .. .. .. ....
C'ea:ition maim iLy .. ... ... ldtl
The total '!umber of vote, cats wee.
distributed ati follotw! :
Unionists .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,415! 2S0
Liberals .. .. ...... ' en3.89'I.
Laborites .. .. .. ...... :182.168
liedmonites .. .. .. en,420
!duan .. .. .. .. :30,470
Mt.. _e llaneous 2.81:3
`rile composition of the lass; Parlia-
ment was as follows; Liberals. 27.5;
Vhdoniets, 'x'78; Laborites, 40; \'atiu-
li'lt's 1 Independent Natiozvalt't<.
• 11.
a' ,
An increase of Seventy-two and a
Half Millions in Eight Months.
Ottewvr, 1)e!. 55.-- 'Trade figures for
the first eight raonthe of the present
fl—til year ,i10,V a'z hii11(aSa (:f$72,408,-
530, t;r neat:y 17 per eerie. i=.z Catnida.'s
Lora: rrarde a'. eo'ttl:4.'.•et1 with the t!:alit
menthe eliding eni er of lest year.
Tee i a sorts totalled 6,:1'11,318.37n. an $04,201enet. or !.o less then
25 per t•e.:t• 'Vet' iast pen-. Exports of
,L':nesti.. ,•,rodaets tt+telle,'t x19:3,0:39.731,
an ht.rtitte e' ten aced O'1!•r•.t t niiillun�.
Exports of foreign prc.dx^:, ,.=, ,owed a
'.tight. 1 ihig doff. 'lite :•..e in ex-
ports teas mainly- in :1gri:•,1;:urat pro-
ducts, whle t totalled 4'i';.0:}•l.f;:t1. Ex-
ports of mattlrfactured pour.. a;n.uu ted
to $2.2.799,8$3, an ;tt:•rea.e of nearly two
led one-half ntitlions. For N., -nrnix•r the
itr.port:, totalled e4Lt;33,?•27, en int: ase
of $6.199.188. Exports of (1•'roestie pro-
dueto for the tool+it totalled, $35.518.016,
an leerease of 11120.000 over 'November of•
lest wear.
w- •
Baltimore., De;:3a Henceforth no
wtliite person rnity,n'•tno;-ittto it blo,:lc
In Baltimore when the- majority'rof cihC
resident!, of that block are !regrow,
nor tray a negro move into a block
white the majority of the residents
are white. This is the mandate laid
down its the so-ealied X. H. West glace
Segregation Ordinanec, which was
signed by' Mayor Mahout to -day. it
is expelted'that. the -Art will be taken
toythe eourts to test i`_s constitution-
Commercial Bank of N. 13. .. .. .... , . 1808
Bank of Acadia, N. S. . 187:3
Metropolitan, Montreal .. .. ...... 1.870
3inehanics. Montreal . .. .. 1879
Cc,;ntotidatecl.:Mout real .. .. , , . 1879
Liverpool, Liverpool, N. S. .. .. ..... . 1870
$tradarin;i,'(uebee .. , . • . ...... . , 1880
F xeliange, Mlontreul ....... . 1883
:Maritime, St, John. N, B. .. ..... 1.58:
Pietou, l'ietou, P. ...... 1887
London. London, Ont. ,. .. .. . .... 1887
ventral. Toronto . ... .. 1887
Federal. Toronto ... .. .. . 1881
Rank c,( 1?, I:. T., Charlottetown . 1891
C.:ou mc•rei:al, W9nnipc,;' .. .... . 1803
Du Pepit. Montreal .. , . .. . 189.1
Yat .tooth, Yarmouth. N. S. .. .. . 1905
Ontario. Toronto 1900
Sovereign. 'Toronto , , .. ....... . , . 1908.
$t. Lean. St. ,john, Que., . • . ... .... lthle3
St. 1f, aeiut)re, St. 11 y.teint.he . ...... .. 1008
1Y -idends paid
eholders. 1)cpositore
in full P in full
in full eo
in full in full
07 iii 571%
in full In. full
in full 00
in full in full
its full 06ek
in fall 1.01}-10
in full in full
in full in full
in full 90 2-3
in full in full
51) 59
in full in full
in fell 751,,
in full in full
in full in full
in full
in fall
in full
blood gnsltinp frarnt their tvaunda, tllo NEws oF THE
11 .
I half era.zed titan t•US}Iecl into. t to house,
ES �� u-itliatlt casting a 1001. at his victilits,
and ,, locked himself in. , The „hooting
had alarmed the neighbors and tate lra-
u(e were telephoned, ar r,viug within u.
few minutes,
No. Attention was paid to their •de-
mand for admittance to the house tied
Sergt. 7aekson forced the door, Le -
pine stood in the middle of the room
with 'the revolver in his bane;; and as
tire officer started towards him he pick -
13' placed the :nuzzle to hie left temple
and Gent a bttlket •erashfng: through 1tls
brain, dying,instantpy..
The injured ' 'omen were giecit
prompt medical attention. Mrs. Le -
pine, bring the most. seriously injured,
,was taken to the Hotel Dieu, while
Mrs. Stowe was removed ;•o Ler own
hotne. Phy=sicians say both are seri-
ously but not datigor:ously wounded..
Two Nova Scotia Fishermen Perform
lterol.c Part in Saving Life,
Saved Thirteen of the Grew of the
Wrecked BalOtie Petra,
li:alifttx, Dee, 2:5. -40 -day brought
the story of `a thrilling rescue of
shipwwreekecl men by tu`o heroic fish-
orruen. •Driven ot,' her course by a
southerly gale, and w;t.t the weather
'so thick that it was impossible to see
any dist,auce ahead, the Norwegian
barque Petra, 1,19$ tows, !vent amore
on Big Pennant is;ati(i, twenty-five
miles from Halifax, on Monday after-
rtoon, Iier crew of sixteen amen were
resorted with the .great.e ; difficulty,
and after they .had suffered great
hardship. , The .Petra was bound to
llalifaa from !hos e Jeneiro, and was
eatrght,in the gale that swept the coast
of Nova Scotia on Monday.
Shortly, after +l v'et(•etc on Monday
afternoon the: fisiltet•eten of Pennant
sate the big barque standing towards
.:bore. t.apta.iu 1"L4naen, of the Petra,
evidently realized 10, position at about
the sante time, but to late to save his
ebip. The Wind ei:e. blowing a hurri-
cane front the; soiirl ; seas mountain
high were running on the reeky shore of
Big Pennant, and'1b' barque was 'be-
yond control:. Dtla!'n before the gale,
the Petra was pine -tinily lifted hign on
are reeks', and lace t seas were 8001)
breaking over her.'a
Those on shore wtir:.e powerless to as-
sist Captain that et eed his crews. The
water was nboi;un, surf, and it wasi;upossible to Ihfree, 4: boat, but three
et the 'crew of `G, eteended ,Ship iu
some way managed to fight their -way.
to shore. All aaigi . tele ship pounded.
cin the reek-. "Best•• -n men on board
et.uld not reach t:t shore, but in
hopes that the :term would soon abate
sufficiently to anew e beat to come to
their reseuc, they 'lashed themsctves to
the desk, In i1",is position they spent the
At 4 o clorh. in the morning Fph-
roi n Marriott and his son }Cham
}aura:lied a erne,11 heat and headed ler
the wreck. So 1 telt were the seas run-
ning• that they could make no headway,
and reluctantly 1 cry put back to the
ehoz:t. Though de ated for the time be-
ign, they were not anted. A seine boat
wets secured, and t, ee again the two men
headed fur thee et eek. This time they
were more sura ,. fui, and. with the
.weaves breaking their little .eraft,
they pushed tit rrs and
drew up alone.: i c 1'etr
,With only 4 -he drenched. clothing
they stood it. and benumbed by
the cold, the• thirteen )of the. grew of
the Petra managed to' get safely' 'into
tete boat. and she turned towards the
shore. Willing hands were waiting on
t.l:e beach, and when the boat struck the
there she was pulled tip high and dry.
The shipwrecked sailors were soo'i
supplied with dry clothing and food,
and are •still being eared for, The
night ou the deck was a terrible one,
and all suffered grestiy. Capt. Hansen
faring worst of all, his hand being
greatly affected by the cold. Heavy
seas pounding the Petra on the rooks
caused her to become z total toss.
Elmer Lepine Shoots Both His Wife
and Nor Sister,
And Then Sends a Bullet Crashing
Through His Brain.
Windsordespateh--Eimer Lepine, aged
!:.i, a teamster enrplo,Ygd; ;by
, A.r \
Lein attempted: m
wife and her sister, airs. -Donald Stowe,
here to -night by firingfont' shots from a
32-oalibrc revolver at t.itatn as they stood
at the gate of the Lepine home on
I.atngl(tis avenue, Three bullets took
effeet both women being hit, but the
ww•ounde were not fatal. Lupine then rare
inside the house and loelted'himself in,
and %viten the poiiie arrived a few min-
uteli later and,brtke open the door the
would -1)e murderer placed the weapon to
his temple and blew but his brains.
The shooting is tele culmination of a
Long period of misunderstanding and
eeLrangement, between Lepine and his
wile,•who is about five years his junior.
Some time ago Mfrs. Lepine left her hus-
band and went to Mount Clemens to
work, and while there was visited by
Lepirte; who then threatLned to `shoot.
Irv. lir, t •as arrested,, but disehat ed;
and ever .sine:! .has 'been brooding over.
his wrongs. To-night•rabeut 6 o'clock!
Mrs. Lepine and her sister were stand-
ing near the formers. old home at 1081-2
Langlois avctrne when the husband re-
turned from work, •
When he caught eight of the, two wo-
men, he at: once drew a revolver and
onened fire. The first(shot went wild.
The next two struelt Mire. Lepine in the
breast and abdomen, white the fourth
found lodgment in the thigh of Mrs.
Stowe. As the women fell to the ground, •
Biggest Christmas Mails Ever. Sent
From Canada to British Isles.
Montreal, lieu. 21.. The Montreal
Post Of floe. of fieia.ls_,cal'.ulate that over
a milIicn letters. and even more maga;
x nes and newspapers, were eclat to Eno:-
land from all over Canada by the Em-
press of Britain, which Sable:! last Fri-
day with the Christmas tease This is
=;he biggest Christmas rush. for Canadian
malls on record, fully 25 per cent. ahead
of last year. which was the biggest to
that date. Twenty thousand pounds of
.letters and fifty. thousand pounds of
printed matter, with 200 briskets contain-
ing 8,900 packages of Christmas 'rifts,
left Montreal by a sprdial.rnail train of
eleven ceras for the Empress, and in addi-
tion :5 ,sacks of letters and 225 bags of
printed hatter wero•emit to l:cwv-York
for the Christmas willing of the Mauve-
Crew of Fivo Aboard—Captain of
Other Vessel Missing.
Portland, :w.e., Dee. 25 --Another vic-
tim of last'rhtirsday's b1iez:trcl is believ-
ed to be the Bangor schooner Marcus
Iildwards, with a crew of five men, Which
was Test seen off Chatham shortening
axil and making heavy way in the storm.
The missing ,;ehooner ea+led from 1'ro-
vineetown on Dee. 15, on her way teem
New York for 73ar Harbor. :She is of
227 gross tonnage and was 'built in 1875.
Mobile, Ala., Dec. 25.--Bismasted by
terrific seas' after four days' baffcting,
wv,t: deep!. 'Gait av Axelsen knoeked
overboard and drowned, end_ the'vessel
in aa, sinking condition, the American
schooner Doris was picked np in the
'Oariibbean. .Sea:. by .,the United .States
cruiser Tacoma on Dee. 13. and towed'
to Puerto Cortez, according to informa-
tion just received here.
Workers in Factories, Banks, Etc., to
Get $1,500,000 in Presents.
Chicago, 711., Dec. 25.-- Workers in
Chicago's factories, mercantile estab-
lishment and banks will receive from
their employere $1,500.000 in Christ-
mas gift,.. Some (,f the gifts were
presented to -day in gold coin. Thous-
ands are remembered in the way of
increased salaries. These are not in-
cluded in the, $1,500,000.
The largest Chicago aggregate sum
to be given in gifts is that of the
International Harvester Company,
the appropriation of which amounts
to $500,000. Gifts aggregating $300,000
are to be dispensed among the thous-
ands of employes of Arntetir & Co.
The eeventy-five hundred employees
of the Ii.. T. Crane Company are to
share in $425,000, equal to ten per
cent, of each employee's yearly salary.
e -r
Man Arrested in London on Charge
of Detaining Children.
London despatch —The climax of a
sennatignal elopement which has af°
forded excitement for the Town of
Lindsay for the past six weeks carne
at the boarding-house of Mrs. Au-
ford, 427 Ridout street, this morn-
ing, when William Hill, a bricklayer, 38
years of age, was accused of unlawfully
detaining the two children of William
Little, of Lindsay.
Hill was found living with Mrs. Little
who ran away from her husband and
met Hill in Toronto, subsequently cont.
ing here. Detective I3eatunent,t'of Lir}}rl-
say is expected to take Hill back -Por
The couple had the two children
with them and Mrs. Little freely ac-
knowledged that slto had run away
from her husband.
A matt who feels that his religion is a
slavery has not begun to comprehend the
real nature of religion, --Timothy Tit
Uxbridge Crain Merchant Badly Hurtin Toronto. .
Belleville Man Turns lip .After. Two
Years' Absence,
Six Blind-Piggers at Cobalt Heavir,r
C'entenial celebrations in commernor:t•
Hon of the Battle of Lake :Brie will be
iu 1918.
Newfoundland has been enperieueieg
for the past two days the'worst stormrecorded for years.
The Methodist Sunday sehool. buil:Ilea
being erected on St. Clair avenue, near
Dunvogan.'road, Toronto, .cost
000. •
Two. deatlis from cholera have occur-
red in the past twenty-four hours in
Italy. 'live new eases were repertrtt
in the sante period.
Through the generosity °Vitt .. H.
Woodruff, the children of St. Catharines
will this winter enjoy free skating anal.
tobogganing in the eity'park,
The Treasuary Board has granted a
certificate empowering the Weyburn. Se.
eurity Bank, with headquarters at Wey-
burn, Sask., to begin business.
At Fort De Frazee,. Martinque, the
charges' of gross frauds iat tonneetiou
with elections in the several canton, arra
made. Serious trouble is feared.
Charles Hazleton, of Owen Seunci .
was arrested at Toronto on a charge of
aggravated assault upon Nelson Wil-
liams, barber at the Iriquois Hotel.
The charge , of supplying deteriorate:I
milk to Toronto-dealer3%ttigainst Andrew
Grant. a Searboro farmer, was dismitlsed ' "-
at Toronto by Magistrate Kingsford,
Hon, I'ir. Cochrane, in an interview',
pointed out that the Porcupine gold
field was rich in prospecting,wbut issued
a warning against "ww'ild ..atting."
II. C. Johnston was declared elected
president of the Toronto Railway Em-
ployees' Union by a majority of two
over R. B. Brown. Polling occupied two
Mise Hannah Lever, niece, ancht'prob-
ably the only surviving relative orf
Charles Lever, the famous Irish novelist.
died in the hospital at Chatham, :.gest
76 years,
Benjamin Mladille, a grain merchant
from Uxbridge,' had his shoulder broken
bead bruised by being thrown
from a street car near the )liver isle
station, Toronto.
.Dr. J. O. Orr, manager of the Tomato
exhibition, has returned front a business
trip to Europe. S'frltile 'there be sue• • ,
eceded in engaging the Coldstreatw'
Guards' Band for next year.
Fire broke out in the Arlington Hotel,
Tillsonburg, burning it to the ground.
Nine horses were destroyed. The lose
amounts to several thousand dollars,
partly covered by insn anee.r.
W. Sheely, a fitter from Montreal,
was seriously injured at the Grand
Trunk roundhouse, Belleville, by the
thimble from the smokestack, which
weighs about 800 pounds, falling ay'.
Mr. A. L. BZoyce, warden of the United
Counties of Northumberland and Dur-
ham for 1910. was waited upon by a.
committee of the. council and presented
with a handsome gold elinin an dfob
and a ring.
Ernest Hawkins, a young Englishman,
collapsed et Bathurst and Queen streets,
Toronto. He was removed in the police
rtubulanen to the Western Hospital,
where it was found that be was suffer-
ing from heart trouble.
Six blind pincer« before' Magistrate
4tnun on at Cobalt pleaded guilty and
were fitted one hundred doliers ea/
costs. They were M. Clark. W. King,
Manicure., Chas. Brown, Thomas
Jenkins and Pat Regan,
T.'eter MieC,w•rk,• \'Voce 1.a.^. Paaran .s
froth' fliock ille ow esti ; two ;31,0 Rge was
the subject of tituch;;eniittiry on the' part '
of relsttives and the ',police,. has turned
up. McGuirk ; sass•- be hair been living
at pointe iti Werwtern Ontario.
The returns of the colleetions taker:
up by the London churches for the
Byron Sanitarium for Coneumptites,
show so far $6,205. Several other cit e
churches and all those in ,St.' Thomas
have yet to be heard from.
Carrying out the policy of eenteelizing
the principal offieos in Toronto, the
Canadian Northern Railway will shortly
transfer Mr. George H. Shaw. traffic
manager, from Winnipeg to Toronto,
with jurisdiction over all the lines of
the company east and west. !
Wesley llobinson. an employee of the
Reo auto works, St. Catharines;, swat•
lowed«even and three -tenth grains of..
eorrosive sublimate in mistake for medi-•
. cine. .Tte was hurried to Dr. -Ludwig,
who:',•suecessfully applied the stolnaeh
putnp, saving Robinson's life.
- Montreal, Dee. 26.— Mr. 13. Cham-
berlin, Vice -President and General-rtfav-
ager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, who
returned to -night from Prince Report,
says that the system will be comp leteti
from the Bay of Fundy to Prince Itop-
ert early in 1913.