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The Herald, 1910-12-23, Page 4
laaC 4D (11110dip<1rlie7©D 1atiCiD(i11DQfyt GDallYNID®Q� The Clolsons Bank w Capital paid up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $4400,000 Total Assets overt 44,000,000 _ flontreal Head Office 0 Alberta—Calgary, Camrose, Diamond City, Edmonton, Lethbridge. A British Columbia—Revelstoke, Vancouver, Westminister A,CI 0 Manitoba—Winnipeg, Portage Ave. Ontario—Alvioston, Amherstburg, Aylmer, Brookville, Ohosterville, qa Clinton, Mambo, Dutton, Exeter, Forest, Franktor, Hensall, Hamilton James Street, Market Branch, Highgate, Iroquois, Kingsville, Kirkton, A Lambton Mills, London, Luoknow, Meaford, Merlin, Morrisburg, Norwich, A wOttawa. Owen Sound, Port Arthur, Ridgetown, Simooe, Smiib's Falls, St. P Marys, St. Thomas, West End, East End. Branch, Toronto—Bay Street d Queen St. W., Trenton, Wales, Waterloo, West Toronto, Williamsburg., Woodstock, Zuriteh. it Quebec—Arbhabaska, Chicoutimi, Drummondville, F'raserville and A 0 Riviera du Loup Station, Knowlton, Lachine Locks. 9 Montreal—Coto dos Neiges. St. James St., St. Catherine, St. Branch. C' St. Hanri Branch, Maisonnou.e Branch, 1dae1 et and Harbor Branch, Pierre- • vi11e, Quebec, Richmond, Rrberval, Sorel, St. Cesaire, Ste. Flavio Station, yt St. Ours, Ste. Therese de Blainville, Vietoriaville, Waterloo. t'a AnosTs IN ( in BEITAIN AIM COLONIES—London and Liverpool—Tares Limited, I, eland—Munster & Leinster Bank, Limited. Australia and New Zealand—The Union Bank of Australia, Limited. South Africa—The es Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. C2 FOREIGN AQEi rs--s'rance-Societe Generale, Germany -Deutsche Bank. Bel- o gium Antwerp -La Banque d' Anvers. China and Japan—Hong Kong and Shanghai�Banking Corporation. Cuba—Banco Nacional de Cuba, AGENTS IN UNITED STATES—Ageute and Correv.-ri' in all the w v principal cities. as i BRANCHES W. C. ILL ilI THE CRY'OF TIUI'TWO-'T BIRDS te "I burned myself." "Burnell yourself 1" slowly and in utmost astonishment. How coeld you do that? It wasn't with a cigar? at Then meeting the twinkle of his eves How stupied I ani to forget you have given up. cigars. "And Zurich Branch a J. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent aeregeDCD4311E4DGE, 0330,3001) c a> m D►a+#D®© LEGAL CARDS. t;. J.1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieitc'r, Notary Public, Hensali, Ontat ic. At Zurieh (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. G. Hays. J. L. Killoran. MEDICAL DR. T. P. McLAUGIiLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many; also assistant surgeon at Moorefielcls' (Royal London Opthal• mit) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DA HWOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. D. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms 'easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURA1 - ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. OR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of. the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— . Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS -LI Court Zurich No. 1240 C. 0.1' • meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. at 8 &clock p. m. in thaa:A, 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. MIEitvsit, C. R. t�.. 0. T. • No. Rick3beil93Liinodgc V �V , sets t he 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their Ball, Merner Block. Fiuw. Wxruan ,N. W MARKET REPORT. --The fol lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up to Thursday, 50 to 55 75 20.00 . 92 00 22.00 30 31 Wheat.... ....a—. 82 83 Dive Rose's flour 3,00 Purity 3.00 Royal Household. 2.00 Choce fairaily.. . .. 2.75 Hay.... y ... . 6.00 7.00 Dried apples+ - 5 5 Clover seed , . 8.00 9.00 Potatoes... . 25 2t5 Butter , . , , Y ....... • ... 20 20 27 97 Hogs liveweiget 6.40 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour....... 2.75 Wheat..., . , . , ..... 1.08 00804.004 •a*ui• ........32. • 32 Barley' ............ . W. 48 5e iyesas...... .............. 80 80 Hogs livew eight.,...+ ., 0.40 Peas Bran Shorts Oats....... e PUBLISHED Br E. ZELLEit. FRIDAY DEC. 23rd, 1910. Acoordirg to advices from the Department ut Ottawa, Canada's trade for the present fiscal year promises to run close to the 41600,000,000 mark. For the first seven months it has increased at the rate of nearly $10,000,000 nor month as compared with the cei.rrespen.li'i ' r.11:11'..: .if hast Jo ,1* Imports and exports together tor the seven months totalled $433,297,- 034, an increase over last year of $66,489,552, or about 19 per cent. Imports totalled $262,685,148, an increase of $58,010,756, or 27 per cent. Exports totalled $170,611,- 886, an increase of $8,468,106. For October, imports showed an in- crease of $7,744,541 over the same month last year and exports an increase of $2,857,823. Eggs A HANDSOME CHRISTMAS BOX that 1 could surely manage one without disaster unless wine were included. "But how else you oould burn yourself is inconceivab. le. Please prepare my coffee and muffins, mama, I am too hungry to explain until 1 am fed. The lady obeyed instantly', lifting his cup to his lips, waiting on him most carefully ; them, at his en treaty, eating her own breakfast. "Now that you are satisfied and I gratified you, will you please grati• fy and satisfy zine?" she queried, pushing her chtair away from the table. Her son left his place and came to her sidc,...a deal, of mirth sparkling in his blue eyes. t'Mama" he pried, holding out to her his two hands, "this is all the reward the Irish woman gave her gallant res- cuer." Mrs WeF,riok regarded e'er, eneeehleseiv °n,• a moment; until the perplexity mirrored on her face got the best of her son's decorm and his laii h rang through the apartment. "You do not mean —why Keith yon cannot mean—" That I am the hezc4o young ad - The great advantage of the purchase of Canadian Government Annuities for their children should appeal to all parents, for ale annual payments are so small that pro vision for their future may be made with lithe, if any, present sacrifice. For example, an annuity of $100 payable at 60 may be secured for a bony who was 5 lest birthday for an annual payment of only $4,75, or loss than 10 ce•nte :t week, or for a tetai sum paid ie ue .261.25. In the event of tho death of the child before he was 60, all the money that had been paid in with'3es compound interest would be refunded to his heirs. 'When the boy arrived at an age when he was earning for himself, he could carry his own contract to coni• pietion ata rate far below what he could have obtained at his then age It is the custom of many parents to spend on their children at Christmas time amounts which at other times of the year they feel they could not afford, and too frequently are the purchases made of no lasting or permanent benefit Would it not be a better plan to start each child nn the roue to tee purchase of a (`ur.acliar) G,)vt•rn- ment Annuity, and continue the venturer of newapt or fame? But that is exactly what I claim to be. "•You ! 0 Keith? xny only son! my only child.! and the report says the the building was reduced to a shell tottered under the weight of the ladder, you might have—'' Come down in perfect safety, as I did, with only a b1achened face ; a ruined suit of clothes—'which will be look for some poor dog who needs them and tilt± tailor who re- piaoes them—a ;dee burns ; the glory of paperdcrn and, last but not least, the gratitude of Molly Fullivan and her oys." And Mrs Weswick, almost wrought np to hysterics, ready to ery a moment s:•o, broke into 1e:irrbter as who would not who witnessed the de- livery of this deed. ".Sow could you hazard your precious life, my darling?" She questioned gravely Maws, I did not realize the peril, I only saw the 'awful peril of the woman her need of a deliverer. But you must haveeuffered ; a burn is so excruciating a pain ; why did you not awake ole when you Dame home?" And :make you suffer the night long nig than I possibly could 1 Xtra ayi)u a night as much in my kli ., I assure yea.": -Keith!" "Yes, mama, if' you please, I an,ar ,what I say." "Do you wish me el , believe that thooe hands allowed," you to sleep?" "I wish you to 'believe that my joy so nntrneasured my nein that I forgot it and could not have slept had there been no,ache. ''What a co nundram you are getting to be 1 Do you want me to understand that the saving of that creature's life so rejoiced you?" -Perhaps it ouebt ;" he hesitated, but it did not no mama dear, but the •love of an .a,ier Wunian who could not th.ti,ld its expre?sign in the pre. sence of my danger, made the night one blessed song. Mrs Wes wick's lips carne together Mother, I love Eleanor Myers, and, wonder- ful beyond credence she loves me Still no word as the lady stood stiffly before her son. "Seo" he said pathetically, I cannot take your hands and draw you to me, but come closer, ulama, and 1 will prove to you, that t love you none the less, but mare exceedingly, be- cause of this new affection which has caused my heart so to grow that it has room for a.. wealth of tenderness hitherto undreamed. Dr Droutly was not long in pointing nut to ;rir Weswirk the possible good that rids=ht come from his ad - test vet- Moll,- T'.r':1Mtn 'S heart was uveiii .w±x.g giatitude to- ws,rit 1>•r .•r<, and she tiro "Box" every Christmas until be te>sisi3 1 tee;sst.iver the young was ahlsn to carry it for lr± uess)d'? til P;c ,, ,'ees him !—maty The child if ho lived1 would ro- ax me 1 kin :.r . er deny him, niver ! member with gratitude Santa the ptarty darlin who neardoied Claus' visits fur me. As t:.. Dr put fresh baud - The following extract from a ages on Keith's bands be repeated letter received from the Manager of one of Canada's leading Insur- ance Companies .chows what he thinks of the Annuities proposition, eIn discussing the system of Government Annuities with my friends from time to time I have always frankly stated thatin my opinion the benefits offered. for the rates charged are exceedingly liberal, and that I do not 'know of any institution which could pos. sibly afford to oiler tornis so advantageous. If the general working population of Canada were able to realize the favourable basis on which Annuities could be secured from the' Government, there would be very few among the thrifty and thoughtful who would not take advantage thereof" Information as to how the purchase may he made and of the cost at any age will be supplied von. at the Post Mee, or by the Superintendent of Annuities, Ottivera. her words, at the same' time telling of the misery tier drinking habits had brought. The young man was much interested in the tale, to her home and espeoially in Jalcey, who was a prime favorite with Dr Droutly, who knew well how to appreciate the sterling qualities with which that young man was possessed and set them and hint forth in the happiest light, , Now if you eau start Mrs Fullivan on a different road get her to sign the pledge or give you her promise not to drink, you will earn the warm thanks of two worthy man ended the physician, I will certainly try answered Keith, we must find them rooms in some respectable neigh. borhood. It will be a diversion in my present condition to have some one look after beside myself, then house hunting will be a new exper- ience. A tenement was found in a few days and furnished comfortab. ly but humbly. The Dr fearful that Keith might or just here ad- vised the help of some lady friend, and the young gentleman succeed- ed in getting his mother interested This was not difficult after the first interview with Mrs Fullivan. The Irishworhan's praise of her son won the lad's heartiest appro- val as also the worshipful respect paid to herself as the mother of the hero. When they were comfortab- ly settled in their new quarters, Keith called in person a temperan- ce pledge in his pocket. drawn up by his own hand. When the bys" came home that evening this paper was flourished triumphantly in their faces with Molly's signature attached. "I couldn't refuse in)" she explained to her admiring au- dience "Phat wid the swate face ov'm an' he that pare dyin fur me that the marks ov the same wir on his vary hands when he wur howl ding me. (To be etin si! continued) Ethel M. 'Williams, Pres. Supt. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult, For sale by all dealers. STEPHEN COUNCIL. Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous N e w Year, The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the 'Town Hall, Crediton, on Thursday, the lath of December A. D. 1910 at 1 p, m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. Yearley -Anderson "That By-law No 170 being a By-law to repeal By-law No. 160 placing certain regulations on muzzling dogs having been read the third time, be passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto" Carried. • Wuerth—Love "That Alonzo Hodgins, the collector of taxes, is hereby authorized to continue the levy and collection of taxes in the manner and with the power pro- vided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes" Carried. Anderson -Yearley "That By-law No 171 being a Bp -law to appoint Deputy returning officers, Poll clerks and select polling booths baying been read the third time, be passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto" Carried. Orders to the amount of $4051 94 were paid of which the Treasurer's annual report will give a detailed statement. The Council adjourned sine dice. Nominations to be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 26 of December at 1 p m. Henry Silber, Township Clerk Thanking you for psst trade, Jas. Whyte, Agit.' 1IA2,SEtHA.RRIS CO, ALL AROUND GOOD FLOUR is the kind that the housekeeper takes pleasure in using. There is not a better, purer and more SATISFACTORY FLOUR milted than our Snow Drift brand. You will find the good cook insists upon having our flour. If you want to make your baking easier order a sack today. U. COOK SONS & CO HENSALL Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old,. may homestead a ouarter-seetion of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader inay live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter,. brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing tray pre-empt a quarter.sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres. extra. A homesteader wlio has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect ahouse worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. "I had been troubled with cold stipation for two years and tried nil of the best' physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Williams, Middleboro. Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me," For sale by all dealers. A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay liberally and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list of toady sellers in both fruit Etna Ornamental stock, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Write for terms and catalogue. Whyen our feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through andthrough from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward olh a severe oold . For sale by all dealers STONE &WELLINGTON En For Zurich and surrounding district for fall and winter months, an energetic and reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock GOOD PAY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY boo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver the stock in good con. dition and up to contract graded We can show tient there is good money in representing a well known, reable firman this time. Established over 30 years. The Fontbili Nurserie,. Est, 1831 To1r4>nto Ontario PEURIVI NURSERY CO TORONTO, ONT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Christian Schroeder late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claim or demands against the late Christian Schroeder, who died on or about the 15th day of. Septamber 1910, in the Township of Flay aforesaid, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned exonutors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their elairus and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. ANI.) NOTICE is further given that after the 3rd day of January 1911, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whish they shall then have had notice and that the said executors will not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received 'notice. Dated ab Zurich, the 2nd day of December 1910. F. Baas Se, Wm. H. 'r'ruemner Ex embers