The Herald, 1910-12-23, Page 2a-s••�-a-s-ar-s-:r•s•7-o-a-a-a-u-r-+►•,�-s•o• It
t !)
1-a:-r!-mad•A-�••fl••6-0-(►•4Edi-+a-'�"e+-'y.'�'p••h1-i-•'•�"'�:. -1
14't^11, is it story bigg«.t :'° iu«lutr(d lir. YI
ltixilr, as he lea reed back front the table {;
ai Ulle conclumo'n of a scrappy, A rl's-dur- 1.
tial sort of d111-11el•- 1
Mrs. Bixby chid ruin, Imme(tin"Lely rt-
:Ppand, and eigh'i;-y'catul•-tald Jltumv, hus.lalt a
quw,tictrl, inter k, re«>otindxed It c+ruvrl s<x- t
tiolial Opening.
"Is what any bi,ggi,r, paupt:" he a'iki':l.
"it's half past i. 1;Hien," t4u•((t ht; I.
faither. "1Iy;lt tine::cr you to tackle
itllat 0,, amix]•e soil mu+3etl a•t stboul
-I"o,rrtinlg. Go S,t (bnL'e.
Anil Jamel, tlnt>ttyh he nliq;at have v
liked to argue the «)Ues•ticar, ct•e(ttt; for
only yeateadaty 'Mary, the uric• girt, :tad
jr;ty nai.ed hint that buarta ('loll; 64111 e-
t(iaxes forgot to Owae to bays ;Mets were
lirsal) K3}eat.
To tu, pure there vvas a
1%mily rumor taut hl.; blAchelor Yinele
,,jl nUn, who 'W+aV jil, ;;'boll( r,yLr• SIt
everythlu'g, did n1a't b,lieve in the wills-
kered saint, lint with ;lite pract3t•al to. -;t
•)f tato matter au n•^su Its; hand the w!ee
litt>:e Jimmie IraS l'alc ng no cl)aure
:Ifs•.. Bl&by, ho wevrr, ,tali no raced,
to a.1, w}ra•t her hiR,t and hx,l 711 -Alt
iy his gtrest(,)n. Fly load given up ilia
taaVe leoluraw •in the +heory anti przw-
i tt+n of do ueati( nian a;). tiers; lutxy salol
alrCl the coufu^llal'it w 'CmAl las his niiutJ
5)y tho awift, •j'••r, v >r-(•lutsa„ prove-4.-
dta0la of serving kinirty-`hrouglk tele Bixti
et�ta.bliehnlent haAi :'�ducrd him finaijv
to an Iincritica.I siteitea- - ertbvler
his wife knew that, his intluiry rofol-rrv:l
i.0 tite po mmpwbrnr ,f thatl nrtc w rl,
]'tart'. 1t wao :e thory in bntll, .;trete
" dun'; know,•' K>^R},j .\tr:s. k',:txl ;Y,
vw((ae0n the eohoe.; txf -iika ies' dep%rt+ire
had &w.l awaty, `,whether it is any tttt"-
get or not. Slur h -5117t euane in
'Phis isn't her re-Viar' aftornona Tint,
you know, but r;lLe twMll3 tc) have all
-1JK rrint'Yna numbeu- of friends to Bret
preaenbs for, and I i(A leer -go donm-to+v-11
to do Dllzn Ohristnaas s�boppina. ller
:uti,r was all 'right N•he" s:he left, but 50
it wulf the last time sato went oast; yet
;w1.oen she carne: b.WOk, v'nn ramember,
who, hack to stoop t, s.t under the Cur-
tain poles in idle dining-rovm."
,-Well, perhaps it tah:ea visit, to an
xparL; haitdresaielr, • and R it never hap.
awns except on lior days off it will 10t
.Ie ". bad." .
,"No, especially as she hardly ever
x►tnas in until bed -tune, except for the••ie
'voI1dany trips. Boit qq�uuo event' tell, TC
-4he were to learn W litlild it up herself
ilid should appear in it next week wile"
llemiry and his wife are here for oil"-
-tor I would (lie Of )rtilk- tiOn. kild
itippose she s,hoo�ld vrea,r it Ofiristmao
",Ihe didn't ilav(t e^)n InVolb when she
tilt;; cosine, el � ner, (xiil .'Site!"
"No, not aboPe &a average notratti
nirx+. But, do yo know., L& laA.bittr
'axe sho had )oo,c0O a libtic• crooked to
awe, =4 I fancied tbtin dila t she hod
(wen lyratoticing on maakin� thtvm lart•-
veli." :sera. Bixby worn Ilott at the hys-
z"Cleal half-wey Ixnett h+!ittween irritat:iort
sad amusement.
"Ca'n't you toll 'aer l" alt; sated ilr
iSixby, "gently,
vat firmly, " ;lits; fllrrN's
tt .billet; to--„�
"Yw, but it wiluld i,ruiraul)1v be eq•uiv
1;nmt to ;tying her w:,tic'. Shull 1 J0
Thus, as the r(tautt of Ili, first veniatrt.
it, doractsaie suggestion in the last nix;
ywars. Mrs. Risby found ;thee problen
•n:ddenly put up to hint. "I'd certaiti-1
;(:lite to neo her go,'. Ise finally --Ntid
"!wlxe saems I•tistl,ly MIA of :Jttmt� ant
Ail, lr3,lxv, anki they of h(*r; and she':
tate first girl in the- .hit's sem •-tile l:ts
;The I•iat aleve .”
"'••-;hods hasn't, really d6liked Ullrn
isn't sbc?"
"`Yes, the first 01EW-0 �lrirbhht It(rt
Azad b'latry really loves ;bunt. tetttl
,tay morning whan. I *satin(; dawn a littl
early I overheard heir ivail kflaanes solu)c.
i•(ng each other Put tr+ ,44 t they waalle
for (!lLrisbillas, and alt the end of a Ion
rora)ss-examanatian he. rtitually m. le ".'Tar
ati'mit that Sant», ()lane was oat ti
Only one who gwv(v pre(+ rift."
"`Yes; and she nu:Lkes delieious -011
,irssost us goad as ileo,; girl we hurl Ju"
before the baby
But hero Mr. NXI)y was r(>lioved e
farther responsih(ti:Ly i!olk-Tains; tl
prublolj, by a rung• it -L Like df—IN-1l a•
Moe descent, iiell rnell, front ill, app
rwt;i(rlas, of Jimnlia, •wilo o for 1. la.
wtt;rlc haul ber)n ,stn too• wa-lob for )
Invt;t(:tions bundle -s Iaat tarlu; intu t
lfrs, Bixby o1r) n«d :am d or i d,
V-mlod "Katy' Unlet "h . lat,r, t 1):)011
,lonr she had yet ac•ii0 u1 -d in.
'fleet me see yo -lit. haxntlte�,, 1lasr
er•ied Jimmy; •111skin ah •aiat ll alt it
"Let me see wIAIA) yall IvP
Blkt M. ry, (imGat ra,tr(d perhapq.
frown -lag gla•nol, of Mrs. 131
dvilg'ed past 10111 atnd hmw nett to t
kisttshan, droppi'rkq, sot '&'we, l . than t
rplaax'll bundle seise lilkat bat n t e A y nn;.
Jimmie poull"oll 111Han Ulii bmf ie
IEt,obila• could wbop hitil, nal, i•t tatrt
out to be only a ;card, air ww of so
strait of (:1.0th. Fein ns,.vtlher t'nuk it tv
i her as she moved l,r,tvtlrd t1W ki r';
ree�g'ilxs, Closing lite daxi(.+ 1taL tcx) y"'h
beltirnd her. 'Mr. 1,ixbv., who bad eo
Mit into the hall. knee; by tll'e ril'tn1A
of his wife, vt(iJ) tklas,I Ilhe r(rbtell)
tole, lxolltpadatn ha«1 beeli takes ran
his ban(1as,
t °`'Pftpa," begtt;!l, the di'sappaillted J
tulle, by w)tir of I•taysng off fllfl'
atrttg ri:a w(d,h that vera Llolus es awn
tr7iiv, ru,"Ohild. \dere did it)u'r
ort lrrxltl cf th.a.L 1)ig lvalel?'
"t7h; I h,C!aaiC rilrx anittfwt+*r Ira14-
slxwul . agYsosties alMl nubolieve, vv
.. '. ;he Ivalsii' lila Oahsr dots t.o g(•.L
for that CJhristulas box rue the lkiral,
laky aNvful 'glad (Txt.Ao '6111101 ain't
'anlrtaie ;trait Ile mttstt believe it,
t 1li vv4>tla. rniut est the I:llAbeli ?i
oir�"M WWW.Y.I wwa,ewi�sra�,w.,MMW,+•ir'rw^'^'�.s"�•—.•'P••'eT'rx'•nT'w�,.•ww,r,�✓�4,^., "n= �.•-^T`'--..�..--•''—•„r.•_—•._"— �.w...M•.✓m'n �.....'
Saul ltiuttin;; ":l( lost uss('1(
ixby vRa.; ssxving, ;tftrl' ace(rn eanLeln 1~ : '
�? •;� (,f lit, iatlit t ; flock futuld tilt 41'(
ItLGl,xsl (xfIwry,s raiffure: 1lakry, P. :.aS� t r n "„, of .i.;rztl (i :+)till, tl, (+iilron
fro, if you oauld see yaurseif you �
A” :t sr "�'i^il �! � � .�� • a:.11t tttr(�:4lhiith shut tv:ts t,uttlul.i!+:ii;+RtNik
)til{I see'bht4t that.buge pollilltudour is , ° °#""° , �`+ , `)°'
`• �i f ;ar' ,: ;lit stn t u( Ilii. Irotd ku tiaLv( lsrat.}
ul)i'eornRUW" j{ R I i4 (tip 11Rtllun y (I til rt K f, 1115}} I';lisltu
Bary tvd renxtkred he`r hitt atu{1 ui)Iv '.., t i� � t•`', al•,t+�illt; tit I,Rr tst.l«l rrtiilred lilt. pro)*
rake into smiles, '.I (lost L lived Lo - r °j { j,nt•tii Rfttt13t1«• (1 [iiit;;s ltl, T51) 11:tk,tTec ly
1"" q4''
IC ili)^;a 1f, lu:t'aau,' alto retold, E ,.r,t to tilt, ralk (If ittsc1l-l( i)
lt(tt arhu.utrd! ].Ata you Lilinl. Mr. B}xby ^+ tv.t' > li 1, t
Otiatid lt? (''UJ.)oxg plaid ill the Cal• -i!I the (•n�.iU")1 )Inil,<ie- (tltLik I4)' JalCaw`s
�$a m,,,�; . 3'' .p atrr,l •Enhu inrtiulhl!; thci2 nt:t4 vv(r( cul'etl
lies•;; was a' yours; fellow T know was y r"r k�° t J � d t i \[a.rT; l 1!t, 31A), A
;•orbit;~; xtt elle. .1 valt't atmnd it atxx)tlter Has 16 „„e (u ,« tt lista v n,•„1 I
�: il: y au ui i;(1(lA brcutllt , A. Citristiurl.
stilt iLte!" +. ` , .mA „ "1'h) _l rul,n3. 1.. L lnctn•itt he not
b•e Ixt;rrn to ftmmble with bar lnayit ` �. Bl R � ^ $2 s J", cyV sevinc)n
< she 4ilked and finally drew Pram G n "plOrs to Bri1c1 � stm:ritl'" tc'. '1(1, E1. \ )- Y
trims structure• a little 'filen we want to send ..0 ottr boob o ,huuld iiavn ••(:inothinl in it to .lift nlx�n
:ithiu tilt, tow {,
e a, {:rain of till cars. '* Rural Telephone I,irte fur sorno: «lay either sat!rself, or out of hinistii into (rod. .the str)ac7nat
oy locunnotiv rind
1 til(>n 3ttxiretazacelSeir>gG#zRj;rustarkaGo= 71)crativtl•ylepltone:'nrapa ty 1171al is ;tilt to "take t#+ snit: LPrlud' (v.
`(Lr put thostn till ,tae taxle a•�id
1 from the saute rble lit .a hetn in your'nelghliorhood and you owe it to yourself t(i lIc posted 0n till y ;) (;urtlon ulna '11'laru (1od ape
srodtl,ce((t n
bei do?! stied a: ibarbl'a rattle:, '��p({���,��� al a 1' ��m�q�p9° irlly visit'; his )i:oal( Ilia first ltorl.. is.
#* "alle e.g)1a11�Iled, as - :. «E"' L�i 'H '" -� tO a'tlu l' theil' it!'.L;'111.' 1''l)i)ttt>{t.
`Far lite c[r(, xl „t bola✓, tv'. 10) For ultto you..
she reWhed AL) a'*Aitl. "Jilliqui�e vitas �uviuus" Ir, 111. (bri,tiinity is'rea-
f R ThiE'b,aut tells all about host to phone iirstrl.tslcnt ever :Wade by any
vaidbimr the d,aor s'o l zlN7y 1 ttid2t t arganize'axlad t.on+tract a Itur;il Tele- nlanutacturm This hoo14 is the last , ,ai
„ ?phone "4a'vstem: It Eive:s j•cu the dc- - word an'.relePlwno-`a't•t cor_tttructiar-. (ilei (Io Pi llat: give It, practical
knuci lxaw eisc: to �e4:t 'rill in, utta.bli^. r
i(tfis that: xa" ?ln(i your nc rJlhors l4tng far it Place:) >'vu under no oil- a
"I"ts. I3ix1)v :;at tlo•wtt iso w uld it ltn•)Rv. It conta4tsill:4 ligat(on, rcuuoly tr:tl. as th gate j,r:,'c^1)tw without $tiv'i on
t�tnukun3. Personal.
\l' he1•rest .. z o 1�c its
bud Iter h ,_t(:ritbs :• the right ii,,£sara,atian on hoar la pct. R•at:ltltllr^ turca*1lxalletanl�ts.3•(rl and ta'h>' fir shuttl(! silt--\ «r " v'
.he nearest mall, t ClLC aLnal colllnlunitit-awl;:tl lclephone %ye v'tu lie wail send it to yot« irec 0a ^_..uest.
atter a11; and C"kri}sturu^1 nrornin,;, vtheu going orad -linty to t bring
vnu aooil ttdtn,_3 (, )
ttie preseuta were distliblited, - the User) it svins. ori '� to Auu ;but",.:,x `,tviuur (v, lip. "A
la, rirr-imarhe cig;a•r •cane, lvlucll -Was it also tells _ -wit e �v c sign uiRtt, ;YOU: ) suuall book.till ho'Cl atl(-
1 1 thea:u. 15;7 t l,c �fl ��� .t� 1'hn Iitirl 1
1Lary's Isrt*en•t to Mv. liixbv, ,vaaa, xclei)htinrStt vac: �' �
[cunil to lithe tont"leci around i't.�a to:tadG(j���jj{ 1'or i; at ilei*uu:tl (.o«l. '.l'hN tinriuur it it
u3ast gait( i".t telt- NK; CO.4Ottt.ii i,rrsunul Its ieilil. 'lite Duly ,pirit is u
hall: that was 1104c hi -A evift"s. Xanufartuivr and Snlip!ler of an vitparstu•) and e,+a:pmar' Ur. -If iix ' 7;
• I. the (onstrm-;lou, opersrion and ma,ntennom, of Tni¢pivne, vire porionai comforter. T110A' illi dwell i
John 11. Isrli„(iRarm:utdi:iecw^«crsiiwayPlants. Addreusaernearee•t(:utsc,
l,Y ��'�t alit: livart of kiln v:ho11A< sinctilietl lir
MONTREAL TORONTO WDiNIFEG REGINA liNrni i•!„iia 1$:1. ):3).
,, i i (�, (CALGARY VANC:OUV•Cl2 2., The sl .)i. 1 i sIgll tit luvt ` 1t, dial(
'"l� . lid Q m. v�' w=r. 1 find t «.'.r,,bt (r. ]�j illi; dell ( of
11" p i 1 1`;., nP '�'7gp"r r'. t1Rt: hon ,,; l toil is tilt rent till. uF a
`�sbrryaa bt{?rir�tldt�at�.,rft lttibr:r', !„v N. T,t,ul,ini into the frzCe'of.
LE SQi+t X111. --DEC. 35, I910. d” tit:rieal Glmv
,"raid" (r, T11, h \'.1• `x. J�
o. wu„^n ,-f lLt it t=t _ ti.lin'�hNt,lt,•r:i=;'.' ! te.tulL h vias, t,, li.l it il'':t'b 'n 1 ,igla nil nuldlity. `'Thr bathe• wrapped in
Christmas Lesson. -Luke 2: 6-2U. Or is :ver:: i= ! l..a('.u'i +. it°: birth r:«•s-!:aa<i•nv^•J - .vcaddliuti viothes” !v.. 121, 'L'berO were
Review. 1 v: n:}ial t illi ' , :,), h
t hiiat «! tat 1, -n41': C`. h:• m Krt, 1.:, . l t r ' nr 'tial tilt• vi -;s =i:+n l vol:intl•s of dvvakddling lxts#ils. ` Ow-, the
L'omtnrntarv. i.
Christ born..(vs. ti, i ^ rttlr:u(:.; t,'i' r •Ti>;ns l'!,!i;C" ul�r u,, r}.,• ' •,«•«, rxtl• niiti(•, of of:r f .niiina y baildages in vvhioh all habex
i. Ilse r: planuGion of the present,;} .ur
tile , savirtu." nartlu • !Ifo .weln «-ol-,;;ruoll;. ' are savatidlyd: tilt- other. art outside coat
1 h1taC.1_c . 1. l 1 \ t:i.
Jwiepll and )clary at Bethlehem at tilt t • Ii•(:lo tot r.., rut nr stir+ tilt- I'rittrr Lrt beautifullA• embroidered, used by 'tile
is found in the five vtrses pieced- :1'cil)ic.- ;;;;lilts .i; dal-'xu#e wilt. l:. ane Lin .>•isb 4.1w nin7L:,t :t.r,�! „u I seines ilial the westltlky 'Vile ordinary
ing the lesson. ` A. devrea held been i i^rsJ«(1 1 ai ?aravcn:y holt. dist 4n', Aliell by h:; gran„ }in n:n-hand vvunld I,N no silyrti• 'Cho sign wag
sued b the Ruman ehiperor, (Caesar An „yl reclaimed by 1)te''"` 'u " ^:.l hili p!:i, n, to be in till nonuser, o babe g, lylili
Y � 71. _\t t t l.r:,•:l P t " garb of a kin 2• iu�
gustus, that a eenlius lutist be. takon tit she )i1Nr3 . a 11, \„i ntt•tl :;tut ;,lot l (ill. tl 1)y ,«inn• y in tilt '`svvadd.iug t g y h
the suhjetag of his empire, and since 1 f h,^illi ]?, ;;lel v ur :h t.urtl of ;vhi.•lt ' ;u r "ntauafc r" wltlt ve.I e. Iiia no-
). enh :L�d :1tltr were of the liueat;e of ,e. ), at bNavnialA• hua• rhe plot .l anti ,. hf N';iup, ve sorbin;;