The Herald, 1910-12-23, Page 1TIE The official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township Vol. XI. FRIDAY ()FINING, DEC. 23. 1910. tIMOCIK • 1 1 0 0 f 0 0 0 Sale .. . This is a clearing sale in every sense of the word. Prices have been marked down so low 'that the goods will sell quickly. Seldom have, a you had such a great opportunity to purchase first class goods at such prices. This sale will last until the end of Decemoer. We want you to 0 come and look over our sale prices. We mention only a few of the snaps we are offering. LADIES .CIANTLES All this season's styles. Every garment well made and of stylish appearance. In order to clear have reduced to fol- lowing low prices. Regular $18.00 mantles for 13.50 c. 17.50 ,c for 13.00 cc 16.00 tc for 12.00 cc 12.00 " for 9.50 cc 10.00 cc for 8.00 cc 6.00 c' for 3.50 ca 25.00 Pony Cloth Coats for 20.00 LC 13.00 Potty Cloth Coats for 10.00 cc 10.00 Misses Coats for 7.50 c c 9.00 Misses Coats for 6.50 (c 7.00 Misses Coats for 5.00 A lot of Children Coats from $1.00 up. flen's Overcoats All new Fancy tweeds with college and military collars.. `J he best. styles and pattern:. Vote thebe prices. Regiitar $ I.G overcoats for 13.50 cc 14 it <c 1'3 11 10 4' 4' cc "4 {L it I4 '' 6.50 ac for 10.50 for 9.00 for 8.50 for 7.50 for 6,00 for 4.50 Boys' Ulsters at equally low prices. MEN'S SUITS lvlen's tweed and worsted ready made suits at the .0 Ing low prices to clear. 4 Suits regular $13 for 10 8 suits regular 11.00 for 8 10 suits regular 10.00 for 7. 2 suits regular 9.00 for 0.00 4 suits regular 7.00 for 5.00 sp ecial values to all lines of Suits up to $19.00 Boys' and Youth's Suits, large assortment at Bargain Prices. 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 follow- a 0 large. 0 0 i 0 FURS 0 Colder weather is corning. Our stock of Furs is still 0 Big values in Ruffs, Throws, Muffs, Coats eta. Hand Bags A Large assortment of Ladie ' Mand specials at $1.95 and '75 cents. 0 0 Bags. See our 0 0 Xmas Goods An endless variety of goods suitable for gifts for every member 'of the family. We have them at all prices. You are cordially invited to look over our display. Seasonable Hardware Rayo Lamps, Perfection Oil Heaters, Skates, Axes, !! Cutlery, Silverware, Carving Sets, Stove Boards etc. . PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN J. Preeter,..... 0 Telephone 9 .,• ZURICH' ay*" rn•ra.t."irA,s,a4,4164-ipowt LOCAL NEWS. ; For salve--T.wo good betiding lots in Znzich. Apply Mrs. A. 8. Faust A Merry Christmas to all our renders. Otir wisli';to. all is. a Merry Xmas J. Preeter, Zurzoh, Boys' watches a dollar and g.ua- rauteed fpr one year. F. W. Bess, Zurich. Mr. N. M , Cantin paid a flying visit toweohik. home at kit. Joseph, Rev. A. D. iisohlsr and Rev. L. K. Eidt.exc'a eatged pulpits on flan - day evening. Messrs. A. Heideman and. Dan Koehler were in; iioderieh, as jury- men, last week Mrs. McCorgaiiok intends to put a new front into her shop and otherwise Ian pro•viitg the corner, in the neer future. , Rev. A. D, Giselaler and Mr. E. Zeller visited ; the Raton Uonn;y Poaltry show et Clinton, on Wednesd ay, The notnifrntion for police trustees will .be held on Monday evening. Every ratepayer of Zurioh should attend .the meeting. W. 1L Roffman has purchased the undertaking "basirtesa of the irate A. S. Faust, and is ready to do business at once Mrs Margaret Boeckenhaur of Nebraska, who has not been here for over fortyyesrs, is here +visiting her slater, Mrs. (ottleib Werner. Mr. Milfred Faust and Miss Lily Faust of Napierville, attended the funeral of their father, and .expect to remain here for a few weeks. Miss Lydia Fast left with her brother Mr. H. S 'Fust for Caro, Mich., on Tuesday, for a visit. She expects to .remain for the winter, p. The tenurial e; n of. officers for the Eva task ar ter>,x day Seddon will take place ire on action with next Sunday niornin 's ser vine at 10 o'clock. All interested in the school should be press t... The Farmers bank has suspended payment,and its afliairai will likely be wound up. This bank started business three or four .years• ago and promised to be a success. This is the third bank to close in as tunny years. The last meeting of the Hay Council wets held on Thursday last The only business was the passing of a number of accounts. particu- lars of which will appear in the treasurer's statement. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Ocnlist specialist will be. at Commercial Hotel, Hensel], on Friday, Deo. Oth. Hours all, day. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fabling eyesight and throat troubles treated. A well prepared Xmas program .will be rendered in the Evangelical church 14 Con. Xmas Eve, Satur- day Dto. 24, at 7.30. The program will be rendered in English and German languages. No admission fee. Lutheran Chureh•--The Xmas ee ehtation of tires Sunday school, will be held on Saturday svenine, cotntrrenetug at 7 p. m. sharp. The evening service on Sunday will be o.ia looted in English. The subject of meditation being 'The Xmas Gospel" All are invited to attend. A pretty masquerade party was held last Friday evening in honor of Miss L, A, Uolviu at the home of Mrs. J. Preeter. Mies Pearl Wurtz els gipsy girl took the prize for best dressed Indy ane Miss Gladys Me - Nevin as ropey took the prize as the best comic eharariter. Mr W. G. Beaton as '[mole Sam took the prize for best gents' character and Mr. Elmore Krueger as Mary Ann was awarded the prize for gents comic. About twenty young people were masked and allreport a most enjoyable time. The Xmas program to be render- ed in the Evangelical 'church this (Friday) evening Dec. 23rd, will be specially interesting and' entertain- ing, also in keeping with the Xmas sentiment, The program consists of motion songs, quartette, duetts, dialogues, drt118 etc.,' interspersed with special " usic. .A special feature ,of the program'will be the rendering , of as Catxtate. entitled. "The Cornball* King" ' Doors open 1►t 7 7o.30'caleo p. -km. Adlini, prog>rntn ko8siocomxtmchiencesldren at 10 ots, adults 15 stats, (Joos and bring your friends. No 21 rammi wwavaliwwwwwwg Sensibe Gifts MODERATE PRICES For ehristrnas Come and look through this Store. You'll find sensible gifts for young and old. Here's a List Fancy China Bread Plates, China Berry Sets China Coco Set, China Jewel cases, Fancy colored glass jetvel cases, Ormulo gold jewel boxes, Ladies' hand bags, Ladies' silk and wool scarfs, Lad_ ies' sweater coats, Ladies' furs, Ladies' gloves, Men's fancy shirrs, Men's neckwear, Men's mufflers, Men's gloves, Men's fancy. hanks, Men's braces, Men's sweater coats, Men's pipe with case, Men's shaving set, CANDIES .Etc. - Choice Fancy Cream Candies, Christ,nas Tree Decoration Candies Throe sizes in • seedless oranges, Mix Candy, Cut rook and Chocolate, Walnuts, Almonds, Tilberts and Peanuts. We, cannot mention everything here. Come and see. Al! Farm Produce takers itt exchange PHONE 17 D. S. FAUST gg�����®®,����� 1g A����p Z (E RICH f�YUUyI 1��.Mf-U-1f M a 1 A 1 1 1 11 1 1 For Father or Mother "Him" or "Her" LOOK AT THIS LIST Watches from Dollar up. Swiss and Waltham. Chains and Fobs, 543 cents up, Gold -Pearl Soraf Pins $2.00 up, Gold Filled and Roil plate scraf pins 25 cents up. The best combination set Links and Pins you ever saw for 50 ets complete. Gold Pearl brooches and filled brooches, 25 cents up Bracelets dollar up, all the latest Parisian style. Rings all kinds 50 cents up. Neck chains and Pendents, lockets a fine assortment. Stork and folding embroidery scissors. Bolter and Safety razors, one twenty five. Jack knives, 5 cents up Cut Glass Ebony brushes and mirrors. Silverware. spoons, knives and forks. Mouthorgans and all kinds of musical goods and fittings. We cannot enumerate everything here. Come and see. If you don't see what you want ask for'it.' ' Prices Right . . Goods Right F W. H ES'S JEWELLER 4 ZURICH P. 8, We do fine engraying on all our, Goods, FltEtl' OF CHARGE